Maintainers Chat: May 4 - 10

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  • Lily--Congrats on the new grandbaby!

    Alinnell--Good job on the food choices.

    For me, this has been a tough week. I tried my strict eating plan for 2 days, lost 3 lbs, but 2 days later, I have now regained 2 of the 3 lbs though I have been eating on my weight loss plan and not cheating. I just keep telling myself that my body needs to realize I mean business. This weight is going to go away. I'll stick with it. I still want to lose 10 more lbs at least. Just wish it would come off as easily as it seems to be gained! Oddly, though I'm not losing, I am H-U-N-G-R-Y!!! To me, that means my body should soon realize that it's time to lose and go with me on that idea.

    On a good note, today I had a good workout. I was bored doing the usual weight lifting, so I thought about one of the older women I had seen using one of the older type leg machines at the fitness center. Decided I'd give it a try. It was great! I used it to do inner and outer thigh and glute. I felt each lift. I really feel like that machine could make a difference, so you can bet I'll be using it several times a week. I also did 45 minutes of cardio, so I'm feeling better about my work out, at least for today.

    I also wanted to eat out at Wendy's today with my sons, but I told my oldest that in order to have a free lunch, he had to walk with me to and from Wendy's--about 1.5 miles. It worked. They each had tons of food while I had a large chili and was just as happy about that as they were with their choices. Tonight, I tried 3 different types of chicken spices and grilled all my chicken. It was a really good choice--tasted great.

    Hope you each have a wonderful mother's day! and a great weekend full of healthy choices!
  • Allison - WTG, you fared much better than I with pizza - the pizza won the battle at my house last night.

    I have been participating in retail therapy lately too - I hit a warehouse sale yesterday (instead of going for my run) Ended up buying 3 hoodies - seriously, who needs 3 hoodies ( I already have 8 others) yeeesh. They set up the pricing so the more you bought the cheaper they were.

    My running has been stalled this week due to a sore lower back. I have been experiencing lower back pain the day after running and I am trying to troubleshoot to figure out what is causing it.
    It could be:
    Bad running form
    Bad shoes (doubt it- have a brand new pair of good shoes)
    Inadequate stretching

    Anyone else experienced back pain after running - suggestions?

    I hope everyone has a fabulous on plan day.

  • sznnWhat kind of surface are you running on?

  • Dagmar - I only run on gravel or trails. Pavement gives me instant shin splints.
    I just got home from a 7-8K run and am going to do a stretch DVD and see if that helps.

    How is the weather in TO? It is sunny but chilly here in Van.
    When is spring really coming?

  • Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, including moms of furkids.

    Sheila, as one who has fallen out of the groove more times than I can count, I can tell you that the hardest part is just getting started again. Once you get three good days under your belt, you'll be back and asking yourself why you ever got off-plan because you feel so much better ON-plan. If you can commit to one day -- just one day -- you'll be on your way. Are you struggling with food or exercise, or is it both? Can you go back to basics, WeightLoss 101, and do whatever worked for you in the beginning? I think you're a WW, right? so maybe back to journalling, planning, counting points and everything you did back in Week One of your amazing journey.

    Sheila, you've come too far and worked too hard to let this slip away. And that's what happens -- it just slips away, a pound at a time. Regaining weight is frighteningly easy and fast. It seems like all we have to do is take our eyes off the ball for a minute and wham-o, 10 pounds are back on. Please don't let yourself become a statistic! Your health and fitness are worth fighting for. We're here to support you in any way that we can -- just say the word.

    DH and I were out late last night and I'm not sure why I woke up so early. Perhaps a Mother's Day nap? After I get the laundry and cleaning done!

    We were at a dinner last night and when dessert rolled around, everyone was served a molten chocolate cake. I took a taste, decided that it wasn't worth the calories, and pushed it away. It sat there for the next half hour until the table was cleared and didn't even tempt me. Have aliens taken over my brain? I've discovered that the longer I stay away from sugar, the easier it is to resist. I have David Kessler's new book The End Of Overeating but haven't started it yet. In it, I believe he discusses some of the science behind how sugar, fat, and salt can rewire our brains to crave the rush we get from highly processed, high sugar/fat/salty foods. Fascinating stuff. Has anyone read it yet?

    One more mug of coffee and then time to be productive.
  • sznn The weather here yesterday was unreal. I sat in my car for a 10 minute hail storm (in the middle of a thunderstorm) and was partially deafened (like when you go to a metal concert and stand in front of the speakers ). Two hours later I got a bit of a sunburn in the beautiful warmness of my backyard. Yesterday evening I shivered in my coat and turtleneck as I made my way back from a concert. Yeesh!

    Meg on the cake! You are my role model. I'm conquering the caffeine first, then the sugar. I saw the book you mentioned in the bookstore yesterday (while sheltering from a storm) but was already over budget.

    Will you start a discussion thread for it or give it a review when you're done? I skimmed a bit of it and it looked interesting.

    Have a great OP day everyone! I'm off for my one hour weight session which is one of the high points of my week. I thought I'd never like weights - silly me
  • Happy Mother's Day!!!

    Sheila, I've found myself climbing back onto the horse more times than I would like lately, but when you fall off, it is either stay off or climb back on. It's good that you are facing the scale!!! You know what to do! You know about the No excuses thread here in maintainers---would it be a helpful tool for you these next few days?
  • hey all!

    I've lost a pound since the cruise--I gained 3 or four, depending on water weight. It was totally worth it though.

    Anyway, i promised I'd check in and let you guys know how my non-calorie counting experiment is going. Well, I think. From the first day I have suddenly been eating way fewer sweets because I am not thinking, its just 60 more calories (as in, it doesn't matter that it is candy). I've also been drinking a lot more fluid and eating only when I'm hungry.

    Meg and the cake---I had something similar happen to me. Friday is the day when one of the ladies in my building brings in a cake that her retired husband makes for everyone to enjoy. His cakes are pretty yummy, though his fave seems to be pound cake, which I have never liked. Anyway, he made some kind of pink coconut cake with walnuts in the frosting. My thing is, I will cut myself a tiny sliver--and I mean tiny (less than 1/2 inch) as a taste. Well, I did that, and put a bite in my mouth and then just threw the rest away--I mean, I just had this moment where I asked myself if it really tasted awesome enough for me to choose to eat it--I pictured my pretzel snacks in my office...and just said, nope. I brought food so this wouldn't be necessary. Why ruin the plan? For what? Not worth it.

    So far I am feeling good about eating right again. For about two weeks I felt very obstinate about it but I am coming back around.

    I went on a shopping spree yesterday, taking advantage of JC Penney's Mother's Day sale. I had to revamp my work wardrobe because I am getting a promotion, and because my clothes hardly fit! Then I got to go home and fill a Goodwill bag with clothes that are too big for me. It felt really nice to try on clothes and know that I look good in them--that I don't have to worry if this one shows too much back fat, etc. Also, I have to wear more grown-up clothes. I've been in a phase where I have been wearing clothes I couldn't wear in college--not slutty or anything but maybe a teeny bit too co-ed and not enough 27-year-old professional...things that are surprisingly sexy and womanly even though they aren't revealing. I am coming to terms with the fact that I don't need to wear clothes that hide my figure.

    And then I have a co-worker who tells me I should wear clothes that show off my tiny waist, and I feel conflicted because I don't think that's necessary--like I have to prove anything to anyone. It's kinda confusing, but I have to also consider the source--this is a woman who often wears shirts that barely cover her belly--to work, which is really unprofessional.

    Anyhow, just enjoying my Mother's know a dog doesn't count, but I can tell myself he's my baby!