Daily, Tues. Nov. 26th

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  • UP! Coffee? Better hurry, oh, ok, I'll make another pot!

    Yams, are cooking, veggies for the stuffing are simmering, I am in good shape......relative, I know!

    I failed grocery shopping 101 yesterday. Because I had a flat, had to switch cars, left my car keys with my A&P card home, I had to PAY for my turkey. Don't tell your dh, Debkay, my dh is just miserable over the whole thing! He is not upset about the flat, just the $2o for the damn turkey. He doesn't get that it took me 5 freakin hours to just GET to the store.


    banking and stuff for mom today....I'll do it while she is at physical thereapy. Nails and a nap and some more flylady!

    have a great one

    love to all,
  • Morning Peachy and all to follow! What a day already. Why do kids have to sleep for 11 hours to be human? Tommie was NOT getting up this morning, I wonder if she's getting sick. We are all sick with sinus and chest congestion, UGH. More coffee needed this morning, for sure!

    Well, have a fabulous day, and try not to cook too much. I'm not cooking this year, YAY! We are all off to visit assorted relatives so it would go to waste, that's my rationalization. Worked for me! Talk to you later.
    peachie I promise not to tell. Husband's and money

    Sherrie yep, the little one's do need lots and lots of sleep.

    My friend will be here any minute for coffee, so I need to make this quick.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  • Morning chicklettes...... Wow! Peachie!! You're such an earlybird this morning! How about telling dh to get his own dang turkey next time???? Men! They just LOVE giving orders/instructions, don't they????

    Well, today is a late-start day of work, which will most likely mean also a late finish (even tho they are only SUPPOSED to schedule patients today from 1 - 4... we probably won't get out til 6!! ) but..... then off for the rest of the week. Unless, of course, you count cooking and a bit of fly-lady!! I've also been looking at splurging and getting MYSELF a big present: one of those digital mini-cams that also take stills..... the SONY looks real nice..... might do that tomorrow so I can have it for Thursday with the grands (hmmm, if BIL isn't being a !@%#& - he could get it w/an employee discount!).. getting it now would make me an expert with it by May - Joisey, here I come!!

    Well, I hope you all have lovely days - right now it looks absolutely gorgeous out, altho the forecast is for snow tonight or tomorrow.......enjoy everone!
  • Good Morning you busy chicks!

    Had some good news yesterday--phase one of take my life back is in the works! What I mean is I have a job interview tomorrow! I have to say I am really excited about it--not so much the job, but the fact that I will be working on weekends for the most part and that means I can go to school during the week. I plan on only having this job for a year or so--just enough time to straighten out my finances and save for school. It's a security guard job at a local plant--yeah, I know totally not glamorous but it pays the bills and I can justify it by it being temporary. Then I can do what I love the most--teach the wee ones!

    Off to drop i then a HUGE flylady, including Mount Laundry when we get home.

    SamsG--Hope you can convince BIL to get you a discount, those things are really pricey!

    Deb, have a lovely coffee!

    Sherrie, Miree sleeps from about 8 pm to 6 am--we've tried putting her to be later, but she still gets up at 6am, only she's more cranky becasue she didn't get enough sleep. So those hours are what works for her, not necessarily for me because I could totally sleep till 10!

    Oh Peach, what a day! And yeah, I agree, dh's really like to think they are in charge when they have absolutely no control over the situation. OY! Just have a better day, OK?

    Have a good one everyone and all those to come!
  • Good morning, EarlyChicks! I actually slept until 7:20 this morning - without a three hour awake time in the middle! I took two Nytol and I think that's what did it.

    Peachie, I can so relate to your disastrous shopping trip! One December 24, I got a very early start and shopped for a huge Christmas order. When I went to pay for it, I realized my purse was in the car and the car was locked! Thank God for the CAA and a lad with a Slim-Jim!

    Sherrie, your Thanksgiving sounds great - no cooking. I like cooking turkey because of the aroma but sure like to go elsewhere for a fussy meal. I hope Tommie shakes off the current bug quickly.

    Debkay, didja get the baking done yet? Maybe your friend can taste test it?

    SamsGram, sounds like a double whammy holiday for you! Thanksgiving AND Chanukah back to back. I hope you can get the camera - holidays are precious times and need preservation.

    Pooky, congrats on the job. Sheesh, you'll get to wear a uniform and everything. Do you get a gun? Don't spread yourself too thin with school AND a job and family stuff. I've been there and it just ain't worth it!

    Well today is the day before my wrist operation and I'm getting a bit antsy. They have not called from the hospital yet - they usually call 48 hours before. Part of me hopes the date change screwed them up and another part of me would be glad if it is re-scheduled again! (I'm such a baby! ) I'll be adult and call my surgeon's office when they open at 9. You can tell I'm not looking forward to two sore wrists!

    Baked beans at a Bake Sale? someone asked yesterday. Sure thing! They sell really well. I put in a 5 pound batch last night before bed and they cooked overnight. The house smelled great this morning but I resisted a bean breakfast. This morning I bake those infamous pineapple cakes and will freeze them after they are iced. Somehow I don't think I'll be into baking for a few days after the op so everything is to be frozen. I've already made cranberry jelly and orange marmalade so we are all set for Saturday morning. Today I dig out and press the Country Christmas costumes.

    Another longish walk for Lucy yesterday and she was a bit less nutsy at suppertime! She actually sat beside me and listened to music while we had out pre-dinner Scotch! Maybe we are over the hump.

    Time for a tubby and a leg-shave. It beats me why you have to get all undressed when they are just operating on your frigging wrist!

