Back In Kindergarten #89

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  • Hey all.

    Nothing much new here. Just been working out with W.A.T.P Daily. Now I'm up to 2 miles a day. It started with me playing "catch up" and DH had a good idea, "If you know you can do 2 miles, why not do it everyday?" So that is what I'm doing. I know that is nothing compared to some of you all, but its a lot to me.

    Jules -- GL with the c25k. I think we're all different. I think some need more water than others. But do whatever works for you. I drink lots of water, but always have. UGH that sucks having to walk with a heavy battery. We've been there. I will never ever forget it. It was a little after 4 am and DH and I just had gotten off work and the car died about 1 mile and a half from home. So we had to walk home and it was mostly all up hill and after working 10 hours and I was A LOT heavier then and WAY out of shape, it sucked big time. But I refused to have to call my father-in-law at 4 am in the morning to take my big butt 1 mile and a half to our apt. at the time. So I did it. I think that was the beginning of the wake up call for me. lol

    Cristina -- Well I probably wouldn't get rid of it if it wasn't so old and so HUGE. Its just in my way more than anything. (treadmill) If I had one that was newer and smaller and that folded up then I'd probably consider keeping it. Anyways I am doing good with my W.A.T.P and I'm good with that right now.

    Sue -- Big to you and your mom. I hope she gets to come home. Vending machines definitely not our friends. Not only bad stuff in there, but its EXPENSIVE! I remember when I worked I always brought my snacks and hated if I forgot one night. Just cuz its so expensive and I'm cheap! LOL. But yeah definitely not good stuff in there. Hope all goes well with your mom.

    Well guess that is all for me. DH is on vacation starting Tuesday. I want to go somewhere, not sure where since we don't have a lot of money but somewhere! HA! Also have a few of our close friends over this coming Sat. for a cookout. Hope it doesn't rain as thats all its been doing here.

  • Sassy--I am just glad I wasn't alone with both babies when the battery decided to die!!
  • woo hoo!! I lost 2 lbs....probably from the sweat that poured out on the trip to and from gettign the battery!! On my 2nd 16oz bottle of water.

    ...if it doesn't rain I need to mow grass tonight....
  • Happy Monday All!

    SUSAN...yay! You always do great with the losses...keep on truckin'

    SASSY...hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it! I started with a treadmill and mixed in the WATP and to be honest I LOVE the WATP much more than the treadmill. Hope you guys get to go somewhere.

    SUE...hugs to you and yours. Hope your mom gets to come home soon.

    JULES...yikes! Yes, thank goodness you weren't alone with the two babies...that would have been hard! GREAT job on the 2 lbs!

    Hello to everyone else

    Today was WI for me and I am glad to say I am up 1 pound! I say glad because a couple days ago I put on a pair of pants and they felt soooo tight. Thought for sure I had gained back the 2 pounds I lost while in AR...nope, just one...I will take it and work harder this week. Not going to let baby stop me from walking! I did get in a good 60 mns today and then some weights and my 20 mn BL dvd...finally! Baby was starteing to fuss and I gave her a bottle and she was out in a few minutes. So luckily we were able to get in the full 60 minute walk. Tomorrow I will have Cambrie as well and have a plan...Going to walk around 2 times on the top level and then head downstairs and daughter is going to watch the girls while I walk. I told her we could take turns but she said she didn't really need to walk. They have a play area downstairs and no worries about being crowded because no kids are at the mall at 7 in the morning. Anyway...going to go read a little and turn in early...I feel pooped!
  • Just wanted to tell you all that mom is going to have to have a high risk surgery.
    She can use all the prayers you can send her way.
    I can't even go in to it right now...but I know you will all send up prayers. Thank you and I will keep you posted.
  • Hey Gals.

    We had a heck of a storm here. I think Sue it may have went through your area as well? Anywho we did have a Tornado Watch but didn't amount to anything, TG. Basically lots of lightning, wind, and rain!

    I haven't WI yet. I was supposed to yesterday and forgot so I'll do it tomorrow. I've been working out like a mad woman but I can bet anything that I gained. Just how its been going with me. So we'll see.

    Jules -- that is for sure! That would have been terrible if you had both babies with you! on the 2 pounds!

    Cristina -- Yeah I figure I will stick with the W.A.T.P cuz it works for me right now. Yes one pound is better than gaining two for sure! But still stinks I know! I'm hoping I don't gain. Seems like everytime I work really hard at eating well and working out I gain for some reason. Then when I'm not trying that is when I lose? Very strange to me.

    Sue -- Big to you and your mom and I'll keep her in my prayers for sure that her surgery goes well.

    Well I guess that is about all for me. DH starts his vacation tonight! Not sure if we will get to go anywhere, but we are going to the Zoo on Friday with my BFF and her little girl (she is 2).


    Happy Birthday, Katy!!

  • Cristina-I gained back all 15 I had lost.and you are still not in the have such a sweet daughter

    Sue--hugs to have been in my thoughts even before I read your post..

