December Weight Loss Challenge

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  • Ms P congrats on getting so close to your goal! It must be fantastic to feel the results of all of your hard work! Very impressive!!
  • icandoallthings-Thanks! I had another drop today and it feels incredible to be on track to be a maintainer to ring in the new year!

    Tummy-Way to handle the change of plans well. I have to admit I'm so nervous about increasing cals, I don't know how to go about it. I mean REALLY, REALLY nervous...kwim? I've been cal cycling a bit and I guess I'll just add about 100 cals/day for a couple weeks then go up another 100 cals and see how that all works out. I've got a few pounds until I have to do that, though.

    I got a nice drop this morning after my busy day yesterday. I knew I stayed plenty active so it was fabulous to get rewarded with 131.6 on the scale this morning!! Only a few pounds to go 'til I hit maintenance range! That also means I made goal already for December (well, not the maintenance part) so I guess I should have challenged myself more. Now I'm going to shoot to get into the 120's by month's end. I know there will be alot of fluctuating with my holiday gatherings and out of town trips and all, but I can definitely shoot for the 120's and make myself work a little more!
  • I know I fell off the wagon for a month but I'm back and ready to roll. I have no idea what my SW is so I'll post that tomorrow. My goal is to lose 4lbs this month.
  • Good morning ladies! Just a super fast fly by post for me today--I'm still busy as all get out but as of today I'm back on the weight loss wagon!! Had an insane week last week with everything and I ate horribly--I mean it was bad--didn't exercise at all and was not what you'd call a very good example of maintenance . However, through it all I was well aware of my choices and I knew I'd have heck to pay when it was over. I'm not feeling all that bad about it, but I do wish I hadn't got quite so overboard.

    Now, having said that, I'll be crankin' up the water something fierce this week! As busy as I was I neglected to get my water in Well, no more! I've already started and am shooting for a gallon today.

    Nearly finished with Christmas shopping, almost finished making our Christmas cards, ordered all the pics I needed to (sorry Mom, there's just 2 for now--I'll order more after Christmas), even ordered a free canvas I've had a coupon for for almost a year! Hubby got a wild hair and painted our upstairs bathroom and now it's looking awesome! Just need to hang up some pics and we're good.

    Okay, need to get stuff ready for the boys for school and then I'm eating a nice healthy breakfast with a side of water, water and more water! I'll be working out later this morning or afternoon (it was a rough night with the girls last night) and hitting the grocery store for some much needed veggies!!!

    Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! And thanks for the --although I do think you were a little easy on me! Now get out there and have a great day and don't forget to...

    Drink Your Water!!!

    P.S. We got our first dusting of snow last night! The kids are going to be so excited when they wake up!!!!
  • IT'S SNOWING! That's a big deal in this neck of the woods. Since I live just half a mile from work, I have no excuse not to go If I hadn't missed two days last week, I would stay home. I'm still sick you know. Sigh...
  • Hellooo Chickies

    Well I'll tell ya, my weight is all over the place these days. I dropped 2 lbs on Friday, maintained that for Saturday and Sunday, and am up a lb today and I'm thinking it's got to be water. My fluctuating weight might be water anyway since lately I've taken to eating those soup on the go things for lunch. They're so convenient and I've been in such a hurry. I'm sure they're loaded with sodium.
    My eating has also been erratic. It's not been horrible horrible, but it's still not good, either. Christmas goodies being delivered to my door doesn't help either. It will sure be nice when there isn't a daily holiday offering of food!!

    Exercise has been ok. I finally bought some better running shoes, though not as good as they should be (I hate to spend that much money) and my Curves workouts are also ok. With the upcoming snow this week I'll have to work very hard at getting to Curves for all of my workouts. I will be missing my running tonight as I just remembered I'm at the dentist after work getting a cavity filled. Not sure if running on a numb mouth is the best idea.... Yeah, my brain has horrible visions when I think about that. YIKES.

    I hope everyone is doing well!
  • December Weight Loss Challenge Members and Goals List

    Please let me know if anything is incorrect or missing. Thanks!

