Struggling and trying to figure out why and what to do

  • My intention of having a clean eating June have fallen apart, and I'm totally lacking in motivation quite frankly. I feel like my body is not cooperating with me. It seems to be on a 2-3 week delay. For instance, when I "restarted" SB on June 1 I weighed 164 and my clothes fit a certain way. I have been trying to be on plan for the last two weeks and have been pretty good except for a couple of instances, but I've certainly been way better than I was in the weeks prior to "restarting." So this morning I weighed and I have GAINED one pound and all my clothes are tighter than they were two weeks ago. I know that I feel great on SB, can eat many foods I like, and it's great for my health, and that I can even be flexible about it, so the plan itself is not an issue. Today I feel fat and sluggish and I didn't even cheat that badly over the last two days. I'm just feeling very discouraged.
  • Hmmm, sounds like a pep talk is in order!!
    You made the comment "I feel great on SB"..that's the point, your health, energy level etc. Go for the health and just let the weight take care of itself.
    This WOE was designed by Dr. A for the health of his patients and the weight was a secondary benefit. I've been doing this for 3 years and from my experience it is NOT going to be a steady loss. Bodies are funny things..they have their own "mind" and sometimes just don't pay attention to what you are doing for it. I hit so many plateaus..some that lasted MONTHS and then whoosh, I'd drop a size. This is just me and I know people are so sick of me saying it, but back away from the scale..throw it away and don't worry about some stupid number on a dumb machine. Every day, tell yourself "I'm going to eat well to live a long healthy life" and let that long healthy life be your goal, not an arbitrary number. My goal is to be a healthy old lady..and at 55 it's rushing up on me!! I have more energy than girls I work with that are 1/2 my age. I see them just dragging through life instead of living it.

    Here's a little motivation. Just go "out in the world" and have a look around. Go to a grocery store, a restaurant, mall etc and just look at everyone around you...really look. Most people you will see look tired and not cheerful, pasty, and frankly, fat and unhealthy. You can only imagine what their hearts are going through. I tell myself I don't want to be one of those miserable people. Not too long ago, I was at a function and realized that other than one other girl, I was the ONLY person there that really looked healthy. It's scarey when you really LOOK. It's an epidemic I want no part of . No way will I ever go back to being fat, pasty and miserable and feel like someone drained the blood out of me. No to aches and pains!! No to all the prescriptions all my friends live on and talk about ad nauseum.

    Next time a cheat is hovering over you, think about the people you REALLY looked you want to be one of them? No indeed. I also used to imagine how I'd look in a "little black dress" and when the time came for me to buy that dress, I looked damned good. Click on my avatar and see what healthy 55 looks like.

    We all have down pick yourself up and feel good about yourself and what you are doing for yourself and everyone around you who loves you..including us. Try something new everyday and enjoy the life you have!!! You can do it, you know!! BTW, yoga really helps when you are feeling down!!
  • Wow - those are some powerful words Cat! And I had no idea we could click on the avatar and get to a picture.

    Matilda - First - hugs. Second - you have been going through some very stressful stuff lately and stress does a number on our bodies, and not in a good way. Your weight could actually be all stress related. So I think, hard as it may be right now, you should do something just for yourself. Maybe that is another project (but a non-stressful, fun one). Or maybe you need to grab a girlfriend and go have do something girly. Another thought is to exercise. Not for the calorie burn (although that is nice too) but for the endorphins and stress relief. It really can make a difference. I know how easy it is to get discouraged and have been feeling that way off and on myself for the last month. When I wrote a depressed sounding blog the other day I got a reminder from a reader that "this too shall pass." I hope it passes quickly for you.
  • Remember too hormones can play a big role. Sometimes I'll go on the scale and see I'm up a few pounds and be like wtf?! Only to realize that I'm about to start my period or something.
  • Cat - wow, and thank you! I'm going to mark that because there are so many days I need that reminder.

    Matilda - I seem to remember that you and I are around the same age and stage in life. I've been dealing with this since last fall. Just a year before my body was cooperative and in the zone but not anymore. Like you I know I feel better when I stick to plan. Guess we should listen to Cat and just keep on keeping on.
  • Cat, thank you for a very motivating pep talk that we should all take to heart!

    I, too, am a firm believer in tossing the scales and concentrate on eating healthy, wholesome foods.
  • I say dump that stupid scale for a bit and just focus on having a clean day, one day at a time. I know many people swear by weighing in daily, but for me the scale was discourgaing and it was controling my mood. If we eat clean, it will come off, at some point. And once it starts to come off, we will be able to see it in our clothes. I had hub hide the scale and I plan to weigh in about once a month, when I'm not feeling bloated or nasty.

