I feel like giving up!

  • Yes, It's another one of those posts where I feel I need some support or advice.

    I started Phase 2 about a week and a half ago. I started out slow and added in an apple or a whole grain/wheat tortilla here and there. Now I feel out of control! I started to give myself treats like dark chocolate and popcorn and now I just can handle it. I have cravings again and I don't know what I did wrong.

    Last night I broke SBD really bad and had 2 bud lights, a bunch of cheese-its and a big peice of baklava. And after a stressful morning I ate some skittles.

    Can anyone give me suggestions on how much grain I am supposed to be limiting myself to? I couldnt really grasp how much I was allowed to have. I read the book, but I took it as you can have a few starches a day.

    Also, should I go back to P1 or just really regulate what I eat strictly for the next week or so to bring things back down to normal. I lost 13 lbs so far and I dont want it to creep back up.
  • DON"T GIVE UP!!!!

    I would recommend going back to phase 1 for a few days. I know I do when I feel the control slipping. I usually only do a few days and then go back to slowly adding in the carbs.

    There is no straight path to weight loss, we all take detours. Its important to just hop back on the path.
  • The good news is you came looking for help instead of giving up. Good girl!

    Most of us added fruits and grains slowly. (Have you read this thread? How to add new things slowly...) I couldn't wait to have hot cereal again, so that's what I did first - steel cut oats in the morning. I added 1 serving of fruit at noon a few days after that. I didn't always have both on the same day but I knew I could if I wanted to. It was probably 2 weeks before I dared to try anything else. But that worked well. Going slow helped me know right away when something was NOT going to work for me.

    As it turns out, I'm happy with one grain and one fruit most days. When I have more than that I have trouble getting enough veggies in.

    Phase 1 never hurts. If you want to, then go ahead and do a few days of the familiar while you make a plan for easing into phase 2.

    I would probably get right back in the saddle and start a clean phase 2 this morning. If you add only 1 grain (or fruit) a day for the next week or so, you'll be eating closer to phase 1 than a full phase 2 anyway and that should be enough to get you back on track

    Either way, good luck to you. Take it slow and you'll be feeling in control again in no time.
  • Sympathizing with the drive to eat cheez its!! Remember it's all a learning process. I was very apprehensive about Phase 2 since that's where it all fell apart for me last time, and I use the points to really make sure my eating is in control. I know you saw my thread about my apple and cravings. It really did trigger cravings for me. Now I know I can't include apples regularly.

    If you want, do three days of Phase 1 again and then start Phase 2 adding one serving of healthy carbs (look up what a serving is - usually 1/2 cup of rice or something like that) for one week and see how it affects you. If you are ok with that, add in either a fruit or another carb serving the next week. Personally I seem to do ok with two small carb servings each day, but I'm militant about serving size and some days I only have one for whatever reason. I'm continuing to stay away from fruits for a while after my apple experience, but I did have some blueberries last night and it was ok.
  • Seems that everyone is different with how adding foods affects them. For me, I have learned that I do best if I don't eat grains or fruit until late in the day. Eating them almost always makes me want more.

    I have struggle a lot in the past year and I wish I had gone back on PH1 a long time ago when I first started craving again. So, IMO, PH1 now and then if the cravings are back is a good technique. How long is dependent on how you feel about your eating, I think.

    Hang in there!
  • I sometimes have issues if I eat any grain. I pretty much stick to starchy veggies like sweet potatoes and squash. I eat tons of veggies, but not so much fruit. Only have oatmeal occasionally. Ate fruit with breakfast last weekend and had cravings all day. Ended up eating some bad stuff on Superbowl Sunday. It happens. I used to be able to eat pizza with whole grain crust, but then started having craving issues afterwards. Try to see what foods you are eating that cause cravings and either eliminate that item or eat it at a different time of day. I usually do a few days of Phase I if I strayed off plan. That 's one of the nice things about SB.
  • The first time I rocked SBD, I started Phase 2 with only one meal or snack containing carbs every other day. I'd rotate in granny smiths w/ pb, fiber one w/ strawberries, or chocolate pudding. Once I was OK on that, I added one per day, then I allowed myself one per day. Then I made a deal with myself that I could have two per day *if* I worked out on that same day. If I started to plateau or gain, I went back to Phase 1 for a few days. Hope this advice is helping you. Phase 2 is tricky!

    murphmitch - nice to see a fellow Iowan on here!
  • Thanks everyone! I still lost 2 lbs this weekend with cheating, but I feel gross and can tell that I have been eating badly. I made sure to get this thing out of my system by allowing myself to have a cheat day (We celebrated Valentines a day early). Now I feel fully committed to doing a strict phase 2 for one more week. ( I have already bought the groceries and cant afford to waste food) and then going to a clean phase 1. I am sure my cheat day is going to slow down some weight loss or give be back a lb or 2 but I really like this diet and want to stick with it!

    Thank you for your kind words!
  • I want to say thanks again, and the fiance and I have started phase 1 again. We went a little crazy. Especially after cake tasting for our wedding. Here's to getting back on the right track.