4 Week Challenge ,You Have The Will and the Power To Make This Dream a Reality!

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  • I think the LB one are a good size too. I am fourtunate in that my hubby dosen't like skinny girls. I think I have that department covered.

    I usually eat when I am bored too. I am trying to get the association in my subdivision going so I hopw once it is up and running it will keep me busy. Maybe then I can stop stuffing my face.
  • boredom eating is the hardest one to stop. I have trouble at night. Now I do 15 minutes on the elliptical when I get too bored and it usually makes me forget about eating. PMS doesn't help though. LOL
  • Oh yeah. I wonder why our Journal buttons aren't under our avatars anymore.
  • Well...I did it. I had my first ice-skating lesson tonight. I fell once and couldn't get back up. The instructor had to basically lift me off the stupid ice. I think I'll practice getting up from one knee off the floor. Then all I'll have to struggle with is keeping my balance on the slippery stuff!
    I can't do all those darned dance aerobic moves either. That's what I love about these WATP tapes. I know that from time to time my hands aren't necessarily moving the right way, but like you said, Rusty, who's gonna know? I do have the whole set with the water weights, but I have some 1 pound ring weights and I don't know if it's psychological or what, but they definitely feel lighter and more manageable than those fancy blue balls. Blue balls? Isn't that some sort of male infirmity?
    O.K. back on the subject. Anything that gets me moving and helps me stay motivated is good. These tapes seem to be doing it for me so far.

  • Jen you sound like me when I tried to snow ski. I ended up crying b/c I couldn't do it. I was so mad all I could do was ball. Of course I waited until no one was around. Hubby say me and didn't understand why I was so upset. Meanwhile he is skiing all ofver the mountain. I guess this southern girl is just not meant to be on snow.
  • blue balls: (blubalz) what happens to a man after lying on an ice skating rink for twenty minutes unable to get up after being kicked in the shins for laughing at women who can't ice skate.
    Ask my SO.
    I share your pain Jen, I tried iceskating the first time last year and had all these visions of gliding around like a weightless angel. I spent more time on my a** than sitting at this computer. Sigh. Maybe I should try skydiving.

  • I've tried ice skating before. I had visions of skating around like Michelle Kwan and doing the cool triple axel-lutz combination. Pfft!!! I think not, I got there and all I could do was skate around in a circle. I never fell, but all I could think of was, "This ice is really really slippery. I thought there'd be some friction but there isn't any. What's with this??" I haven't ice skated since. The skates don't fit my flat feet right so they hurt like the dickens. I'd be a waste of money for me to go again. Unless of course some really, really hot guy wanted to...... teach me. Then I'd go. I'm a yuppie...

  • Kempy - talk about a Freudian slip - you couldn't ski - all you could do was *ball*? Er, bawl? LOL
  • This has nothing to do with the challenge... I just wanted to look at Hugh Jackman while I post.

    Isn't Hugh Jackman a cutie??

    And he's definitely sweeter than Miss. Paquin...

  • Um... what's with all the beefcake? :P
  • I think he looked better as Wolverine. I say him last night in Kate & Leopold, he is to skinny now.
  • Oh yeah I loooooooooved him as Wolverine. Have the DVD sittin' not 10 feet from me. Got it as a X-Mas X-man gift when it first came out.

    And a... what's a beefcake?

  • Posting early as I may not be near a computer this weekend. Here I am , on my plateau. Cycled and free weighted and walked every day this week. Nothing yet, but hopefully a reasonable drop soon. As we all know, its hard to stay motivated to keep exercising when nothing seems to be changing. And its raining, its payday, there's xmas goodies in the house and I feel like curling up in front of the TV with a couple of dvds and a bag of chips.

    I must be good
    I must be good
    I must be good

  • Hello everyone
    How's everyone doing? Ok Sahvara I seen your babe lol. I loved him as Wolverine also but I like more chunk on my man. I have a few favorites and they all happen to be on the thin side for my taste! Here goes : Arnold Vosloo ( from The Mummy ,he's the bad guy ,the bald one... Billy Zane ( from Titanic, also the bad guy ) Nicholas Cage...usually the bad guy too! lol What is it with me and all these bad guys lol . A few years ago I really liked Keanu Reeves but he is sooooo thin now , so he's out. And If I had to pick a much older man I would go for Sean Connery ,now thats a babe at any age! Did I spell his name right? lol I dont like men that look as thin or thinner than me! I think my husband describes my type lol. Built but not the type that the veins are popping out and walks with legs apart cause the legs are too muscular, yuck. Hairy chest a PLUS, hairy back a yuck lol. Dark hair, Idont like blonde men.I dunno why lol. The only guy I think is very handsome is Matthew McConaughey. Ok enough lol
    Ok so this morning T.O.M. decides to give me a visit. Just wonderful,he'll be around for my birthday! UGh!!! Anyway I cant believe I went to the gym. Well I dont know what the **** was wrong but after 30 minutes I wanted to pass out. I couldnt look up or look down cause I felt I was gonna fall. My arms and legs felt super numb and weak. I paused it and started drinking my water and that made me feel weaker, I opened my little purse and grabbed a rasberry candy and started to suck on that. I started the machine again ,I still felt the same but after 5 minutes or so I regained my strength and was fine. The machine was taking my pulse every 2-3 minutes . It said my heartrate was at 70 beats per minute. IF the machine was right then something was wrong with me! I mean after 30 minutes! The second 30 minutes my heartrate went up to 159 which is good aerobic activity. I usually feel weak the first day TOMis here.
    well gotta run!
  • Wanna know who I think is hot?
    L.L.Cool J!!! YUMMY! He has big beefy arms.Mark McGrath is pretty hot too.