Weight Loss Buddies V

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  • YAY Finally! I was dying!
  • Hahah! Yeah. Me too. I saw that the site was sold. I still think they were just moving it to a bigger server.

    Missed all of you!
  • Whew, it's back...even though I don't check in that much during the day, I was really anxious the last few days when I couldn't get on. I even woke up at 6 this morning and tried it. I think I even had a dream about it last night. I think it wouldn't be as bad if we didn't have such a close relationship with each other on this thread, it's not like we could just all meet up for coffee Well I could get on my private jet, but you know I lent it out last night - haha.

    Well I am feeling pretty good about my weight stuff. I'm on day three with a lot of success. I did something kind of smart yesterday morning (but I didn't realize that it was smart until after I did it..I had an appointment with my new trainer in the morning and changed out of my work out clothes (good thing I didn't sweat it out yesterday) and left them at the gym in a locker because I had planned to come back in the evening. Well throughout the day I was like, no way I was too tired, I wanted to eat junk food, etc. But I knew I had to pick up my gym bag because if not, the lockers are opened every night and I didn't want my expensive gym bag and clothes to go MIA. So once I got there, I was like, well I might as well work out If I have to trick my mind once in awhile well I guess that's what I have to do.

    I had cravings last night for some bad arse food. I talked myself out of it but I went to the mall food court by my gym and thought, well I will just have a taco - and I was standing in line and I just didn't want it - so I went over the salad place and built a nice big salad. I did have a small soft serve ice cream but I'm not angry about that, considering that I could have went nuts there. I just can't give up little treats like that. I just need to find a way to make it reasonable, even if I only have half of it and throw the rest out. I find that if I don't allow myself something once in awhile, I just fly off the wagon. What does everyone else think about that.

    My trainer, well I am excited about it. He has 20 years experience and is certified up the ying yang. And he's not tempting (physically) too much anyway so I can stay focused and not worry about wearing make-up (just kidding) or angling my arse or boobs in 'such a way' to make them look more flattering. He took all my measurements and body fat yesterday. Every Friday morning I get weighed, measured and worked out. I like Friday because it gets me going into the weekend and keeps me motivated throughout the week because I know I have to actually show someone - and I like to get the high fives, good job and stuff. Since I am very knowledgeable in the gym as I worked with a trainer for over a year awhile ago, he is going to work on core exercises to help strengthen my core, balance and improve my posture. Lots of work on balls, bosu, etc. I am really excited.

    Work, well it's really stressful right now. I'm not sure what to do. I think just making sure that I get to the gym and eat properly will really help me out along the way - but it's just crazy. I've been busy before, in fact my career has always been this way, but never this bad. But, I see light at the end of the tunnel, the games will be awesome to work and I have this new life waiting for me around the corner

    Boy I have written alot - sorry!

    Pammy - if you get the right trainer, it can make a world of difference, but the problem is getting the right one. I check out their certifications, how they work with other clients and always remember that they are salespeople too. I've had fantastic ones and one that was horrible. I immediately asked for someone new. I learned how to work out properly, particularly my form. Form is so important because you can work out completely different muscles by using something like a wide grip, or reverse grip, etc. They are damn costly, but for me - now it's a matter of being accountable to someone and ensuring that I haven't lost my form. Sounds like you are super busy getting ready for thanskgiving, in Canada we had ours about a month ago, so no plans for me. Good luck getting everything done

    Popcorn, congrats on walking the bike trail...that sounds really nice! And in 2 hours - that's awesome.

    Simple - thanks for the comments on the binge eating...I appreciate it. I am hoping that I will be successful but I know that I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I'm not going to expect to never put anything in my mouth that is not on the "GOOD" list - because the more I obsess about it, the more likely I am to just go nuts and eat everything I can. I hope to really work through finding the balance between just having a taste and eating the whole container...behavior doesn't change overnight right? And they say a leopard doesn't change it spots but if the leopard is a bit chunky, they sure get smaller As for TOM, he's an arsehole. I hate that time of month. Sending you to get through it!!!!

    Sandy - you are at 210??!???? That is so awesome girl!!! Congrats, congrats!!! You are going to be at onederland soon too, then you can cheer the few of us left on here that still need to get there! I think it's just me and Vicky? Did I miss someone?

    Tiff - I am very intrigued by the biggest loser thing...I love that show. Maybe I will have to look into that when I move back to Edmonton. You sure sound great - I am so glad things are looking good for you. And I love seeing you on here on a regular basis!!! And I so agree about the not weighing yourself everyday, I can't either because it can really influence me in a positive or negative way. It's like playing the slots or something...I don't like that feeling, I'd rather just do it twice a week too, but it's sometimes so hard to stay off it when you know you are doing good...

