~~November Golden Girls~~

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  • Hi Everyone,

    Today, I am off to Philly to do a day of volunteering at the LLS office. Tomorrow, I will finish up anything that can be done before Thursday.

    Anyone else a Cher fan? I LOVE her & hope to get to her new movie next week. Zoe, weren't you impressed with how Tyler Perry incorporated the poetry and prose?

    Have a good day everyone,

  • Good Afternoon GG's,

    It's cold out but sunny and bright. So much better than yesterday, which was rainey and gloomey and dark all day. Not too much going on here, same ole, same ole. Which, actually, I kind of like. OK, I'm boring...and that's fine with me.

    Bobbi, I watched Dr. Oz yesteray too. So much information. I was afraid I would forget some of it, so thanks for posting the information. How are you feeling?

    Lynn, Did you see Cher on the cover of Vanity Fair? She looked awsome! And I like her style too. Honest and upfront with everything.

    Mary, I love my fan in the summer time too, even though we have air. I think I like the "white noise". it just helps me sleep.

    Z, Sounds like you are really enjoying all that time off. And I sleep on my left side too. I tried to sleep on my right side last night, but habbits are hard to break. I woke up on my left side. I'll keep trying.

    Donna, thanks for the cards. Brightens up the day.

    Emaline, HI! You aren't butting in. And I hope it's not just a visit. Come join us, lots of interesting people and information here.

    Hi Kellybear, Cute doggie! Seems like we're all Doggie (or kitty) people here.

    Karen31, Put yourself first!!! That is not being selfish, it's being realistic. why do you think the airlines tell you to put the O2 on yourself first? Because you have to take care of everyone else and have to be able to do that. So many times we think we're being selfish just thinking about taking care of ourselves, but it's just practical.

    Rosey, Talk about ungrateful! But you enjoyed the kids and I'm sure they enjoyed you. They can't help who their parents are!

    Where is eveyone? I know we're all busy this time of year. Hope to hear from the rest of you soon.

  • Good Afternoon Girls!
    Nothing going on here today, I'll make my Thanksgiving salad tomorrow and the hot rolls on Thursday morning. One of my sister-in-laws won't be there, her son who lives in another state has had a drug problems for years, she actually committed him to rehab a few years ago. He hasn't talked to her since, he was so troubled. Yesterday he committed suicide, how can a mother understand something like that. I didn't personally know him but we're so sad for SIL, Thanksgiving will never be the same for her. (She was married before to someone else, that's why we don't know her son)
    We will all give thanks for the minor aches and pains we have over Thanksgiving compared to what the next few days will bring SIL, her daughter and grandkids. (He wasn't married nor had kids)
    Take care everyone...
    P.S. Who's going to blow their diets over Thanksgiving?
    I AM!
    Hi Freda...we were posting at the same time. How am I feeling? About the same, migraine headache everyday. Going to therapy 3 times a week. I have another doc appointment on Nov. 30, maybe she take xray?
  • Morning everyone..well its poring rain out last nite and today yikes the roads are a mess..im about packed,just last min stuff. we leave early in am. we'll spend thanksgiving at my dd,no cooking on my part,not sure if im happy or sad about it. Hope your thanksgiving is wonderful i will post when i can,however my dd Laura said she would let you all know how i am..until then for all. rosey
  • Hi everyone! It's a pretty day outside...so far no more snow, the sun is actually shining even though the ground is still frosty..but roads are clear. So I let my dh go to his dental appt without me...as I want to get more done here at home. Hope to go Christmas shopping when he gets back. He is also going to cancel our gym membership as we won't be able to use it much in Dec anyway.

    I started (again) exercising here at home. I am always very active, move a lot even while watching TV, but this is a 10 min routine that I hope to do 3x day. I am doing each movement for a min, and do them over and over as necessary until I get my full 10 min in. I start out slow, then get more aggressive, getting my arms into motion, and/or bend my knees (like a squat or lunge), add a little jump, whatever, and then slow down for the last set. Here are the movements: walk in place, side steps, kicks (so far doing only front but could do side or back too), and knee lifts. Can do lots of variation of these if I want to increase the effort. Usually do them in the kitchen in the am and this morning I realized doing them in socks is not that safe as I tend to slip around.

    I haven't been keeping to my diet the last couple nights and of course my weight is jumping up again. I hope to do better today. I was lecturing myself this morning..when I exercise I can feel the numbness in my toes and I need to eat right to prevent further nerve damage. I hope these talks will get me to stay on track.

    Didn't get much housework done yesterday and not sure how much I'll get done today but am trying to catch up a little at least. Housework is one thing that is always there, waiting for you...

