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Old 04-12-2007, 04:35 AM   #1  
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Default 30 Something's Daily Chat: Thursday, April 12th

Good Morning Everyone

I had a very busy day in daycare yesterday. Believe it or not school age kids are much harder than little kids. Just getting me seasoned for summer I guess .

I good yesterday but noticed I had a little more carbs than usual. I will work on that. I had a massage on friday and ever since when I first lay down I get dizzy, sound crazy and my right arm I must have slept funny last night woke up and it was numb that was wierd hasn't happened to me in almost 8 months. My hand was even cold. I feel fine but it was strange sometimes I think I sleep in a wierd position. Anyway the oldest son studies for his Biology test talked to his teacher he got a 67 percent she told me he did 200 times better than what he normally does so I was thinking wow he might have got a B ya I was suprised it was a D. Then I got my cell phone bill yesterday he had text so much my bill was 620.00 needless to say no more phone. Last month he racked up charges of 175.00 and yes he paid for it but this is crazy so I am the mean parent which apparently from what I hear doesn't really stop until kids reach the age of about 23 years old. That is nice to know

Everyone else is doing fine the hubby made it home and will be working in town for a week. I am getting ready for our IEP meeting next week. Should be interesting.

Everyone take care and be safe eating today , Just a quick note I have been off pop now for a week i have been drinking Chrystal light and H2O they have a new flavor Green tea raspberry lemonade and cherry pomegranite it is really good, don't even miss the pop.

Take care
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Old 04-12-2007, 07:58 AM   #2  
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Well thank you all so much for the warm welcome back!

Some of you are just plain silly....(**coughs** Goddess and Zphyer) I only mentioned who I saw in the thread.
I don't really even know where to start....hmmm...since this is a weight loss forum I'll start with my GAIN. Yeah..6 pounds. Getting back on track has seemed nearly impossible since December. My eldest son Zachary moved in with his father 3 months ago. It was really hard at 1st but now I see it was definitly for the better ( His hair is no longer blue, he's back in sports, grades are still strong) I don't see him as much as I like but he's doing really well. Lil feller is now 14 months. The sig pic was taken last Sat. He's offically enrolled in a early education program and starts Monday cuz I had to pull up my big girl panties and go out and get a real job. Yeah.....its like THAT now. Funny thing was I posted my resume and applied a couple of places thinking, well this outta take awhile...Um NO. It was a week and I had 2 interviews. Had to decline one of the offers. I am happy it happened but never thought it would be so speedY! The job I accepted seems to good to be true but having worked in retail for 7 years, most normal things are (retail sucks for those of you who don't know!) The position is Sales Management and I get to sit at a desk (wow!!) my annual salary increased & the benefits are unbelievable. I'm gonna miss my lil guy though, but he's ready to socialize. Gma is gonna be doing all pick ups so he's in school for a max of 5 hours. That hepls me feel better.

The bands are over....for now. I simply don't have the time or the energy to keep up. My keyboard palyer is Pregnant....with TWINS! Its thier 1st so we put things on hold. my sister and I have made ammends for those of you who remember. Things are never better there. We are buying a home and moving in the next few months...that has been a major undertaking. There is more but I simply can't think of it now. Sorry for my absence, I have missed you all.
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Old 04-12-2007, 08:00 AM   #3  
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Default's another pose of the lil feller.

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Old 04-12-2007, 09:01 AM   #4  
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Default mornin ya'll

Gah, i've been way too busy!!! I tried checking in on Monday and my computer wouldn't cooperate!! Sorry for the long pause in posting! I've gotta go back and catch up on everyone's life!!! I've fallen off the wagon....not just fell off, but rolled around and dug a hole!!!!! I'm back on track starting today!! My husband has convinced me to try the Larry North program. He has done it in the past and been successful with it, so me and my daughter (17 yrs old) are getting on board with him. I haven't seen any groups that do this ya'll know anything about it? I ordered a the book, but it will not be here for a about a week.

Stevi: Hi!! it's nice to meet you.....ur baby is beautiful!!

Shelia: TEENAGERS!!!!!! Let's choke 'em!!! My daughter sends and receives about 6000 texts a month, yes 6000!!!! Fortunately she has unlimited texting for $5.00 a month. She did run up a big bill when she first got her phone ($630.00) and yeah, i made her pay it!!!! I guess i will join you in the "mean mom" club!!!

