September Weight Loss Challenge

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  • Hey all! No I haven't given up on this challenge, just been away from the site for the past week and a half. Lets start at the beginning....
    Last Monday (9/7) I got my TOM so I knew that I probably wouldn't exercise until Wednesday or Thursday (got in 50 mins on thurs) I also knew there would be good chance I would have a major pig out like I always do during TOM, usually on the second and/or third day. But guess what..... I didn't. For the first time in years I survived this dreaded time of the month without eating an entire bag of chips or two, scarfing down a whole pizza or you get the idea. And it's not because I was afraid of ruining my weight loss progress, it was because.... well I just forgot about eating bad foods. So that was the good.
    The bad. Well while I did continue to eat healthy last week, getting in my 8 glasses of water a day (except for Friday and Saturday) I didn't track. I kept track of my calorie intake but didn't write down the specific foods I was eating. And now I can't remember. Then on Friday I woke up with a horrible tooth ache and was afraid to eat because of it (it's better now btw) I had dinner of Friday but really didn't start eating again until late Sat. and I could only eat soft foods. And I'm pretty sure I went over my calorie goal on Sat but I didn't care since it had been a day a half since I last ate. By Monday the tooth ache was completely gone and I got my appetite back so I didn't worry about tracking or calories, or even exercising, just learning how to eat again and still being careful of my tooth (don't wanna test faith by biting into an apple just yet. ) It does help that all we have is healthy foods. Honestly the worse thing I've had since I last posted on this thread was half a apple fritter which part I threw out. Okay it was only a small bite that I threw out... but still.... APPLE FRITTER!!!!.
    Anyway I'm ready to start tracking again and exercising again. Got in 50 mins yesterday. So I will be back later on today or tomorrow morning to report on what I ate today and to get back to drinking my 8 glasses of water because since Sunday I only managed to get in 5 or 6.

    Forgot to mention I did manage to lose 1 lb on this recent tuesday weigh in
  • Mornin' ladies...

    Keeping with the five point gap I've created from what the Wii says, and what my calculations say. I'm down another two pounds. One pound shy of that NORMAL BMI! Ooooo, it's soooooooo exciting! I'm gonna strap a NORMAL bumper sticker to my arse and go to wal-mart. Well I take that back, don't want to end up on Oh my gosh, that site has some crazy pictures of people at wal-mart. At any rate, just wanted to check in with you lovely ladies and still no word on my armband account either. Subscriptions don't run out until March of next my friend added two more, which are visible on my account, but I guess the original one ran out yesterday and for some reason your subscriptions aren't accumulative? Which makes no sense. Oh well, guess I'll make do until they get it straigtened out. But I better get some free time for all this wait and no service.
  • Gooooooooooooood Morning my lovely chickies!!!! (said like Robin Williams in Good Morning Vietnam )

    Nella~ Congratulations and welcome to Double Digit Lossland!!!! Woo hoo! I hear ya on missing the younger metabolism! Keep up the great work!!

    ~ grrr! I hate when that happens! I'm so glad hubby knows how to fix cars! Being charged more than you anticipated is always such a bummer! Glad to hear you're able to do some workouts during lunch! You should be really proud of yourself for doing it too!

    Hey you! I was just thinking about you girlie! I'm so glad you're doing well and that you're just busy not laying by the side of road after falling off the wagon or something like that. Great job eating well and keeping active! If you can keep that up, that's all that matters, logging it all is just icing kwim? Check in when you can! You're missed when your gone!!!

    ~ Aha! So there you have it! TOM! That jerk! Well, at least you know WHY you're up now and you can now look forward to the post TOM whoosh!!

    Julia~ WTG hun! Keep up the great work!

    MsP~ congrats on the loss! Even better that it's pre-TOM! Sorry to hear you're still not feeling 100%--are you taking your vitamin?! Hmm? Maybe you should take a little extra vitamin C to go along with it? Feel better soon!

    Tummy~ I hope your internet is back up and working properly! Haha, yeah, your body sounds like mine when I was close to 150! Dang thing, it's like it knows how bad you want it and it's just teasing you!!! Don't fret, you'll see that virgin fat soon!!

