40-Something Chat. All Welcome and that's no April Fools!

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  • April WHINED the entire trip to the vet, the whole time there, but was quiet on the way home. She is doing very well, next month we have to take her bacl for xrays, but after that all should be well.

    We {I} bought one of those fancy scales that tells body fat, bone/muscle mass, and all sorts of stuff. I've wanted one for a long time but thought they were too expensive, but I found one for $40. Setting it up and programing should be fun. Ha.

    Annie, great looking cake! Hope you are feeling better.

    FL, good job on the exercise, sorry about the food. While shopping today I kept trying to avoid the Easter candy but did buy two Reese's Eggs at the last stop.

    SillyCat, I have HC Fusion also! Isn't that Allie?
  • NP-The cake is chocolate. From scratch.

    PP-Poor little April. They can be so pitiful. Can't wait to hear about how the new scale works.
  • Good morning.

    Ate fairly well yesterday, but could do better. WILL do better today. At last I'm back to a decent exercise schedule.

    NP--the job is a bit boring right now, as I read manuals and take training and stuff. I look forward to doing some real work.

    Annie--gorgeous cake.

    PP--I changed vets because my boy kitteh wailed and cried so much--I needed a shorter drive to save my ears and my sanity! Teh boy haz teh lungs on him.

    Off to exercise!
  • PP - the rides to the vet can be harrowing.. ugh.. nothing sadder than a crying pet.

    Yes - Allie is the instructor for HC fusion

    Annie - that cake sounds yummy - can't even think about something like that without gaining a pound!

    Kitteh - my vet is 4 min from my house and i still HATE trips there!

    off to exercise!
  • Up again early to exercise and got right to it. I have been watching dvds and actually looking forward to picking up where I left off ... aiming to get up early again on Friday for my three days early rising, two days of sweet slumber.

    Brought a wacky lunch of baked beans, green beans and a lean cuisine garlic chicken "rolls" that I do like. It's the one lean cuisine i like to have in the freezer now that I found it. Spicy and tasty and only 200 calories so it's not enough for a meal. We've used them for hors d'oeuvres before Hey - it works!

    Someone brought in two freshly baked pies this morning. I'm trying to ignore them. Oddly enough, my favorite part of pie is what everyone else leaves - the crust. HOW can anyone leave that? of course - they're smart and it's fat-laden. Hm.

    Trying to dress up a bit more for work. I'd gotten in a slump last year when all that fit were three pair of pants and a few sweaters. Now I want to jazz things up a bit! Still don't have a lot that fits and my legs are as white as, well, they're darned white. So not many skirts moving into the mix yet.
  • The jury is out on the fancy scale. Apparently there's some overlap of percentages, and I'm not quite sure what to do with this information, LOL. It wouldn't register my presence on 'normal' but only on 'athlete' so I take that as a compliment! Downside is I can't read the stupid thing, upside is I lost 4lbs overnight!

    NP, garlic chicken rolls, Yum! Since I'm not crazy about my legs I wear ankle length cotton skirts {$6 at Ross} in the summer.

    Sillycat, Alliy and Allison are my favorites. Rebekah is good too!
  • Hello everyone! Almost lunch time and just now checking in! Did 3 miles exercise this morning. Have a good lunch packed along with healthy snacks. Going to run over to the store at lunch and pick up some rolls. Think I'll make baked ham sammiches for supper tonight. Maybe fruit salad w/ it and whatever other Easter leftovers the boys might want.

    Kitteh-Good job on keepin up with your exercise.

    NP-I hear you on the white legs front....mine are a bit scary right now. I've worn shorts a couple of times and no one was blinded by the glare, so I guess I'm good. I'm not a sun-worshipper, but I do like to get a little color.

    PP-Congrats on the 4 pounds!!...and being an athlete. I think I need to borrow your scales.
  • Forgot that I had a "will and estate planning" luncheon to attend today (free) ... so I rushed and heated up lunch and ate a bit earlier than normal. Interesting. We need to tackle that soon. I don't want it hanging over my head and now I find myself thinking about it occasionally.

    I'm next in line for PP's scale... you could make some $$ letting folks line up to weigh in there!

    I have to admit (and I'm ready to dodge the bullets here) but boy, I do like laying in the sunshine. Having moved up from Florida and always having lived in the southern areas other places (Italy and Spain), I associate the hot skin with pleasure. I LOVE being hot to the touch - which my hubby thinks is just downright absurd. But I'm usually freezing (hence he calls me "two steps from rigor mortis") ... I still view tan as healthier looking and I KNOW that's wrong - that it's skin damage, etc., but ... I dunno. I can't get that out of my mind. I find myself wanting a spray tan, which I've never had, but never go in for that type of stuff. A tanning lotion, though, I'll go for. But phew they stink. I'm on the hunt for the Dove brand one but no one has it here at all. OK, I'll duck for cover now!
  • I did 50mins of a circuit workout DVD with body part supersets, alternated with cardio, then repeat! I was happy that I could match the instructor's weights because I remember last time I did this workout I couldn't. I also did 4 loads of laundry. and am about to beat up a bowl of bread dough!

