+++Weekly Chat February 21-27+++

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  • New chat thread for a new week. It sounds like a lot of us have had rocky weekends. My eating was quite sloppy and I had some boyfriend issues of my own. He's unhappy with my low sex drive which is understandable since we see each other like three times a month, and I am annoyed with it too but I don't want to change/go off of birth control. Talking about it helped.

    I ate a bunch of gummy worms at like 11:30 pm. Wouldn't class it as a "binge" so much as "willfully eating crap at an absurd hour."

    I was 58.9 kg this morning, up .4 from Friday morning. Given the weekend's carb-tastic and over-calorie nature, that's probably the least water weight I've gained in a weekend in MONTHS. Did 50 pushups and bird dogs this morning before work.


    rainbowstripe This will all blow over. I promise. He's just stressed out about the thesis. I'm sure nothing you did is THAT BAD so as to warrant any long term anger on his part.

    LindsB Once is better than none! You'll be back in the swing of things. Hope this week is less stressful for you.
  • Rainbow, sorry! I coulda sworn you said you were gonna make yourself some fish sticks the other day.. I think you said nuggets though… but it’s kinda similar in my head, haha. Man, I haven’t had fish sticks in years… lol. dorayaki is good… although I don’t like anko! (red bean paste)… but dorayaki is pretty much the only thing that has anko in it that I enjoy eating. Haha. What happened Saturday night?!

    Sweetscrumptious, aw man.. that is a horrible situation to be in! big hugs… it’s been a few days now, I wonder how things are going? Also I feel a bit bad that everyone on here seems to have to jump on the “he is an *******! Leave him!” they are not you, they are not in your situation, and this kind of thing is so easy to say when it’s not happening to you. people do make mistakes and if it’s all it was and from now on things get better, then it’s ok. And if he truly is a jerk/player/whatever, then he’ll do it again and you can dump his *** then. But from what you’ve been telling me. He doesn’t sound like a bad guy. I will admit that I have looked at dating websites while in relationships before… I didn’t mail people much, but I did like the attention or I was bored… anyways, you need to think long and hard, but I think everyone deserves a chance. One chance though. Good luck!

    krampus, you have a low sex drive? you don't strike me as the type! haha... gummies! nooooooo! you bad girl

    Sorry I didn’t do too many personals, but I missed like 5 pages so… commenting on every little thing would have been a lot!

    Well here we are, it’s Monday again and I’m a right zombie. Thank GOD I have no classes today!! I came back from Tokyo round 10:30pm last night and didn’t get to bed til just before midnight. *sigh* I had a really fun time in Tokyo! And weirdly enough, I actually ended up UNDEReating! On Saturday, we went shopping, then got our hair done, then went to the hotel to get ready but we were running so late that we called my other friend to say we wouldn’t make it to dinner. Then we went to take purikura and got distracted by all the host boys hollering at us, we ended up going to a host club, getting drunk, and not eating dinner!! Then we met our friend at the gay club… and the next day, I had coffee and a small bread thing for breakfast, a tapioca drink in the afternoon, and nothing til a sandwich and a small box of chocolates that I ate on the bus on the way back. I weighed-in this morning (even though I’m not supposed to ) cuz I had a feeling weight might have gone down, and it did! 75.7. not quite pre-v-day binge weight, but getting there!! There is hope of achieving my graduation goal yet, I think.

    Anyways, here are some pictures from this weekend. I hope they work cuz photos are blocked at my work so I can’t see them on here. Let me know if you can see them! I was wearing these crazy-as$ contact lenses that made my eyes look like an anime character! Lol.

  • I want to join in! The consistent threads are my favorite.

    Stayed on plan on Friday, Saturday on plan until I ate part of an order of sweet potato fries, today on plan calorie-wise except it was kind of a high-carb day (160 net carbs, I try to stay between 75-100).


