Down 2.4!

  • I'm so excited! Just weighed in and I'm down 2.4 this week for a total of 8 pounds gone!

    My average weekly is 1.6 pound loss, using 36 points a day (I get 29) and earning around 25 APs per week (which I don't use.)

    Just come celebrate with me! I'm on track to be out of the 180's soon!
  • Fantastic Seagirl! Doesn't it feel great!
  • Kudos to you for hanging in there and finding what works for you!!!
  • Quote: Kudos to you for hanging in there and finding what works for you!!!

    You know what works? Tracking, being honest with my Tracking, and making sure I get enough protein at lunch (I missed that a couple of days in a row and ended up ordering a pizza one night. I had the points for it, but it wasn't the best choice.) Oh yeah, and exercise.

    I love this program and how it makes me feel!
  • That's great.
  • Woo Hoo!
  • congrats!
  • I love seeing people eating all their daily and weekly pts and still having such great losses, gonna be thankful once maintenance comes for sure