    Lynn - I have always enjoyed watching/listening to Cher too! Saw her interview the other day and am so impressed how great she looks! She's only 4 years younger than me too. Obviously I have not been doing all the right things... But you know I wouldn't trade my life for hers... not for all her beauty! We all have our paths to walk in this life and none are totally easy and hers has not been either. Not sure I'll go to her new movie...doesn't seem like something I would care for but I do enjoy her singing. Let us know how the movie is after you see it.

    Talk more later...have a good day!
  • Quote: Morning everyone..well its poring rain out last nite and today yikes the roads are a mess..im about packed,just last min stuff. we leave early in am. we'll spend thanksgiving at my dd,no cooking on my part,not sure if im happy or sad about it. Hope your thanksgiving is wonderful i will post when i can,however my dd Laura said she would let you all know how i am..until then for all. rosey
    Hi Rosey,

    Have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING and a great surgery. We will all be thinking of you and praying for you on the 30th.

  • Hola, All!

    PT/Zoe, your TurtleTut is BEAUTIFUL! I do love those little fuzzy wonders! When SamCat got neutered (I whispered the word, don't worry!), I put one of my sweatshirts in the bottom of his carrier, so he would have something familiar. It didn't matter. The office staff took turns holding him from the time the surgery ended until I picked him up! He's a love!

    Bobbi, I'll be so interested to hear if the herbs work! Good thoughts abound! And my tum has been so delicate the last couple of days that I don't think I'll overindulge on T'giving, unless it's doing a lot better. Maybe I do have an ulcer... everything I eat makes me sick. Good for the diet, not good for the bod.

    Rosey, don't be worried. T'giving will find you with lots to be thankful for, and tell Laura that I WILL be calling her to check on you! You're going to be just FINE!

    Everyone, have a lovely rest of the day! Stay warm, dry, and SAFE! Glad you all liked the cards!
  • Evening all....Another quiet day here. Had to spend an 1/2 hr figuring out how to dim my dash board lights. No "dash board" in index. Not under lights or controls. Ended up going page by page. It a wee stick out that is invisible in the middle of the nondash dash. Think even English is gonna be my second language.

    I have said this before but everything down here bites you. Right now the no see'ums which are just tiny flying teeth are swarming in clouds. We have extra fine screening on the lania and they can get thru that. Woke up with tender calf and have a fire ant bite there....I have not even walked on the lawn....no have no idea how that happened. That will be weeks healing.

    Thought Thanksgiving dinner was in the evening turns out 1pm. Yuck! Guess I do the pies tomorrow evening. Apple not pecan

    Rosie....Can't wait for this next stage to start.

    Bobbie....It getting time to try my treatment at least once! I can not image having a headache for 3 months. I'd be postal.

    Mary....Are you Rving soon? and where?

    Hummmmmmmm I know that writers write fiction from their imaginations but am have a hard time accepting some of DS's pieces. He really had a great childhood with supportive parents. Between baseball and soccer games I have enough splinters to build a bench. Washed enough bloody uniforms to get a job with the Yankees. You know mom stuff. Yet he has written more than one story about abusive controlling mothers....taught him to cook and bake... taught him to drive...had a CJ5 jeep at 16....I did take back my credit card which was to be used for emergency and he maxxed it out in 1 month. Oh well guess am lucky he is not Steven King!

    Tuesday night Biggest Loser and Tomorrow Survivor...but that is just a recap.
    hugs, karen3
  • Strategies for NOT letting one day spread into a month -

    I bought 20 little plastic containers for left-overs. They are the throw-away kind so I can give half to my DD & SIL. Tomorrow night - after we have finished eating for the day, I plan to package stuff in those containers so that I can defrost small amounts between now and New Years. I do NOT want tomorrow's binge to turn into a 40-day gorge!

    What are some other strategies?

  • Quote: This was on Dr. Oz today, I'm going to go out and buy some feverfew for my migraine headaches.

    Best and Worst of 2010: Your Guide

    The Best and Worst for Weight Loss

    With the surplus of goods and information available, it’s often hard to differentiate what actually works from what’s full of empty promises. Learn about the products that will help you to effectively drop the pounds, and avoid the ones that don’t deliver.

    Weight-Loss Snack

    Worst: Anything in Bar Form
    From granola bars to protein and meal replacement bars, anything that’s a bar is your worst weight-loss snack choice. Many are loaded with sugar and fat. Some are made with sugar alcohol to cut down on calories, but this often causes gas and bloating as side effects.

