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  • Jendiet-Welcome back. Hope you had a good vacation.

    Mtiger-I am so happy for you that Rippy is doing better and able to enjoy you and you him.

    Dutchgirl- No it wasn't cool at all for that to happen but oh well.. That's why I don't let my dogs sleep with me. They have their kennels for that. They move around way too much at night on the bed and insist being in between my legs and refuse to move or up in my face or doing other uncomfortable things FOR ME but not them since it's supposed to be all about them and they own me not the other way around ha. :-)

    EZMONEY-Glad your computer is fixed.. it's not the same here without you!

    Today was okay. It wasn't my best day. I probably shouldn't have made the strawberry cake that I made last night and that's all I'm going to say lol. My mom's in the hospital due to having a cellulitis infection since she also fractured her ankle last week in the middle of the night after we got back from our trip and today was her birthday as well. So on the phone today she was kind of down I think. So I'm a little worried about her since infections can be very bad for her due to her health and probably will be going up there tomorrow to be with her in the hospital. My husband had a really bad day at work due to a co-worker's drama and this is a regular thing with this specific co-worker so for my husband to complain to one of his bosses it had to be really bad today so we both decided we just needed to relax so we went to a nearby restaurant that is a tad bit pricier than what we usually do but we really enjoy it and ate out for dinner. On top of all that TOM is definitely here finally. Plus I went and was a good girl and finally did something I had been meaning to do all summer but had canceled several times because I had other doctor's appointments to pop up that were more important. I went and had a bunch of moles removed from my back and neck and one from my crotch area that was rubbing against my panty line. So I'm a little tender and irritated in some spots. The doctor showed me them and whew they were a good size. I should have done it long ago. Tomorrow is a brand new day is all I can say.

    Good night!
  • No, Gary, the furry monsters decided they did not like what I fed them for supper. When I got up to see what their problem was the red monster, the smart one, very purposefully walked into the kitchen, stood next to his food bowl and yelled at me.
    Sometimes they just do that. If I give in to that though, there will be no end to it. So they get what they get and beyond that they just have to lump it.
    The chiropractor told me I could start walking every day. Yippee. No jogging, just walking, and if I wished to I could do some yoga, but the walking is a must. So as of tonight the running shoes go back on even if it is only for a walk. He really hit the tired button with the adjustment last night, all I could do was crawl in bed and go to sleep early.
    206 and holding today.
    Have a good one,all!
  • thanks for the welcome back everybody...feeling more crampy today, but determined to clean this mess, and get kid and me school supplies. Going to try to fit exercise into that scenario somewhere!
  • Went to a park with a friend today. Got some sun. Did Cardio Max for 30 min. TOM is finishing up, but still no weight loss. I'm getting tired of this.

    My little dog (weiner) sleeps with me every night. She lays behind my knees or against my stomach. We spoon well together. The big dogs..... Ha!! No such luck.
  • HI TEAM ~

    184 this morning ....riding the 182-184 ride again...still.

    Still working OT at work but the computer is fixed....thank-you Angie!

    My dogs sleep in their crates in the garage...if we try to get them to sleep in the house because it is too cold or hot they won't leave us alone at night until we crate them. I have a 3 car garage and one car of it is made into a room...our gym...that is where their crates are. I have fans and a heater in there if they need it.

    Miss those school supplies days! Angie doesn't....she just bought 200 spiral notebooks for her students....a madhouse down there at Target today she said.

    Hope those running shoes got back on and all is well with the garden squares.

    Watch those daughter has many...

    Angie back from yoga....gotta do dinner....
  • ok, I did extra low carbs and calories today, just want to see the scale move. starting to get the urge to eat, but am going to fight it with lemon water, some strength moves, and goood ol bed!
  • Well.. Today was a bit of a dud due to TOM. It's been awhile since I've been this sick from the cramps but that's because I wasn't on my birth control this past month due to all the infections I've had. I think if it had been any worse I would have been in the bathroom face in the toliet. I ended up not going to the hospital to see my mom. I called her to check in and she just said she was probably going to be sleeping all day. She's the type that if she has a visitor she wears herself out trying to visit with them even if you tell her to stop talking ha so I didn't go so she could get some rest. Good news is she's feeling better already so the medications they have her on through the IV is taking effect on the infection thank the lord. Hubby has still not moved the treadmill out of the garage and into the bedroom yet. He's had a couple of hard days himself but hopefully tomorrow night we can do it together and move it where I want it.

    Anyways good night!
  • Gary- I am on the exact same ride you are. I don't think it's much fun. How about you???? I was 183.2 today. Can I hear a 182ish???