    iDream: Keep weight between 130-135, Eat OP at least 85% of the month, Keep binging to a bare minimum
    LaurenA: Onederland
    jellofer2: Reach 228 lbs
    weebleswobble: Reach 195 lbs
    ShrinkingGirl: Lose 5 lbs
    dandk0204: Lose 10 lbs to reach 199
    c laura: Lose 10 lbs
    LBLAZY: Lose 10 lbs to reach 182
    KimL1214: Lose 10 lbs to reach 255 and no missed WW meetings
    AFChick: Lose 11 lbs to reach 185
    Blondie32: Lose 12 lbs
    bananapancakes: Lose 8 lbs
    Miss Mallee: Reach 205 lbs
    jazzang: Lose 6 lbs to reach 179
    Gekster: Reach 275 lbs
    Ms Perception: Reach WW goal weight then see the 120's
    VickiLou: Lose 15 lbs to reach 212
    TummyGirl: Lose 5 lbs to reach 135 and maintain
    Latetothegame: Lose 5 lbs
    Bigmid: Reach 205-208 lbs
    FitGirlyGirl: Lose 6 lbs to reach 183.6
    CollegeGirl: Lose 6 lbs to reach 149
    icandoallthings6613: Lose 3-5 lbs
    Dixiemae: Reach 166 lbs
    Nella: Get into 150's, Exercise 3x/wk
    mystical: Lose 5 lbs
    katkitten: Only go off-plan 4 times, Get in 32 hrs of cardio, weigh 286 lbs or less
    bigmomma: Lose 10 lbs to reach 272
    k8zilla: Lose 8-12 pounds safely, workout min. 45 min/wk for 45 min or more, Get back into zumba and cardio kickboxing classes, Take arm/leg measurements and shrink them
    LINZLUV: Lose 10 lbs to reach 195
    kaylasmom010: Reach 199 lbs
    ShrinkingAmy: Lose 4 lbs
  • Hey ladies (and lurking gentlemen)! I'm having a so-so morning. This morning I turned on my cell phone to find 2 messages from my mom. My phone battery had been dead for 2 days but I was too busy to charge it or care. Anyway, it turns out my grandma, who's EXTREMELY dear to me, is in the hospital with pnuemonia AND she'd had a mild heart attack yesterday morning which they discovered after running some tests. Well, I called her up (in her hospital room) and she seems okay now, says she's feeling a little better. Thankfully, we were heading down to see her and my family this weekend in IL for an early Christmas. So, I will see her on Friday and be able to give her a hug and talk to her in person. After that news it took pretty much everything in me to still workout, but I did. I wasn't feeling it AT ALL, even when it was done, when I ususally have that feeling of adrenaline or whatever. Today I was running purely on commitment. I guess that's a good thing, in a way.
    The scale was the same, so nothing new to report there. I did have a fattier supper than normal. I treated the family to a delicious home-cooked ribs dinner with baked beans and garlic potatoes. EVERYONE was loving it since I haven't made ribs in a VERY LONG time. They turned out perfect, tender and delicious so it was worth it. I just watched my portions. Since I made everything it was easy to calculate cals and all. Not like in a restaurant where you have to guess and you know it's probably worse than you think. The only thing missing was cornbread muffins. YUM! Next time....whenever that may be. My eating has been OP, so I considered this a little splurge, even though I stayed in my cals. Tomorrow is DS's birthday and we're eating out. That will a yummy treat as well. This weekend, as I mentioned, is also family Christmas #1, so there will be another turkey dinner awaiting me Saturday. That's why the goal is to maintain through weeks like this and perhaps drop a bit here and there in between. We'll see.
  • I posted this on the other group also. I need help or a good old fashioned kick in the jump start things department. I have a question or problem. My weight is up a pound. but my bmi has dropped from 47 just before Turkey Day to 35.4. why would bmi drop over 11 points and gain a pound? Its driving me crazy trying to figure out what I need to do to get the weight coming off again. Cant figure out what I need to tweek to get on the right track again. cant keep doing the same thing and expect different results. any one have ideas that worked for u that I might try? Thanks Pat
  • Thanks for the advice girls, I am going to try upping my cals to 1400 per day and see how that goes. Andddd now that TOM has packed up and left I am feeling much better.

    My first weigh in of the week is on Weds hopefully I will ahve something good to report.

    Have a happy and healthy OP day
  • Pat, where did you get that BMI number from? BMI is basically a weight and height ratio...
  • Just checking in to say that I've gotten 64oz of water in already and my workouts are complete for the day!! to eat my lunch!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Pat-I replied to you on the exercise thread. (Your BMI is 27.6) Hope things get better for ya, but remember to keep it all in perspective. You're making healthy choices and an effort to continue the process when it gets tough. That's where it all begins!
  • I am having a rough time today. I want to eat, everything. I'm at school today from 6am-11am, this is normal for a monday. I always bring everything I am going to eat during the time I am not home with me, and eat as I get hungry, but this morning all my food was gone by 9am. Seriously. What is going on? So I am stuck on campus and refuse to buy anything but feel like I am going to die from hunger. Its been an hour and a half! I hate to think what is going to happen once I go home. This bad girls, seriously.
  • Incredible~I have a digital scale. I put in my age and height. when I weigh it tells me my weight and BMI. I think from what Ms P says my BMI is 27.5 that the scale is wrong. Should I go by BMI or weight? The doctor goes by weight. Thank you all for the heads up. Need to get my exercise in tonight. Pat