    Packaged Foods

    Worst: Frozen Diet Meals
    While these frozen meals brand themselves as healthy, diet-friendly options, many can be high in fat, sodium, simple carbs and sugar – and they don’t give your body the nutrients it needs. Your body absorbs these foods more quickly, and before you know it, you’ll be hungry again.

    The Best and Worst at the Drugstore

    The drugstore has dozens of aisles and thousands of products. When you’re searching for relief, it’s easy to make the wrong choice. Don’t spend money on products that don’t work or could be damaging to your health. Dr. Oz helps you navigate the drugstore successfully.

    Chest Congestion

    Worst: Cough Suppressant
    A cough suppressant is the worst option for a wet cough. They work by simply lessening your urge to cough – but this allows mucous to stay in your body and keep you sicker longer.

    The Best and Worst Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep
    Many Americans complain of exhaustion. Your daily habits could be robbing you of the sleep you need. Dr. Oz lists the best and worst sleep solutions.

    Sleep Position

    Worst: Sleeping on Your Left Side
    Studies show that people who sleep on their left side compress the heart. Those with heart disease also have a bigger risk of heart failure.

    Air Quality

    Worst: Sleeping With a Fan.
    A fan dries out your throat and trachea, making you thirsty in the middle of the night and disrupting your sleep. Fans also dry out the mucus in your throat and nasal passages, making these areas more susceptible to bacteria infections.

    Quiz yourself on what it takes to really get a good night's sleep.

    The Best & Worst Restaurant Meals
    Dining out can lead to dieting disasters. Dishes that can seem healthy can actually be packed with fat or salt – making them the worst choices. Dr. Oz decodes the menus at your favorite restaurants, and identifies the best and worst options. Click here to learn 5 secrets the restaurant industry doesn't want you to know.


    Worst: General Tso’s Chicken (1300 calories and 86 grams of fat)
    This dish is fried and has a thick sauce loaded with sugar. For a healthier version, ask for the sauce on the side. To cut additional calories, eat Chinese food with chopsticks – you’ll eat slower and scoop up less oil than with a fork.
    Uh Oh! All the "worsts" above are things I use/ingest.
  • Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. The kids are going to other in-laws for Thanksgiving day and I have to work Friday, so we will have our family dinner on the weekend. What is your plan to make sure that you dont' over eat? I plan to make several low cal dishes that I can enjoy and fill up on. And send all the higher fat/calorie food home with the kids. You all know that I don't believe in totally depriving myself of some dessert or higher calorie food. I will just have small portions. And don't forget to get some exercise! If you can't that day, make sure you start back as soon as possible.

  • Costco opened up a new store in our area, so we went there to shop. Got 7 samples and that was my lunch, I was SO full! It wasn't as good an opening of our first store but it was still fun. My dh calls Costco our cheap date! LOL

    My dh got another estimate on our car repairs and it was even more, so we plan to go to the first place. They also checked the engine and said that even though our car is 17 years old, everything else looks fine. So we plan on repairing it and waiting a while before buying another...need to save more money. My dh takes very good care of our cars usually...he only neglected the transmission as after his accident he got mixed up on how long it'd been.

    It is VERY cold here but so far dry. Thank God as it would be very icy if it rained. I was hoping to do more Christmas shopping today but didn't get it done.

    I haven't eaten very healthy today. Didn't fix a meal tonight as we had leftovers but mostly I just snacked.

    Lynn - that's a good idea for Thanksgiving leftovers. we are eating out. I do not plan on bringing home any but my dh probably will.

    Rosey - Enjoy the holiday and think positive thoughts. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I look forward to hearing about your new body! :-)

    Stay warm and have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!!