    Molly~ thanks for all the great info and the links too! I'm going to save them so I can go through them tonight! Hey listen, we're here rain or shine, on the wagon or off! If you need some extra motivation or just a sounding board to whine/vent/complain--we gotcha covered! Don't go into hiding just because you're struggling--that's when you need to come here so we can give you pep talk or a good if need be! I think you're doing great! Quitting soda can be super tough (I remember quitting coffee when I was pg with my 1st--it was ugly!!!) and I am super proud of you for ditching your soda and turning to water instead!! That's progress hun! Yeeouch! Yeah, 5 year olds can be harsh huh? But that the funny thing about the truth, sometimes it hurts but it can be soooo beneficial! At 6 yrs old my son starting saying things like 'mom, you're um...kinda fat aren't you?' and it cut like a knife. It did get me motivated to lose weight though--even though I eventually fell of the wagon--but there's nothing like a dose of truth to get your going. Now with that said, congrats on the 3 lbs loss hun!!!! That's awesome! I have no doubt that you will make your goals!

    ~ so glad to see you! I hear ya on weight loss food craving being mental! When you mentioned the chips and crackers it took me back. I'm not big on chips, but crackers--that's another thing. Mindless snacking was one of the hardest things to get a handle on for me. Thankfully a lot of my carb cravings were reduced when I got back on meds, but the habit was still there. I think you've made a good plan! Just take one day at a time, every journey starts with one step. Make it through one day POP and then another and'll get there!

    April~ Kudos to you for running with a stomach ache!!! Ugh, I don't know if I could have done that! Glad to hear it's just extra BC and nothing else. Your poor sister, I soooo remember those days! Just walk lightly and proceed with caution--that's what I used to tell hubby! Congrats on the loss girlie!!!

    MissP~ woo hoo! You're rockin' the elliptical!!! Don't you love it when you're totally gung ho about fitness and stuff? WTG!!! Now, could you have your hubby talk to my hubby and get him motivated?

    Nello~ Woo hoo on the panties and CONGRATS on making your goal!!!!! Wow! Look who's blazing through the 190's!!! Um, weren't you *just* in the 200's? Yee haw girlie!!! Look at you go!!! Man...where's my P90X?! I wanna be cool like you and Tummy!!!

    SG~ aw man, bummer about the distance, but you're absolutely right, just take your time--you'll be running 3 miles soon! I think the way you're planning your weight loss and exercise is something to be commended! So often we get so focused on getting thinner ASAP that we forget that it took time to gain the weight ya know? You're doing a splendid job and I have all the confidence in the world that you will reach all of your goals!!! Yes, living in the Midwest is awesome! Every time someone here finds out I'm from CA, the first thing out of their mouth is, "Oh you must HATE it here!" Um, no...quite the opposite actually. My mom will back me up here, where we lived was not pleasant as far as the weather. Summers are awful there and everything is dead--it's so ugly!!! Plus, there aren't really seasons where I lived, here is another story all together and I LOVE it!!

    Delphi~ Hey girlie! I hear ya on the computer! I think I'm going to have to start turning mine off here soon...I'm spending way too much time on it! So, pre-TOM week is here--how ya doin'? I'm PMS'ing like crazy and I hate it! Grrr! One minute I'm happy as a lark, the next I'm all ragey and pissy. I'm like Jekyll and Hyde here! Glad you're still checking in even if you're avoiding the pc! Have a great day girlie! Oooh, I just saw you're down 2 lbs!!! about the bumper sticker!!! That would be hysterical!!! I didn't know you were having trouble with your armband account--hope it's figured out soon!

    Mystical~ Hi hun! Sounds like you're super busy!! Glad to hear all is going well and congrats on getting to sign up with the gym! That's going to be so fun for you and your family!!

    HealthyBunny~ sounds like you're having a great month! Keep up the great work and have fun at the wedding!

    ButterflyDiva~ wow, sounds like you had a crazy week! Congrats on not pigging out during TOM! That's awesome! Sorry to hear about your tooth, glad it doesn't hurt anymore, but you should probably get it checked out anyway just to be safe. Don't fret about not tracking your cals, sounds like you did pretty well anyway! APPLE FRITTER?! Oh my word, I love those things! When we went to the apple orchard last weekend they had some that looked divine--I had to hightail it outta that room fast in order to avoid thinking about how good they probably were!

    Well ladies, it's a chilly morning here and I love it!! Fall is just around the corner!!!

    Have some good news to report today! First, all of the cheesecake is officially gone! Down a bit more today and sitting at 139.2 now let's hope that I'm in the 130's to stay this time!

