Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 7/1-7/7

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View Poll Results: Have you ever been on public or cable TV?
Yes, on the news (Local or National)
Yes, on a talk show (Springer, Oprah)
Yes, on a game show (Price is Right, WOF, Survivor)
Yes, on a reality show (20/20, Prime Time, Antiques Road Show)
Yes, as an actor with a speaking part in a show (Series, Soap Opera, etc)
Yes, but as an extra, in the background (no speaking part)
Yes, on the Playboy Channel (please explain!)
Yes, on a talent show (Star Search, Gong Show)
Yes, but something you failed to cover above
No, I have yet to be discovered!!!
Voters: 37. You may not vote on this poll
  • Well, the Rodeo - Chediski fires are 95% contained in good old Arizona. We have friends who had a cabin (they may not now) in Heber. We stayed there once over New Years - a nice quiet spot in the pines. The white mountains was one of our favorite camping spots, although we usually went to Greer and camped at the campsite. First the fire on Mt. Lemmon in Tucson, now the White Mountains. It's been a dry ol' year. But then again, we haven't had a decent rain in a long time, 2 years of drought! So there were no fireworks in Tucson (actually all of Pima County) for July 4th. Casa Grande held theirs, we're in Pinal County. We could see them from the back yard, but didn't hear them. Sigh....

    Sef - loved the poetry contest joke. Wow, a redneck joke that's FOR the redneck.

    Debelli - thanks for the sympathy note on the dog who should be named Lonedog. Yes, I'm sure Bandit is calling me every kind of name there is (he has an extensive vocabulary of eyebrow positions, ear positions, and sighs that we could interpret as a blue streak). He's been coping with the b*#$! (well she is one ) for a month now. I feel like we did give her a chance to adjust and make friends. He is such a gentle dog, and is never the instigator. He has been taking a lot of abuse from her. She is also fast, and has no compunction about biting. He does tell her (barks and growls) when she's gone too far, and there have been some skirmishes, but they both end up getting hurt.

    First I felt guilty that Bandit doesn't get the attention he used to. Hhe used to go to the park everyday and play with all the other dogs. Then we moved, and then moved again. No more doggie park, and with a 3hr commute daily, very little playtime with us. That led to the great idea about getting him a playmate. Now, I feel guilty about jailing him (in the back yard) up with Moe - the inmate with an attitude. I just hope she's adoptable. We're waiting to hear from a cattle dog rescue place called New Hope.

    ChrisB - I think the hardest part about beer, is when there are microbreweries close by. There's a place on campus called Gentle Bens that makes a great Oatmeal Stout. I haven't had one of their beers in 8 months. See, I'm looking on the bright side! Anyway, I tend to go off-plan when I go out and socialize. Noted for future reference. Where's that wagon?!

    See ya all later!
  • A quicky to tell y'all that I'm home and just caught up on the posts in between washing clothes and cleaning out youngest's closet. I jumped on the scale when I got home and was pleasantly surprised to see 158 in the middle of the day with all my clothes on! I'm afraid to get on it tomorrow because it's mid-cycle and tho I know I fluctuate as much as 5 pounds, I still don't like seeing those numbers. Oh well. I'll get the pictures of Beth and me tomorrow, I promise.

  • Sunday Morning
    Good day to all! Thought I would check in as my hair and nails dry before heading to church! I missed yesterday because we had our friends over and the men started building our new front deck. They will finish it next Saturday but it is looking really good.

    This is the couple who did all the work for us on our house for free and are great friends. To thank them, we had a lobster dinner last night for them because they love it so much. It was a wonderful time and I managed to pass the garlic bread and Raspberry Cordial although it was tempting. But having just recovered from my vacation, I am determined to stay on the wagon. I had scallops instead of lobster since we ate so much lobster when we were away...I just didn't want anymore. They were exceedingly yummy! I thought of BOB when I was eating them and was relieved that mine were fresh. It would have been a severe disappointment if they had gone bad. In any case, my eating has been great and I have lost 4.5 pounds it seems.