  • I hope everyone has a Very Happy Thanksgiving! We had a dinner tonight at my sisters with family.... tomorrow we will be eating at the Flying J truck stop...that was a tradition for my brothers and my Dad for years. So more family will get together there tomorrow. Then I will be done until Christmas. Was real proud of myself tonight just had a little bit of everything and a small piece of pumpkin pie... they had a wonderful mac and cheese casserrole that was so good---- but I didn't go back for seconds!!
  • WOW!! Lightening, Thunder, Tornado warnings/watches and 2 6/10 inches of rain since about 5:00 this afternoon!! And it sounds like it is winding up again! They are talking about freezing rain overnight and a high temp. of only 37 degrees tomorrow!!! BRRRRRR!!!!!
  • Hope you all have a lovely day with friends and family! After being off work for five days in a row, I'm finally beginning to feel rested and marginally energetic. I say marginally because I'm having a hard time shaking the last of that cold/flu - whatever it was - still some coughing at night that interrupts my sleep, and a few episodes during the day of coughing/eye running/sneezing that are brief, but exasperating all the same. I've managed to spend some time with my little twinnies, and also took DGD to buy yarn to knit her mum a scarf for Christmas. No, she can't knit, but I'm going to teach her. What? Can I knit, you might ask? Well, I believe I did so once or twice as a child - I recall, actually, being able to knit thumbless mittens and perhaps a scarf or something similar. So, I bought a beginner's knitting instruction book, and have recalled how to knit, at least. Now, purling may have to wait until the next project. So, it'll be a very simple scarf, but we cleverly bought variegated yarn that goes from black to gray to pale gray, and is nice and fluffy, so to plain knit stitch will be okay. We gave it a start the other night together (I also bought some yarn for me to work on) and I can't say it was wildly successful, but I've since done some practicing at home, and I think I've got the hang of it again. I'll sit down with her again on Saturday (she's been practicing, too) and we'll see how much progress we've made.
    Oh, I've been enjoying every moment of my time off - haven't really accomplished all that much; got new tires on my car; made an appointment to have the remote starter installed; done a little Christmas present buying and Thanksgiving grocery shopping, and hung out a bit with DH. I promised my DD that I'd go Black Friday shopping with her first thing in the morning, so I will, but frankly, the thoughts of getting up early when I don't have to aren't so appealing. It's been coooooooold here!
    No snow yet, for which I am eternally grateful, but cold enough to know for sure that it's winter in New England.
    And I'm not liking it a whole heck of a lot, and that's the truth!
    Lynn, yes - the poetry was interjected masterfully in the movie. Quite a departure - and a welcome one - for those familiar with the Tyler Perry genre. My DD thinks we should go back to see it again, but I think I'm going to suggest that she go with her sister and best friend this time around. I'm going to re-read the play, but frankly, my memories of some of the folks I worked with as a fledgling social worker - a few incidents in particular - came back quite vividly, and I'm going to give it a bit of a rest for now.
    PT, ah, yes, you can always tell a cat lover, and we ARE a couple of those, aren't we? I would imagine that to most, Turtle/Tut/"Lil' Kit" (He mostly is called "lil Kit") is a pretty average-looking cat. Only we who are mystically attuned to felines (d'you think we might've had an incarnation or two in ancient Egypt?) seem to appreciate their capacity to entertain, rule their immediate environment with a velvet paw, and elicit feelings of love and loyalty on the parts of their...er....servants? (Certainly nobody OWNS a cat!)
    Karen, that sounds like a novel Thanksgiving tradition! I could definitely get into any kind of tradition that didn't require me to cook - or clean up - for a major holiday! I wonder if I could suggest creating a diner tradition to my family.....
    Freda, your advice is well taken. I've been having some digestive problems recently - like over the past few months, I mean. A lot of gas and acidy stomach, sometimes even a little nausea after eating. I attribute this to overeating periodically and not monitoring my diet very consistently. Finally, I decided to do a fast for a few days, drink plenty of water, and give my stomach and everything a rest. So far, so good - no gas, no acid attacks. So, today will be an extremely careful experiment in eating small amounts of (hopefully) easily digestible foods. I DO love to eat, but have had to weigh the enjoyment of food against the subsequent stomach problems, and have finally realized, I think, that I simply cannot overindulge the way I once could without paying a thoroughly unpleasant price.
    Clever lunching, Mary....Costco, eh? I'll have to file that one away for future use...
    Karen3 - I didn't know your son was a writer! Writes about abusive, controlling mothers, does he? Amazing what kids remember amidst all the sacrificing we did on their parts - I certainly recall the unending soccer games, the taxi-ing from one practice and game to another, the sleepover parties (my girls, not my son so much), the trips, the ski club, this, that and the other...and what do they remember? They remember something I said "no" to that broke their tender little hearts! Bah, humbug, is what I say to their not-so-fond memories of childhood! My only comfort is in knowing that their little munchkins are going to give them the same as we're getting!
    Bobbi, I hope you're feeling well enough to enjoy your Thanksgiving - I swear, if I had those migraines and all that pain, I'd be likely not to set foot out of my bed! You are a wonderwoman for sure!
    Rosey, you will be on your way, now, and even though you probably won't see this, I am wishing you the best, and look forward to when you'll be back with us. In the meantime, safe trip, friend.
    Gayle, Happy day to you and yours...and to all the Golden Girls wherever you are (I know there are more of you, but I'm old...names are difficult for me to remember until I've been seeing them on a regular, long-term basis, and even some of those escape me if someone hasn't posted in a while...)
