Weight loss buddies needed

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  • Hi everyone

    I'm looking for some buddies. I happen to see Red and Ann from my other forum. I'm 36 and have 4 & 2 yr old girls. I would like to lose 80 lbs and need all the support I can get!
  • Let in the Slim.

    Beila - Sounds great. I guess I need to step up my game. You are working out like crazy. (in a good crazy way) 2.5lbs is great. Keep it up.

    Envelope - I need some warmth and sunshine too. Bring on the Spring!

    Jacki - Good for you staying on plan.

    Went and saw Gnomeo and Juliet today with the kids. eh. I enjoyed Tangled much better. But the kids liked it.

    It was sort of a birthday thing for my friend's son. We went to McDonalds for lunch to let them eat and play at the playplace before the movie. I did not want to eat McD. so I went to Chipotle and brought my food from there. (thought it would be a better choice) Now up almost 3lbs from same time last night. Blah. Guess we shall see what the scale says tomorrow morning.

    Is anyone else feeling like they are becoming obsessive about weight loss? I weigh myself everyday, compare myself to what others are doing to workout, track all of my calories, and I feel like it invades my thoughts constantly. Good thing my husband isn't here, or he'd think I was having an affair with a guy named the gym. lol.
    Sorry ladies. I just needed to get this off my chest. Chat with ya later.
  • Hi ladies,

    All is well in my neck of the woods. DH has been away for 4 days (did a skiing trip with the boys), so it's definitely been quieter in the house. We miss him though and we're ready for him to come home. He'll be here tonight. Other than that, been a busier weekend than I expected. Lots of rain until yesterday afternoon, but now it's gorgeous and cool (for us). I've been eating pretty well and exercising. Can't say that I've been 100% on plan, but maybe 90% for the week. I can live with that. Let's just hope that the scales show that tomorrow morning. I need a loss!!!!

    LTsgirl--I almost took my 4-year-old DD to see it yesterday, but we got busy with other things. I'll definitely be taking her to see it soon. Do you think it's appropriate for a 4-year-old? Tangled was great, but as long as the kids like it, I'm ok sitting through anything. LOL. You did make a better choice with chipotle. The 3lbs is sodium (all that food is high in it) and I bet it's gone by tuesday morning at the latest. I enjoy eating out, but really struggle with it now. Restaurant food (even "healthy" restaurant food) is so full of sodium. I just have so much control over it at home and I do much better on weeks when we don't eat out. I'm not obsessive at all, and it's probably why my weight isn't really coming off. I know I'm too lax about it all, but I generally tend to have an all or nothing mentality, and I'm just trying to keep it light and take it slowly so I don't get caught up in the obsession of it. But, you're doing great, so it's working for you. I bet once you reach goal, you'll see your obsessive ways ease up a bit. If you don't watch it, your husband will think you're seeing a guy named Jim. LOL.

    Let in the Slim--Glad to have you here as well! Hope you're doing great.

    Jacki--So glad that your daughter's birthday was great. Congrats on your loss! I bet you'll have a bigger one next week with all your exercising.

    Beila--wow, great job! Keep up the good work with the weight loss.

    envelope--Good to see you. I bet you burned a lot of calories cleaning the house. Especially doing floors, that's a big calorie burner. Hope you enjoyed your peaceful weekend.

    Should we send out the search party for Daisy yet, or give her another day or two? LOL.

    Hope everyone else is well.
  • Jumping in here after a long break doing maintenance and needing some immersive support. Waves to everyone! Congratulations on your progress!

    Went to the gym last night and ended up on the crappy old treadmill that squeaks and shakes a little when you run on it. I know it does it for everyone, but aside from the obnoxious nails on chalkboard sound it makes me feel like I'm Godzilla tromping through Tokyo. Needless to say, I did not get as long of a run in as I wanted.
  • Quote: If you don't watch it, your husband will think you're seeing a guy named Jim. LOL.
    Rofl! I am hoping that when he comes home Friday that he will see the difference. Then he won't confuse the 2. I would like to see the 160's by then so fingers crossed. Weigh in tomorrow so we'll see where I'm at and see if it is even possible.

