How do I change my mentality about my weight?

  • I grew up slim but I always thought I was "fat". At my smallest I was about 125-135. This was until about 9 years ago. That's when my body caught up with my mind.

    Now that I am on my weight loss and health gain journey I am learning about me. However, I can't see me for me.

    I am losing the weight, toning up, clothes falling off but I continue to wear the baggy clothes.

    Though I see the changes in the clothes, I have not changed the way I view myself.

    I think positive thoughts, I'm not depressed, I just don't get it.

    Is this the way it should be until I reach my goal?
  • It doesn't make sense to me to buy a bunch of clothes until I'm at goal, but I had the same thing happen. I used a belt as long as I could, then bought one new pair of jeans that fit well (those are starting to get baggy as well, yay!). Garage sales are great for that too, a few cheap clothing items. However, you have to get clothes that fit better. It will make you feel A LOT better. Seeing your new shape in clothes that fit makes a huge difference in your mentality--and that way other people will see it better too, which will get compliments that make you feel good as well too.
  • Was there any event that triggered your body to "catch up with your mind"?

    What have you been told about your body image by important people in your life? Do you remember?

    My mum recently decided to start telling me I had no idea what I looked like and that I'm much fatter than I think I am. Whereas my dad recently told me that I looked great, I was just hiding it because I had no self-esteem.
    My reality is somewhere in between.

    I believe you that you are thinking positive thoughts, but apparently there is this voice inside you that is not convinced by such positive thinking. And from what you are writing I don't think it's gonna magically disappear when you reach your goal. I can't really tell you how to get rid of that voice, but I'd advise you to watch it very carefully, because we all know where it can lead if you are slim and your head still does not acknowledge it.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • When I was a teen, I thought I was SO FAT. I look back at photos now and would do anything to look that thin again. Our minds do funny things to us. I guess what I did is decided that I wanted to be healthy. How I look is just a side effect to fitness. I wanted to be able to run away if the need arose. I wanted to not be tired all the time. I wanted my kids to have a positive role model to lead healthy lives and not to have the obsession with food/weight that I've struggled with. I'm not saying it's easy...I'm still working on it. But that is my be healthy. If I look great, that's just icing on the proverbial cake.
  • Quote: How I look is just a side effect to fitness.
    THIS!! It's taken me a long time to figure this out, but this is it.

    I am now more motivated by my blood pressure and heart rate and blood glucose levels than I am by the scale. Let's be DOES depend on the day. But when I'm rational, it's about this. And I'm now in maintenance for these goals!!

    The changes are there, PHYSICALLY!! If you could see your insides and the changes you've made, you'd be smiling! And I'm sure the changes are on the outside too.

    One of my favorite things I have done is that I started taking pictures of me (wearing a bathing suit) but trying to get into a pair of size 10 jeans. The first picture they're at me knees!! LOL! And that was a struggle. In the pictures, I've watched them ride up, up, up and have measured my success by how close my finger tips were to the waist band. Now they're on my rear!! They're nowhere near closing, but oh my goodness, my rear end is in these size 10 jeans.

    It's things like that...
  • Eliana, that's such a great idea!! I wish I'd done that from the start, how motivating and fun!