
  • Hi Im calling for all advise I can not stay on task. I love the atkins it is the easiest diet ive ever done and two years ago I lost 70 pounds doing it and found my husband, and in our first year i have found all my weight back. its so miserable but I cant stay on task, I keep falling off the wagon. I pay for a gym membership and dont go. i'm so tired and i know this is only the weight. I stuck to it for one month lost 8 pounds, hit a platu and fell off again. How do you ladies get and stay motivated? I NEED HELP.....
  • Quote: Hi Im calling for all advise I can not stay on task. I love the atkins it is the easiest diet ive ever done and two years ago I lost 70 pounds doing it and found my husband, and in our first year i have found all my weight back. its so miserable but I cant stay on task, I keep falling off the wagon. I pay for a gym membership and dont go. i'm so tired and i know this is only the weight. I stuck to it for one month lost 8 pounds, hit a platu and fell off again. How do you ladies get and stay motivated? I NEED HELP.....
    So are you committed to being on Atkins as a lifetime way of eating or just a quick fix to lose some weight? Honestly, not trying to be mean, just trying to see how best to help
    Speaking from personal experience, you really have to make up your mind to change your way of eating for a lifetime, NOT just for the moment. I too had lost 60 lbs. before on Atkins in just 3 months, but as soon as I went back to eating any AND everything I wanted the weight came back on and in spades.
    I have my peaks and valleys as far as motivation. Some days it's so dang easy and others the blahs just come rolling in. But I KNOW the ONLY way that I am going to be able to do the things I used to do when I didn't have all this weight to carry around is by keep on keeping on. Some days are way easier than others but I know I CAN DO this....and so CAN YOU
    This forum is a great place for AWESOME advice, inspiration, motivation and support. Give it another try dear. Much success to you

  • A few other things I wanted to mention as well. Why don't you start a food and activity journal? If you go to you can join for free. You just imput your food daily and they will figure out the carbs, calories, nutritional aspect, everything. You also imput the daily things you do as far as activity and they will tell you how many calories you have burned in comparison to what you have eaten. They also have weight graphs, goals graphs, all kinds of useful tools to help you.
  • Pep talk - you lost the weight once. You can do it again.

    Now when you get the weight off this time - you cannot go back to your old eating habits or you WILL regain. It's not "going off atkins" that makes people fat. Its eating too dang much and not being active again that does.

    Lose the weight. Go SLOWLY into OWL adding 5 carbs a week. Add veggies first, moving up to whole grains. Find your maintenance carb level. You can do it!!

    Good luck!
  • island thanks
    I am commited to it this time.I KNOW that if I return to my old way of eating I will return to my old weight. I even have refused to buy any more clothes so I dont get comfortable here. I just keep falling off the wagon. I start feeling like im doing a good job and then hit a platu and cant wait it out. Or I think I deserve a treat and it turns into long ordeal. I read somewhere on this site that I probably shouldent treat myself with food... Shoes, makeup, andything else besides my vice...
    Also thanks for the pep talk ready I just have to get past this and I know I can do it.
  • Thats a great idea - treat yourself with a new pair of shoes, a manicure, a movie out etc, rather than food.
  • Dandydiva, you can stay on Atkins. You do it one day at a time; you buy food that's on plan; you refuse to buy anything else. Anybody who needs something you can't eat can go buy it himself/herself. You order on plan every time you go out until it's habit. And if you have a slip, regardless of the circumstance, you just go right back on plan. And you do it until it's the way you eat.

    You decide whether you'd rather be thinner and healthier than eat whatever seems to be calling your name. If you'd rather be less healthy and heavier, eat whatever you want. It's a choice. If you can see Atkins as your choice, and not a diet or a deprivation, it will help.

    And post here often. We care about you and your success - however you chose to define it. Have a great evening.
  • hi dandy!

    i have started cooking more at home and trying new recipes. variety really helps to stay on program. there are great threads on here and online with food ideas and recipes.

    it took me about 9 months to get my mind right about losing this weight. but one night i just started. i made a low carb dinner for myself and just jumped in. i've had slips, but i just try harder the next time.

    best of luck to you!