    Well I am copying this into a word document in case it doesn't post because I would be so mad if it didn't. That's my safeguard for awhile. Sorry it was so long....!!!

    I'm heading off to the gym soon to watch my favorite shows while working out on the treadmill, it's three hours of TV - project runway, Models of the runway and biggest loser (an older one). I'm obviously not running the whole time or I might be watching it in the hospital later

    Luv you all and happy to be back!!
  • Woo hoo it posted!!

    AJ -are you having a good day?? I had a good laugh at the fb message last night regarding the crickets and scorps..I HATE crickets, they are so gross. Little beady eyes and sticky legs...

    Are you enjoying the 'cold' front?
  • Quick check in before I dash outside to rake some leaves - we are expecting rain tomorrow so I am feeling pressure to get them done today.

    Staccie - good job on leaving the gym bag in the locker! I love when we do something to help ourselves without realizing it. BTW I am totally cracking up on your trainer not being "distracting" enough and the things you would do if he was!

    Pammy - I am doing just the opposite on Thanksgiving. I am going to try to plan my eating out for the day. I told hubby that when the boys come home it will have to be a group effort to keep me being good for four days. I think that is why I am pushing so hard right now because I always fall off the wagon when they are in town.

    For all of you with TOM I agree it is a total pain in the "arse". Guys have it so easy. Hang in there.

    I know that our official weigh in is tomorrow BUT I will leave you with the news that when I weighed in today (my official day) I was VERY encouraged to keep up my efforts.

    I will keep checking in with all of you - my wonderful support group - if this darn site will let me.
  • yay it finally back! I'm on my phone so I can't post much, but I just wanted to put that out there! I am on my way to have lunch with my mom so wish me luck on making the best choice possible! I ate a bit last night because we had friends over at the last minute and I just couldn't handle the pressure of having 3 people surrounding me eating. not a fail, just life. I am hoping to have a small salad with mom and we r going to the mall and can walk it off.

    Staccie don't forget me in the 200s!!! I mean ill gladly say I'm in woderland...but it couldn't be farther from the truth! lol.

    can't wait to hear from the rest of you girls!
  • Staccie- YAY you are doing so great! You are amazing. Miss self control! =) And it is actually really nice here. 66 and raining. Thats right... I said RAINING in the desert. I love rain. The smell! I am so proud of you for working your butt off literally. And I know you lent out the jet but maybe your driver will come down ad pick me up. Its only like 22 hours!

    Popcorn- Great job this week. I can't wait to see the official tomorrow.

    Tiff- I am so impressed. I did a fast like diet over a year ago and I would just eat this here and that there to the point where I might as well not have said I was on it. You are doing great.

    So as many of you know... I quit. I am back up to 158. I will change my ticker. I have eaten things that I didn't even like pre-dieting. I have drowned myself in pepsi and my food choices might as well be considered salt licks. So I am a big puffy failure. GOOD NEWS. I am really going to try starting Monday just to be healthy with Lindy. She is going to hold me accountable and I am hoping that maybe having a partner will help me at least try harder than I am. I am not sure what my main motivation is but a small part is not re-gaining more. So I am OUT OF CONTROL but I will try.
  • Well I had a two hour workout and it felt great, watched my shows while on the treadmill and worked up a good sweat and then did some weights. So I am feeling awesome. I am heading out to go shopping and get my nails done. I live across from Louis Vuitton and they have some awesome Christmas displays right now...so I might just pop in. I should really leave my credit card with the high limit at home though I really need to do work but I decided that today is my day. If I don't rejuvenate, there is no way I will get through the next week. It's hard to make that decision but to **** with it.

    Popcorn...I love that name. I love popcorn...air popped with Mrs Dash on it = hardly any calories...yum lol. I love movie theatre popcorn even though I always get cramps and the poops (sorry TMI) after. I want to see New Moon on Friday and no one will go with me I guess that means I am a middle aged housewife loser (well except I am not a housewife) - so I am going to bribe my friend Paul to come with me - and I am having popcorn but only a small bag....anyway I just got off topic - thinking about popcorn - what I wanted to say is I am happy you had a great weigh in today...woo hoo. I did too!!

