30-Something's April Chat

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  • Omg, Pix, what a handful you have! I have often wondered if the all-over emotion is only from girls or if boys do the same thing. I just started doing intervals on the treadmill too. I do 90 seconds at 5.0 on a 2.5 incline. I tried running faster but I would rather do uphill and slower. My heart rate gets up to 170. Whew! Knockin' that plaque right off my arteries! Totally know what you mean about changing as a mommy. We were at the zoo the other day and DH decided to get my 1 yo a blue raspberry snow cone. Her shirt was one of her "good" ones without stains yet so I made her go topless. We got looks, but it's kid #4 and it's just not that serious.

    Mollz, pass some of that pain this way if it's making you drop weight like that! Chicken skin is super nasty. I am gagging thinking about it. DH used to take boiled chicken skin and put it in a flour tortilla and eat it. Gross!

    Lola, I hope that your stomach pain goes away or they at least figure out what it is. So many people recently have been having stomach stuff that the doctors eventually end up labeling "irritable bowel syndrome." I think they just give up looking. (not to say that IBS isn't legit, but there should be some test to determine if it is that before months of other testing)

    Parked, don't they see shows on the east coast before the west?

    Squeak, you seem like such a sweet mama. Your mil is a crafty one, isn't she? I'm glad that you found some answers to your questions.

    Big, 30 days of raw food. Wow. I don't think I could do 12 hours of that. Good job on starting a weight lifting routine. I like weights way more than cardio. I think it's because you get the satisfaction of seeing results from it pretty quick.

    I have a little rant...I'm kind of sick of Jillian. I know you all love her, but not 1 day passes without her face popping up every where. I'm a little sick of TBL too. The show itself isn’t bad, it's the stinkin’ commercials IN the show that are driving me nuts. "I was concerned about Sunshine's meals so I asked her to stay behind so I could have a conversation with her right next to this conveniently placed pack of Extra gum." How much money do they need to make? I hate advertising that is insulting to our intelligence. OK. That was my rant. I still watch the show. I just fast forward through that junk.

    Yesterday my DH was a volunteer at a Phoenix Children's Hospital fundraiser. Filippe and Sione from last season of TBL were working there too. I begged him to get pictures, but he said he didn't want to embarrass himself. He did talk to them for a minute.

    So, it's just about the end of April, I just went back and read my first post on this thread. Although it seemed a little lame at the time, I'm glad I posted that note to myself. Today I was feeling like, "I'm stuck again." I didn't realize that I weighed 192 when this thread started. That's a pretty good drop for a month. I am going into May feeling hopeful.
  • D*mn that cookie dough - my old foe...

    And - my DH made it to onederland - I'm so proud of him. He never complains about the granola-y meals I throw at him (not literally), and he thinks I'm hot! What's not to love?
  • Ha! Do NOT believe a doc that says "you will never have children" just because have endo! My best friend's gyno told her that she had endo so bad don't bother and don't spend money on fertility or treatments just adopt- , so she didn't, in fact she also didn't bother preventing, and now she has two kids!!! Ha!! They don't know everything!

    My doctor put me on wellbutrin yesterday - so we'll see if that helps my mood and focus. I might get on the scale this weekend!
  • Melo-I hear you about the commercials with in the show itself. It's really getting annoying! The show has changed the last few seasons and I'm not sure I like it. The content is just not there. I watch these days for the few contestants that I do like. Right now it's Mike, Daris and Ashley. But I miss seeing those bonding/ fun scenes (whether it's an honest conversation or shanagins) between Jillian and Bob and the contestants. That's how we got to know the past contestants. Melissa brought some of that in, no matter how we disliked her, I think.

    Mollz-I had a thought on the train ride to work this morning on your symptoms. I had spontanious abdominal pain too a few years ago. Turns out I was allergic to soy! A little bit of soy is okay like a Luna bar, but more than that is too much. Could you be experiencing an allergic reaction to something you ate?

