June Weight Loss Challenge Continued

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  • Glutio ~ What kind of food are you putting into your body? I'm curious, because you always seem to be tired. The fuel we put into our bodies can have quite an impact on how we feel. We can stay within our calorie intake, but if the calories you are putting into your body aren't the right ones then it will leave us feeling drained.

    FSA ~ I'm gonna PM you when I finish my personals with my email. Send me an email and I'll send ya a link to that picture. I took them down after a day. This is still a public forum and didn't want them up to long. Good to hear from you and to know all is well.

    Tummygirl ~ We are one in the same girly! I to, did the same thing. Man I wasn't as educated in nutrition and exercise as I am now. I just exercised a little and cut my calories and lost the weight fast as you did. Understand now, why it all came back to. Ah too bad about missing out on all the horse flies and stuff..lets hope for tomorrow.

    Sandye ~ Yes I do! Never too harsh, not for me. We all need that person in our lives though. The one that keeps us on track and doesn't sugar coat things. That's the problem with the weight loss journey, there's not enough tough love and some times, some of us, desperately need it. You're the best!

    LE ~ at the cow! That would be a lot cheaper. But, well it's a long story. My ex worked on a dairy farm...and all I can say about that is...GROSSSSSSSSSS! I didn't drink any milk for like a year and I still wont drink it by the glass. Yuck, Yuck, Yuck. Have fun in Knoxville. I'm thinking about getting up that way soon, but to Gatlinburg. man I love that place and since I can't get away for no more than a weekend, Gatlinburg is perfect for me. I love it up there.
  • I tried my new work out video yesterday and oh my goodness it kicked my butt!! I was sweating but didn't think it did too much other than that until I few hours later when I realized how many muscles were hurting! It seems it was an overall good workout and this morning I am down.... 2 lbs!! So excited!
  • Arrggh! So I weighed myself this morning and I am up half a pound! I know why. I did a spinning class yesterday and drunk a ton of water so I believe it is just water retention but I still feel a little upset! I was really hoping to get down to 195lbs by the end of the week, which doesn't look like will happen now. I will keep my fingers crossed however I hope that I will magically lose some by my weigh in tomorrow morning!
  • Gexster what work out video do you use??
  • I did my 25min HIIT this AM with my new polar HR monitor it was uber motivating. It makes me want to do another round and it isn't even lunch time yet. My eating is going well, drinking my water and took my vitamin. I have one month until I am hosting my DH's family reunion and I would really like to feel good in my clothes. KWIM?
    On another note not related to weightloss>>> I have really started to get my act together again. I had recommitted to doing my flylady thing and my efforts are really starting to show. All the laundry, bedding, towels are cleaned, My daughter's room is clean, clean (impossible mission, she's beautiful inside/outside but truly a slob) LR, DR, FR, Kit are all clean. I have my cookbooks out and am going to sit down later and do my monthly menu planning, I have refiled/ sorted my coupons. I feel like I'm getting back to a happier, less stressed place.

    glutio~ You sound like me less 2 weeks ago. I hope you get to relax this weekend and regroup.

    FSA~ Thanks for the encouragement. I hope you get everything accomplished that you need to for Sunday. It's rainy here again today too but I welcome it. I watched He's Just Not Into You (really cute) this AM while the kids slept and the kids are doing art projects now. Plus, I have errands to run and if the sun is a shining then I feel obligated to be at the pool. I don't mind most days but I do like these down days too. Have a great day today!

    Ms P~ Good luck on the c25K! I did it last year and it was a great way to get to those 3 mile runs without hurting/over exerting yourself.

    Tummygirl~ Sorry the weather is cooperating for the lawn mowing today. You made it sound like so much fun, I can see why you are so disappointed. Congrats on another lb loss!!

    LTBH~ Happy B-day to your daughter!! for your dinner tonight!

    LE~ WAHOO on your 5lbs this month!!! YOu are doing great!

    CMO4~ Beautiful pic of the duckling!! I bet your big losses are related to your HIIT. I've been researching it and have read repeatedly how effective it is for burning more calories. I just told my DH yesterday how much I sweat/puff in these HIIT workouts even more so then when I was running 3miles at a time. Whatever the reason

    Delphi~ It is all you baby! The support here is truly wonderful but you are the one who is making all the changes and doing the work. You are right in your thoughts about the number on the scale. It is about how you feel, how your clothes fit. I know I'm a freak about the number on the scale but I know pics of a tone me at this same weight vs a squishy me at this same weight, says it all. You are rockin it girly!

    Gekster~ Enjoy your new videos!!

    I have children to feed. Gotta get moving for now. Have a good one ladies!
  • Morning ya all girley's. Doing great today, Yesterday was a sucky day. A client here at the Firm passed away. It was a depressing day. I had to talk to the family and it really shook me up. She died from heart failer. She was in her 50s but really obese. I am not saying thats what she died from but they said her heart was enlarged from weight. It makes me even more want to be healthly and thank God for what I have today.

