Bistro Buddies?

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  • Welcome back Joy, and congrats on your loss!!!!
  • those berry crepes!!! Breakfast was yummy! I honestly have NOT worked out all's nasty, wet and rainy no running. Need to get in my gym...will try again today.

    I heard somewhere that it's good to occasionally take a week off from exercise...does anyone know if this is true? Something about it helps the body heal and recoup better.
  • Um... the only experience I have with taking time off from exercise was the first, say, 30 years of my life... so... I won't be much good to that line of discussion! Glad your trip went well, Joyful!

    New box today - lots of good meals and nothing that I hate or that I am indifferent to. Yay! When you guys eat the San Francisco Cioppino, will you report back? It got subbed out for me because I ignore the shrimp meals, but I do like Cioppino normally. Let me know how it is so I can add it back if necessary!
  • I'll pull the cloppinio out so I can give you a taste test. I'll let you know tomorrow.

    I had major meetings today so I couldn't squeeze out for lunch. They had chick-filet platters. I ate 2 pieces of the chicken salad sandwiches the size of fat fingers (they cut the sandwiches into thirds). After looking at the nutritionals, it was 370 calories for those two slivers!!! Is it ever any wonder how I got this fat!!!
  • Thanks Kathy! And I totally hear you on being surprised by calorie counts. It's not like I thought eating a burger and fries was good for me... but I had no idea exactly how bad it was. I figure now that there were days in the past where I probably ate like 4000 calories! Sheesh! I ate at a BJ's Pizza the other night and they've started listing the calorie counts right next to the menu items. A couple of the burgers totaled 3000 calories when you added french fries! And most of the pasta dishes are solidly in the 2000s.

    Weigh in today, and despite still have trouble eating on track this week, I lost 2 pounds! I ate better, but still averaged around 1900cal for the week. (Confession: I ate an entire bag of potato chips this week and the infamous BJ's left me at 2800cal for THursday! WTH? Other than that I ate great though, so I guess I just kept myself from losing 3 pounds this week!) With all that, I was sort of dreading the scale today! Surprise! Those two pounds also take me to my next mini-goal of 245lb, which is 15% lost! Yay! And I get to go get a nice haircut - no MasterCuts this time!

    Have a good weekend, all!
  • Congrats Jen!!! You are knocking it out of the park!!!!

    My first week wasn't spectacular as first weeks go (4lbs) but I'll take it. I wasn't really expecting a massive water weight drop, cause I drink tons of water all the time. But I did have some...I can feel/see it in my hands, ankles and face. So it was a good start on this journey. And I'm such a lazy slug, it is wonderful not to have to think about what's for supper.

    Remember to turn your clocks back tomorrow!
  • Congrats to both you lovely ladies!!! Great weight loss....

    Jen - enjoy your new haircut...and maybe get your nails done too! I love milestones...

    KLC - R u serious...4 lbs??? That's INCREDIBLE...I live for those weeks! Sounds like your off to a great start...keep up the good work's entire week without any exercise. My weigh in tomorrow will be interesting....especially considering that mon, tues and wed were spent off plan!

    Good news today though...I bought a Landice treadmill from my local craigslist. I got it for a steal and it runs great! Now to get my daughter to help me move this thing into the weighs a ton! It will help me continue to run when the weather is bad. I've decided that running is the only thing (right now) that helps me to feel good (both physically and mentally), so I bought it. Can't wait to set it up and Go..go..gooooo!

    Have a great weekend all!
  • Joyful -- No matter what the scale says tomorrow, you did a great job with a difficult week. You should be proud of yourself! Enjoy the treadmill... while I haven't used mine as often as I'd like, I still think it was a great purchase. And yeah, they are ridiculously heavy!

    Congrats, Kathy on the 4 lb loss! What a great start!

    Doing much better myself the last couple of days. Ate at an IKEA with friends tonight and managed to be reasonable - shared a plate of meatballs and had a side salad. Not too shabby. Plus I got a little exercise in when we surfed around the empty, hilly parking lot on those flat shopping carts. A surprisingly fun activity! And it burned a few calories!
  • Greek Yogurt OMG
    Let me tell you folks, this stuff is amazing, I got turned onto it by an old member of this group (Renita). If u get the no fat, it's huge protein, low cals and fat. I haven't tried it as a stand alone yogurt, but putting it somewhere that you'd normally do sour cream, or on meat, it's incredible. Try it out. Tonite I put it on the salmon and the rice that came with it. Maybe a grand total of 40 calories, and it made it decadent.
  • Mmmm...always heard good things about greek yogart..never tried it. Will have to add to grocery list this week Guess I've just been stuck on my activia!

    Ok...weigh in day today...down 1 lb!!!! I'll definitely take this cuz I've not worked out all week.

    Last night I just finished putting together my new I'll give it a whirl today and let you know how it compares to running outdoors. I'm sure nothing beats the outdoors, but I'm hoping to find that same endorphin rush with my treadmill.
  • Ok gals...I'm 'weighing in' on my new treadmill....

    I LOVE IT!!! I really wouldn't "compare" it to running outdoors in the beautiful sun, with a cool breeze of fresh air blowing in my face (as their really is NO COMPARISON), but I must does have it's advantages and is a nice "change of pace". I love the fact that the Landice has the BEST shock absorbers available on any no sore ankles and as such I can run longer. I also love the fact that I can adjust the incline (something I can't do at the park)...and as such this allows me to keep challenging myself and increase in strength and endurance. As I has ups and downs...but overall...I really LOVE IT!

    So glad to finally get back to really does help sooooo very much...I feel great for the first time since my brother died. Oh and..if that wasn't enough my daughter just advised me that she is moving out of the state and taking my 2 grandkids with her (5 & 6 yrs of age - boy & girl) At this point I'm just you can just stick a fork in me....I'm done!

    If I can feel good after a week like this..I think you all may want to look into this "running" thing...may be something about those better than prozac (which was my other alternative!)

    *EDIT* Oh...I ran my personal best today - 2.8 miles without walking at between 3.5 -4.0 mph (mostly 4.0 mph) and that included 1-3% incline (mostly 3%)!!!

    Have a great day all!
  • Congrats on your new toy!!!
  • Did y'all get the survey? I am really glad that they're doing that!
  • Pork w/asian plum sauce = YUM

    Bangers and Mash = Gross several surveys and always send them back

    I agree, customer feedback is smart choice!
  • How do you all get these surveys? Email or snail mail?? I haven't gotten any surveys!

    Mediterranean Chicken - Yum! Love the roasted veggies! And how is that meal possibly only 250cal???
    Chicken stuffed with brown rice and wild rice - pretty darn good! The peas were a nice change and the tomato/pepper ratatouille was yummy...