    A NSV to share--a few weeks ago I bought some jeans at Goodwill and bought a pair that were really tight and difficult to button up (they're button fly) but I bought them anyway and figured they could be 'Goal Jeans'--well, they fit today!!! I'm wearing them as I type in fact and they're a size 8!!! Woo hoo!

    I got up on time today! Which is a small victory in itself--but it meant I could do my run without freaking out that I'd be late. So I hit the road on time and guess what?
    I ran for 3 MILES!!!!!
    It took me 34 mins and 12 seconds, but I did it!!! And the best part--I felt fantastic the whole time! Only when I stopped to do my cool down walk did I feel any discomfort and it was my knees and hips complaining at me, but it was short lived and I fell fanfreakin'tabulous by the end of my cool down!

    This puts my fears about being able to run the whole 5K in 2 weeks to rest. Whew! I'm pretty amazed, I thought that the runner in me had left long ago--it's nice to know she was just hiding out somewhere and that she decided to return.

    Well ladies, I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'm off to tidy up and hit Sams for a few things! We're over half way through the month ladies--let's not lose steam! Let's keep moving forward and make every day count!

    Hey, and don't forget to...

    Drink Your Water!!!
  • Butterfly - Sorry you had a rough time with the toothache and TOM. You should be so proud for not hitting the pizza and chips though!

    Delphi - Grats on being thisclose to normal BMI!!! That is a great achievement!

    iDream - thanks for the kind words! The scale still said 181 this morning, so I'm going to take it!

    My brother-in-law and his GF made a last minute visit to where we live yesterday, so no exercising happened. I was pretty disappointed about that. And we are in for rain here for the next 5 days, so back to videos & the Wii. I've got 3 JM videos and got some new ones I haven't tried yet - a ballet one and a hula dancing one! so I'll play around and see what I like.

    Hope everyone has a nice OP day!
  • Well it's about that time..Sandye ( congrats on the jeans and the three miles sweetheart, you are my wonderwoman. ) and Tummy both posted some progress pics, so before I take the ones to update my picture thread, I thought I'd post some here for you gals today.

    Me in my superman shirt (thats for you Tummy)

    An after and before picture (in my 12's and befores are in 18's that clearly were too small )

    And a poorly shot one in my bedroom mirror this morning

  • Delphi-Nice pics! You're looking fantastic, woman! Good job, keeping off the pc if it's keeping your cal burn too low. I know that can be a toughie for me, too.

    Sandye-As I mentioned in the ex. thread...Great job on the run this morning! Also, super cool NSV! You ALREADY fit into your goal jeans! Hard to get better than that!!

    Molly-Thanks for the info! I would love to start doing that, but this isn't the right time for me...too much on my plate already. In the future, though, that is an excellent idea!

    As for me, on the up side, I am down another half pound this morning. Making it securely into the 140's at 147.8. On the down side, I am still attempting to get out of this funk I'm in. I think it's prob just pre-TOM related and will go away soon (TOM is late and it's really messing with my emotions/mood). My little cold may also be contributing, but that's almost gone, I hope. I did not want to work out today, but I did all of it and I'm SO glad I did. I just wish I felt better. DH and I went for a long walk last night that was much needed. We've been way too busy and haven't had time to communicate properly which was causing tension. I think tonight we'll just snuggle on the couch and veg together. This next week will keep us hopping too, so we need the break from it all for one evening.
    I'm already focusing on how I'm going to change things exercise-wise for next month and continue improving my food planning. My food has been OP except when we traveled, so I'm happy with that. I just haven't gotten on my bike much this month, and I think I need to let that go for now. I really don't want to, but maybe this isn't the time for me to do the duathlon. I have very little time to squeeze in bike rides and it's usually during some family time. Next year it will be easier to find time for biking when my little one is in Kindergarten. Okay, I hate to even think about that since I already miss my 2 that are already in school. To have them all gone will be super sad! Wow! I am all over the place today...HORMONES!!! AGH!! Help! Okay, thanks for reading my rant...I will be better soon.
  • Sandye- Congrats on getting into the 130's aaand fitting into the new jeans. Thats awesome!

