Maintainers Chat: April 20 - 26

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  • Well, I had my first ever bladder infection. Wow! That sure hurts!! I have a very high pain tolerance so I think it got really bad before I took notice. The doctor and nurse were amazed when they ran the quick test in the office. I have to be careful because I only have one kidney, so now I know for the future. Thank goodness the antibiotics are already helping as I had to skip the gym yesterday but hope to go today. I had to work both of my jobs yesterday which was difficult as the pain was making it hard to concentrate. I didn't want pain medication so I toughed it out. On the downside, I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 4:30 (needing to go to the bathroom of course) so I am a tired one this morning...... My weight was 123.8 though so I guess no sleep equals weight loss??

    Thank goodness it is Thursday.... My dd comes home from college next weekend. I can't believe her freshman year is almost over. I really can't believe it.... She will only be home for less than a month and then she is going to S. California to be a camp counselor (in charge of the horse program) for a camp for disabled children and adults (she is a Special Ed major). She is so excited but I am bummed that we will have so little time with her. We will probably go down and visit her at least once though. I think I'm rambling.... lack of sleep.....

    Shanna-- I am continuing to pray for you and your family. We cannot know your pain. My mom was bipolar and I do know how terrible mental illness can be.
  • Goal, great job with the loss! I'm just getting back on track right now too.

    Michele, bladder infections do really suck.

    Anne, welcome back from Boston, how was the race?

    I had a mini-breakdown last night. It was after dinner, and I was still hungry. I suddenly couldn't remember how I ever managed to lose weight in the first place, because I hate being hungry so much. I felt like all my willpower had dissolved and I'd never be able to lose weight again. DH reminded me that you're always hungry the first couple weeks of cutting calories but then you get used to it, so I'm holding on to that. I did end up snacking last night, but on fruit, not the bread I was eyeing. This morning my scale was down three pounds (water weight), and my motivation has magically returned. Funny how that works!
  • goalsuccess~congratulations on your loss! That's inspiring.

    Jessica~you're right (or your DH is) that the hunger at the beginning is hard. I need to keep that in mind as well.

    Michele~where in So Cal is your daughter doing the camp thing? I ask because we have two different places here where disabled kids work with horses. Just wondering if it could be one of those. I hope your infection goes away fast.

    As for me, I have a new incentive to lose this stupid weight. I might be going to Italy this summer. My best friend from college said she wanted to go and wants a companion (not her kids or ex) so I jumped in. She's on a business trip today so we can't really discuss anything, but I think I'll be reading a bunch today. It's been 33 years since I've been there (gosh--am I that old?). My next door neighbor is from Italy so I may have to pick her brains as well. That and go buy the Rosetta Stone to learn the language!!
  • Goalsuccess-- I meant to congratulate you on your recent loss! That is fantastic!!

    Allison-- the camp is called Camp Paivika and it is located in Cedarpines Park (near San Bernadino). Have you heard of it? It is part of the "Ability First" organization.
  • Michele~no I haven't heard of that one. We have Pegasus riding academy and Healing Hands here in the Coachella valley.
  • Paperclippy: I feel your pain and frustration. Some times I am SO HUNGRY I could chew on my couch arm! Ugh! Lately, when I've wanted something that isn't part of my weight loss eating plan, I've reminded myself that losing the weight I've gained is more important right now than having that damn chocolate chip cookie. It's worked so far! I, too, tell myself that if I am that hungry, really, I can have something healthy--like fruit. I've also become addicted to pumpkin pudding. Everyone where I work comments on my always having pumpkin pudding to eat. It really feels like a treat, so I'll enjoy it as long as I can. I also have found that when I'm hungry or think I am that if I find something else to keep my mind and my hands busy, I will usually forget about it. That means, I believe, that I really wasn't hungry. My last ditch effort at not eating, of course, is going to bed. If I can't eat, I may as well be well rested! Stick with it. Someone told me it takes two weeks for your body to acclimate to a change; then it will become evident that it IS, indeed, working!
  • Starting again . . .
    . . . and again, and again. SIGH.

    But at least I'm starting again on a Friday, instead of loading up on food all weekend and then being even more over my red line on Monday.

    DH is having his annual "spring meltdown". Not a good idea to drink and then email your sweetie, in the wee hours, what you really think about her family. I have been with this man for 13 years now. The last 3 have felt longer than the previous 10. His mid-life crisis seems to be lasting forever. I wish he would decide to finally become a grown up.