Looking forward to hearing from ya'll. Sorry about the setback in my eating. I'm scared to get on the scales.......

Hope ya'll all have a really great day!!!!!

Tina in Texas
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Old 04-12-2007, 09:08 AM   #5  
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morning all..
hi stevie..i'm new...well new since mid jan. good luck at the new job..and very cute kid (:
Shiela - ouch on the cell phone and dh were out to din with friends last night and we were joking how different our life was growing dvd on long car rides, playstations to play at dinner
welcome back tdream

as for me...its a great day. I had two days off in a row. My boss gave me today off since i worked so many days in a row for him while he was on vacation...and i loved it...this morning slept in (well for me thats til 8.30) had a slow breakfast and after this...going to change and off to the barn to play with the pony. I have a show on the 21st i'm trying to prep for. So hope everyone is doing well. I'll check back later...See YA!
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Old 04-12-2007, 09:31 AM   #6  
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WOW, I'd faint at a $600+ cellphone bill! You are one strong mama!

So I finally got my drivers license (for this state) YAY! Failing the test the first time was aweful, but at least I know the rules well now lol.

Yesterday I was soooo sick, nothing got done around the house,, because I'm the only one certified to do housework apparently. So today I must catch up, along with finding time for sewing because I'm behind there to UGH! Morning started with thunderstorms and I think that has set the tone for the rest of this day. Tomorrow I will officially be 30. All I asked for was a clean house, and a break, time to sew. But I know thats not going to happen. If my husband does any cleaning, he will not be able to balance parenting on the same plate. So my son will be whiney, and I won't get a break,, or sewing time. So I'll just do it all, and hope no one causes any messes between now and tomorrow..

Sorry to be such a downer, it's the rain I tell ya.
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Old 04-12-2007, 09:43 AM   #7  
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Mornin' All!

It's here today...just miserable. You know I was NOT a happy camper with no princess parking.

Z, Congrats on the liscense, hope you're feeling better today, and happy early birthday!

GG, Enjoy your day off!

Tina, welcome back! Sorry you fell off the wagon. Don't know anything about that plan, maybe check in "Does It Work" and see if anyone's done it?

Stevi, Wow, that's a lot! Cannot believe how big the little guy has grown!! He's a little boy now, not a baby!! Happy to hear you and sis are speaking. Congrats on the job! Can't believe no more band!

Sheila, check you out starting the thread 2 days in a row!
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Old 04-12-2007, 10:32 AM   #8  
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GG: ya what a dream! My folks would have never dealt with this. Have fun today!

Z: Hope you are feeling better. As far as being a tough mama I don't think I am tough enough but he might beg to differ.

Tina: I tried last month making him pay the 393.00 bill he did then he needed money for Insurance. He's done cooked his goose.

Lauren: He i know I am being an over achiever I guess.

catch you all later

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Old 04-12-2007, 11:36 AM   #9  
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Morning All,

Gray day here in St. Louie also... I am so sick of cold, wet days. Spring is being a real tease this year! It is a good morning to stay home and drink an extra cup of coffee. Thursday morning is my favorite morning of the week as it's the only morning when I don't have to drive carpool. I added up my drive time the other day and between picking up and dropping (three different schools involved) I came up with the grand total of 33 times. I feel like I'm always meeting myself coming or going...
My chiropractor says that my thryoid is not normal but my medical doctor did a blood test and everything came back normal. I know that there are several that post that have thryoid problems so I'd appreciate any suggestions that you can provide.
Sheila, Stevi, Tina, GG ~ YOU GIRLS ARE GORGEOUS!!!! I love seeing pictures of everyone and I think that you are all so beautiful.
Lauren ~ how is the new temp job?

I'm attempting to get back into exercising again. Plus, drink my water each day. That is my goal for this week. So far, the water is working but I'm still struggling to get my exercise in.

