How does your stomach look?

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  • My belly looks like Stella's except my lower belly is much larger. When I am at the low side of goal, my upper belly nearly completely disappears (except while sitting/leaning over, of course)
  • Aw thanks guys , I do hate my stomach but not as much as I used to hate it! I have done a lot of crunches and still do. They have a toning session at the last 15 mins of my aerobics class, plus what I do at the gym, and I also have one of those twisty plate things you stand and swivel on. It's definitely helped define the muscle underneath, I just can't get rid of that pad of fat!! Graaaah!*rages and prods it viciously * <_<
  • Honey Thorn....WOW...Your tummy is my GOAL....I can only wish mine will look that good. I am 20 pounds overweight and at least 15 of it is on my tummy. I am 34.5 inches there and look pregnant...quite pregnant...YUCK.

    Thanks for posting the pic. I am not sure if I will ever be that brave
  • Thank you gals for posting tummy pictures I would love to see more pictures. Its so encouraging. I wish I had the courage to post my own. Lets just say there is still lots of work left to be done in that area LOL. I have the dreaded double rolls as well. My stomach has been THE problem area for me and I am very self conscious of it. I can tolerate my other problem areas but I hate that stomach. I told my husband I am not done losing weight until those rolls are almost flat. Its spanx camisoles for me until then
  • Quote: Thank you gals for posting tummy pictures I would love to see more pictures. Its so encouraging.

    If I posted a picture of mine it would not be encouraging to anyone
  • Quote: If I posted a picture of mine it would not be encouraging to anyone


    Let me rephrase that, seeing others progress helps me feel better knowing that not everyone is going to end up looking like a model but that is alright too. We have all accomplished so much and should celebrate our progress and love our new bodies .
  • I actually love that both those pictures were posted, both of you are the same height as me and it really shows that we all have different bodies.

    Honeythorn, I wish I had your definition! Though I'm lighter, you have a much nicer shape to your stomach. As for the second set of photo's, that gives me an idea of what it will look like at goal, but I know mine will probably look much different.

    Tomorrow I'll post a pic of mine and what it looks like right now, just gonna wait until my fiance isn't around. I think he might get weirded out at me lifting up my shirt and taking photos for the internet, haha.
  • Aw Honeythorn I think you're too hard on yourself. You've got a nice shape and are very healthy looking.
  • I've often wondered the same thing about how the stomach recovers after significant weight loss. I've been overweight for most of my life, and haven't had a flat stomach since I was 9 years old.

    Unfortunately, I don't have any children to blame it on, and coming to terms with the fact that I have permanently ruined my body by being overweight is a sad reality.

    I wish it wasn't the case, and I wish I didn't have to feel so insecure and worry that a guy will be repulsed by seeing my stomach or body. I've warned my boyfriend that even if I reach my goal weight and become slim, I'll always have a saggy, stretched out stomach. He apparently doesn't care, but I can't wrap my head around it.

    It's hard not to get angry at myself for ruining my body for the sake of food, and it's tough to know that no matter how in shape I am...I will never compare to the women in magazines that guys pursue so eagerly.

    My boyfriend loves me no matter what I look like, it's me who is having trouble with self image and really in the scope of life and the universe, how my stomach looks seem so insignificant yet it is still a reason to hide behind a sheet.
  • Okay - first, you haven't "ruined" your body. Will you have strong arms to hold your man? Strong legs to carry you? How can your body be ruined when it will do everything you need it to.

    Second, I have loose skin on my stomach and saggy boobs and my husband can't keep his hands off me. He says I'm sexy and willing to back up his words 24 hours a day (literally (!).

    You know what guys like - it's a cliche, but it's so true. They want a confident woman, happy to be naked, eagerly in the moment and wanting them.

    The only thing that could ruin your body with your YOU.

    If it's really bugging you, get a lovely little teddy that you can wear to boost your confidence until your mind is on the same page as the rest of you!

    And you know...candlelight is totally the BOMB.
  • Will you have strong arms to hold your man? Strong legs to carry you? How can your body be ruined when it will do everything you need it to.

    Beautifully stated!
  • Okay, I said I'd do it :3

    I've been sick for four days and haven't worked out, I feel as if I have gotten pudgier due to lack of exercise. Though I feel my stomach doesn't look that bad for 166 pounds. I'm 5'4 so this is a heavier weight on me but right now I love my body because it's the smallest it's been in a long time!

    Man, it takes balls to do this. This was hard, but I feel I can be honest with my fellow fat chicks when it comes to our bodies Especially since some of you have been honest about your own stomachs already.

  • Robsia, you look really good, I wish to look like that but it won't happen without a tummy tuck.

    Amynbebes, I have 5 children also, with my first I went from 128 to 199.5 and was told that the pouch she left me with will be there forever. I'm at 179-180 and think I look much better in my clothes now also.

    blindcantaloup, It's so encouraging to read how you helped tone your belly by only 15 minutes of jogging for 4 months. I'm not up to jogging yet but anything to help tone the rolls will make me happy.

    souvenirdarling, we will hopefully get there, I am not near there but I know there has to be hope

    saef, How are you? That sounds like a good idea gallery of anonymous belly pictures with just the person's age, current weight & height & former weight listed.

    honeythorn, if my stomach looked like yours my head would be so BIG I wouldn't be able to hold it up you look great.

    ubergirl, I feel you all the way, you have described me. I have the same flap. I can actually lift it and drop it. I am just starting to see curves. My front view isn't bad (with clothes) but my side view is awful but not in the mornings. And my lower roll is also visible in my jeans (don't do shorts).

    stella1609, I have your belly I think but not quite that good looking yet I also have a ton of stretch marks (well just took a look and I have a long way to go before I get to your belly) keep up the great work

    charmtime, people use to ask me was I pregnant all the time. I thought what a question to ask. I would never ask someone that question.

    sweetnlow28, I totally agree. The photos give me hope, but I know I will never look like I did before I had my first child. And I hope to one day be brave enough to post my accomplishment picture

    ladycarbivore, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself, everything that we do is a great accomplishment and the fact that we keep going just says it all. You decided to make a change and you are doing it, and your man
    loves you.

    Glory87, well said

    StephanieM, wish my stomach looked like yours

    I think we are all too hard on ourselves, but that is probably what gives us the motivation to keep going. YAY to US. Thanks for this thread.
  • We also all want what the other has, and they want what we have.

    As women, will we ever really be happy? I've come to terms that my body is what it is, and though it would be nice if it looked a certian way, I can't change it above what weight loss can do for me. I am happy with my progress and happy with what will come of it.
  • I'll be happy when I reach goal weight and I do believe that before goal, when I am 15lbs lighter I will be happier with my belly. Honestly compared to the way I use to look, I am happy now . Especially going from a 16/18 to a 12