AUGUST - The month of 500 push ups and 500 pull ups

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  • I'm still here, just buried in packing up ds, packing up my closet, bathroom and bedroom! The upside is that I'm being ruthlessly honest about "will I ever use/wear this again" and have a BIG Purple Heart pile for donation!

    I'm going to the 9:30 am cross fit in a few minutes....hmmmm....less than 15 hours since the last one!

    Happy Birthday to Mr. Lydia!

    Congratulations on the squats, Pat! Ditto what Lydia said

  • Quote: Pat: That's fantastic that you were able to squat below parallel! I always find that my better set is usually my second or third. The first one usually has me feeling like the Tin Man but once the joints are well oiled and the practice set is in it feels wonderful. Good for you! Did it feel a little different during the drive back up from below parallel? Or not too different?
    Thanks Lydia, and Mel. I usually warm up my knees with my PT exercises and the leg press machine with lower weights. I tried the new one last night - it's one you lay on your back rather than the old one where you're sitting straight. It was awkward to get into, but I think the motion mimics squatting better. It's funny, I can squat to nearly parallel easily, have a little push to get to get to parallel, and then it seemed reasonable to push a little further, and by golly, it worked! Driving back up didn't seem too bad. I love my new Nike Free shoes - more stable.

    This morning was UB, and I can tell that my arms are going to be sore....
    (1a) Neutral-grip pull-up 3 x 9
    (1b) Standing DB Scott press 3 x 9 (a strange hand position, otherwise just overhead press)
    (2a) Bent-over alternating DB row 2 x 12
    (2b) Dips 2 x AMRAP
    (2c) Bent-over clavicle row 2 x 12 (a bb row to clavicle instead of hip)
    (3) Cable push-pull 1 x 15

    Today is clear and sunny, though rain is predicted. If it stays away, I'll go for a bike ride after work - on the new bike trail! Yay! I couldn't face cardio last night after LB.
  • Pat, WTG with the lower squats!

    Happy Birthday to Mr. Lydia!!!

    to everybody else!

    The CF Report:

    Ooh, today was a good one! Or bad. Whatever. I needed more practice with squat cleans, so I'm calling it good.

    Okay, 3 times in a row through the following lifts (with just one barbell):
    1 Deadlift
    2 Power Cleans
    3 Squat Cleans
    (Prescribed weight was 135# men/115# women, but scale as needed for your weakest lift)
    Then 25 Push-Ups...that's 1 round

    3 rounds of that, for time.

    I had to scale to 55#, for my squat clean, and my time was 11:31. You think the push-ups will be the suck part of this WOD, but after 3x thru of those stinking squat cleans each round, the push-ups were a welcome diversion. One of our Level 1 trainers wrote this one, and I was quite impressed. It kicked everybody's behind, and lots of people started out heavier, and ended up having to throw some weight off the bar before the end of it. This workout gets an A in my book! (just when my legs were starting to recover from Monday's back squat fest, too, lol)
  • Good afternoon all -

    A very happy birthday wish to Mr. Lydia!

    Cheryl - today's workout sounds tough, and oddly fun.

    Pat - great job on the squats! And cool moose!

    Mel - I have a hard time pulling things out to give away... I finally got rid of most of the 8-10 sized clothes I haven't worn in almost a year just six weeks ago...

    Lydia - I'm not sure why my HRM is telling me to take a recovery week, it doesn't give me a reason... It does think I've been consistently exercising well above my maximum heart rate, I keep forgetting to go in and adjust it before I exercise every time. On the school front, I'm glad DS1 is making some friends - it is hard being in a new school with new rules. cool that he wants to go to the gym to relieve stress!

    Alena - I've been thinking about you the last few days, too! Thanks for the info on the supine pullup!

    Well, last night I forced myself to exercise when I got home and actually did the best squats of my life as well... I got down far enough that the back of my thighs were against my calves, and actually got back up! Was pretty cool! My lower back is a little sore today, but I think it is from the hanging knees to elbows, rather than the squats...

    So the workouts...
    -20 assisted pullups
    -10 squat jump tuck
    -15 lb x 15 db swing/15 lb per x 10 db clean + press/10 horizontal pullup - 6 rounds
    - walking lunges, 15 lb per - 20, 20
    - iron cross, 8lbs x 3, 5 lbs x 7, 10, 10
    -10 squat jump tuck
    - weighted standing side crunch, 8 lbs 10, 10
    - hanging ab crunch - 10, 10, 10
    - 10 assisted pullup

    Not nearly as much as it sounds like, about 45 mins

    Today - cardio, 3.1 miles treadmill speed & incline HIIT
  • Shannon- You'd fit right in at a Cross Fit gym. You are pretty much doing it on your own. :highfive: Not sure I could force myself to do those kinds of workouts alone. Kudos to you!

    Nice moose, Pat. I usually have a herd of deer munching on my landscaping greet me each morning and evening I can just imaging the damage that moose would do.