    Just to let you know, my 4 yr old sat through the whole movie without popcorn or a drink to keep her occupied. So she must have like it! It wasn't bad, just had some cheesey movie references that only the adults would get. I guess they want to appeal to the parents as well as the kids. lol.

    Not much going on today. The kids don't know that dad is coming for a visit this weekend. Going to get them to help clean up the house then only have to maintain before he gets here. I hate to clean when he is only here for 3 days. Today is my day "off" from working out but may just walk on the treadmill later. Feels wrong to do nothing. (never would have said that 6 months ago).

    Don't forget everyone - weigh in tomorrow. We are gonna rock this.
  • Hello chicks!

    Gotta say, sticking to diet is a lot harder for me than the exercise. I did about 1 hour of a workout class at the gym, called 30-60-90 an interval workout. It burns TONS of calories! My watch said about 500 calories in 50 min.

    Then I did 1 hour and 45 of treadmill walking, stair climbing and elliptical. That was about 700 calories. So 1300 calories burned today!!

    BUT my diet was just ok. Breakfast had half an apple. Lunch had salad, 2 twix bars, and then for dinner had salad, fruit, and a small slice of cheeseLESS pizza. I took the cheese OFF!!

    And then I felt SAD for some reason. I'm a single girl and going home from the dinner event I went to tonight made me think about my being a single girl, and I guess I wanted to eat again. So I stopped off at the grocery store and ate a HUGE slice of cake. It was good, but didn't make me feel much better.

    Despite the twix bar and cake, I discovered some methods to help me overcome binge eating. I just have to wait for 20 minutes before it eat more. This really works!!! It stopped me from going on full out binges!!!

    Many of you have children and busy lives, which is a good thing because it helps you get your mind off of food. For me, I don't have children or husband or busy job, so I am constantly attcked by thoughts of food. I can easily go to the gym at my leisure, and I work so hard. But when I have to eat, I go crazy!

    Well I did go up on the scale, so now I'm about 153ish and now too happy.

    I do also obsessively weigh myself: when I wake up, after workouts, in the middle of the day too for no reason. Well being compulsive is better than going out of control for me. If I could calculate calories, I would too. I think it's the only method to keep me in control.

    Well I hope all of you are doing better than me. Keep up with your progress. Do not give up. Stay committed.
  • Good morning ladies! It is Monday so here it is:


    I know this sounds crazy (bc it is a loss) but I wanted more. I saw a glimpse of 173 earlier this week so I was hoping to be back there. I know I should be happy with a loss, but it is just how I feel. That's okay because I am going to kill it this week! I can feel it.

    Beila - Did you not see my post earlier about being obsessive? lol. I may have 4 kids but only one of them is still at home. I am not currently working so I am at home all day around food. I sometimes wish I had a job so I would not have an all access pass to my refrigerator. lol. We need to come up with a better plan then eating when the SAD feelings hit. My husband is military and has been gone since last June. Don't get me wrong, he gets to come home and visit about once a month, but when he leaves it is so depressing. We should come up with something other then eating.

    Spinach - I love the thought of being like Godzilla tromping through Tokyo. lol. I will think of this next time I am on the treadmill.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Good morning and Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

    Good luck, Ann! Can't wait to see your stats!

    Welcome Spinach!

    Wow Beila! You are a workout maniac! You definitely need to eat more food. Your body needs it, especially working out like that! I know meal times are hard for you, especially not having someone in your life, but you have you! Nourish your body like you would a loved one. Maybe try to plan your meals ahead of time. Your workouts are awesome! Food will get easier!

    LTs girl, you are doing great! As long as the scale is moving downward that is all that matters!

    Today, I did Shred! Day 4! Tonight is cardio, 30 mins treadmill, 30 mins elliptical. I weighed in yesterday. I was down .8 lbs from Saturdays weigh in. .8 in 1 day, cool! Hopefully I see the 220's this Saturday!
  • Happy Single Awareness day!!! Hehehe

    I am done feeling sad and sorry for myself being a single girl, for the 4th year in a row now. This week will be a week of CHANGE for us chicks on this thread!!

