In the 170's REVIVAL

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  • I am feeling better today. I ended up starting TOM so I'm pretty sure that's why the scale was up and down and up and down last week. I haven't weighed yet, but I did the Shred last night and I'm doing the full 30 days this time.

    Our wedding anniversary is August 25th and I'd love to look better by then, and feel better too. I haven't set an actual weight loss goal, but I've set the goal to have done the 30DS and to be on target with my calories.

    I had started with my calories too low- then raised 'em too high- and now I'm settling around 1400-1500... Any calorie counters here?? Where are you as far as daily cals goes??

    Keep up the good work ladies- let's see 169 asap!
  • Quote: I am feeling better today. I ended up starting TOM so I'm pretty sure that's why the scale was up and down and up and down last week. I haven't weighed yet, but I did the Shred last night and I'm doing the full 30 days this time.

    Our wedding anniversary is August 25th and I'd love to look better by then, and feel better too. I haven't set an actual weight loss goal, but I've set the goal to have done the 30DS and to be on target with my calories.

    I had started with my calories too low- then raised 'em too high- and now I'm settling around 1400-1500... Any calorie counters here?? Where are you as far as daily cals goes??

    Keep up the good work ladies- let's see 169 asap!
    Carcar, I also calorie count. Right now I'm around 1250-1350 and it seems to be working well for me. I've wondered about upping since I exercise regularly, but so far, so good. I only dropped it that low because that was the only way the scale would get moving. I spent a month working out with a personal trainer and eating around 1500-1600 per day, and the scale never budged... so I dropped it to 1300 and things started moving for me.
  • Carcar- I count calories too and right now I'm eating 1200 to 1400 a day which is usually closer to 1200. Since I've started doing the 30DS and really getting my workouts in I've been feeling hungrier and what not so I might try and keep my intake above 1350 or so and see how my body reacts to that.

    I weighed in at 178.4 today which is up two pounds since yesterday. I did eat a lot of processed food yesterday and a lot later in the evening than I would usually eat due to being in the library for some hours doing school work(which I should be doing now btw) so I think all that just threw my body off. I'm not really stressing about it or anything though. I'm just going to up my water intake today and see if that helps get rid of this annoying water weight.
  • Hey ladies,
    I am happy to see this thread is alive. I am finally in the 170s, but I have been in the 170s for a while. I am in desperate need of some encouragement and support. Lets see this thread thru to the 160s
  • Hey girls! Well counting my calories was a total flop today. I swear TOM is killer. Usually it isn't really this bad, but I'm like super emotional this week and it seems like everything that could be possibly stressing me out right now IS. I am going to be awesome tomorrow (because I ate way too much pizza tonight... ahem...) I drank a TON of water today, though, so go me!

    I am having a really hard time coming up with healthy snacks and meals- I'm allergic to eggs and dairy so that is really limiting-- tight budget, allergies, and living in a small rural town means hard to find substitutions within the price range I'm willing to pay. Grrr... I wish I could take ya'll shopping with me to help me figure out new options!

    Anyway, I'm off to do the Shred! I'm counting backwards this time through, so it's more exciting instead of seeing how many days I've done (like, day 1... day 2... day 3... etc) I'm doing it like this: 29 days left!! 28 days left!! hahaha it is more motivational to me for some reason.
  • 172
  • leighish- girl you are so close. stick with it!!!

    i'm kickin' your butt out of this club!!
  • I've been eating 1600 calories these last two days and I feel like I have to stuff my face to get my calories that high. As of tomorrow I'm going down to 1500 which isn't that much lower but it'll have to do for now.

    I'm getting kind of frustrated with the whole pants thing 38 pounds and only 1 pants size! arrrggghh. However, with the rate I'm at I'm hoping to hit my goal of 148 or around holloween or soon after which makes me super happy considering I had planned on hitting my goal by new years.

    Hows everyones week going?
  • 173.6 when i woke up. gonna weigh myself in a little bit once I go to the bathroom and so on.

    Completely OP since Monday!! So hard again
  • 171 this morning.
  • Up to 176.6 this morning... not surprised since I didn't exercise yesterday, ate pretty late, and did terrible with my water. Everything is good today, though! Hope to see 175 again tomorrow for my official weigh in.
  • Congrats to everyone!! Can I join you ladies? I'm back at 3FC after a long absence and some lurkage (is that even a word?) and weighing in at 177.7 according to the Wii Fit a couple of days ago. I'm SOOO ready to see a 160-something on the scale, it's been at least 10 years since I've been there!

    I'm watching my calories and plan on really focusing on my exercise since I am a decent maintainer without the exercise.

    I have a treadmill, a recumbent bike, a punching bag (hubby's), 30DS, and the Wii Fit; right now I'm working on an official workout "plan." I'm open to suggestions if anyone wants to throw some out there
  • Welcome, Mandafay! Sounds like you have a pretty good exercise set up going on.

    175.6 for my official weigh in today... I'll take it! I inflamed my IT band on my right leg while hiking last weekend and it's giving me some issues while running. I should take today off and run tomorrow morning, but I had such a good run yesterday that I'd like to run again today. Guess we'll see when I get home from work.
  • 170.2
    I'm on a buttery roll....
  • 169.8 this evening before dinner! woooo woooo!
    Let's see if this one sticks, or rather, no, don't stick. I want 168 next please!!