    Oddly, I got TOM arriving early again last night. I am talking, it has only been 23 days!!! Who on earth does he think he is showing up so soon?! I turn 34 on Wednesday and think I have entered the peri-menopausal stage. TOM comes at all different times for me now and he stays longer than ever. My mother taught my to look forward to menopause so I am hoping it just hurries up and gets here. I know I am still too young for it but this peri-menopausal thing goes on for a few years from what I read.

    SHEANN- I am so very sorry to hear of all the compounded troubles you are going through. I really hope your son does well in the adult foster home. I recall that he is a Pastor or training to be one...I hope there are close church members supporting him at this difficult time as well. My prayers are with you and your son. I agree with whoever it was that posted about becoming too isolated. Make sure you are still going about your business and attending church so you are getting the support you need too! I will pray that the Lord draws even closer to you and that you truly feel His arms holding you as you go through this.

    I really must get moving and ready for church. Sorry to not comment to others but have a wonderful day!

  • Good Sunday Morning Everyone

    Just got in from my walk/jog, and it seems just in time, I hear the thunder out there and it's clouding up. Got in 4.5 miles today That gives me 31 miles for the week-I don't know when I last racked up that kind of mileage in one week. It's too bad my eating wasn't perfect this week, with the exercise, I'd surely of been back into my cushion.

    The board is slow, which I expected it to be after the holiday. I hope those of you who fell off the wagon get right back into the groove of things. Staying away from the board doesn't help, getting back OP and on the board does. You know you you are

    I'm going to take Lauren shopping to the mall today, actually, 2 malls, right next to each other. Hope to find her SOMETHING to wear!

    Have heard from ELI twice already, very short voice mails that he's able to send me from his nephew's cell phone via the internet (pretty cool). He's doing fine, having fun and right now is at a wedding probably having a grand time!

    SERENE, do I have to come up there and seperate the two of you? Cohorts, eh? Hmmmm....Okay, hopefully you've already repented and are back on track, if not, tomorrow's coming, and you better hope I don't!!!!!

    TREE, I'm sure they'll find a home for the other dog and you'll find Bandit a proper playmate and companion, one that he'll feel right at home with. I'm sure he'll be thrilled when she's gone. He's probably thinking that here he doesn't get as much ime with you, now he still doesn't get much time with you AND has to share you with this nasty doggy that's invading HIS space. He secretly told me he's going to call D.R.S. (HRS for DOGS!) if she's not gone soon - he admits, he wants you all to himself right now and besides he says he can't put up with these PMS furry females

    JRED, I didn't see you mention UNPACKING ALL YOUR TJ'S GOODIES!! Glad to see you home safe and sound!

    GRACIOUS, WOW 4.5lbs? For this week? That's great, whatever the time frame. Your dinner sounded divine, esp. the lobsters, I love Maine lobsters-yum. Weird about your TOM, too young, I think, for that to be happening, peri-men. Same thing happened to me last month, yet I'm pushing 41 in a few months. Your DM taught you to welcome it - ick! I can't say that I'm looking forward to anything but not having to pay for another tampon one day! Nope, I'm not liking the night sweats I've experienced over the last few months, nope not at all!

    Well, I'm outta here, going to go look through the Sunday paper to see if I can find a cheap modem to install. I'm hoping to get this taken care of today so I can have all my info off the other computer to start the new board tomorrow. Lots easier than copying it from the board, but if need be, I'll do it that way.

    Will check in later this evening!


    SB since 3/22/00
    Reached goal 6/10/01
  • Good morning!

    I don't know how so many of you do such a good job of keeping up with the posting so often. I will never get caught up but thought I'd try to get in a few before the new board starts tomorrow.

    Zanne, thanks for posting the seven step binge recovery plan a few days ago. I'm going to print it and put it on my frig. I sure need it now that I've had a weekend binge also.