    Sassy--we are getting your rain today...not too bad though

    back to work!!
  • w2d1 wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it definitely wasn't ipod nano's screen went blank...I am hoping it was from the sweat and will come back on when it dries...
  • Hey Chicks.

    Just WI and guess what? ITS A LOSS!!! 2 pounds baby! YEE-HAW!!! Actually technically 2.4 pounds!!!

    We are under a major tornado warning. 2 possible tornadoes heading our way. Right now they are in Indiana right where all my family is. DH tried calling my mom but no answer. She could be at work right now trying to get all the patients moved. (she works in an assisted living place)

    Anywho just wanted to check in and let ya'all know about my loss! I'm super psyched! I just have to keep with it. I didn't work out yesterday because I feel like poo but I think I may try too at least do something today. I can't breathe (all stuffed up) and my whole right side of my face hurts, so I think its a sinus infection. I have a drs appt in the morning. UGH.


  • I have to go get my hair cut, getting shaggy. Have Gabster today and feel pooped already. Summer will be long. haha
    Planning our trip to Utah in Aug.
    I know.
    Utah???? lol
    Congrats to all our losers and hugs to everyone
  • Sue - many hugs and prayers sent your way.
  • Hello all... thoughts and prayers are with you and yours...:hugs:

    SASSY...good job lady! Keep up the good work! We have had that nasty weather the past week, ugh! Seems to be all around us.

    JULES...just not getting anywhere with the weight loss...I don't know what happened! We all will get where we want to be though. Good job on thw w2d1!

    SUSAN...first Hawaii, now Utah...have you found anything interesting to do while there yet? I know you are going to see she will be so glad to see her momma!

    Hi to everyone else...sorry if I missed ya. It's late, I'm trying to catch up on laundry and I am pooped! Too much running around for sure. And tomorrow and Friday will be about as busy, ugh...can't wait until Sat so I can sleep in! Chat later...take care all! Hugs
  • Well feeling worse than poo. I've been vomiting now. So yay me! lol. Totally sucks because we were supposed to go to the Zoo today with my bff and her little girl. Also postponed the cookout that was gonna be tomorrow to next week. I HATE being sick when its nice out and everybody else gets to go out and have fun and I don't. oh well at least I won't hopefully gain any because I haven't been exercising......

    I hope you all are feeling well.

  • Happy Friday!

    Not sure what is so happy about it...but it IS Friday, yay! I love my baby girl but am happy to have a baby free weekend...I NEED 'me' time.

    SASSY...sorry you aren't feeling so great, it does suck! We were supposed to go to the zoo today as well but Cambrie didn't come over-went with her Aunt so we passed. Will take Lily for sure soon. Feel better soon!

    It was a nice, warm 97 today...ick! I know it's gonna be a hot one when the air comes on at 6 in the morning. Was even hot in the mall, so hot couldn't finish my walk, just couldn't take it. But I did get 50 minutes in so that is definitely better than nothing. Other than that not a lot going on. Trying to play catch up with the laundry...I am almost done. It's not that I don't get it done because Lily is here as I usually just do it in the evening but the other two have had games all week so I have been running around like crazy Games are almost over then I will get a break. Anywho...tomorrow, first part of the day I am being lazy. Then heading to a pool party for Cambrie's 6th birthday...nice way to end the day for sure!

    Thinking of you and your family Sue

    HIYA to everyone else

    Have a good weekend all!
  • Hey Chicks.

    Well I graduated from eating crackers to Ramen Noodles! Yee-haw! Hey I'm just stoked I can keep anything down! lol. Now I think its um moved "South" HA. Thats fine with me cuz I hate throwing up. Course don't know anybody who enjoys it! ha.

    Anywho. DH has an interview on Monday. Its for a local group of Catholic Hospitals but making a lot more money + paid training that will help him make even more money in the long run. So we drug out his suit and all, but he needs a new belt, so we're going to the outlet mall today (Sat), pending I feel ok, so far (knocking on wood) so good, just the "South end" and i can deal with that! HA! I feel bad about postponing the cook out but I don't think I'm up for company and plus the house is a MESS. Plus one of our other friends is sick with strep throat + bronchitis. So we'll just do it next Saturday, no biggie.

    I think I may even try to do a small workout today. Just a mile. But do something. DH got me two new workouts that I wanna try when I am better. One is another Leslie Sansone (W.A.T.P chick) and one is Jillian Michaels (The biggest loser chick) I heard the Jillian Michaels workout is a b!tch but I'm willing to try!

    Cristina -- thanks, must not be the day to go to the zoo, eh? lol. We gave our tickets to our friend, so at least they weren't wasted. (I got discount tickets through my bff's work) It was not so sticky here early yesterday morning, but dunno about after that cuz I was OUT. I took my anti-nausea pills that knock me out. I slept from 2 pm to 10 pm! But I guess that is what you need to do when your sick. I need to do laundry. Its piling up since I've been sick, everything has been, except for dishes, as my dear sweet hubby has been keeping up with them! Which is good because it was mostly him dirtying them as I haven't been eating much! HA!

    Well have a Great Morning!!!

    Look I served you all Breakfast In Bed!!!