    I think I'm going to take a break from the stupid scale for atleast a week. I am getting way too obsessed with it and it really dictates my feelings. Yesterday I had the most wonderful day and felt great because I ate 100% OP and got 2 good workouts. Then I see the scale and it STILL hasn't moved. All of a sudden I feel like crap. I guess my body just isn't meant to lose 2-3 lbs a week. So for now, I'm going to just do it weekly and concentrate more on how my clothes are fitting and how I feel.
  • Hey ladies, my internet quit this morning after getting through 3/4 of the personals I needed to catch up on, so needless to say I was a bit peeved. But since morning is really my only good time to sit for awhile I'm just going to drive by until later.

    Delphi, wow, LOVING the shirt, lol. You are looking incredible! Thanks for being you everyday hun, it helps all of us get better at this!

    Oh and little old me is down another 0.8 to what, omg, is it true, 167.8!!!!! That's right ladies, VIRIGIN FAT! Awesome, it kind of feels like I'm done making up for the five year slip up and now it's a whole new game, kwim? Anywho, I'll try this darn thing later after lunch and see what I can do.

  • Afternoon, so lets try this again!

    Jacque - LOL, I beat I would have done the same thing, watching the show, thinking, wow those ppl are big and munch, munch, munch. Sometimes the brain is not connected to the hand that feeds us.

    SG - And here's an extra one cuz i think you deserve it, you've worked hard enough for another one already. No worries about distance, it will come for sure, I did what Sandye did too, I finished running 30 minutes then found out how far 5K was and then ran it to see how long it really took me. But the nice part is as long as you're heart rate is up there it doesn't matter how fast you're going you still burn a lot of calories regardless.

    Sandye - It was great just thinking of all those big clothes driving away, it's like my fat self is 14 hours and hundred of miles away. It feels great. I'm amazed we could all walk and carry on with life carrying all that garbage. The weird thing is that we can't lift it now. No wonder the sore knees, I may pay penance my whole life for hurting those knees. on the itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dotted panties! 130's awesome! 3 miles, omg that's fantastic you're totally gonna rock your race, I'm so excited for you!

    Shasha - Well Tuesday sounded like a yucky day, I hop yesterday and today shape up better. And it really sounds like less frequent weighings might be in order if they're crawling under your skin. Do whatever makes you feel the best, the longest.

    Jessicado - Ah yes, it's that time of the month again, it's TOM time at the chicks challenge site, there's a lot of syncronization going on around here that's kinda creepy!

    Juliastl - Congrats on almost hitting goal, you've got half a month left, looking good!

    Miss Mallee - I've actually done cauliflower mashed potatoes before and they're erally good, I've used them as the topper for shepard's pie and such. There definitely is a bit of a taste difference but it's just fine with me. And thanks, I hadn't realized how close are weigths and things are, that's cool and you'll look even better at this weight cuz I've had me a baby too. Awesome job on the 3lbs and the big 10 already. Wow, kids so have a way don't they. Blab away!

    Susie - Nice to see you and thanks so much. I think that sounds like some great strategies, i find that appearance stuff helps a lot as well. LOL I have to agree with you on where the weight issue really is, I've never heard it put that way before and you're absolutely right.

    Aprilcp - Great going with your eating and working out, lol on the bc, I've done that before, made me feel weird. Ya I thought that about TBL too, you almost wish they could stay a few weeks longer and not vote ppl off until they had a better start.

    Shasha - Awesome getting in a lunch workout that's fantastic!

    Misspiggy - it seems a lot of dh motivation is going on around here. It's infectious, and a wonderful example you're setting for him, wtg.

    Nello - You take that credit chickie, you hit it!! Way to keep it up, that first two weeks was rough, I'm doing better this week, it's all a lot easier but I'm living for next week, I just want a light week b/f my arms fall off. How is yours going?

    Mystical - Thanks hun, you're sweet and busy, holy cow. have fun with the gym stuff tomorrow!

    HealthyBunny - Congrats on maintaining while you were away. it sure is a load off to come home and not have to redo any pounds.

    Butterflydiva - Wtg on the pound loss that's great, but even better on eating well right through TOM, bravo, that must have felt awesome to break that pattern.

    MsP - Oh hugs hun, that sounds gross, but at least you're doing your stuff and hopefully those endorphins will lift you up a bit and then tom can leave you alone a bit too.

    Okie day, all done and off to workout, went to a bonfire last night to say bye to the officer and his family that are leaving today it was nice to see them off, but man I'm no used to saying up past 10 anymore, I'm wiped out, holy. Fortunately it wasn't a running day today or that would have been nasty. Talk to everyone later, no let's hope this posts.
  • Hey Chickies!

