Happy October! - The BOOOOO Month

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  • Rhonda - the balloon festival has been on my list for a long time. I just need to make it happen!

    I'm sitting in the airport in Anchorage wiring for the first of 3 planes to take me to Flagstaff. I'll be there taking a photography class till next Fri, then I fly to Oregon for a week to play with my GFs for a few days.
  • Pat: I love your travels! Learn much in your class and enjoy the visit to Oregon! :

    More garden rescue today and making sure DS1 completes all of the homework piled on him during this three day weekend.

    Enjoy the to all who have it today!
  • I'm back home now and will see my trainer this afternoon. The really good news is that I had a good time and didn't put on any weight. I didn't exercise as such, but we had a good 2 hour hike in the mountains yesterday. I did well, especially considering that we were at an altitude of 6,700 feet and I live at 620 feet.

    The fiesta was just wonderful.
  • Tejas! I didn't know you were here!
    Obviously we need to have a weightlifting forum get together for the next Balloon Fiesta.

    So with my new gym I have noticed that women rarely lift weights. I am usually the only woman in the free weight section. Free weights are awesome---I don't get it!!!

    And the other thing I notice is that I plan out my workouts and have my little notebook and pencil so I can keep track and make comments. But no one else has a notebook. I like my notebook, so I don't care that I'm the only one with a notebook, but do other people have their workout plans and weights memorized? I like to look back and see what weight I used last time and I also don't want to forget to do something. Do other people make it up as they go along? Or do they have a plan in their heads?
  • Quote: So with my new gym I have noticed that women rarely lift weights. I am usually the only woman in the free weight section. Free weights are awesome---I don't get it!!!

    Midwife: It must be lonely over there. Pretty common though. I think it has to do with percentages...think about the percentage of women who lift anyway. The smaller the gym the fewer women are going to head over there. My gym is pretty big and yet there are only a handful of women who I have seen on a regular basis lifting. It takes a lot of confidence as we all know to stride over there and claim your space whether your male of female. What I do see more frequently in big box gyms is that the functional training classes, small group training, and "sculpting" classes are packed. These are the classes where compound movements used in lifting are used but with more reps, sets etc. So the interest is there, I think that group classes are just traditionally more comfortable for people to learn when compared to walking over to a row of dumbbells and a bench crowded with people who seem to know how to do more beyond the bicep curl.

    Anyway, sometimes I struggle with this still. I'm all over the map with it. I feel weird when I'm the only woman lifting then I feel territorial when another woman comes in and breaks the rules of common ettiquette when it's crowded...(men do it too by the way and I happen to know it ticks off the other guys just as much as it frustrates me when a woman does it... do we have less patience for our own respective gender..?

    It's also something to note that this is outside of so many comfort zones for people on all kinds of levels. Realizing all of this, it makes me all the more grateful that I found lifting, was able to learn it and nurture my growth in a safe and supportive place. It's unique and I believe sets us apart (us meaning both men and women) apart from those who don't weave it into our lives.

    Another thing about the "sandbox that I've noticed is that other women are also rather territorial as well. Its something that I've somewhat experienced since using my new gym. Oh the side long glances I've gotten. It may be that I've got a good 15 to 20 years on a few of these women and I'm pulling way more weight in my sets. No big deal really. But never the less, it does further encourage me to think about how to create the optimal culture in a gym of my own.

    So. About that note book. You wonder if they have it all in their heads. Not a chance. Listen, I've done both. Carried a notebook, charted all of my reps,sets, organized my workouts based upon goals and listed exercises specific for body part. I've got four notebooks, one for each of the first four years. Took notes also about pain, what it was like, how it inhibited certain ranges of motion and for how long. Not because I'm neurotic but because I've been my own trainer out of necessity. I'd come home after my workout and research whatever caused me concern or interest that day in the gym. Shoot, I'd even jot down "ideas" for things that happen right in the middle of my cardio session.