    Crazymamaof4 the answer to your question I lived in Modesto Ca and was raised in Yosemity National park area as a kid.
  • CMof4 and Lene where di you get your HIIT info/routines? I'd like to try something like that on alternating days once I start the C25K in July. Maybe that'd be too much change at once, but anyway I'd like to get more info. I plan to look into it online, but just thought I'd ask here too.

    P.S. Only .2 away from monthly goal!!!!
  • LaurenA- It is a Salsa Crunch video. I remembered how much fun the ballroom class I took 3 years ago was and I found this video on Amazon for $2 so I figured what the heck. Its a nice workout that uses lots of hip movement (obviously haha) and is a lot of fun.
  • Goood Morning/Afternoon or Night (that's for you Velveteen).

    The chair is all nice and dry again and I can use the computer now

    So first to catch up:

    Glad to hear of so many of you dropping pounds left and right, maybe some of it will rub off on me.

    CMo4: That duckling is the cutest thing. I never really had pets as a child, so I can't give you with any suggestions.

    Delphi: for getting out of the obese category. Lots of people swear by running. Honestly, I don't think I would ever be one of those people, but I always admire those who actually have the dedication (and endurance) to run. I am pretty sure you will become one of those. And yes...YOU are the one working really hard for your goals, so it's all your doing girlfriend, we are just here to keep you company during the ride.

    Glutio: Glad you're feeling better and Yay! for the scale finally budging and for the good news with DH's job. And yeah..bowling should count for something, I always feel it in my arms he he.

    Gekster: I understand exactly how you feel. Yesterday I was thinking about my journey, and I realized that for the first time (I've dieted many, many times before) I am feeling responsible for what happens with my body and the choices are made are mine. My DH tends to suggest take out more often than he should, so I do what CMo4 does and tell him he can eat whatever he wants and I'll do my own stuff and that totally stops him (he doesn't like getting take out for himself). However, I have also decided that I will allow myself one meal a week where I can eat pretty much whatever I want and instead of feeling guilty about it, I will enjoy it thoroughly and then get back on plan. It works in the sense that if I am considering ordering something on a Tuesday for example, I have to remind myself that then I can't eat out with friends on the weekend or whatever and that leads me to postpone the "treat".

    Jacqui: 2 lbs! That's really cool, I think the theory really does work.. And glad to see you back here too!

    Jacque: Still waiting for those pictures

    Tummy_girl: Isn't it amazing? Your new habits now come so naturally now that it's hard to believe that this is not the way we always ate/exercised (and I often wonder how I ever thought that was even an acceptable way of doing things in my head). WTG!

    WormwoodDoll! welcome back
  • Delphi, I've been tired for pretty close to half my 28 years now. I have some kind of issue sleeping that really keeps me from getting the rest that everyone else does. I've done sleep studies and things, and never wind up being able to get someone to go over them with me. My brain fights itself out of REM in under a minute, and at least during the sleep studies, I've been lucky to enter REM twice.

    I'm not really sure what's going on with me right now, but it's not good. I'm feeling worse than earlier, and just recently started crying for much of no reason and I can't make it stop. I'm going to see if I can get in to see a doctor today or tomorrow, but I'm not sure what will happen.
  • Hi again ladies!

    Looking~ Happy Birthday to your DD! Have fun tonight, but be strong!!

    Tummy~ aren't the toddler years just so much fun when it comes to sleep? Honestly, once I get one to sleep well, the other decides she needs to wake up every 30 mins, I finally get that one to sleep well and well...round and round we go. That's one of the main reasons they have separate rooms! Congrats on the loss girlie! You're so close to onederland!! Woo hoo!!

    FSA~ yes the ducky is safe and sound at the rehab now--I took him that that to a vet who works with them. I posted a pic a few pages back. Turns out the mama duck is a duck that my neighbors raised (or at least she thinks it is). Her mama died so they took her and her brother in and raised them until they could fly. One day the came out to feed them and they were gone. So, I guess I could have kept him, but I really didn't want to take any chances of him getting sick or anything.

    Glutio~ I'm in Central IN. Man, how come none of you chickies live by me? Supachix lives in IN but further North. Sigh...I want a 3FC Mixer!!! Sorry you're still feeling so tired! I really hope that you can find some answers to what's going on with you. You sound like such a lively spirit and I can't imagine being tired all the time lets you live like you want to.

    Delphi~ Well, so long as you don't think I'm being too hard or beyotchy or anything!

    Gekster~ Oooh, sounds like that salsa video is gunna be FUN! Keep us posted on how you like it k? Congrats on the loss!!