    Alena Hope you feel better soon!

    I am off in about half an hour to take ds to university, then spend the weekend in Baltimore. It's raining, with thunderstorms predicted Gym clothes a re NOT coming with me. I think it's the first time I've gone anywhere in years without them. I need a rest, and it's the only way it will happen. I ended up going to cf yesterday even tho I swore I'd rest!

    Have a good weekend. I have a laptop with me and will check in if I can.

  • Gosh, I have to find the time to catch up on all the posts that I missed.
    Pat, sorry that I forgot to congrat you on the squats - I didn't read that post.

    Shannon - you are in danger of me skipping your posts because you are right next to Cheryl in terms of making me feel like a big fat lazy slob.

    Mel - enjoy your weekend in Baltimore.
    I had to laugh when I read your posts about preparing for having the house recarpeted. I believe I had mentioned a while ago that I was thinking about having my hardwood floors refinished. Well, I booked the job and day D will be September 11. That means that I have to remove absolutely bloody everything from the entire main floor (my house is a raised bungalow) and get it into the basement and/or the garage, INCLUDING all the clothes from the closets. The varnish stinks horribly (for a long time I am afraid) so I will be pretty stranded for a few days. The dogs will have to go in a kennel () and I will go to see a friend in Toronto. If the weather is good (i.e. warm enough and not humid, the floor can be walked on after 48 hrs in socks and furniture may go back after 3 days. With my luck, it will the most humid weekend of the year. I may have to rent a gas mask (military grade) for sleeping in the basement. My neighbhours went through this last year and it is unbelievable how long the varnish stinks (and this from a person who is a potential sniffing substance addict - I love all those smell - but enough is enough).

    I am just like you with eating and exercise. That is why I HAVE TO exercise because if I don't my will power melts.

    I look forward to going to the gym tonight. More later, gotta run.
    Can you recommend any good books to read? My 4 week vacation starts at 5 pm tonight!

  • Alena - I'll keep the workouts separate down at the bottom with the fun stuff up top, don't skip me altogether! I think I'm getting pretty close to scaling down some of the exercise again, anyway. I've built back up to what are likely somewhat unmaintainable levels, at least for my almost 40 self. Cheryl could probably maintain them!

    Mel - enjoy your trip! And it is sheer stubborness that makes me keep going solo on those workouts... I list everything I want to do at the beginning, then set the timer running. I find if I have a list I absolutely have to finish it, and the timer counting up makes me keep moving without too much dilly dallying. That, and I think about you guys and the things you are doing so I keep on keeping on.

    No exercise this morning, tired. Haven't slept too well the last few nights (TOM, probably some overtraining fatigue) so wasn't feeling the getting up. Planning to grab DS from daycare, DH is home today so will have dinner ready when we get there, should have exercise time after that.

    Don't know if I posted over here, but tomorrow is DH's 20 year high school reunion. This morning I put on some sunless tan to try and even out my shoulders and chest, the dress is strapless and I have runner's tank top tan.. Waiting to see what happens, if anything. Takes 1-2 hours for the tan effect to start to show...

    Good day everyone!
  • Shannon: Don't sweat the sports bra tan lines. How wonderful to be able to wear a strapless dress. You'll look amazing. Have a great time!

    Mel: Good plan (leaving clothes at home) unless you have a DH who would suggest a quick run into Dicks if you really needed it. Enjoy your rest and the trip to Maryland. Your life sounds just as crazy as mine was this summer.

    Alena: I'm trying to come up with some good books for you but all that I've been reading has been nonfiction and fitness, nutrition, exercise related. Seriously can't think of anything. Anyone else?

    Speaking of books! PAT and RINGO and CHERYL: The newest Skullduggery book has been released. Make sure you all get a copy from or in your case Pat, for your library. : Your eager readers will love you!

    I think I've taken my rest week to the extreme here. I'm heading in this afternoon because I feel like %@!*. Seriously my breathing does not feel as deep. I had a serious carb fest here this morning. Hosted a first day of school coffee at my house with some really close friends and I sampled EVERYTHING. Wow. That was fun but now it's time to clean things up and get back to business. I have too much money invested in my clothes to think any different.

    Cleaning up the kitchen and packing my gym bag. Have a great afternoon everyone!
  • Shannon, good luck with the tanning. I THINK Alena is kidding about skipping us, but I put my workout stuff at the bottom, just in case somebody doesn't care to read the details. I, for one, like reading about anybody's workout. It gives me fresh ideas for stuff to try in my warm-ups. I already turned 40 this year, so you can't use your age as an excuse, either.

    Mel, enjoy your weekend!

    Hi to everybody else. I'm off to clean out furnace ducts today, making the big bucks so I can keep my boy is frosted sugar bombs cereal and hot cocoa mix...I'm pretty sure he runs on straight sugar, that one.