    I really didn't do that bad with eating wrong food, however, it was the over indulgence of the Tequila at Tranquil's house that got me. Ok, I admit to being the co-hort she mentioned in her post but I'm sure that isn't a surprise to anyone. I hardly ever drink except for occasional wine, so this was something unusual for me. We both had a very stressful day on Friday so I guess that was the start of the "BINGE". I normally hit the comfort food when under stress but didn't want that as much as this time. I don't think the margarita binge was a better idea though. I'm
    definitely back on both wagons!

    Solshine, glad to hear that your puppy situation is OK now. Must be a big relief for you although I'm sure it was difficult to take Neo back, even though you knew it was the best thing to do. We get attached to our animals so quickly. I love the name Vixen. One of my greyhounds should have that name as she is quite a character at times. Can't wait to see pics of the new addition. I've been meaning to ask you what the WDW Half marathon is?

    gracious, sounds like you are doing great with the WATP tapes. Wow, you drink as much as 18 glasses of water a day? I am doing good to drink 6-8. I would have to live in the bathroom if I drank that much with my BB bladder.

    music, I will keep your Mom in my thoughts and prayers.

    Debbie, I've been staying off that scale, especially after the binge this weekend. Don't think I will step on it until WIW. We will have to make that a three way slap when Tranquil and I come to visit. I have repented and am back OP so be gentle with me! Glad to hear that ELI is having a good time. Since I haven't been around the board for very long, I was wondering about his trip. Is this something he does every year to visit family? Hope you get the computer problem solved soon.

    Frog, what part of NC do you live? I lived around the Raleigh area for a couple of years and loved it. Have also vacationed in several areas along the Blue Ridge Parkway. I love NC and hope to get back that way for a visit with friends some time in the near future.

    Quilter, glad you are feeling better. So, have you found that new range yet? Have you lived in your house for a while and are just redecorating it? You kitchen sounds like it looks great. Can't wait to see some pictures of it. I hope to start redoing everything in my house before the end of the year. I want to do my kitchen in a Coca Cola theme as I am a nut for Coke items. I also try to collect Greyhound items if you can imagine that.

    Beth, as you can see, we all seem to fall off the wagon sooner or later. Good for you for climbing right back on! I like the pic of you new tatoo. I've always wanted one but was told it hurts so have never done it. How painful is it really?

    cherylco, welcome to the board. I am a pizza lover too and recently found one that is SB legal. It is made by the Boca line of food, such as the soy burgers. I had one for the first time this weekend and thought it was fairly tasty. It might be a good thing to try when you really get to craving pizza and want to stay on plan.

    sef, the redneck joke was cute. Sounds like you really stay busy with projects. Do you have any favorite crafts that you do?

    tree, what a great relief to you that the fires are under control. My brother lives in Colorado, not from the fires there and it is a relief that those are under control too. We are lucky in having lots of rain now and not a fire problem like we've had in previous years.

    j red, glad you had a safe trip home. Looking forward to seeing the pics that you are going to post.

    kimmy, I was really moved by the story about your brother. What a tragic loss for you.

    BOB, what, no movies this weekend? I depend on you for my movie reviews now! I saw Shallow Hal this week and really enjoyed it. Have you seen that one yet? Also saw MIBII at the theatre last night and it was so funny! So many movies I would like to see but not enough time and money!

    Ok, Tranquil, we are back on that wagon again and no jumping off! You have been doing so well with working out and good eating and I am proud of you! Keep it up!

    I have to go work for a few hours so I must run! Hello to everyone I've missed. It wasn't intentional, I'm just out of time.

    Take care!
  • The Truth about diets
    I missed the Friday Funnies but wanted to share this one.

    Here's the final word on nutrition and health. It's a relief to
    know the truth after all those conflicting medical studies.

    Diets & Dying

    The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

    The French eat a lot of fat and also suffer fewer heart attacks
    than the British or Americans.

    The Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart
    attacks than the British or Americans.

    The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and also suffer
    fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.

    Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what
    kills you.

  • Serene - I hope your brother was safe from the fires in Colorado. I have a friend who lives there too. The biggest problem with the western states is the dryness. Luckily, Colorado is more temperate than Arizona. I guess it's nice that Arizona has no natural disasters (flood, earthquakes, tornadoes...) but it makes up for it with the heat, and now the drought. Tell your brother to send some rain over to us!