    I , personally, lost 9 lbs phase 1. Then somehow the scale showed I gained 2. Week 4 of phase 2 i was back down 1 but still +1. But obviously, I did not gain 2lb fat by eating clean and healthy and <1400 cals. So I was like, whatever. The scale has sabotaged my weight loss efforts in the past. I got so defeated I gave up. NO MORE. I haven't weighed in awhile and I'm fine with that.

    ON another note, I can now wear a pr of capris that were ridiculously tight before. They felt like they were cutting off circulation. Now they fit great. (I am in my 5th week). I just need to remind myself. so what if other people lose weight super fast? Thats not my reality. Would I rather keep on doing what I'm doing, or would I rather gain back the 8lbs? Obviously I don't wanna gain. LOL So I just keep putting one foot in front of the other

    It WILL happen; we will get there!!
  • Wow did I need to read this! I am leaving for a 10 day stay in Florida and I know how hard staying completely on plan will be but now I will try much harder than I was planning. Cat, you really put it all into perspective! I have been off schedule for the last week and somewhat stressed with all that I've had to do before the trip and wrapping up my school year so I have already slipped quite a bit this week, thanks for the pep talk I was really needing!
  • Thanks for all the support and "pep". I also figured out I am pmsing and extremely bloated which could account for the discouraging news on the scale/clothes. I'm thinking instead of setting a weight goal I should set a waist goal.
  • Quote: Every day, tell yourself "I'm going to eat well to live a long healthy life" and let that long healthy life be your goal, not an arbitrary number.
    I really feel that Cat's statement is what keeps me motivated. When I look at how my weight fluxuates over the period of a month, I don't think I would stay extremely motivated if the number on the scale was my measure of success. I have only lost 9 pounds since October, but I weigh less than I weighed last year and for me that is a great success.

    Just so I would understand, I entered your height and weight into a BMI calculator;
    Your Body Mass Index
    The Height you entered is 5 feet, 8 inches. The Weight you entered is 164 pounds.
    Your Calculated BMI is: 24.9.
    Your weight is within "normal weight" Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

    This is only my opinion, because I haven't been there (normal weight) in many years, but I would surmise that when you are within normal weight range that measuring your success (or failure) on the scale is going to be a continual frustrating experience. My suggestion would be to search your heart for a new measure of success.

    Revise your reasons for following SBD (healthy eating)
    Commit to using the scale for information only
    Set a goal for staying OP
    Commit to posting every day-especially when you are stressed or eating off plan
    Set a goal for regular exercise
    Make some personal "rules" for going off plan, concentrating on making them far and few between
    Adapt some new strategies for special events (I make an OP pizza which satisfies me 100% and keeps me out of the bad stuff)

    Most importantly, I think you should consistently congratulate yourself for wanting to be healthier while at normal weight by BMI standards! That is a recipe for success!

    Best Wishes!
  • Litar, it should be a piece of cake to eat well in Florida!! With all the wonderful fresh seafood there, eating out should be a breeze. Big healthy seafood salads with vinegarette, grilled fish and shrimp and veggies on the side..should be no problem at all. Just stay away from the fried stuff and ask that everything is cooked in olive oil. I've never been to a restaurant yet that won't accomodate those requests.
  • You are right! Thanks again!
  • Quote: Here's a little motivation. Just go "out in the world" and have a look around. Go to a grocery store, a restaurant, mall etc and just look at everyone around you...really look. Most people you will see look tired and not cheerful, pasty, and frankly, fat and unhealthy. You can only imagine what their hearts are going through. I tell myself I don't want to be one of those miserable people. Not too long ago, I was at a function and realized that other than one other girl, I was the ONLY person there that really looked healthy. It's scarey when you really LOOK. It's an epidemic I want no part of .
    This is so true! It is also what keeps me going. I'm 53 years old and I'm very healthy & energetic. I'm on no medication and have no chronic illnesses. In this day and age, that's so unusual anymore! But I feel bombarded daily with challenges to healthy living. In the hospital setting I'm seeing a huge explosion in diabetes. Both my husband's siblings now have Type II Diabetes. It's really scary how many people have impaired glucose metabolism & don't know it. The Diabetic Educator at our hospital says estimates predict in 25 years, the number of people diagnosed in the U.S. will double, and that doesn't count the number of people walking around undiagnosed. One of the healthiest things we can do is make better dietary choices, especially increasing produce intake and decreasing simple carbs. South Beach is a way of life for me and I feel blessed to have found it.