    We will conquer the weight and issues in our lives face on and look back at this time and feel so proud of ourselves!! YEAH!!!

    I am SOO sore though from the 30-60-90 workout class yesterday, I fear I may not workout as hard today, but I will give it my best and try try try.

    LTs girl-- I know this week you will get to 173 and maybe lower! Don't give up!

    Jackie-- This week will be the 220's for you!! You'll get there! It's so close!

    As for me, I want to get to 150 by the end of this week. I know I can do it, just have to stop binging, and keep up my exercise intensity as I have been these past few days. I am burning so many calories and I know the pounds are ready to fall off.

    The diet is so important. I can easily snack or binge and eat 400-500 calories in no time, and let my exercise be a waste of time.

    As for my plan to prevent binging or eating something bad, I think I will wait 20 min to 1 hour (or however long it takes) of just sitting in quiet, and focusing on how I feel, focusing on my true hunger level, and focusing on how AWFUL it feels after binging. Hope this works out this week.

    Talk soon!
  • Hi there,

    Hope everyone is enjoying their valentine's day. We had a normal day here, but I did make DH a special dinner and got chocolates for both him and DD. I got in my workout today and ate pretty much on plan (well, maybe dinner was a bit much, but it is valentine's day and I didn't do bread or dessert). Good news is that I'm down 2 lbs today. And, I think I'm going to start weighing in daily instead of weekly. Just for a month or two to get to understand my body's fluctuations a bit more. The weekly weighing in doesn't give as much information, and I'm curious to see how much I actually gain after a bad meal, how long it takes to come off, what kind of water weight I gain during TTOM, etc. I'll still keep Mondays as my official weigh in day for reporting purposes, but I'm really curious about daily weighing in. I also think it MAY help me get over my issues with the scale. I'm hoping that daily weighing in will de-sensitize me a bit so that I don't freak out over every little gain that I will inevitably have.

    Hi Beila--Nothing wrong with Valentine's day for a single girl. My girlfriends and I used to go out together or bring in food so we wouldn't be alone. It's also easier when it falls on a weekday, just seems like less pressure. I struggle a lot with bingeing when I'm stressed, so I can relate. I binged a lot after I had my daughter, which led me to be among the minority of people who actually gains weight after childbirth. I don't seem to be doing it as much anymore, but I know I need to watch it whenever I go through a rough time at home. Wow, your workouts are crazy. Makes me feel like a wimp for just doing 35-40 mins/day. LOL.

    Jacki--Can't wait to see you hit the 220's. Keep it up with the amazing workouts!!!

    LTs girl--Wonderful job on the loss. It's hard when you are disappointed with the number (I was also hoping/expecting more than 2 lbs). I guess we need to focus on the fact that we're moving in the right direction and adopting healthier lifestyles in the process. I think we'll check out gnomeo and juliet this weekend if we can. My friend also told me that her 4-year-old sat through it well, so I think DD will like it.

    Spinach--welcome! Hope we see more of you!!!

    Have a great night everyone!!! xoxo
  • Hi everyone!

    Talk about valentines.... my hubby got me a new fabulous deep frying pan to help me with my veggie stir fry! He is trying to be really supportive. It's awesome.

    As for gnomeo and juliet, I am actually throwing my daughter's 5th birthday party at the movie theatre, so her and 6 of her friends can see the movie! Great to know that it will keep them occupied. One other mom is coming to help with bathroom runs.

    LT - Some days I feel obsessed about weight loss and working out because I have a co-worker who is CONSTANTLY comparing workouts, checking out what I bring for lunch, etc. It almost gets to the point where I dread going into work. She is the first one to criticize anyone else who is trying to better themselves because she knows EVERYTHING about eating and working out. It gets to be a little overwhelming. Some days I just want to go into work and just forget about food. So whether you are at home with kids, sometimes when you are at work, there are still "kids" who make food the focus. Then with everything, the pressure makes you want to eat.

    Oh well, onward and downward....
  • Awesome vday gift, let in the slim!

    Anyone up for setting a st patty's day goal for themselves? Could be a weight loss goal, goal for working out, or just a goal to be binge free until then. Any takers?

