Lehigh Valley, PA Support Group

  • I don't know if anyone is near the Lehigh Valley area in Pennsylvania but we do have a support group at the Lehigh Valley Hospital on Cedar Crest Blvd in Allentown. We meet once a month. It is run by a wonderful woman named Karen Nisky whose enthusiasm is incredible, she does it all on her own and without any type of compensation. She just loves to help people who are overweight and she is a true believer in all that WLS has to offer. Our next meeting is September 11th 2002, I know that date will be a difficult one for all of us. We welcome anyone who is interested whether they are pre-ops, post-ops or just thinking about it and bring anyone who is an important part of your personal support team. This meeting there will be a speaker, Dr Kevitch. He is a plastic surgeon who does alot of redundant skin removal for people who have had WLS. Karen swears he is an artist...lol. I do not have the dates for upcoming meetings but will get them and post them next week. If anyone is interested in the meeting and wants more info just email me at [email protected] . The meetings are in the Morgan Cancer Center located at the hospital and they are in conference room 1 at 7:00pm.

    Hugs to all!
  • oh deb, i'd LOVE to go, but i live about 2 hours away... not bad for a saturday meeting, but too far for a weeknight..

    but here's another thought: some of the chicks on the low carb board are thinking of getting together at the end of september somewhere off of route 17 or route 81 in ny state... interested??

    i'll be there, and these ladies are very supportive of us wls folks.. they know it's not easy, adn that it's the last resort.

    and they laugh a lot, too.