    That's all the whining I'm doing today. Someone has a tag quote from Yoda on their ticker - "do or do not. There is no try". Think I'll put that one up on the fridge for a while.

    Have a great Friday all!

  • Do I feel 'too' comfortable with maintenance and am using it as an excuse?
    For the last several weeks I've had a pretty consistent pattern of exercising great for three days, then stop for three days, exercise for two, skip one, exercise for two, skip three, and so on... Every time I take the three days off I feel terrible - achy, bloated, irritable. I had a lightbulb moment this week when I realized that I had been evil and attributed it to lack of exercise. So, I got up and exercised Mon & Tues, no exercise Wed, then no exercise yesterday. I made the excuses to myself - I didn't sleep much Tuesday night because I had to get up early for my seminar downtown on Wednesday so fell asleep Wed afternoon instead of working out, then stayed up until after 1 working on a legal matter Wed night and slept poorly once I went to bed, so tired yesterday and didn't exercise. Well, what has been my excuse for the candy I've eaten almost daily for the last three weeks, the beer I had last night, the extra indulgences that aren't looking like occasional treats anymore, but expectations? I've been tracking my weight daily - my Feb average was 121.8, March avg was 121.4, April avg to date 122.0 - so I've been staying within a narrow range that is within my maintenance window. Am I taking the fact that I haven't gained as an excuse to go overboard? I know I feel more rundown lately, and it is all from the decreased exercise and increased sugar. So, how do I kick myself in the pants and get out of this spiral? I really want to wear a two piece bathing suit this summer - haven't worn one since I was somewhere around 5... I think I need to go out and buy some spring/summer clothes that fit right so I can clearly see what I'm risking if I continue this behavior...
    Okay, rant over.

    Goal -Glad that your plan is working!

    Dagmar -Sorry about the DH drama... I like the Yoda quote. I also like the Karate Kid quote about being 'squashed like grape' - I had that one on my fridge for a while. Might put one of those two back up for a while myself....

    Michele - bladder infections are horribly uncomfortable.... sorry that you had to go through that. Feeling better?

    Allison - Italy! Fun! Definitely an incentive to lose!

    Jessica - sometimes it takes a meltdown to get back on track! I hate being hungry, too, so I know how you feel. I hope it evens out for you soon! And, for you, too, Goalsuccess!

    I'm likely going home early today so I am gonna gonna gonna exercise before DH & DSS get home. No excuses, no whining, no 'don't wanna do it'... I have a garage full of equipment so I can't use driving to the gym as an excuse. It takes lazy to a whole new level when your fitness equipment is actually in your house and you don't bother to use it, IMO.

    Good Friday everyone!
  • Goal, thanks -- I am telling myself it will be two weeks before I acclimate. Actually the past couple days have been pretty good. My calories are still coming in around 1650-1700 though, I haven't done an official cut yet. I'm just being more honest about what I'm eating this week and trying not to munch. I'm hoping the Volumetrics recipes will let me still feel full even when I cut down calories. I think I'm going to start with 1400/day for a week and see how it feels before I try to cut back any further than that.

    Allison, have fun in Italy!!! I hear if you speak Spanish you can get around Italy pretty well.

    Dagmar, sorry about your DH's midlife crisis. I hope things get better soon!

    Shannon - Go work out! No more sweets!!! It may be true that you haven't gained this week, but 100 extra calories per day = 10lbs in a year! Or, as I am evidence of, 20lbs.
  • Shannon-- I hear ya! It is so easy to get lazy especially if the scale isn't punishing you. The scale usually responds pretty quickly (unfavorably) if I don't exercise or eat properly, so I do get quick feedback and have to correct (so I guess that is a blessing in disguise). I would definitely suggest getting some cute spring/summer clothes and/or a bikini to keep you focused! I just starting posting this month on the exercise accountability thread. It seems like a good idea to have an exercise goal/quota and then try to stick with that-- perhaps you could try that?

    Allison-- ITALY would be amazing!!! We went once a few years ago and we did a walking tour of Tuscany. We can't wait to do it again and I would sure love to do it much skinnier and healthier than I was then!
    Are you familiar with the area my dd will be? Is it near you? I am not familiar with So Cal at all and we will probably go visit her a time or two.

    Dagmar--so sorry about dh. At least he is complaining about your family and not you? Trying to see the positives here..... Hope he gets over his crisis soon so you aren't so stressed!!

    My bladder infection is much better-- thanks for asking!!

