Trying to Change

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  • Hey Everyone! I am kinda new at this kinda thing. I have never posted anything like this before. I am 33 years old and recently unemployeed. My step dad recently had a heart attack which got me to thinking I need to stop talking about change and do it. And to do that I know I am going to need some help.

    I am not one for public appearences such as the gym or weight watchers meetings. I have always been ashamed of my weight, but the past several years I have accepted it. I dont want to accept it anymore! Several years ago I meet my fiance and he loves me the way I am which I think has actually made me more accepting of my weight, I now at least love myself, I just dont love the weight. There are so many things that I know I would try if my limits were not restricted for fear of rejection. Not fitting in this, or breaking that. The embarrassement of people staring or kids laughing.

    I have tried diets in the past and have even managed to loose 40 or so pounds before putting it back on. I do not have the financial resources for the expensive diet plans and purchased foods. I do not know how they expect the poor and fat to buy the stuff you need for some of these plans. So my plan is to just cut the calories and see what happens.

    I have been trying to watch what I am eating and have increased my water intake, today I am up to 72 ounces...and I am not one for water. But 2 monthes ago I cut out potatoe chips, 1 month ago all cakes and sweets, and now sugared drinks like soda and sweet teas.( my downfall). Stricktly water the last 2 weeks.... but man do I have to pee all the time!

    I have lost about 3 pounds the last 3 weeks since i have changed it all. It is just hard to eat the way I need to when the fresh stuff is so much more expensive. But at least being unemployeed I am not tempted to eat out for lunch anymore. It is hard to do on my own. But I am going to do my best!

    Any tips would be helpful and all the support I can get would be great!
  • I think just the fact that you accept yourself is great. Loving yourself is the first step in wanting to make changes for the better. You are right that eating fresh is more expensive but that is only because processed food is so highly subsidized it makes it seem affordable by comparison. There are also ways to economize, even the dollar store now offers some fresh ingredients. It might not be as good for you as something from Whole Foods but it is better for you than a dollar cheeseburger at McDonalds. Good luck on your journey and anytime you need some support feel free to message me.
  • Hi and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.


  • to 3FC!
    for taking the first steps. Try using a food journal. It really is wonderful tool in weight loss. I use the one on, it's free. 3FC is full of SO MANY wonderful people who have AWESOME advice, support and encouragement.
    Hugs and support on your weight loss journey
  • Hello and welcome aboard! You are going to LOVE it here!

    If I can just comment on the price issue.....I'd like to add that yes, it's more expensive in some ways, but since you're not eating as much food, you're saving a lot of money just on that alone. I used to binge eat and spend tons of money on all the massive quantities of junk. Just by substituting water for sodas, you're saving money. I've also seen (on Oprah) that there are ways to take advantage of sales on whole foods in the supermarket. Since now you have some time on your hands, maybe you could try to use coupons more and buy things like chicken or various frozen veggies on sale and stock up your freezer. I also like to make foods and freeze leftovers so that nothing goes to waste. It saves time and money. I"m sure you can get advice from other people here on this...I've seen threads like this before.

    Anywho, I love calorie counting and it has really been great for me because I don't feel like I'm too restricted. I try to eat mostly whole foods, but I do eat some foods that are processed but still low calorie.

    Best of luck to you on this journey of self discovery! You're taking all the right steps so far!!!
  • Welcome and congrats on your decision to make changes for the better! I, like you, had the sweet tea addiction! I was never seen without a glass/cup of sweet tea in my hand throughout the day. When I decided to change my eating habits and started counting calories, I knew the sweet tea had to go. I spent three days with a headache because my body was craving the sugar in the tea that I was accustomed to. I have now spent 3 weeks 'sweet tea free' and am very happy for it. I'm not as dedicated as you --- I can't drink just water! I have unsweet tea and at least one diet caffeine free Coke during the day.

    Glad you are here! There are alot of great resources, ideas, etc here to help you on your journey!

  • Hello and welcome to 3FC. Good luck to you in your journey and in reaching all your goals.

    *warm hugs and sweet whispers of support to you*
  • Thanks everyone! Well another day down. So far so good I think. I have resisted the cravings of another day!
  • What part of IL are you from? I'm from there too, although I don't live there anymore. I'm glad you're here. You sound alot like I did a few years ago. I'm glad that you learned to love yourself, that's so important!
  • I am from Peoria. I moved here a few years ago. Where are you from ? And loving yourself is very important the first step towards change! Welcome!!!
  • well it seems that everything is just going downhill for me. I have lost my motivation. and i wonder why should I bother. I was internet deprived for a few weeks while my computer was in the shop and I couldn't get on here. I am hoping to make some local friends. It is hard.
  • Girl... don't give up... each day you live is another chance to make it happen. Once the day is gone.. you will never get it back. Make the most of it... make yourself happy. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Hugs.. and best wishes for your journey.
  • Hi and welcome to the boards! Glad to have you here and good luck on your goals! You can do it!
  • Thanks for that EvilGidget!, It is hard to do it when it seems everything is against it. The 8 pounds I lost I put back on without any of the support. SO it is frustrating. I definately need support!! Buddies to keep me on track. It is so easy to get lost in the shuffle. I have spent my whole life at the bottom of the deck.
  • I know all about being at the bottom of the deck... we have to learn to put ourselves first for a change... I know for me... no matter the consequence ... I'm ready... I hope you are too. Hugs to you my dear.