    Well, I'm kind of in a funk today and I'm not sure why. Nothing horrible has happened but I just feel icky, even got my work out in. I'm going to attribute it to TOM hormones, yep... he's still visiting me every 2 weeks. I don't understand how he expects me to lose any weight when he keeps visiting! GRRR Well, that being said, I did see 210.8 this morning, which was fairly shocking. I'm not expecting that to stick around though.

    idream Thanks you know, that means a lot... sometimes I get on here and I see everyone just going gang busters and I think that I'm slacking and should be losing more weight and exercising more and doing this and doing that and it drives me nuts and then I get a moment of clarity and start breathing again. And W-O-W 3 miles! Look at you go! I'm so proud of you and you're definitely giving me something to work towards! And... SIZE 8 JEANS??!!! OMG, I don't remember when I wore size 8, I think 7th grade maybe.

    Delphi You look fantastic and amazing. I'm always just in awe of your beautiful face!

    MsP Here's hoping your funk goes away and takes mine with it! I hope your time with DH goes well!

    Shasha You know, taking a break from the scale is sometimes healthy. I was about to do it when my plateau finally broke.... was going to find other means of motivation for a while before I drowned my sorrows in a bag of chips!

    Tummy Woohoo virgin fat! You are totally motivating me beyond belief!

    Okies, I'm off to meet my parents for dinner after a trip to the chiropractor!
  • Delphi -
    Two things:
    1. -
    You look wonderful! Such an inspiration!

    2. -
    You have my lifelong & undying thanks and appreciation for pointing me to
    If you don't see me for awhile, it's becasue I'm spending all my internet time there
  • Thanks ladies and hang in there Shrinking, I'm sure sunny skys are upon you to brighten up your day.

    Susie ~ A friend of mine sent me there the other day and I sat here and flipped through every single page of pictures...the whole time laughing my arse off. It's just amazing isn't it? One of my favorites was the lady with the "f*** off" hat on. Seriously, I couldn't even pull that off. Then there was the van, with that home window calked into the side you are just left with WOW....just WOW.
  • Evening Ladies,

    SG - I know you funky funk will pass, it is most likely TOM but maybe a nice back crack and visit with Mom and Dad will help, congrats on the weight again, it's coming off little by little but it's sure adding up fast. Well I'm glad I'm motivating someone , some days I don't think I can manage but then I come here and you ladies get me right back into the mind set I need to be in, it takes a village!

    Susie - I have to second that, she is amazing isn't she? And that was super funny, I could spend my whole day, it's like the ultimate ppl watching experience ever!

    Delphi - That was super funny, I'm going to have to work through a few pages a day so I don't spend all day looking at Wal-mart ppl. And God knows, next time I go I will be dressed to the nines!

    The Office is on soon, my "show" so I'm going to curl up with a nice blanket and hopefully laugh my butt off. Hope everyone's day has been great and I'll see everyone tomorrow after the run, 50 minutes, goodness gracious it's gonna be awesome (Sandye I was wrong, this week is 50, next week 60 minutes). TTFN
  • OK, I took the plunge and went to This is seriously the funniest thing ever. You will laugh your butt off!
  • Hiya ladies....I was missing in action this morning because of work, and will be tomorrow as well as I have to work super early again. I did at least stop by to read everyone's posts and although I don't have time to comment on everyone's as I am trying to get DD and I down for bed, I do have to say Delphi you look AWESOME. You are amazing! W2G!

    A short update, the scale has been up a pound for each of the past freaking 3 days. I keep getting on hoping for a day where it will go down, but nope--it has been going up instead. I was at 255 and now am over 258...seriously if I go over 260 again I am going to freak out!!!! I thought it was TOM the first day, but now I am not sure what is going on. (Not to get into too many details, but I am breastfeeding and do not have normal periods every month. I had some spotting the other day, which is why I thought TOM had arrived....but nothing else happened, so now I am not sure). Anyways, I really hope that is what is what it is, because I have been exercising like crazy and watching if I am really gaining weight I don't know what I am doing wrong! Don't think I am going to meet my new end of Sept goal now......but am still trying to be positive that this is just TOM and the scale is going to drop any day now! Okay, really must go to bed now......hope everyone is doing good!