Running in April!

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  • I'm baaaaaaack to running! WOOHOO!

    Let's make this a great running-month!
  • Gearing up for my 9 mile run tomorrow. Urgh!
  • Woo! I ran today... just under 4 miles... so no run for me tomorrow. Also probably almost sunburned myself running - I didn't realize how much of my route was in full sun. Oops.
  • It is snowing here....UGH! I thought this crap was OVER!
  • 6.2 miles this morning...about as windy as it matter what direction i ran the wind was ALWAYS in my face!
  • Quote: 6.2 miles this morning...about as windy as it matter what direction i ran the wind was ALWAYS in my face!
    You are brave... I about got blown away just walking to the car!

    Eve ~ sorry about the snow. I feel your pain!
  • Fat-- are you running the BolderBoulder??
    You HAVE to! as a runner in colorado it is REQUIRED to experience the WORLDS LARGEST 10K!!
    You thought those other winter distance series races were large.... try running with 50 to 60 THOUSAND other runners!

    its a BLAST
    You must you must you must!
  • Went on a light jog last night... 8 days until my 5K! I'm ready to pump it this week and just focus on getting a good timing!

    I'm glad to see mkroyer running (and looking fab in the picture!) and fatpants rocking the skinny jeans!

    Not sure about my weight since I'm period bloating, but I'm excited for all the water to be gone [and back on track].
  • Just want to say I ran intervals this morning and it was awesome! Adding distance this week! Eyeing a 5K next weekend! Yay!
    Good jobs all you guys! You motivate me!
  • awww.... thanks so much Loquacious!

    If you dont mind my asking, how did your paper go (way back when...)??
  • it got cold here again guys! COld and WINDY! i am off to the gym on t his fine fine easter morning.......
  • I'm working open to close today....

    Well the snow cleared up and it was just a tad chilly yesterday morning for our 'long' group run of 4 miles. The longest I've ever done before. I am utterly convinced that I do not have hip bursitis. Whatever my problem is is IN my hip flexors. Yes that's right, it's in BOTH now. I tried the new running form that my pt suggested (leaning more forward so that when my feet land they aren't landing out in front so the impact isn't too hard on my hips) and I took walking breaks even though I felt great and wanted to keep going and towards the end I STILL got the nagging pain. And after the run, as the day went on it got worse. I iced, took lots of ibuprofen and took it easy the rest of the night and I'm feeling a little better today, still sore. If I don't get this crap figured out, I don't know how I'll be able to do this hm and it's killing me! I've been taking joint supplements, doing stretches 4x a day, using my foam roller every day, i started doing strengthening exercises as well and they seem to help...but only a little....I'm being treated for the wrong thing, and I'm not sure where to go from here....people suggested a chiropractor, but my insurance doesn't cover them...are they expensive? I mean, if it helps than it is certainly worth it, but I just don't want to pay like 100+ for every visit or what not.
  • Because of my size, I don't do it often but I love the freeing sensation one feels when running. I thought at 280 I was not going to be able to run until onederland but reading some of tour posts has inspired me to add at least one half lap of running to my workouts until endurance is increased can't wait until I can complete a 5k!
  • Kay lee...just promise you will be slow and careful....... im not trying to be harsh, but at your weight it must be hard on your body running.... stop if you feel any pain...
    i am truly truly inspired by you women who are heavier that take up running!! I ***** and moan about carrying around 5-10 extra pound of fat, and how "hard" it feels like im working.....
    Keep at it, and you will all be such strong runners as the weight melts off!!

    im "officially" training for the BolderBoulder starting tomorrow..... quite excited...

    Mile HI mama/SkinneyPants----- whos with me?!?!? comeon girls!
    We should dress up as giant chicks and run it together!! FOR REAL!! 3 (skinny) chicks!!!
  • Evel,
    do you have access to a treadmill?

    Do me a favor, and i think this will help you ALOT-- help you re-learn how to run....

    I want you to run barefoot on a treadmill (wear socks, or water shoes if you want)..Start off slow, and run maybe a mile.
    Concentrate on landing softly, and quickly, on the ball/middle of your foot. This will FORCE you to land with your feet underneath you, and take the pressure off your hips from heel striking out in front of your body. Put a gentle incline on the tread..... it will help you land towards the front of your feet. Your turnover will have to be light, and quick and you lead with your hips, standing more upright. it will feel WEIRD, and wrong, and unnatural at first. Your calves will be more sore than theyve ever been for a few days afterwards.
    VISUALIZE using the arches of your feet as a "spring" when you push off them...
    try this even once a week, or twice a week if you can.. THEN as you run outside in shoes, you are going to start running the same way......Really concentrate on imitating the way it felt to run barefoot when you have your shoes on.... the steps are going to be smaller, closer together.....
    Just please try. For me??

    You might look silly (if you do it at the gym) but IVE done it at the gym, and who gives a s**t?

    I want you to be able to run pain free. I want you to love running again.
    Ive completely changed my style of running doing this.... to be honest, IVE been pain free since i started trying barefoot running last november...

    If you find you LIKE the sensation of barefoot running, invest in a pair of Vibram five fingers, which will allow you to run barefoot outside....
    If you dont have a treadmill, go to a HS track/football field. Try running either on the track, or in the grass.....

    Let me know how it goes!