    I'm missing one notebook. The one for this past year. Didn't create or carry one. I can tell you that with all that I've learned in the past four years I really shouldn't have to carry it but you know what, my workouts suffer for it. What it means is that there has been less planning and preparation for the workouts. I've been hammering away more or less at the same goals for a year with marginal progress. Mostly because of this crazy business of relocating my family which turned out to be this year long drama but never the less, it took a back seat. I can only imagine that's what's happening with other members at your gym.

    Another benefit of that book, there is something psychological about being able to mark off the exercises as you complete them. You have the stats right there to know if you are having a bad day, and ordinary day, or a record bustin' day. I can not tell you the number of unsatisfying workouts I've had this year mostly because I felt like I just didn't "hit" it. Like in my own head I was slacking. Two weeks ago I took one of my old books in, wrote down as I went (without a plan ahead of time ) and was shocked at how different my workouts are from year four. Not less, my volume is a lot more. No WONDER I'm fatiguing at rep 6 and 7 and that third set feels like torture. I haven't been writing this stuff down and in my own head I'm less able to give myself credit where it is due. KWIM. So after bustin my @ss for an hour and half I'm walkin' out there feeling like I'm just not as good as I was a year prior.

    Lesson: WRITE IT DOWN! Keeps you engaged and in touch. And yes, I'm getting a new book.

    Some people may not realize that it is important to PLAN for success both in our lifting/exercise routines as it is in our eating routines. Many of them may think that they are doing fine day in day out. But the reality is they are just "working out" When you plan your workouts, write this stuff down, document the effects, you are TRAINING. That's different.

    Midwife, you're not just working out. Most people workout. But you my friend, are TRAINING. It feels different, it looks different, and the results are dramatically different.

    As a side note here, not that this isn't long enough, I had someone at my previous gym sidle up to me and ask quite honestly what I was training for? Because it does look different from what others do. It has intention and that is visible. Just before I left that gym the same woman was really really kind and made some kind of remark that I really do look like an athlete. She said I could be an Olympic athlete the way that I train. So. Not. True. "And the stretches you do are just so inspiring..." (That would be the yoga I did at the end of the workout) Anyway, my point is that we will stand out but we have to remember that we stand out as inspiration to what is possible for the Everyday Jane. Most importantly we have to remember that we do this above anything else as a way take care of ourselves. It's what we are made to do.
  • Course I use a notebook. It's in a hard red cover marked "Handbook on structural steelwork - properties and safe loads 1964" which I found in my dad's stuff. I feel it sets the right tone.
  • Quote: It's in a hard red cover marked "Handbook on structural steelwork - properties and safe loads 1964" which I found in my dad's stuff. I feel it sets the right tone.
    OMG. I LOVE THAT! Silverbirch you totally rock.
  • Birch - you rock!

    midwife - the others just do intuitive workouts aka what they feel like. probabely have no specific goal or plan, while you otoh obvously do. just keep it up. And btw, I am one of the woman who never lifted in the gym, only at home. Since my gym redecorated and rearranged erverything I quit & I'm now working out at home. I just feel totally uncomfortable and embarrassed to work out in a place with a mirror wall on one side, machines facingg you on the other side, and filled with people 30 years younger.

    have a great day,
  • SB, what a great notebook!!
    Lydia, I've read your post several times and once again you've articulated so well what is in my brain.

    I know that 4 years ago I wouldn't have had a clue about weightlifting. How do guys even know what to do? Is it something they learn in football? Weightlifting is a skill and like all skills, it needs to be taught and learned and practiced and built on. If you don't know, you don't know, y'know? And I'm sad that so many women don't know. Those body pump classes or other classes I think can be a good place for education and a good place to start.

    Rabbit, I'm glad you have a place to workout and feel comfortable, although I also wish there was a gym where you would also feel comfortable if that is what you wanted to do. I'm just sad that there doesn't appear to be a large weightlifting culture that embraces and educates and empowers women. I guess that's why stumptuous and NROWL for women and 3FC (of course!!) and places like Crossfit are so important.
  • Midwife: I didn't know that you lived in Balloon Fiesta city. I'll be there again in mid-March. We're planning a trip to Chaco Canyon. Maybe we can arrange to meet and lift weights, or drink beer, or both!