    Lauren~ don't fret that weight--you're right, it's probably just water and it'll be gone in no time!

    Lene~ wanna come over and Flylady my house? LOL I hear ya! It feels so good to get back on top of things! When I cleaned my boys' room it was if the clouds parted and beautiful rays of sunlight lit up the room! I could almost hear angels singing in the background...well maybe not, but it was pretty dang awesome! (and their room is STILL clean!) Ya know, I don't know if it's the HIIT, but if it is, then that's awesome! It still boggles my mind how such a short workout can make you burn more cals? I am always super sweaty when I'm done too. My old treadmill routine didn't do that!

    Blondie~ Modesto huh? Nope. I was up in Sac. Weird...I could swear I've seen you before! Sorry to hear about your day yesterday.

    MsP~ I'm not sure if this is the same one Lene does, but this is the website I found my HIIT work out on: http://www.intervaltraining.net/index.html I'm doing the Lose Belly Fat Fast Interval Training workout, it's towards the bottom of the page. I'll be finished with Week 3 after tomorrow...which reminds me, I need to see what Week 4 has in store for me!

    Well ladies, I just finished Power Cleaning my kitchen! All that's left is to vacuum and mop the floor and it's finished! The boys cleaned the half bath, vacuumed the living room and picked up so all that's left is the office, the play room and to bring the yard sale stuff from downstairs so it can be stored in the basement! Not sure if I'll be tackling any yard work, but we've still got tomorrow and Saturday morning for that.

    Hope you ladies are having a fanflippin'tastic day!!!
  • Now on to part 2...that post was getting too long.

    On the eating late part....I don't know if it's truth or not, but what I know is that if I have a big meal before going to sleep, I have nightmares...so needless to say, I don't do that anymore!

    Lewis: Have fun in the city!

    CMo4: Thanks for the link I will check it out as soon as I am done posting here.

    Looking: Happy Bday to your DD and for you.

    Hi FSA: You sound like a busy lady today, see you soon!

    LaurenA: Most likely it is water retention and if that's the case you'll be down in no time.

    Lene: Great news on the exercise front and on the cleaning stuff..I've heard lots of good things about that flylady website. I checked it out a couple of times but I never got past cleaning the kitchen sink LOL

    Blondie: eeek! how awful. At least you can use that as motivation.

    Ladies: I think I hurt my shoulder Yesterday I upped the resistance I was working out with and it was hard. Sadly, my left shoulder started hurting more and more as the day went by. I will not let this stop me though, I will just have to be careful and not do the movements if the hurt. I have a bad right shoulder from attempting to play basketball hears ago and it still hurts me every once in a while and it would blow to have 2 bad shoulders, but oh well, I guess it's worse to have a gigantic arse!

    Off to go do my workout and I'll be back later!
  • Awesome! Thanks, NSM! I checked out that website and it's very helpful.
  • arg! no time today! have to go do the washing up and make my food for tomorrow. I hope to have time later or ... ??? why does work interfere with my internet time????
  • Velveteen ~ Have a good evening dear.

    NSM ~ Hmmm, are you sure it isn't DOMS(Delayed onset muscle soreness)? If it gets worse tomorrow then it probably is. Remember when I started the Strength training and went for the 60 minute workout? I was sore for almost a week after that. But luckily after that, I was able to handle it. I'm pushing myself, little by little these days though. I learned my lesson. I admire your dedication though. Bravo!

    Sandye ~ Are you kidding me? Never in a million, katrillion, babillion years girly. You're my hero! Hey, I can give some and some to, so remember that. Hey thanks for posting that link. It's about time I try the interval training stuff as well. My treadmill has preset ones, so I don't know if I should do those or the stuff on that website. I bookmarked it.

    MsP ~ on the panties girlfriend for being so dang close to goal. Kudos!

    Glutio ~ Yeah, I think seeing the doctor is probably your best bet. I do hope together you guys can figure it out.

    Blondie ~ Sorry to hear that. But I do know what you mean about being thankful.

    Lene ~ for your determination and really going after your goals. I'm so proud of you. You know I took a look at the flylady thing once, but didn't think too much of it...I might want to have another look.

    So I've been pretty stationary today. My friend and I have had a few waves today, trying to get all this stuff out in the open and it just really threw my day off this morning. I came clean to the guy I was seeing last summer before I gained all this weight, about why I kept blowing him off and me gaining the weight was the main reason. It all sounded real superficial, but it was the truth. Eh, I don't know, it's just been one of those emotionally, blah days. But the boys and I got outside and I trimmed my pine trees out here and now I smell like one of those christmas tree airfreshners you put in your car. I needed fresh air and got a whole bunch of pine. Anywho, back in the AC and stationary again. But that's alright, I have dinner to cook and boys to chase, so I'll be alright.