any tips for metabolism boosting?

  • Hiya!

    I just got back from the good ol' US of A and had myself a lovely turkey meal for Thanksgiving. Kinda funny given that my family and I are Canadians and we went to see my husband's cousins who recently immigrated from South Africa! NO Americans at our dinner table, but that didn't stop us from enjoying good eats, good drinks, and most importantly, good company. I am a little scared to get on the scale, but I was actually purdy good over the last week, truth will come tomorrow ANyhoo, I was watching an infomercial last night and it was talking about reving the metabolism up, I haven't really researched much, but do any of you have any ideas? Any personal experience?
    ciao, ciao Jenn
  • The only proven, effective method of increasing the rate at which we burn calories is by adding muscle. Strength training, that is.

    Increasing ones metabolism shouldn't really be much of a concern to you, as that's not what's needed for long term, successful weight loss.

    Adhering to a calorie allotment (budget), steadily and consistently is what's needed for weight loss.

    Some people (like myself), like to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.

    But again, your main concern should be with keeping your calories in check. You keep those calories in check, making the most from your calories (nutrient rich ones), add in some exercise and you've discovered the *secret* to weight loss.
  • ^^^^^ This
  • Just wanted to mention, the heavier we are, the more calories we burn, so right now your metabolism is on the higher side. One more reason to not let boosting your metabolism be your main focus.

    The foods and what you're consuming (the amounts and types) that should be your focus....
  • I have noticed that for whatever reason having breakfast on a regular schedule has really helped my weight loss efforts. I don't know if that is metabolism or what.
  • You can boost your metabolism just with some physical activity. It doesn't have to be "Exercise" with a capital E. Something as simple as a half hour of walking a few days a week helps a lot. Anything to get off the couch and move around!

  • Definitely everything said above me!

    BUT... I've stalled mine out, I think, so I have a few ideas up my sleeve I'll share. This is what I'm trying:

    1. Eat 6 small meals per day. I usually workout early in the morning on an empty stomach. It's not working anymore, so now I'm going to eat a mini meal BEFORE my workout, the breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, all of equal caloric value. I figure eating right away may start my metabolism for the day.

    2. Dr. Oz says chili peppers and cayenne pepper revs up the metabolism. The same is said of green tea. I don't do it, but there's no harm in trying.

    3. Strength training
  • Thanks for the tips. I've been exercising daily, but have been ignoring the strength training...I find it soooo boring, but I will start it up. After researching, I learned that really cold water (and lots of it) helps too.
  • Quote: Thanks for the tips. I've been exercising daily, but have been ignoring the strength training...I find it soooo boring, but I will start it up. After researching, I learned that really cold water (and lots of it) helps too.
    Ooh, the strength training is important. Boring? So are paying my taxes, doing the laundry and lots of other things that if I were to neglect would make for one chaotic life.

    Cold water, I wouldn't waste my time on that, really.

    What food program are you following? What foods are you eating?