    Lydia, thanks for your lengthy and informative post. And, Silverbirch, what a great notebook.

    I don't have much problem working out with people around who are younger. Many of them, younger men included, will say encouraging or complementary things every now and again. There's a good atmosphere where I am. I have, however, noticed that one of the trainers must be taking steroids and that is disappointing. However, the gym recently hired a male trainer who is at least my age (65) and is he ever strong and slim. He does a lot of cross-fit kinds of things with his clients, bringing in some of his own equipment.

    Many people in the LA Fitness I attend use notebooks, with no seeming problem with them. That's true for both men and women.
  • So we are having a meetup in ABQ? I'm there.

    Lydia - you should join CF, lots of women Our trainer was calling one of the timeslots 'The estrogen hour' because it was all women or maybe 1 guy. This past weekend, we went to Burke Lake park for a get together with some friends, it was nice I thought about you.

    For me... food has been bleh. It was great for a while then went bleh. I'm fighting to get it back to where it was a couple weeks ago but its tough.

    My shoulder has been bothering me too, some inflammation I think so I'm trying to be gentle with it in terms of anti-inflammatories and listening to it. Today there is no shoulder work but pushups, box jumps and back squats. Am I weird that I got excited about back squats?
  • Quote: This past weekend, we went to Burke Lake park for a get together with some friends, it was nice
    Hey! I actually KNOW where THAT IS! Glad you had a great time.

    I KNOW I would be happier at CF. You are right. I'm feeling a lot of guilt over the cost though. DH has encouraged me to do the free Sat class in Fairfax which I'm considering. I think that since I've already paid for my Golds membership for the year it would be a good time to join for just a couple of days a week. Break in slowly...the idea of totally giving over my workouts to someone else kind of wigs me out. But, I'll never know till I try.

    Oh, and you are not crazy for being excited about back squats. I would to be able to do perfect sets of back squats at my old gym in between runs around the track.

    No workouts this week. I got hit with a pretty bad cold. Is it still considered a cold if you have a fever? Anyway, can't seem to get it to go full blown yet. I'm just well enough to get done what I need too then I begin to fever and need to sleep it off for twenty minutes. I have friends coming into town this weekend too. Can't wait to see them, hope this blows over by tomorrow.
  • Lydia - hope you'll get well soon!

    I'm a bit bleh myself here. Got a flushot last week, and I'm still not fit. Wasn't too great when I got it, and certainly have not improved. Sniffly, hormones, inflmed joints. I'm taking it slowly again, but the scale is going up. As I said..bleh.
  • Oh Rabbit! Bleh is no fun. Hang in there. It will get better. Right?

    Feeling better myself today. Thankfully. Got a lot I want to get done before this afternoon. Pretty unrealistic list of goals for today but if I just get half of it I'm good.

    I ordered my Ohio State University flag on Tuesday. It arrived yesterday afternoon just in time to greet my friends. It looks awesome hanging from the front porch with the light shining behind it. So excited. Both for the visit and my flag. Isn't that silly.


    Uhm Yeah. I know the holly tree next to the steps is dead. I'm making plans for that spot.

  • Well, Nelie, Rabbit and Lydia, I've got a bit of the "bleh" myself. Must be going around, change of season and all that.

    I'm a political junkie and have been very busy with mid-term elections; my trainer is working only one day a week; I have to find another trainer for 2 days a week; my neck injury is hurting again; and so on. We have such easy physical lives compared to our forefathers and foremothers, but I can find endless ways to moan

    I do feel I've made a little breakthrough about food, mostly attitudinal but helpful. Trying to see it as "fuel" and not "reward" most of the time.

    I've got a very busy weekend, including GS's 5th birthday party and watching my trainer in his Olympics-style lifting meet, both of them tomorrow. And, that's after a political fund-raising party in my house tonight.

    My training is suffering but I think I'll do a lot of body-weight exercises at home and work in a long walk this afternoon. That will help.

    I hope you all have a great day in motion!