    Edit... Krampus... My ex recently said the same thing about our (past) relationship! Honestly I think he's crazy, he was just always "on" (and was unfortunately stingy with the back-rubs! haha).
  • Hey everyone. Can't really do personals tonight have to catch up on some much needed homework time. It was sooo PRETTY outside (68 degrees w/ a slight bit of wind!) and it felt perffectt! Really wanted to go for a walk but since I'm out a MP3 player I passed on it. Instead I did a 30 minute workout on the PS3 and chased my daughter around the park! After a night out w/ the friends last night and a late night dinner I figured my weight would have been up..but it wasn't! I was 143.4 this morning and very shocked when I got on the scale...I know I shouldn't be concerned but people always say "SLOW Weight-loss" is the best and I feel like these 140's have flown by and I'm not doing anything unhealthy so maybe it's a fluke that I haven't had a standstill or something. I guess I shouldn't stress out about LOSING weight because that is the goal right? haha.

    Anywho--my house is all clean and after I get my homework done I'm off to shower & bed! I'm worn out. Hope everyone had a good weekend! TTYL.
  • Krampus -Is your current birth control contributing to the low sex drive? Have you considered trying an IUD? There are IUDs with no hormones.
  • Bold - are you eating low carb? Following a particular low carb plan?
  • krampus Thanks for starting the thread. I think it's partially blowing over but I'm just so frustrated that I can't remember half the night...like I'm worried I did something or said something that I seriously can't remember. I just realised I don't remember leaving the club or how I got home. But I really hope you're right about it blowing over...I've never seen him like this before. Tried to hand out an olive branch today as I found an online sale for one of his favourite shoe brands, heavily reduced...I know, bizarre, but it seemed to help a bit. Sorry about your boyfriend troubles. I know what that's like. I thought it was just me...sometimes I want to have sex but can't be bothered initiating because it feels like quite a lot of effort to get turned on. You've left me wanting gummy worms - might have to crack into the disney gummies my sister brought back for me haha.

    Kawaii Sounds like you had an awesome time! And you look amazing! Man, I am jealous of your face and your hair! SO pretty. Nails are cool too! Um..Saturday...eep. I am trying to not reiterate it on here too much because it's embarassing and I'm also never sure just in case someone from work reads it... but I'd hope not haha. Basically WAY too much alcohol - boyfriend's friend feeding me drinks all night. Boyfriend is now unhappy with me, but I'm not sure whether it's mostly thesis stress as I can't remember if I said or did anything terrible. But right now I'm attempting to be positive... it would suck if one night had caused lasting damage, and as krampus said, anything I did can't have been that bad to cause lasting damage...unless I madeout with his friend or something haha - which I'm pretty sure I didn't.

    LL Hey there! Yum, sweet potato fries

    JL You are doing great!!

    ~So yesterday I kind of ended up around 700 calories, I lost count a little as I wasn't really eating due to feeling so sick. My weight this morning was the bright spot in the day - now I'm hoping for another bright spot as my boyfriend said he's probably going to have his thesis finished and won't be staying for a late night at uni - which maybe means we can talk or he can at least tell me why he is/was so pissed off - hopefully he's not anymore.
    Anyway, the weight! 62.8kg / 138.4 pounds this morning. Now I'm going to buy some sparkling water because I'm super thirsty.
  • Rissa... I'm really a calorie counter, but I just try to keep my carbs between 75-100 net because it helps me with cravings! I had a carb addiction (or have, really, just trying to control it!).
  • Quote: Krampus -Is your current birth control contributing to the low sex drive? Have you considered trying an IUD? There are IUDs with no hormones.
    I second this comment. A couple years back I was on the pill and I didn't want to touch my fiance with a ten foot pole... and then I got a Mirena (IUD) and my problem was fixed! However, it caused the opposite problem because he was so used to me having a low sex drive and it "trained" him into wanting less sex. Now I am the miserable, sexually frustrated partner, ugh.
  • SweetPeach, Risssa Oooh, yeah I was thinking about Mirena a while back! I'll consider it when I go back to America - women's health here is complicated, old fashioned, and sadly since Japan is battling a declining birth rate contraceptives are not included in my awesome temporary health insurance.


