Binge Free Challenge: 2.28.11 - 3.6.11 Let's MARCH into healthy living!

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  • Hey Paris - I think the quicker that one embraces their feelings, the quicker one passes through them. Atleast that's what I've heard - I'm working on practicing that on a day to day basis - When I feel something I don't want to feel and find myself stuff it I almost intentionally try to bring it back up. Maybe spend a day just grieving, writing, crying, watching sad movies and just get that stuff out. I know journaling helps me a lot.

    I've definitely used exercise in the past but it's hard to exercise when the feelings keep coming up. When my fiance broke up last year for 2 weeks, I got drunk that night and after that I didn't eat much. Used it as an excuse to diet essentially, and then we got back together... Just saying this because I know advice is easier said than done.

    SUPER hugs and bottom line is BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF
  • This is my official day 1 because I have done well after a morning binge every day this week and I didn't binge this am Instead I drank some tea, put on some music and cleaned my house while my youngest napped and the middle one played a video game.
  • Doing well and remaining steadfast in my promise to self to eat clean. Scale hasn't budged from 123.5lb which is irksome but it's better than gaining! I am not freaking out...just eating well and going to the gym a lot.

    happytobeamom When's the surgery?! I hope and pray it all goes well. Didn't know you liked hot yoga...I discovered it last year and go to the Bikram studios here every once in a while. I find it oddly cleansing.
  • leblebi - Mar 11 is the 'big day' ... yup, scared as all get-out... I tried hot yoga once two weeks ago and think it is 'in order' for tomorrow to help me stretch and veg/calm down. i know exercise picks me up but yoga brings me down so maybe i need to look at doing more yoga?!?! hmmm... or maybe even just stretching every night to calm my brain...hmmm... i am so glad things are steadfast for you ! keep up that super positive attitude: visualize the scale moving and it will!
  • OK -- you'll be in my thoughts on the 11th

    I don't like regular yoga at all but Bikram is very challenging to me -- guess it works different muscle groups and I am also (surprisingly) able to tune everything out for 90 minutes and focus on the poses and nothing else. What helps me calm down (which I learned in Bikram) is the savasana. Very simple but efficient -- even for someone like me whose mind is always racing. Lay down on your back; let your feet fall apart but heels touching; arms by your side, palms up; eyes open, but look down 45 degrees toward your toes almost. Then breathe in for 6 counts and exhale for 6 counts. After a while it becomes second nature. I do this for as long as I can (which as little as 3 minutes) and it works quite well. Very zen.
  • Day 12 finished
  • Day 41- ate too much , but no binge!
  • Day 15 for me longest without a binge since I can remember. I am eating a lot more protein and I think that it makes me feel fuller longer so takes the hunger trigger away!
  • Day 24 - And a WOOOSH! Was going to try to reconcile myself with whatever the scale said since last week I was up a pound (and based on my calorie calculations should have been down a pound). This AM I was down 3 pounds from last week which math wise is spot-on SO GRATEFUL. It's so hard to be dilligent in your efforts and then for the scale to go UP instead of DOWN.

    Today is Friday, YAAAAY! And my fiance are planning a quiet night in which I am SO looking forward to. Going to make home made pizza, drink wine, hopefully work on our pre-marriage workbook and have a Jersey Shore marathon - <--- Don't judge

    Jalsa - FANTASTIC JOB!

    ladies it's AWESOME to see these numbers racking up
  • Day 11 done! Got a little too snacky yesterday, and went a little overboard on some cranberries and walnuts at lunch. But no binge, so that's good.

    Great job, Sarahinbalance! And hooray on the whoosh -- very well deserved!

    Today I have a very decadent lunch out for a work celebration, following my cupcakes that I am bringing. Normally I would treat myself a little bit, but since I've been a bit off track lately I'm going to be strict with myself. I need to build my momentum back up, and I am too vulnerable right now -- I think that if I let myself eat what I want, today could easily turn into an "oh well, might as well keep eating poorly" binge day. My plan will be to eat this healthy tuna dish that I found on the menu, and then no celebratory cupcake afterwards! If other people comment on it, I will say, I'm STUFFED, but I will probably grab one later in the afternoon." (and then I won't of course, but that'll be enough to deter them if they pressure me, as my coworkers often do.)

    I am putting it down here as a promise to myself and to all of you -- I hope you all don't mind! And then I will come back later in the day or tomorrow AM to report how I did.
  • 146!
  • Yesterday was day 4 and it was a hard one to pull through but I did it and you know what? I'm not missing any limbs or a head or anything so I guess not bingeing is not going to kill me. It just feels like it sometimes.

    Working on day 5.
  • I am on day 2
  • 6 complete and down 2lbs!
  • Quote: Yesterday was day 4 and it was a hard one to pull through but I did it and you know what? I'm not missing any limbs or a head or anything so I guess not bingeing is not going to kill me. It just feels like it sometimes.

    We all ARE stronger than food!!!!!! Believe in yourself just as much as we believe in each other!!!!