    Going on a short trip this weekend, by myself. Weird huh??? Going over to Lake Michigan and visiting a few of our beautiful beach towns. Should be quet, peaceful and relaxing. Tomorrow they start our new roof. So no peace and quiet there. I'll be ready to get away.
  • hi everyone thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

    well with the funeral over it is back to the grind here. i am proud to say that i WI at 183 that means i have 3 more pounds to go to hit 5. i think i can i think i can....
  • You can indeed MrsAugie! Glad you are back.
    I had a whole message prepared yesterday and then my internet connection bugged out and I had no time to do it again.
    Back up to 208, that's 2 lbs overnight
    And I have been awake since 12:30 am, it is now 4:40 am and I just gave up and got up. So I am not exactly in great shape this morning!
    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Mrs. Augie. I do not know where you were, but welcome back. Dutch--go to bed! I have lost weight just from sleeping right. Tiger have a nice vacation.

    Gary, come back down from there!

    blonde, I hope AF isn't too mean to you. I hope you get to enjoy time with your mom. I miss mine.

    scale did move down this morning : 175.8 so I ate a huge piece of key lime pie today. Amazingly I didn't get but 1395 cs in me today. I wanted something like 2000 but that's ok.
  • Not much to report except my frustration. I should be losing, but am not. What is going on??? Tonight is a short workout night, so I am doing 30 min. of kickboxing. My legs are kind of sore from last nights 4 miler.

    Dutch- Go figure!! Sometimes there simply is no explanation.

    Jen- the scale moved?? Good for you.

    Going out of town tomorrow, so I will get back with you probably Monday.
  • HI TEAM ~

    Well I was at 182.6 today...still hope....but I really need to give up cheese and chips!

    Enjoy your solo trip MINDY

    I love key lime pie JEN! But it is rare I eat any type of dessert.

    Get some sleep DUTCH

    Welcome back MRSAUGIE!

    BRAT I hope your DH and you both are having better days.
  • EZMONEY-You're so good. I need to cut back on sweets myself.

    Dutch-Hope you got some good sleep and congrats on the stepping stone you've achieved being able to walk for excercise and having the Dr's OK for it.

    Jen- I've never had key lime pie. That is just something my family doesn't make and I've always been curious about it. By the way pardon my ignorance but what does AF mean?

    Mtiger-Enjoy your trip!

    MsAugie-Glad you're back.

    It's 11:15pm and the dogs are still acting crazy like they just woke up from a nap and show no signs of being tired. Today hasn't been a good food day. I was at the hospital pretty much all day with my mom. It took me an hour and 15 minutes each way to get there and back home. The hospital food is lousy so I went to the closest place nearby the hospital to get me and my mom some food and that was a Dairy Queen. There is lots of construction going on around the hospital and a bunch of detours and so I was afraid to go too far and get lost again looking for a better choice food place. It's a very good thing I had my GPS today with me since I was forced to take detours to completely different places than where I wanted to go and I'm usually pretty good with directions and remembering how to get to places since this is the same hospital my mom stayed at back in November. So food was not too great but physically and mentally it has been good and for me that's a big part of the battle. I tried to eat decent portions and I think I did and barely ate any french fries. I still haven't gotten my treadmill in the house. When my hubby got home tonight I was about to leave to go to Victoria's Secrets since they are having a sale or are supposed to be having one since it was being advertised on tv and he wanted to come with so we did that instead. I got 4 nice new bras none were on sale but oh well. I'm comfy again. Anyways I go back to the hospital tomorrow again and will be taking her home and probably stopping to eat lunch since she always wants to eat something good after she gets out of the hospital lol and then getting her set up at home until her SO gets home. I then have a birthday party to go to at some Sushi bar and grill nearby tomorrow night so that will be interesting and I think I will have an easier time finding something a bit healthier hopefully.

    Good night!
  • blonde, for crying out loud get in bed! I hope you had fun though what an action packed day....are you sure you don't have an S etched in your chest somewhere???? AF = Aunt Flo or that TOM.

    omg, key lime pie is the bomb! Today was my low carb day. So I fed others the wonderful key lime. I love, love, love the tanginess. We had steak, spinach and beans w/ meat mixed in (leftover 15 bean soup).

    For dessert I had 3 tbsp whipped cream with lemon squeezed over it. I also had dark chocolate chips and 1 tiny bite of the key lime pie without the crust. the whipped cream with lemon squeezed over it was perfect for substitution for that craving! Gary surely you could budget something in???

    well, the scale was a little lower today 175.2. I think the low carb/low cal high carb/ high cal days might be doing the trick. Plus my intervals on t he bike are 22-23 mph and 16-17 mph.

    Tiger, you are sore. your muscles are soaking up water like a sponge in order to repair. that = weight gain.

    I did a core shredding routine. I'm trying to "coax" my abs out. whatever that means..heh.