    It will be straight from there to the CF gym, do the workout, then staying after to do the gym cleaning. Our gym is hosting a Level 2 Cert this weekend, which is why we have to do the cleaning tonight. We're all banned from the gym for the weekend, but are meeting up for a game of hooverball nearby on Saturday, then on Sunday I get to be one of the pvc-wielding guinea pigs for the Level 2 cert test. I'm excited about that, since it's likely the only way I'll ever see the inside of a CF cert.

    Gotta run. Might check in tonight with the CF report...depends how late the gym cleaning goes and whether I have any brain cells functioning at that hour. Have a great Friday, peeps!
  • Cheryl - I would not have put you at 40 from your pics! And I've gotten most of the ideas from my at home CF style workouts from posts from here...

    Lydia - Have fun at the gym today! And, yes, I have pretty much decided to embrace the tan lines. So far not much noticeable change from the sunless tan, and it is making me a little itchy... I was planning on laying out and tanning to even up over the last two weeks, but I'm not a big tan fan in the first place, so waited too long... I only ended up with this because I sunburned one weekend even with sunscreen on... Now if anyone says anything I'll just tell them I'm a runner, so ignore the tan lines and look at the calves in the fabulous shoes!
  • Aaaah, those are beautiful, Shannon! Cinderella didn't have nicer ones!

    Of course Cheryl is right saying I was just kidding. I can't stop reading, I am too addicted for that (in some funny sadomasochistic way LOL). This is somewhat related to the upcoming necessity to completely vacate the house - in a way, I look forward to it too because it is a grand opportunity to part with many items I would not normally part with. But I have stuff in the closest that hasn't been touched since I moved to the house nearly 4 years ago (I could open my own fabric store) so I see myself doing a few more trips to the local charity store. I will let somebody else have my clutter. :-)

    It is very cold here today, barely 18 C and breezy. I hope it will warm up soon to some seasonal values. I don't really mind that we didn't have a summer this year (as people say) but it is way too early for fall. If it rained at least!
  • Alena - When I was living with my aunt & uncle in 1996 they refinished their hardwood floors, but only on the center level of a three story house. Of course, the center level was where the kitchen was, and the only way in and out of the house from the third level where my room was... We put pallets in the basement until the work was done. This is GA, so it was of course humid, but we did it in the winter when they humidity was down some. I do remember that smell being pretty pervasive... Good luck with yours!
  • Morning.

    Okay, workouts at the end so Alena will stick around!

    Mel - it does sound like you need a rest. Enjoy Baltimore. I visited a friend there 3 or 4 years ago and had a nice shopfest down at the harbor area.

    Lydia - you did well to rest most of the week! I too had a munchy day yesterday, sampling things I'd ordinarily not even look at Keeping it clean today!

    Shannon - your shoulders will look so lovely no one will comment on the tan lines!

    I've already heard from some gals on my PN board that today's workout is a killer. I opted to do it after work as we were up later than normal last night. I hope there's no one around when I try the burpee into pull-up At least the others are things we've been doing. I'll do regular lunges as I tend to lose good form for my knees when I try walking ones. (Lunges are pretty much all that bothers my knees any more; I think it's the potential for lack of lateral stability.)

    (1a) Walking lunge + contra-lateral shoulder press 4 x 5
    (1b) Lumberjack squat + calf raise and press 4 x 12
    (1c) Burpee into kip-like pull-up 4 x 3-5
    (1d) Vertical thrust 4 x 7
  • Pat - that does look evil... I've pulled a lot of my exercises out of your workouts, but the burpee to pullup might be something I just have to pass on...

    So what is a kip pull up?

    ETA - okay, found the kipping pullup. Hm.

    ETA Again - and just looked up the walking lunge to contra lateral shoulder press... gonna have to try that one I think...
  • Pat: Your workouts are equally impressive to the CrossFit tortures. I haven't looked up your workout for the day today so I'm going to do that tonight for ideas.

    Shannon: THOSE SHOES. OH! I'm envious. ~sigh~ I wanna go somewhere where I could wear those shoes too. I'm spending way too much time in tennis shoes and sandals.

    Mel: And I expect a full report on the best ice cream/frozen custard in Maryland. Opps. Did I say that?

    Cheryl: You must CERTAINLY get your Level 1 and 2 CrossFit Cert. OMG. Don't you even suggest otherwise. Seriously. No excuses. If you just need encouragement let me be the first! You just have to do this at some point. I have no doubt you would be wonderful to work with as a trainer.

    GREAT WORKOUT TODAY! And did I need that! Found out I'm NOT ready to chest press with the 40#dumbells yet. On the second set I grabbed them from the bench next to me, got them up to a 90 degree angle and couldn't press up. Nope. Just not going anywhere. 35# worked just fine. Maybe I'll try it on my first set and before I run through any other pressing/pulling exercises. You know, just to see.

    Anyway, nice an sore and completely wore out. Shower, eat, bed.

    Have a nice evening everyone.