Accountability, plans, menu, exercise or other stuff...week of July 12

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  • If you'd like a place for some accountability, put your plans, menu, exercise goals or other things - this is the place.

    Feel free to join in!
  • I don't know if I'm doing this right since it's my first time, but I'll make myself accountable for 4 workouts this week, all C25K and some yoga. I will also do my best to not eat more than 1500 calories per day.
  • My goal is to work out 3 times this week, and take my vitamin every day.
  • Hi chicks - yesterday was mostly good - I ate extra last night. Stress eating for sure. I know it's related to the surgery and other health concerns I am facing.

    Yesterday I had many of these red rashy spots on my skin. I what?? It feels very overwhelming as I face this surgery. Just don't want one more thing to pile on the stress of it all. Oh well - Today I go to my doctor for the pre-op testing. Hopefully we'll be able to figure it all out.

    I will forgive myself and carry on with a healthy day. I am committing to do my journal work today and read things that reinforce what I want to be doing. That should help me get back on track. Meditation is in order too as I am feeling very stressed out.

    breakfast - turkey sausage link, pnb toast, 1/2 banana

    lunch - mushroom soup, cheese toast

    snack - cereal, milk, fruit

    dinner - 10 grain pancake, morningstar bacon, sf syrup - cold green bean salad

    snack - yogurt/fruit

    LLH2010 - WELCOME!!! Glad you posted. There's no right or wrong way to post at this thread. Sounds like you have good goals.

    volleyballsis - WELCOME!!! Nice to see your post!

    Everyone...have a GREAT day.
  • Good Morning!

    Beverlyjoy--Oh no! Hope the dr can give you some answers about the bumps. Goodness, if it isn't one thing it's another....let us know how you make out!

    LLH2010 and volleyballsis--Welcome!

    Alrighty, the heat wave has officially broken (still hot, but not humid!!), so back to the gym for me!!!! I even brought my workout clothes into my office, so I'll change at work before I leave for the gym.

    Have a great OP day everyone!
  • Bevjoy- sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Sorry to hear about the bumps now!

    Mj- have a great workout.

    I am up .8 today after being 231.2 yesterday. the TOM flood has slowed down and I am still thinking about whether or not to go to the doctor. If it didn't slow down I definitely would have. I was so tired and fatigued yesterday. I ate on the high end of calories yesterday trying to get energy.

    Today's plan is to be below 1700 and get some swimming in at the pool.
  • Hi all. Not a good start to the week. I didn't make it to the gym. I overslept by a lot. Oh swell. I'll shoot for tomorrow.
  • Hey all, been away on vacations the last couple of weeks, but back to business today.

    B: grilled veggie omelet, V8, buckets of coffee (tired day)
    S: mozzarella cheese stick
    L: leftover grilled veggies mixed with beans and salsa
    S: skim latte
    D: cedar plank grilled salmon, grilled eggplant, squash, and zukes
    S: ricotta dessert

    When is your surgery scheduled BJ?
  • Hi everyone! I am swamped at work, so just a quickie post right now! Hope you are all doing well! I didn't make it to the gym last night. I WILL be there tonight.
  • Just popping in real quick to encourage everyone and let everyone know I'm on track. Chiropractor really helped me with my neck/shoulder issues so I'm back to swimming.

    It's a busy, busy, summer! Enjoy!
  • Hi, ladies!!!

    So sorry it has been so long since I've checked - life has been positively insane. Work life & home life have been absolutely hectic. Had my nephews for a few days as my brother & sister-in-law had to go back to her parent's house, so an extra 1 year old & 4 year old really on short notice really threw me for a loop!

    I've done pretty good eating wise. I'm sure I was over calories on Saturday & Sunday (I didn't track at all, which I was disappointed in myself about. And there was a lot of mindless, stress eating involved. Sigh.), & didn't get exercise in over the weekend except for some swimming on Sunday, but I'm okay with it & moving forward. Yesterday & today have been great. Calories have been on track & I got a 55 minute walk with the dog on Monday & 50 minutes of HIIT on the elliptical this morning. And I got on the scale & it seems to be maintaining. I'm not complaining. I know that if I don't keep calories pretty tightly in check, the scale just doesn't move. I didn't do what I need to do, so no use whining, right!

    LLH2010 and volleyballsis - WELCOME! Glad you found this post - it's a really great way to help stay accountable.

    beverlyjoy - I hope your pre-op appointment goes well. Thinking of you often & just hoping that time moves quickly & this is all behind you soon *hugs*

    TXMary - sorry to hear your experience so much TOM issues. Take care of yourself!

    mj - hope you have/had a great workout tonight!!

    slashnl - hope you made it to the gym this morning

    schmoodle - hope you had a nice, relaxing vacation!

    ANewCreation - so glad the chiropractor helped with your neck & shoulder & you're feeling some relief! And back to swimming
  • Hi chicks! I've been dealing with lots of stress related to medical stuff. Somehow, I managed to stay in my calorie range yesterday. I am so grateful.

    I will try and catch up later. Much to do.

    Have a great day.
  • Good morning, ladies

    Beverlyjoy - good job yesterday. Hang in there

    Yesterday finished well, so I am happy for that. And I was able to get my exercise in this morning, so that is over with a 25 minute Biggest Loser bootcamp workout & 20 minute hill climb program on the elliptical.

    The heat & humidity is stiffling here today. I always worry about my DH, who does not work in A/C, during weather like this! Told him to drink lots of extra water today!

    Hope everyone has a healthy day!!

    Today's Menu:

    Breakfast - 1 scrambled egg, 1 scrambled egg white, 2 turkey sausage patties, 1 banana
    Lunch - 1 lean roast beef & ham wrap with lots o' veggies, 2 T. hummus, sliced cucumbers, yogurt, apple
    Snack - yogurt, dried pears
    Supper - mini meatloaf, steamed broccoli, wild rice
    Snack - 1 thin bagel, 1 T. natural PB, sliced banana
  • Hi everyone! I had a great workout last night! It felt SO good!!!!!

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • I'm new to 3FC. I found the website months ago, but because of painful days that led to surgery the end of June I haven't gotten on here for a while. I'm back and trying to find a place to get to know others and be accountable. Am I in the right place?