new 30 somthing

  • age:36
    height: 5'4"
    weight: 236

    I have made some minor attempts in the past at losing this weight, but I was always discouraged and gave up.

    I have just bought a gym membership and went for the first time on Friday. I was only able to do about 10 minutes on the elipical and 15 minutes on the bike before I was totally winded and my throat hurt from exercising.

    I went online today and found out that I am considered morbidly obese! that is very depressing. I am part of a volunteer fire department and first response team. I have stopped responding regularly because my bunker gear doesn't fit properly. We just bought new expensive first response jackets and mine to too tight. that officially makes me the fattest person on the team. Very sad.

    My clothes are now limited to about 3 pairs of work pants, half a dozen shirts. By closet is full of clothes, but they are too small, not by a lot, but still too small.

    I need help. I need to change.
  • I remember the time when I was only 14 years old and 230lbs and my Mother bought a new kitchen table and chairs. It was beautiful. All of the chairs had arms on them. I could barely (really barely) squeeze into the chairs. My fat poured out every opening it could. It looked embarrassing, it felt embarrassing.

    I felt alienated from my own home.

    Of course my Mother did not do this on purpose.

    But, that was a breaking point that I needed. That was my rock bottom. Then everything changed. I think everything will change for you as well.
  • northerngirl73, welcome! We have a lot of common, I am also weight is 230 and I am 5'3" , very close to what you are! we can do this together! I know what its like not to have many clothes that fit. best of luck to you!
  • Welcome northerngirl73!
    I'm in the military so I know what it like to have pressures from work to be "fit". You have taken the most important step, the first one. Keep at the gym even though it's hard, it will get easier. I found that just 5-10 pounds lost will make the gym soooo much easier. Hang in there!
  • Hi northerngirl73. I am new here too but I just wanted to say hi. You can do it!

  • I remember when I realized I needed to loose weight. I just thought things around me kept getting smaller! I saw a picture of me taken seated next to my Mom, who has always been overweight. I was bigger than her!

    You and I are the same height and I started out almost where you are. One week at a time, we can do it!!