exercise question

  • i workout after i put my 2 kids to sleep and after i have visited w hubby a little which makes it around 12-1am or so. i know it's a weird time, but it works for me bc i don't make excuses (have to do such and such w kids, etc, etc). my question is am i getting the maximum benefits bc i do it just before i go to bed? i heard something about if you workout in the morning it is better bc then you burn more calories throughout the day. is there any truth to this? thanks in advance
  • I am by no means an expert on this topic, but from what I read and my own past experience, there is no correlation to burning more calories the earlier you work out. That was (is) a common exercise myth, but studies have shown that the body responds just as well with exercise at any time of the day, though some researchers recommend not working out too close to your bedtime because it can cause insomnia. What is was more important than the actual time you work out, is if you ahve enough energy to get through you workout without suffering. My peak time for physical activity is about 2-3 p.m., which for many people is that odd sleepy hour when blood sugar drops. This works for me. My mother, on the other hand, can't work out past 9-10 a.m, she just doesn't have the energy. So if that is your time (or the only time you can fit in successfully), by all means stick with it! You can read more information about how exercise is not affected by time at this link: http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/a...ToExercise.htm
  • i think it depends on your routine and body type... for instance i don't have time to work out in the day.. especially not the morning... i also work out at night, and then get a good nights sleep.
  • I work out when I first get up.. because it invigorates me I don't think time of day has anything to do with it. I don't think you would burn more if you exercised in the am, because it's simply that your muscles are still in "burn mode" after a work out.. it wouldn't make a difference if you were sitting at a desk or laying in bed, they will still be at work... at least that is my thoughts?
  • I think the right time to exercise is the time that you will stick to. If working out late at night is working for you so far, and that is the time that you have to fit it in, then go for it!
  • Asharksrevenge has good advice, I think.

    I think if you were training for something like the olympics it probably matters a lot, a lot. But if you're training for life, like I am, I think getting it in is the number one most important thing. It must be a priority. For me, that must happen first thing in the morning, which is unfortunately 5:30. If it doesn't happen then, it might not happen.

    But heck...I always say no one can mess with my 5:30 workout because there is nothing going on at 5:30 in the morning. Well...who can mess with your midnight workout? Again, nothing going on!
  • Any time you can do your exercise is a good time
  • You 5:30/ 6 AM exercise people are INSANE!

    I usually workout around 7:30 PM and that exhausts me in a good way.
  • I ALWAYS exercise between 8:30 and 10:00 at night. I put my little one to bed, then I drive to the gym. I rarely get there before 8:45-9:00. I will never stick to a morning routine (not a morning person) and as the day goes on there are too many distractions and excuses. Night is my no excuses time, and I'm completely used to exercising then, so I don't feel extra tired.
  • I'm a 5:30am girl myself or if my husband is out of town I will sometimes switch my time to after the kids are in bed...he's worse than my kids lol Always wanting to talk to me when I'm trying to workout & I'm not one of those people that wants to talk
  • I am not a morning person, I am an ultra-late-night person; however, getting up at 6 am specifically to work out is the only way I can maintain a habit of doing it every day. If I wait until I get home from work, there is always far much to be done and too many people demanding my attention. In the morning, if anyone gets in my way or attempts to have a conversation with me during my strength-training, I feel justified in telling them to GO OVER THERE or STOP TALKING TO ME. It's selfish in a way, but there are days (like today) when I feel the only thing holding me together is my healthy routines. So I must must MUST keep at them.

    The best time for any individual to work out is whatever time that individual will consistently do it, period.
  • Im all about the evening work outs too. I work during the day, my lil guy is in daycare, the evenings after I pick him up - That time is ours. I never know if he'll decide to get up early one morning so there's a much bigger chance of him waking up in mid workout than there is of him getting up after I've put him to bed for the night. That's my reasoning and it's working well - I even get a really good night sleep the nights I work out as opposed to the ones I don't.
    And if I'm really honest, Im one of the slowest morning people I know . . . I have enough sense to know I wouldnt be giving it my all that early
  • I go when I can. Some days mean morning other days means at night. I kinda prefer the evening work outs because a tough work out helps me sleep SO MUCH BETTER! So Thinkthin--If 1am works for you, go for it! I doubt there is any connections. Just making sure calories in and calories out is balanced!

    Keep it up!
  • thanks guys seems there are more people than i thought who exercise when i do lol. i am NOT a morning person so im glad it doesn't seem to make a difference.