    So happy it's Friday!!!!!!
  • Thanks for the kicks, guys! The 100 extra calories per day = 10 pounds in a year is a little jarring to think about... I tend to see blips in the scale after eating way too much, but they always seem to settle back down so they don't bother me as much anymore... I've had an exercise goal each month, but with the surgery in January I missed Jan & Feb, then set March way too low so went way over. I'm now going to not make April, which I thought was a little low when I set it in the firstplace... Don't feel very good about that... I also got pretty fired up there for a while on the '750 miles in 2009' challenge, but let my mileage slip and haven't gotten it back up. My buddy in AZ stopped messaging me with his mileage every day so I let mine slip, too. That will be by new mini-goal to get back up to the 8 miles, on the way to the half marathon number I was working for before surgery.

    It is 82 degrees in my office and I feel like I am going to pass out in here... The air isn't moving at all. Reminds me of one reason why I started cutting my hair short...

    I just read Glory's post about being back from Texas and saw her comment about Facebook. I'm on facebook now and am building up my friend list - if anyone else is on there and would like to be one of my 'facebook friends' send me a PM!
  • Michele~I am not all that familiar with San Bernardino. I've driven through it many, many times, but all you see that way is the freeway and all the industrial areas. I'm assuming she'll be in the mountain area which is very beautiful. My daughter has gone to several camps (girl scouts and music camps) that have been located in the mountains and foothills there. Other than that, I can't offer much info--sorry.

    I don't seem to have issues with hunger. I don't mind hunger unless I'm bored. Then the two can wreak havoc. As with Shannon, I tend to lose motivation--although not on a weekly basis, but on a daily basis. I get up, get my exercising done, eat a great breakfast and pack my lunch and snacks for the day. It all unravels when I get home. Even if I've planned my dinner I often change my mind or my family says they want something different. Usually it's due to my not wanting to spend a lot of time cooking after a long day at work. Then, to placate myself, I usually have a cocktail which we all know is just empty calories. Last night I didn't really want to cook, but did it anyway, and I wasn't hungry at all. But after putting together a really good dinner, I couldn't resist it and I ate without the hunger. I even delayed dinner for 45 minutes longer than usual. And then, because it tasted so good, I didn't stop with one fish taco, but had two. Stupid. Stupid.

    So I discussed it with DH and he's going to go along with me for the next two weeks. No cooking. At all. Starting Monday. I'm doing my own little experiment with frozen meals. I'm going to buy frozen entrees for lunch AND dinner (usually we just do them for lunch). I intend to keep each lunch and dinner at around 300 calories (and I'll keep my eye on the sodium!!). I'll supplement with side salads and fruit and my usual snacks and breakfasts. If this doesn't kick start a losing streak I may have to turn to that icky diet book my doctor recommended.
  • michele, I am so glad you are getting over your bladder infection -they are awful!

    Alison, I hope you get to go to Italy this summer! I'd love to go back - I went to Europe in high school and then the summer after I graduated. I also have family in Germany and I'd really like to go back there as well. If you get Rosetta stone to learn Italian, please let me know what you think of it! I've been considering trying it but it's expensive and I don't want to be disappointed.

    Dagmar, that stinks about your DH. I hope he gets through this and "grows up" soon!

    I've been fretting about my newest endeavour: volunteering at the hospital. I'm doing it mainly because I want to go back to med school and they want "clinical experience" (which, really, I worked in a nursing home, does that not count?). I'm very excited about the unit I was placed in - an adult inpatient unit - because the hospital really isn't my goal, I want to work in a family practice, and this is a bit closer to that. However, I have been inexplicably NERVOUS about it and haven't actually started yet. I think I'm just unclear on what exactly they want me to do, and I'm kind of on my own. Basically I'm just interacting with patients and their visitors and making sure everyone is happy and comfortable. I had a little orientation where I made rounds with someone, and haven't been back for the real volunteering yet... so my goal is to make it in this afternoon.

    By the way - I'm also on facebook (more often than I should be, honestly!) so if anyone wants to find me let me know and I'll PM you =)
  • I practically live on facebook. Send me a PM if you'd like to find me there.
  • Michele, Jessica (paperclippy) and I are all on FB. You can find me if you search for my name (my user name here is my first initial and last name--pretty straightforward).

    Iris~I looked into the Rosetta Stone. Way more money than I figured! I think I'll buy Berlitz (about $40 compared to over $500) but you can do an online version of Rosetta Stone. A six month subscription costs $199.