    Tiff - sorry I knew I forgot someone, ok there are three of us heading for onderland...we can do it. I am going to kick that 2 in the nards pretty soon!! Tiff how do you post from your phone, that would be so much easier for me somedays!!! I am really loving your attitude and want to adopt it, we do something we didn't plan for but that is life, move on, and just keep trucking along. That is to true

    AJ - I have driven down to Phoenix many times and it's a gorgeous drive from Canada...but when I can fly and get there in about two hours, I say woo hoo. I am coming this spring and we better be able to hang out! And as for quitting, I don't see it as quitting - it's a temporary set-back. Just like I had and have had plenty of times. I think Lindy and you working together starting Monday is a good thing...you have both come so far and need to get back in the 'mode'. You are so beautiful, I was creeping you on fb last night and I thought, wow you know she has looks, personality and really cute family!! I'm so glad we met, well we will meet in person but I feel like I know you already! PS -I love rain in the desert. In the spring (April, etc) when I usually come to Phoenix, it's so beautiful with all the cactus blooming and stuff. It's my favorite time of year there.

    Well I better have a shower and get moving along.
  • Staccie - WOWZA!!!! LOVE your new picture!!!!!!! Yes Popcorn is my downfall. I haven't even told my hubby or my kids yet about my forum name. They will just roll their eyes.

    AJ - You did not quit, like Stacie said you just had a small set back. Tell you what just worry about tomorrow. Then reassess each day on that day. We have all been in that boat and you will be right back on track in no time. Look how far you've come already.

    Tiff - good for you. I hope you made good choices too at lunch. I sure as **** struggle with eating out but I know I have to tackle it. In fact we are going out tonight to eat to celebrate my hard work. I WANT steak. I will just practice portion control which means that I will get yummy leftovers for tomorrow.
  • Thank you all for the kind words and support. What would I do without all of you?!

    Hey girls. What has been up with this website lately. I missed all of you! .... so today is the beginning of my vacation! 10 days off! I'm sooooo excited. I bought plane tickets to go to baltimore to see my husband.. (with the help of you guys!.. that's what I used the $ for.. so thanks!!!!!) He won't be able to go off base. we'll have to stay by his command and have a "battle buddy" with us at all times. But at least I get to see him for a few minutes. I'm gonna sight see in baltimore and maybe drive to DC too. So.. I'm excited about that... Also, I'm getting him a lap top and that way we can webcam on thanksgiving=) Things are looking a little brighter on my end. And they haven't taken x-mas away yet... so i still have something to look forward to.

    Dieting wise.. I'm doing good. I will have to come up with a plan for the trip cuz i don't want to eat out that much. Hmmm.. Exercising wise... I've been lacking.

    Staccie- 2 hrs! go you! and OMG about living across from louis vuitton. That would be difficult.

    AJ- Get back on the ball monday girl! You have come too far. But.. it's okay for a break. I understand. but don't make it a habit. Just look at your before/after photos. And I'm glad you are still coming on here. When i would quit in the past, I would stop coming on here and then just go crazy. So stay with us!

    I'll check in more tomorrow and catch up.
  • Staccie-I have a pair of pants I can try on to see if they get looser. I am ready to be 19_. Its going so slow. Good trick leaving your gym stuff there so you had to go back. Good reason to workout, I mean you were already there. You are doing so good with eating, bravo on getting the salad instead of tacos. Let us know how you like the trainer, you are too funny about not being distracted by him. OOOHHHH Louis Vuitton, my downfall. I would leave the credit card behind too.

    Popcorn-I wish there was a mall to walk in the winter here. Gotta join the community center here. 8 miles is a long haul but sounds like you have good plan to build up your stamina. Good luck. Cant wait to see your weigh in tomorrow

    Tiff-sounds like you are doing pretty good with the lemonade only eating small amounts when you have to. I am gonna have to get that biggest loser game. Are you still liking it?

    Mygrits-you ARE going to catch up to me if this plateau keeps going steady, but congrats to you for getting to 210. You are kicking this challenges butt. Oh, I love jasmine rice, havent had any in a while but it is soooo good.

    Simple-TOM sucks, think it is just around the corner for me.

    Pammy-are you doing the 30DS consecutively? I did it with my sister in 30 days, that is killer. Excited for you to get to see your BF. I know how excited you must be.

    AJ-lol, it really is. I know you can do it, Lindy will keep you on track, she is good at that.

    Neesy-your vacation sounds nice, at least you get to see your hubby. Hope things go much better this time. Take pics in Baltimore and DC. Do you have a facebook? I am with you on lacking exercise, but I am gonna get back to it, hopefully I can get a walk in tomorrow.

