Why oh WHY is the wagon so hard to stay on????

  • I have just returned from vacation. I did not do anything I said I would. I didn't watch my calories. I didn't get up early to exercise. When it comes to changing my lifestyle I have NO follow through....Tomorrow is Monday so I guess I will try again. Story of my life, have big weight loss plans, don't follow the plan, and try again. One of these days I am going to have to say enough is enough and just make myself do it.
    I was looking at pictures from my wedding/honeymoon over vacation and realized HOW MUCH weight I have gained in two years. I mean, I know the number (its hard to ignore such a large number on the scale) but I didn't realize how different I look. I am going to do this. I am so tried of planning my life by "when I lose the weight". I am just going to started living and change my life.
    Does anyone have any encouraging stories of your own to share with me? I would love hear them and learn from them.
  • The wagon can be really hard to stay on- i think that its important to try and remember to make changes you can maintain. I mean, I am a grazer. I would rather eat 6 small meals a day than 3 larger ones. I would rather have snacks than lunch! And when I first started out, I tried to change that, have 3 meals a day, cut down on snacking because I thought it focused me on food, making me want more. But this just wasnt sustainable for me- I just am a snacker. So I changed it, now I have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, sometimes snack. I've changed what I snack on and how much, but thats what the lifestyle change has been for me. So maybe your lifestyle change just isnt right for you?
  • How about making "one of these days" now? I have had many fits and starts myself, so I know how frustrating it can be. But, the truth is, it is never going to get easier to lose weight (in fact, it will likely get harder the longer you wait). Start now. Decide that this is a priority in your life and dedicate yourself to it. Once you start to make progress, it will help propel you forward.

    Here is a post that I think is pretty motivating:


    Just think, next year at this time, this could also be your story!

    Good luck--you can do this!


  • I'm just like you, I too plan life, from the time I feel attractive again. We can do this!!
  • I agree. I keep doing that too. I'm on a program now, away from home, and i keep telling myself that its ok that i'm not doing it now, b/c i'll do it when i get home. but i said that about when i came here. i think exercise is the key to the change... once you go to the gym, you can say "today was the first day"... it's different than eating b/c whether you do it healthfully or "bad", either way, you have to eat something. but working out, if you don't do it everyday already, can feel like something different, like something you took control over and actively made a change. then if you do it again the next day, you can say - look! two days! i find by taking the stand to start working out again, i feel more in control. ok, this made me want to go work out today!
  • Awww. Sounds like me! I too gained most of my weight since being married 2 years ago. Happy weight, right!?! Lol. Hang in there. The most important thing is that you keep trying. Maybe just take baby steps instead or trying to take leaps in your weight loss. I think that's how a lot of us get frustrated and "fail", we try to make drastic changes or burn out on exercise which deters us even further. Once you get a routine you can handle and enjoy I'm sure it will easier to stick with it. You'll get it!

  • I am the same way. When does "tomorrow I'll start" become today? And why do I have the mentality that if I eat one bad meal that the day is blown?

    It's really hard to stay on track when there are so many tempting things out there, but honestly you have to take it one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up or get caught up on what you did in the past (or on vacation). Life happens...just make a commitment to yourself and find out how you can be accountable - I joined 3FC to try to find some accountability and support. I think that sometimes, a little push from people going through the same thing can help.
  • i never gave up and as long as you keep going even if you mess up a day or two or more you just keep the mentality of going strong at it and DO NOT GIVE UP! just start the next day fresh and see where it takes you from there if i gave up early in the game i would have never seen the new change in me i have nearly almost dropped 50lbs! I can say I love shopping more now lol
  • Thanks, everyone, for all the advice and support. I do feel like joining 3FC has been a huge step in the right direction. I see the things that you all have accomplished and it makes me feel like maybe I CAN do this. I feel like I have accquired several "diet buddies" that I never had before just by joining 3FC. I feel more motivated than I ever have before. I can't wait to just DO this!