    Mine is to get down to 210. Fingers crossed...
  • Hi chicks!

    I'm gonna beat myself up for what I did today...I know I said I would wait 20 minutes or so before binging, I didn't!!! Arrggggg!

    Day started off well foodwise, I hit the gym even though I was entirely sore all over, I managed to do 1 hour and 45 min of cardio burning 700 calories. THEN...dinner time, it went downhill.

    My weakness is the dessert bar at whole foods. I went to whole foods and got my usual rice and curry tofu bowl, small bread roll, all very sensible calorie wise, then felt the urge to go back and get dessert. I was tempted partly because of all the valentines day stuff in the store and the store was packed with last minute shoppers. I felt so depressed

    Anyways, my dessert bowl was bad but not as bad as a full blown binge like I've done in the past.

    I'm just going to get back on track tomorrow. LET'S SET A GOAL!!

    I think st patricks day is a PERFECT PLAN! If we all succeed, we can reward ourselves with 1 beer! Lol

    Ann-- LET'S DO IT!!!!!

    So for my goal, no more binging or bad foods until then!

    WE CAN DO IT!! What other ideas do you girls have for preventing binges? Like my plan is to just wait it out and focus on the feelings and true hunger.

    Talk soon!
  • Quote: Hi there,

    Good news is that I'm down 2 lbs today. And, I think I'm going to start weighing in daily instead of weekly. Just for a month or two to get to understand my body's fluctuations a bit more. The weekly weighing in doesn't give as much information, and I'm curious to see how much I actually gain after a bad meal, how long it takes to come off, what kind of water weight I gain during TTOM, etc. I'll still keep Mondays as my official weigh in day for reporting purposes, but I'm really curious about daily weighing in. I also think it MAY help me get over my issues with the scale. I'm hoping that daily weighing in will de-sensitize me a bit so that I don't freak out over every little gain that I will inevitably have.
    Congrats ANN!!!! 2 pounds is awesome! I also weigh everyday, but I am obsessed and weigh maybe 3 times a day. Don't be like me. I have done this everyday for the past several years. I think ONCE everyday is okay though. Just make sure its the same time and with/without clothes so you won't think the scale is crazy. The scale drives me nuts sometimes.

    Btw, do you have ideas for snacks that are low calories to help me with my binge problem? I eat carrots but they get boring fast. Also I try to eat a small apple in the mornings cause they have fiber and keeps me feeling full in the early afternoon.
  • Good morning!

    Beila, thanks I hope so! Don't beat yourself up over it! Just learn from the mistake. Take one day at a time. You can do it! For snacks I eat, carrot/celery sticks or cucumber slices with ranch dressing (light dressing), an apple, orange or banana, a small salad or half of sandwich (whole wheat bread).

    Thanks Ann! That is a great idea for single chicks. Who says Valentine's Day has to be for couples. I really love the single girls date night! Throw in a spa day! Congrats on your loss! Woohoo! St Pattys Day challenge sounds good! When is it? I know it is about 1 month away. Haha

    Let in the slim, that is an awesome gift! My husband hates buying me stuff like that, but I tell him. I love gadgets, kitchen stuff! This year he bought me a new dvd player, for some reason it wouldn't work right for me....of course when he pressed play it did! LOL


    Valentines Day was great! We had an early dinner (5pm). My husband made spaghetti with grilled chicken (whole wheat pasta, low sodium homemade sauce, grilled chicken that he topped lightly with sauce and parmesan cheese and finished off on the oven). He bought me a dvd player, cause mine hated ME! Haha ordered me Jillians Ripped in 30, P90x and P90. I told him, I probably need to do P90 before P90x, I don't think my body is ready for that one right now. Haha I did not go off plan. We went to the gym at 6pm. 1 hour of cardio! Then we went home to watch the Bachelor! For the past couple of days I have been bloated, and know I am drinking a lot of water, but not going pee a lot, not like I was last week. So I wondered, do you retain water/bloat during your ovulation, sure enough you do! I didn't know! So hopefully I have a great week!

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    As far as the Patty's Day goal, if it is 1 month away, my goal is to reach 222 lbs. Wish I would see the teens, but that won't happen! Haha