    !!! Call the authorities, it's 3:17 pm and I'm actually not hungry nor do I feel like eating. I must be sick or something. Have I finally unlocked the secrets to filling up at lunch? Calories are just under 800 thus far for today. I'm aiming for 1300-1400 for the day. I'm going to run once I get out of work and I never feel like eating much after running, so maybe I'll even hit under.
  • Everyone with low sex drives- I am so glad its not just me!! Unfortunately IUDs arent an option for me since they tend to increase cramps, which might just kill me So if anyone has another solution let me know

    Rainbow- sorry about the stuff going on with your bf, I hope it all fixes up soon I would defiinately wait until after he hands his thesis in to bring up any big stuff. By that time it might not even be so big for him anymore, since a huge source of stress has been removed

    Back to uni for me today which was exciting and nerve wracking. I didnt sleep very well at all and woke up feeling like I had a cold which sucked. I managed to go try out my new multiclub gym membership though (last time I tried I managed to lock myself out of my car and didnt end up having time to go into the gym). It was really nice! Really tempted to try out the spa and sauna tomorrow xD I did heaps of walking today too and managed to stay within my calories. But I think I need to try and be a bit more sensible about what I take for lunch so I dont get ravenous.

    I also have a stomach ache I dont know what from, maybe I left my chicken sandwich in the heat too long? Maybe I had too many carbonated drinks today? Hmm. It feels like gas but who knows. Going to do some organisational uni stuff and have an early night.
  • LLbold, welcome! congrats on staying on plan this weekend!

    rainbow, aww, thanks! it was so fun. oh and i bought the first bit of your carepackage it's gonna take a while though, haha. oh, yeah i read a bit above. that sounds lame... big hugs. i also second the fact that it'll blow over soon and he's probably just stressed cuz of his thesis.

    krampus, lol! and congrats. hope it lasts!

    icon, yay for the nice new gym! sorry about your tummy though... hope you feel better!

    hey all! well my day is almost over and i'm so sleepy and i have a headache. i think it's cuz i've been wearing my glasses all day and i usually just wear contacts. meh. gonna head to the grocery store after school and load up on fruits and veggies! this week, i am actually LOOSING weight!! (it's my new mantra. lol) *fight-o!*
  • krampus Hope you hit your goal!

    Icon Eeee back to uni! Hope it's fun and challenging. Yay for the gym. Thanks for the kind words. I just found out a lot of it is actually my fault and not so much to do with me having gone out with his friends late, but more what I said at the party before hand - I was so drunk I had to think really hard to try to remember - but I brought up the love stuff (and his not saying it) in front of his friends, he thought I was trying to pressure him into saying it because otherwise he'd look bad not saying it - in all honesty, I feel terrible. I don't want him to feel bad in front of his friends and I have no idea, other than the fact I was drunk, why I'd say such stupid things and act like such an idiot. I am embarrassed beyond belief, I just hope we can work it out properly.
    Hope your stomach feels better!

    Kawaii Sorry I keep telling you to read personals to others haha...I can't be bothered re-typing what I just said to Icon about my boyfriend, other than to reiterate that I am a horrible drunk and I need a muzzle so I can't talk personal sh*t when it's really inappropriate to be doing so. Remorse is a word I don't use so often, but what I feel is true remorse for my drunken actions. I'm glad Tokyo was so fun! I hope your headache improves.
  • kawaii and rainbow- its official, I'm allergic to uni My stomach feels better, but my cold is starting to stream a bit so its probably almost time for bed

    kawaii- i like your mantra!

    rainbow- definately challenging, not sure about "fun" yet, I'm sure it will be when we get going a bit and I know its not going to kill me lol. Everyone does dumb stuff when they are drunk I hope he moves past it. I guess all you can do is wait and see unfortunately
  • haha, it's all good, girls!

    oh and btw, i just noticed i uploaded the same photo twice! it was supposed to be nails, outfit, creepy anime-eyes i changed it.

    ate well tonight! yay! oh and i got a new phone! sooo happy! been thinking about getting one for a while cuz mine's a bit old, but this weekend, when i was trying to charge it and it wouldn't work unless i held it with both hands, finally decided me to go today! it's a slidy phone and it's pink and it's got a touch screen and a really good camera and it's all kinds of awesome! yippy!

    gonna go to bed soon probably cuz i am just DEAD. goodnight all!