    Thought I had to work tonight but of course they wait til the last minute to tell me they dont need me until tomorrow instead of all night. Oh well, but the money is good. Day 5 of GF diet went good, but my sweet tooth really kicked in today. My husband and I went to a christmas bazaar and they had a cookie walk and of course we got lots to freeze. BUT I havent had even one. I did have 2 sugar free mini reeses cups. I had to have something sweet. I started this diet at 207, down to 205. 1 more lb to get back to my ticker weight. I am hoping to be there tomorrow. Then on to onederland, hopefully. Hope I didnt miss anyone, there was a lot. Just glad this thing is back up and running. Hoe everyone has a great night.

    Maddiesmom-check in soon, dont make me cyber stalk you again, lol.
  • Hi Ladies!!! I've missed being on here the past few days...it was driving me nuts not seeing what everyone was up to!

    Neesy: Glad you are still going on vacation and seeing the hubby! Even though you are still on base, I know you must be excited to just spend time with him. I'm hoping he can come home for Christmas!

    AJ: Glad you are going to have your motivation back on Monday. Don't look at it as giving up, we've all been there. I was going through something similar last weekend, but realized that I wasn't happy being larger, and I'm the reason I got so heavy, so I have to do the work to get the weight off. You are absolutely beautiful no matter what, I just want you to be happy...and I know you're not happy at the weight you are at.

    tiff and Burgundy: Good luck on your cleanse/diets! Hope it works for you. There's no way I would have the will power to do what you are doing!

    Staccie: Glad you like your trainer and congrats on your workouts! You definitely sound happier and now that you have a trainer to answer to, it makes it harder to "slip up."

    Sandy: CONGRATS ON 210!!! WOW! You deserve it..you have been working so hard (at work and working out), great job!!!

    Well ladies, today was a good day (mostly). Went to the gym with my trainer, who is just the sweetest guy ever. We did a fitness assessment and I was able to do 126 sit ups in 2 min! Plus, it turns out I lost another 1% of body fat (in less than 3 weeks), and when I started it said that my physical age was 40 (yuck...I'm only 30) but as of today, it was 34!! I actually went down 2 years in 3 weeks, so I'm proud of myself. But, now I hurt my back, I think it was due to doing crunches on the hard floor and I'm hurting big time. Hopefully I will be ok tomorrow.

    And........the biggest milestone.........

    Went shopping today and fit into size 16 slacks!! Haven't done that in years! I was so excited. I find it funny, I tried on some clothes (2X) and none of them fit. Then I realized, I haven't gotten used to shopping in the smaller sizes yet. So, I am in a XL now, which I am totally psyched about, so I am hoping to be a size 14 by my birthday (1/15). Mr. Hott (my trainer) said not to just go by the number on the scale, and to focus on % of body fat and inches lost as well. so, I am more motivated after I got into those size 16. What's amazing is that it's TOM too!

    I'll be back to weigh in tomorrow. Have a great night!
  • Staccie- Grats on going with the salad instead of the taco. Thanks for the info on the trainer side of things. I want to look into one once I move to Chicago and get settled into a gym. Right now its just walking and workout videos for now. LOL on the not "making your boobs flattering" to your trainer. You made me giggle. I think I would go for a little eye candy just to push myself harder.
    Popcorn- I so wish I even knew how to plan a big thing like Thanksgiving. With my bf AND his family coming its kinda hard. Im just going to try to get back on track after its over, thats what worrys me the most. Is not being able to get back on after Thanksgiving.
    Neesy- Im so happy your getting to see your husband. Have fun and enjoy it!
    Burgundy- I have been doing the 30DS everyday except Sunday.Im almost done and then I dont know what im gonna do haha. Sunday is me and my bfs day to just lay in bed on the phone or watch shows over aim.

    I have had a busy day today. I got up this morning and had to help my dad split logs..yes I said split logs. He bought a log splitter (my dad loves unneeded gadgets) to split firewood and Its basically like a skiing machine and you have to pump these two handles back and forth while bending over (ugh being tall sucks) talk about a total upper body workout. My shoulders are killing me. I later went with my sister out to the local community race track where my brother in law races go carts where we had to listen to him brag after winning haha men. Im ready to hit the bed my shoulders hurt and im tired so I hope you ladies are having a good weekend!
  • Pammy: When are you moving to chicago? Are you going to be living in the city or the 'burbs? I only ask because I live in the Chicagoland area (I'm more north...near Wisconsin), but I can give you suggestions of gyms that you could go to. I have been to many o fthe chain places in this area and could give you an idea of where to go.
  • Maddies- I'm planning on moving sometime next year not really sure when but hoping sometime before November. He literally lives walking distance from this place..http://galterlifecenter.org/ So we will probably try it out