Catch up with everyone later ~ Joan
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Old 04-12-2007, 12:52 PM   #10  
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sending some warm sun to all those in cold rainy places...we have plenty to share...and honestly (i know this sounds nuts) but could you send some rain our way!!!!! it hasn't rained here in months and my poor horses's pastures are in desperate need of some serious water. Don't get me wrong..i love the sun and am glad i live where i do...but we are in a serious drought right now. We were suppose to get some rain yesterday but we didn't see any at all. Had a great morning riding..perfect weather and horse worked beautifully. Now i'm off to a tack shop to spend some $$$ on the pony. Then going to work out today..check back laters!!!!! I wish i had more days off LOL
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Old 04-12-2007, 01:20 PM   #11  
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hello all!!...well my eating is off track, im going to get back on mother is here to visit and help with the little guy so we can all take turns sleeping...he was up last night at 3 just miserable and in pain...finally he went back to sleep, but this will probably be the norm for a couple more days...while she is here, her and i on sunday are going to go get massage, facial and pedicure at the day spa...cant wait!...i will be trying to go back to work on friday...not sure if i am though..i need to cause my coworker has been calling me nonstop so things probably are a mess, but maybe ill go in on saturday when no one is there...

sheila: im the mean mom till 23...cant wait to live the remaining 8 years as being the mean one!...i know about those cell phone bills...i HATE them...fortunately, like tinas's daughter, my son has unlimited text messages...if not he would run an outrageous bill also...he does sometimes with just the phone calls...good luck with your iep meeting

stevi: nice to meet you, i am very new...good luck at your new job

tina: congrats on getting back on track today...what is the larry north program?.. ive never heard of it

gg: yeah for the couple days off...that was very kind of him to give you some time to relax...congrats on your eating yesterday..feels great when we have good days...motivation!...great job...

joan: keep up the great work drinking water!...sorry your days are so icky outside...hopefully it will get nicer soon!

lauren: sorry you had to walk in the rain...i would hate it too..i think you should tell your new boss that your are a princess and you need princess parking...(haha)..maybe they'll get you your own private spot!...(wouldnt that just be the best?, wishful thinking, it can happen right?)

fabric: YEAH!!!! for the drivers licensce....

well i am home today, i am definatley going to try and check back in...i need to get back on track by entering in fitday...i am also going to get on that treadmill before the end of the day...have a great one everyone
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Old 04-12-2007, 03:54 PM   #12  
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Christina, I think I need to borrow my mom's handicapped tag for awhile!

Joan, I can't wait til it's more week. Hopefully I'll hear something about the other one between now and then. How's the house stuff coming along...or shouldn't I ask? 33 times, or 33 minutes?? Wow! When I was out of work and my Gran was in the hospital, I was picking up and dropping off Gramps everyday and running all sorts of errands for everyone...was putting over 75 miles a day on the new van...was not happy!
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Old 04-12-2007, 04:17 PM   #13  
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Smile hey ya'll

Just checking back in. I’m going to meet an old friend for super. Havent seen her in years….i was much thinner then. Anyway, I’m determined to stay on track while eating out with her… prayers are appreciated!!!!!

Z: dang it girl…..u should be treated like a princess for you birthday!!! I hope things get better; maybe that sun will come out and bring you a smile! Oh, and congrats on the new D.L.!!!!

Lauren: thanks for the info….i’lll check out the “does it work”

Joan: I’m struggling with the exercise too……I’ll get on the treadmill this evening for at least 15 minutes……wanna join me? Surely we can do this small thing at least for today….what do you say?

Christina S: OHHHHH…enjoy your spa day this weekend!!!! Larry North is a fitness and nutritional expert. He has lots of facilities in the Dallas, Tx area and has a radio show and has been guest speaker on Good Morning America and some other programs. He has a book that came out in 1990 called “Lean Living”. I’m giving it a try, so I’ll keep ya updated on how it works!!
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Old 04-12-2007, 04:30 PM   #14  
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Ok im here lurking everyday DONT YOU GUYS FORGET ABOUT ME ~~LOL
Im on baby watch my oldest jessica is due any day now so keeping fingers crossed baby girl comes soon
take care
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Old 04-12-2007, 06:02 PM   #15  
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Lauren ~ you've probably noticed that I haven't been writing about the house... there's a reason for that... no news to report! We're still getting lookers but activity has slowed down for the past week or so. We have until April 30th to have our current house under contract for the contingency to work out with the new house. I can't believe how slow the market here in St. Louis is. There are some really great homes for sale right now and they are not moving at all. It's discouraging but I'm trying to not get too down about it. Our agent is great and keeps telling us that "it just takes the right buyer." Yep. Very true. Thanks for asking!
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