Monday 11/25

  • I am actually in a good mood today. I think it is b/c I only work two days this week.

    We got our Christmas lights up this weekend. They look great. Hubby did a good job and I am thankful he didn't fall of the roof in the process. I feel bad that I couldn't help but I was nursung a hang over Sunday. We had a little to much fun Saturday night. I guess I am better now but I am not going to be drinking any margaritas for a while.

    I hope everyone is havong a good day and I will be checking back in later in the day.
  • Good morning this beautiful monday!
    Morning got here are on the ball this morning!It is amazing how good you can feel the day after a hang over....probably cause you know how bad you really can feel!

    I had such a busy weekend but it was a fairly good one! We had our grey cup "party" and I have a ton of food left over...chilli, cold cuts, buns, veggies, cheese, pickles, boston cream pie, cookies,and on and on it goes....I am gonna throw a pile of it in the deep freeze for dd10's birthday supper with the extended family on the 8th of Dec.

    Unfortunatly the home team lost yesterday but we had fun anyhow....

    Today I have to take my 3 lb yorkie to the groomers, finish cleaning up after the party(though I am mostly done), pick up dd 10 from choir and take her to basketball practise. Other than that I have to continue to work on Xmas prep and get out there and buy my new table and chairs and coffee tables.

    I am also going to try and drink a ton of water today and get back on program....I have only been working on that for about 6 months....I am tempted to join a gym, I just can't quite decide.

    How are the rest of you?...hope everyone checks in...we need to try hard and get her to support each other through the next several weeks...I for one have a fairly high stress reading.

    Have a great day!

  • Good Afternoon,

    Finally !

    Kem, I can't remember the last time I had an alcoholic drink...maybe thats why I'm depressed haaaaaaaa I would say it has to be 3+ years now....hmmmmm

    Lizzy I'm coming over for those left overs..mmmmmm pie pie pie. Chili look out. Do you make everything home made ? I don't know where your going to find the time to go to a gym...Bless you for all your energy.

    I gotta go buy me a cheapy fake little Christmas Tree one I can put high so pnut can't get her hands on it. My tree is HUGE and she would be all over it at this age. Can't wait to put our lights up either Kem......LOVE IT !!

    Have a great day !!

    Love, Leenie

    CAN'T WAIT TO EAT THAT TURKEY Actually screw the turkey can't wait for the stuffing and pie
  • Mornin'
    Hi all,

    Another lovely monday... grrr. Ok, I am trying to talk myself into believing that.

    Had a lazy weekend, chore wise. I did cook a little.. once an appetizer for Thanksgiving and the other for church potluck that was on Sunday.

    Friday it was announced the number of contractors here at work would be cut. No idea on how big of a cut or when. My boss thinks 50-70% of the contractors will be let go, so I am hoping I am one of the lucky ones who stays. The argueing back and forth about how many, when and who is to be cut is apt to take a few weeks. This on top of the health insurance fiasco I am dealing with at former employer have me in a bit of a tizzy, but I am not dwelling on it. I have lots to be thankful for.. stable work, finances and insurance are not on the list however... It's a good thing I already told my family I wasn't coming for Christmas.. I really cannot afford it now with the axe hanging so close.

    Food and exercise are doing fine. Got up and sweated yesterday and today. A routine is so necessary I think to get throught times that are trying. I have two new tapes in my shopping cart at Amazon so will be ordering them soon. Getting bored with tapes can be the death knell for my exercise program.. and I see signs of boredom croping up.

    It was funny at the church potluck on Sunday, I barely ate anything. There was so much STUFF.. you know the highly fattening, artery clogging things. I took a look at each dish and thought. " Is the taste of this really worth the calories?" Most of the time it was NO. I also watched how the thinner people ate.. normal portions. The heavier people generally had a lot more food. Of course there were exceptions to the rule, but I saw a trend.

    I also accepted a position on the church council this weekend. They have no idea what they got themselves into.

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend.. hi kem lizzy and leens and those to come.
  • OK could this day go any slower? I am still in a good mood but I would be better if I wasn't at work. I am sitting here thinking about all of the things I have to get ready for our trip. The list seems to be getting longer the more time I spend on it. The boss is gone for the rest of the day and part of tomorrow. His girlfreind came inot town and I am sure they went to New Orleans. He didn't tell me. I am sure for abvious reason. Trust me I don't want to know. I still get to hear it from one of my co-workers. I don't think people here tell me anything b/c I am everyones mother around here. Sometimes I think I am the only stable one and that thought is very scary.
  • Good morning everyone,

    It's a grey day here....just like a dome over our city. I have done good with my food over the weekend.

    I am going for a haircut & to have my color done today. Then there is laundry, some cleaning & wrap a few gifts. Then maybe I will work on my Christmas cards.

    My DS2 was going to be laid off next June. He is a draftsman & all the draftmen in the company he works for...were going to be laid off. DS2 called on the weekend....the company decided they needed all these draftsmen. Any of them who qualify to be a technician...& my DS2 does....will be made technicians next July....with a raise in pay. So that is really good news!!!

    Kemp....I haven't had a drink since last Chrismas. Being on an antidepressant...I just don't drink anymore....maybe this Christmas I will have a rum & eggnog!!

    Linda....I hope you are one of the lucky ones to keep your job.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Hello everyone. I spent the wknd lazing around. My lung capacity is still not back to normal so I can't do much before I have to stop and rest. I am soooo glad I decided to quit smoking...this is horrible not being able to breathe while doing everyday things.

    I am fixing to go to Stillwater with a friend. Gotta grab some small Christmas gifts for the kids so they can take them back to TX when they leave here from Thanksgiving. Not going to bother putting up a tree or decorating this year. I don't feel up to digging things out and making more messes. Dad and Chris are supporting me...though I had to promise that next year I'd go all out.

    Toninght I have to color my hair!! I love being blonde but hate the work it involves. My perm is about shot...time for a hair cut.

    You should see my has turned black...and under my eye and my check. Guess I can be Rudolph this year

    Gotta run....good to see everyone..will check back in later...
  • Hi ladies... I am doing just ok today. This weekend was wierd. I was all happy one minute and in tears the next. I swear I am going nuts. I also was not very good on my diet. I think knowing turkey day is coming, I am allowing myself to get away tih being bad until then. I did sign up at a ladies only gym so I will start their next Monday The thought of that makes me happy. I am going with my sister so that will help. Anyways, I am off, time to go! Have a good night!