    Went to MIB II too. I thought there were some cute parts in it, and the special effects were good, but it was definitely a sequel movie, and I'm glad I paid the matinee price!!
  • tree, I feel the same about where I live in N. Florida, as you do about Arizona. Other parts of Fla. haven't been as lucky in the past. We don't have any natural disasters in our area either. The last major hurricane we had was Dora in 1964. We have to contend with the heat also but I've heard it is a different kind than you have. Ours is humid and yours is very dry, correct? Never been out that way myself. Sorry that you are having drought problems though. This is the first year in a while that we haven't. My brother was safe from the fires but had to keep a close eye on the wind and the danger of how quickly the fire could jump.

    I always prefer to pay matinee prices at any movie I go to. As cute as I thought MIBII was, I enjoyed watching Shallow Hal even more at home. Guess it was a story that I could relate to a lot more also. Is popcorn or candy a temptation when you you go to a movie? I have to admit to giving into that at times, especially if my popcorn loving co-hort is with me. I need to learn to take my own legal snack when I go to the theatre.

    Uh oh, should already be out the door but had to get in one more post.

    Take care,
  • DEBELLI-Yes it is 4.5 pounds in one week, actually 6 days! I know it is water though since I am recovering from vacation but I am very pleased with it. I am exercising Mondays to Fridays and take the weekend off like I used to. This system seems to work well with my family life.

    About that peri-menopause thing. I have been reading about it lately and it seems that it can start in the mid 30's for some women. I am figuring 34 is pretty much within the range and it certainly seems I have most of the symptoms. My mother was positive about it because it is a fact of life and we all have to go through it. Instead of dreading it and moaning about it like so many women she tried to look at the positives. I know some people will say there are no positives except not having TOM visiting. I guess it all comes down to not making something worse than it actually is in our minds. She breezed through it and I think that her attitude helped a lot. I am hoping I have it as easy as she did! After saying all that, if it isn't peri-menopause, why in the world am I changing so much in length of my cycle and length of TOM's stay? I am also more emotional, have cramping and lower back pain that I never used to have. It is weird. Oh well..enough of my medical mysteries for today!

    SERENE- Yes I drink that much a day but I even drink more sometimes. At one point I was drinking 7 litres of water a day (28 glasses) but I found that excessive. I have settled into a range of 4-5 litres (16-20 glasses) and that is comfortable for me. I don't live in the bathroom but when I have to go watch out!

    Yes, I am loving those WATP tapes. I am going to do the 3 mile one tomorrow and hope I enjoy it as much as the others.

    Off again.....gotta ask one more time...MONET where are you????
  • This is a test. I'm trying to load the pictures of Beth and me but it's coming out teeny-tiny. We'll see.
  • GRACIOUS: Wow! Was skimming posts, and it sure made me feel good to be missed. Thanks! Been very busy, and dealing with a lot of 'stuff'. Trying not to be too depressed, and to stick to SB. Doing ok...not admirably, but ok. My bed is made and my sinks are clean though! Hope to be back next week.
  • Alive and well!
    Hello everyone!!!!!

    I sure have missed you all...but not a day has gone by when I have not thought of all of you! We leave for Wyoming later this week and we just hired a girl from Russia to work with my husband. So my days have been working at his office daily and getting her situated. So much for having my summer off from being a teacher.

    I scanned some of the posts...seems like some of you have been working incrediably hard on this weight thing and have been very successful!!!!! I am so proud of all of you! I have held my own this lose, no gain. I have cheated a few times but overall still sticking with the program. I feel really good though! Debelli...thanks for that eggplant recipe...we have eaten it twice now and still have alot of eggplant that needs to be picked! So we will probably have it one more time this week before we leave for vacation.

    Hello to all others...welcome to all of the new folks.

    I agree with beds are made and my sinks are clean even though I have not been around here much!

    Have a nice week!!!