    Anyhoo....Not much to report here. The weekends look hot and humid here in SE PA. I'm going to make a point to get out and run in the neighborhood behind my apt. complex. One trip around is 2.2 miles. I want to see if I can run two full laps!
  • Mollz - I am glad you are feeling better! And happy for your drop on the scale

    MelO - I feel the same way about TBL, I watch but I hate that crap. I'm not a major fan of Jillian either since she is pimping herself out more and more. I still love Bob though lol And 8 pounds is a great drop in a month - way to go!!

    I am into Day 9 of our raw challenge, I can't believe it has gone by so fast! I'm feeling pretty good and nice and light, even though I am only 3 pounds lighter lol I like how I don't feel stuffed like I would after a big heavy meal full of cheese and stuff - I was getting so addicted to cheese. It is snowy and freezing here, typical weather here in Utah. I'm going trail running with a friend tomorrow and I'm pretty excited about that, it is the funnest thing to me! While April has been up and down for me I finally feel good about the path I'm on and where I'm going. I lost about 4 pounds and ran 51 miles, not the best but it is still an accomplishment and the way my month started out I'm lucky I didn't gain 4 pounds lol

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend
  • I you feel better Mollz!

    Mel, I haven't watched that show. I always miss it. I see Jillian everywhere though. I'm thinking of getting the Biggest Loser cookbook by Devin Alexander. I saw her show on the Fit channel the other day. I've made one of her recipes and it was pretty good.

    Mortonpixie, you're a busy lady! Go ahead with bad self on that treadmill!

    Lola, I hope the new medicine sits well for you.

    ViolinJenn, you're so driven, I'm sure you'll do the 2 laps!

    Hey everybody else! I'm on the next page and I can't remember what everybody wrote but I read all the posts. All the best to you all!

    I've had a good week. I'm not heavily into exercising but I have been walking and doing my resistance training faithfully. I feel good!

    Lauren, we were posting at the same time. Hope you have a great run. 51 miles is great! I can barely run 1/2 a mile.
  • Hi All,

    I have been doing really well with eating, not so hot with exercise--it's like I can always do one really well, but not both well at the same time! Argggh! Anyway, my husband and I went out to eat last night for our 10 year anniversary, to a nice little Italian place. I had some treats, but didn't overeat, and I didn't feel stuffed, ready to pop, like I do sometimes. I am happy about that.....I will consider that a success.

    This weekend, I am hoping to do lots of yard work and gardening, which I love and which can be a major workout. I am digging new flower beds, redoing some old ones, spreading new bark on all of my beds (we have several large ones) and mowing the lawn. I am hoping that it will be nice in WI.....right now it's pouring rain.

    Stay strong over the weekend, a few treats are okay, but going on an all-out gorge-fest will set us back. I need to tell myself that, because I would love to make cookies with my kids, since it's raining outside, and we are nice and cozy inside.....maybe a tiny bite or two of dough.....

  • I haven't checked in with ya'll lately but I have been so super busy this week. We have been adding a deck onto the back of the house. DH and I dug the post holes (UGH) then I did lots of yard work (shew) and I have walked with a buddy during her lunch time. This morning I started walking with another buddy. AND we walked 5 miles! WOOHOO! Then I came home and helped DH with more post holes and pushed mowed some of my back yard. Now off to pick up one DS and then in a couple hours we are going to the school carnival. I have had a very busy day. I feel great though! I really hope that all this work shows at the weigh in day. Even if I aint out on the machines or doing dvd's I have defently got a work out this week.

    Mollz sorry that you have felt bad. Glad that you are feeling better.

    hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  • How many calories in pineapple mojitos? Because I went way off of my plan last night when my husband and I went out with friends..... Good thing we don't do that very often! I had so much fun....
  • I bought my very own spin bike today!! It gets delivered Tuesday I can't wait! I'm going to order a few videos! Spin was my favorite class at the Y but the family member ship is now almost 100$ a month (and I was the only one that ever used it!)! The bike was less than 400$... My little home gym is really growing!
  • Lola, we have all moved over to the May chat thread now.