    I have a luncheon tomorrow and the next day!

    NP, Someone told me she uses Jergen's 'glow' lotion for a little color.

    Annie, not ready to count those 4 lbs yet. If we get the other scale, it may go up!!!
  • Wow, it was warm here finally, 87degrees. Had 60 min. of exercise in today, as the weather gets warmer, I'm always out walking. Started jogging for the first time since fall, I always stop when it gets too cold. I like to walk for a few min. then jog a few min. I take turns, so I call it wogging! As my endurance builds I'll jog for a longer time. Now my right knee is stiff & tight( like yours Annie) Jogging does it to me every year. It's not gonna stop me from running, I just live with it. I gained a total of 6lbs. I'm not gonna let it get me down, even though I thought about giving up again this morning.

    My inlaws are talking behind my back about how I eat, it gets me so mad. They think I live on fruit and that's it! Assuming is not knowing, they need to realize that. I had agreed to go there for Easter even though I was mad at them, just to be with daughter & hubby. So, for spite, I didn't eat anything and stayed out in the backyard til they were done eating. This will give them something to talk about! Ha!
  • Congrats, FL, on the wogging! I love that term, btw.

    I think alot of people at work think I'm weird with the way I eat, but I really don't care. Sometimes it makes me uncomfortable and I want to eat in my little cubicle just to avoid the comments. They seem to think all I eat is oatmeal and salads...but they really don't know. Even though they aren't unkind, I just feel like I'm being singled out somehow and I get a little embarrassed. Again....I feel so good and look so much better, that I don't let it get to me. Meh.
  • Good morning.

    I ate well yesterday and the scale rewarded me with a couple pounds of water weight off. That brings me back to where I was at the end of March, which basically means that April was a write off, weight loss-wise. Well, there are still a few days left in April, so maybe I'll still close out the month with a loss.

    Off to exercise again this morning. I'm finding that I can still hit my gym at the usual place and time, and make it to work only about fifteen minutes later than when I worked close to the gym. In another month I will change gyms to one close to my new work place, but it's good to know that while I am burning up my credit with the old gym, I can still keep close to my preferred work schedule.

    Time to get ready for work.
  • We had a little excitement last night. Its been raining steadily for a few days and off and on for a few weeks, due to all the rain our house almost flooded last night. Hubby was running around outside, opening gates and grabbing floating stuff. The Bad news is....its still storming.
  • Oh, NO, PP - that's terrible - how did you fare wtih the rains still coming this morning? It is supposed to let up at all - seems like it showed that it would be rainy until Friday...is that true? Will April go out and do her business in a lake?? Poor everyone on that situation!

    Annie - when I started here nearly 10 years ago, we went out to eat often (before I owned a house!) and that's when I started regaining my weight back, so I was the first one to start skipping all the lunches - then they'd only tell me when they went somewhere "healthy" ... now i don't eat with anyone here at all in my dept for the most part. Subway with one/once a week after we volunteer is it, unless it's a bday get together -then it's always out. I feel like I disassociate from them a bit, but ... I don't mind and get to do my stuff, too ...

    Speaking of which, I am going to get changed and get out walking before the rain hits.

    I'll do another drive-by posting as PP called it when I'm back.
    But FL- hang in there - do you have to see your inlaws much? Wogging - love it!! Mine must be more like jalking - more walking than jogging
  • national- jalking! that's a good one! Thankfully I can avoid the inlaws til the next holiday!
    Annie- It hurts me that they think this stupid stuff & try to get me to eat junk, I think it's my business what food I choose to eat. If I need to change my diet for health reasons I will, I'm not a child. Now I'm really determined to lose this weight, just to show them that I can keep doing what I'm doing and maintain.
    patchwork- I love Reese's, Hubby always has them around, I make him lock them up in the safe!

    Really dark & cloudy here w/ peeks of sunshine, it's 80 degrees, but humid. Didn't walk, it looked like it was going to storm, I rode the bike for 20min and decided to give my knee a rest. Had alot of other things to do, we went to some thrift shops looking for a cheap dining room table. I'm planning on painting the table black if I ever find one. We saw a big one for $9.00 but it seemed too low, hubby is 6'1, his knees wouldn't fit under it! I would have been happy with it, it was so cheap. I can't believe I'm still gaining weight from Easter, I gained 8lbs. total. I've been doing good for the past 2 days, I should see a loss soon. Pigging out on ice cream, candy & peanut butter at night was a big mistake!