    Have a happy day. Hugs to all and a bigger one to MEW.
  • Good Tuesday Morning Ladies!

    I only have an hour and a half to work and then I am off until 12/02! Yipeee! Today I will be going home to do super fly lady stuff and Wednesday I will be doing holiday decorating. Sipping Christmas coffee and listening to holiday music. I am sooooooo Pumped! I am really in the holiday mood.

    Friday I will be doing the 5:00am early bird shopping. I just started that about 2 years ago and I love it. I go solo, with my thermos of coffee, sweat pants, sweat shirt and running shoes. This year I will stop at the Y for a workout after my shopping. I cannot wait.

    Holiday Cheer to all!
  • good morning!!!!
    and look at all these busy ladies!!! samnrosies grandma, and L in massachusetts, and anyone else, have a great hannukah if i don't get back here...

    and for all the USA ladies... a wonderful thanksgiving...

    have to go to work in a few minutes. am waiting for mom to get herself pulled together for her PT appointment. yesterday, she did it in an hour, but it's taking 2 hours today. at least her bag is packed and on the back doorknob!!!

    did some christmas shopping yesterday thank goodness. but does it count when you buy 3 books for yourself??? the winter stash. and today i have to return a book. i knew peachie's oldest was an advanced reader, but i didn't realize just HOW advanced until i told her that i'd bought 20,000 leagues under the sea, and he's already read it!!! maybe i should just start him on college level philosophy??? maybe there's a good sports bio section. now THERE'S a thoughtl. but only the yankees.. [sorry debbie!!!]

    went to the orthopedist yesterday for a 6-week checkup, and she's now nearly 7 months pregnant!! she's wonderful. the knee is doing better, but not the best, and she wants me to have more PT. with saint angelo!!! he really brightens my day. she said that some folks don't like PT, but i view it this way: angelo is extremely handsome, and very very nice and kind, with a great sense of humor. and he gives wonderful massages, and says things like 'don't strain, we don't want you to hurt yourself even more.' and then these sweet young boys [his assistants] bring me ice packs.

    what's not to like???? all that attention and stuff!! works for me!!!

    and pookie. congrats on the job interview.. hope it all works out for you. the great thing about working security [at least according to some folks who have done it] is that they can often get their schoolwork done.

    but ruth is right.. don't spread yourself too thin..

    and ruth... good luck with the nonsurgery <?> tomorrow... you are still busier than any woman i know.

    debk.... you are STILL my idol... oh stop laughing. you're the best!!!! sure wish i could be hanging out there, sipping coffee with you.

    jennie... are you SURE you'll need a workout at the Y after the shopping??????? sounds like overkill to me!!!

    and sherrie.. with all the running around you'll have to do on turkey day, sure hope you get some leftovers to take home!!! and give my regards to your MIL...

    have to go...

    more later, i hope.

    love you all
  • Hello everyone. Just a quick check in. I have SOOO much to do today. First scholling with the boys, then cleaning and laundry. I did get alot done yesterday DH and I even moved furniture around in the livingroom. I like it this way and so does he.

    I'll check in later after I get some of my work done.

    Love to all, ChrissyB
  • Wow, everyone is so busy today!! Good morning Ladies!!

    Im just checking in, it keeps me honest thru the day!!

    There was a question I wanted to ask you ladies yesterday while I was out shopping, but you think I could remember it now??? NOOO lol,

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • Hi all,
    Company descends today for almost a week. I have 27 for thanksgiving, although all I have to cook is the turkey, the rest is all done by the catering Aunt and Uncle. The table has to be set too...well I guess I do have a lot to do, but not today.

    My cat has been sick as some of you may remember form a few months back. I took her to the vet last week and he found her thyroid was out of whack and put her on a med. She has been so weird. Yesterday she slept in a very strange place for her and refused some salmon destine for the disposal (burnt pieces DH didn’t toss). I couldn’t find her this morning and after 2 hours found her in a dark corner of the basement in a pile of swept up wood shavings. I thought she was dead! So back to the vet I took her. Poor thing. She has been driving me crazy but when I thought she was gone this morning I lost it! I have been waiting all morning for news, but none yet......

    I have to go do a few errands before carpool...I need to check in here the next few days or I might loose my mind…(I know, it won't have too far to go!). For all you American chicks, have a good turkey day, and Ruth...wishing you well tomorrow.

  • Well the vet called, She did go down to the basement to die. I am going to go and say good bye to her. I have had this cat for 17 years, I am so sad right now I have no words for it.
  • When a new member joins how do you go about getting to know people. It sounds that you are so close like old friends talking about your day.
    How did you guys go about getting to know everyone?
  • Hiya Mew, we post on the daily thread and talk about ourselves and our lives. Some having been coming here for years, others slightly less. The one thing that remains true si that we all really do care about one another since we have a long anddifficult road ahead--weight loss. The support and friend ship we find here helps us get on with our daily lives. So go ahead, post about yourself and your day, we'd love to hear from you!


    L, I am so sorry to hear about your kitty cat. I lost a cat through an accident one time and was just devastated so I know how you must feel right now. You had a long and special time with your kitty and I know it is so hard to say good-bye. (((HUGS)))
  • Thanks Pooky
    I will try to jump in with two feet and talk about my my day. although i think i would feel silly because i have an extremely boring life. I hate cooking and baking, cleaning so on....So i can not really contribute to receipes except for the ones my mother sends.
    i basically chase my three old around cleaning up after him, as well, as my eleven year old. Sounds fun eh!