Maintainers Chat: April 6 - 12

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  • Dagmar, I think a 36C is considered average bra size, at least in the US. When I lost weight I went from a 38C to a 34C. I'm glad my cup size didn't change, I think a C is the perfect size for me! =)

    So far I am back on track today. I'm going out for dinner tonight, so I'm a little nervous about that. I know I'm going to get a stir fry with veggies and tofu and the portion is HUGE so I can't eat more than half! I'll stick to that!
  • Sheila I guess I should say BFF to be current, eh?

    Nice house Shannon. It's fun to see where everyone lives.

    Losing weight only caused me to go from a DD to a D, though the band size made a bigger change. I'm seldom able to buy smalls, as they're always too tight in the chest.

    Except for church (and breakfast there) Easter will be a quiet weekend for us. I'm determined to push the button and e-file our taxes - we're getting a refund for a change, but we've had a couple of corrected forms so I haven't been able to file yet. Otherwise, I'll be doing laundry, grocery shopping, etc. I think DH is working at the Recycle center tomorrow. Oh and I should clean my house.....
  • hey people! Boy, it was a rough week-I hardly logged on to the internet at all, which means...I pretty much didn't do at least 50% of the food tracking I was supposed to. Still, I feel ok. I mean, I am more mindful regardless, so I don't think I blew it.

    But I had some stressful times when I felt my self-esteem dip, and I didn't CARE whether I tracked my food or even really what I was eating. Not good. I think, for me, high levels of self-esteem and care are required to maintain a healthy weight. If I start to think negatively, I throw in the towel, so to speak, and say...why does this even matter?? I am working for nothing.

    I had a big fight with my fiance. I have constant deadlines and stress at work, but with my bahamas cruise coming up next week, I feel more pressure than usual to get all my work off my desk and finished before I leave for a week.

    And that brings me to my next topic--I am cruising to the bahamas next week, beginning April 18 and ending the following saturday. I already had one person gape at me when I said I didn't think the buffet style eating would be a problem for me since I have grown used to small portions. But really, I think it's true! I think the coolest thing about the buffets is that I can choose from a lot of different foods. I just don't want to eat til I hurt anymore--so why would I worry that I will....they look at me like I am a heroin addict going on a tour of Afghanistan. "But what about your DIET????" They say, looking horrified. And I reply, "What diet?"

    I am not on a diet.

    I'm not. Not anymore. I never was. I have always, from the start, though I made some mistakes, considered my eating habits simply that--habits that are part of my lifestyle as a whole. Does my lifestyle include monitoring my portions and making sure I eat in a relatively healthful way? Of course. Does that mean I am on a diet? no, NO. No.

    My co-worker is on a diet. The Atkins diet--and whatever you say about it, I don't care. She is not very faithful to it, regardless. She spouts Atkins wisdom all day--especially when she sees me eating carbs...but for all her obsession with "Diet," be it what it may--she has lost and gained back the same twelve pounds for the last two years we have been working together. She will always be on a diet. I feel terrible for her when I think about it.

    Anyway, rant over. I am not knocking Atkins in any way whatsoever. I think it works for some people--definitely not for me. But "diets" don't "work" for anyone. Changing thinking--that's what works. Caring what goes in your mouth and caring how much your body moves--forever--that works.

    I guess I am pep-talking myself...sorry! It's just, if I think I am on a diet, I'll think there's an end point...a point where I can eat things that are terrible for me and lay around all day with no consequences. I'll think that since I have reached my goal weights a few times now that I can "go back" to not giving a rat's patoot what I do with my body--cause that's what skinny people seem to do. I'll think I can go on a cruise and not use the gym, and eat fried ice cream at every meal. But I don't think that. And that's my point.

    Still, encourage me to do the right thing, please, lol! Anybody been on a cruise have any tips?? not just about food.


    oh, and to tack on to the current convo---after 75 lbs, I only went down from a 40 C to a 38C. I can sometimes wear a 36, but Vicky Secret pros always measure me right at 38. It's maddening! But I guess I just have big bones. Really! lol
  • Have fun on your cruise, walk the decks and use the gym and you will do just fine!
  • tortuga, I agree that self esteem is essential for healthy habits. When I feel low, I just want to lay around and eat. NOT good!

    I've never been on a cruise but it sounds like you have the right attitude - enjoy the food without stuffing yourself silly. And like bargoo said, get some exercise in. Have a great time!

    I'm having some people over tomorrow for Easter dinner, so I'm trying to get the house a little cleaner for that! I think house cleaning will be my exercise for today. =)
  • Tortuga-- I've been on cruises pre and post my healthy lifestyle. I have another cruise coming up in August. Most of the time you have multiple dining options available including buffets and sit down meals. I prefer the sit down meals where you can order what you want-- there is almost always fish on the menu and I'll usually get that or a vegetarian entree. The portions are not that huge most of the time. Of course, buffets do work if you are careful, but you will find limited healthy options. Take full advantage of the gym and enjoy your meals. Don't worry too much about things and then if you gain a pound or two you can take them off later (that is my philosophy). I always try to have a little wiggle room before I go and then work real hard when I get back. Have fun!!!
  • If you have any trouble curbing your eating when you drink alcohol, avoid the alcohol as much as possible.

    Do as many physically active things as you possibly can.

    Remember that just because everyone else is eating, you don't have to.

    Enjoy yourself! Have a good, safe time!

  • those are great tips! i forgot that I can do sit-downs, too! I think I may have become fixated on the buffet challenge when there is at least one very simple fix--order a meal at a restaurant instead, lol!

    One more good thing--I don't drink. So no calories there, and no worries about getting out of control. My fiance is pretty active, and I am also adventurous, so I think we will be pretty busy doing things on the boat and off. He even wants to try a yoga class with me! We were just discussing which excursion to do (we budgeted for one) and I can't decide between a day at the water park or a horseback ride through the island beaches and eco-system. I want to do the horse one, but my love pointed out that I'd be eaten alive by bugs out in the "jungle" so I may not end up enjoying that one as much as I think. I don't know. But instead of worrying about eating too much, I am going to have as much fun as I can....I think it will all even out.
  • Heh. Do you ride often? If not, skip the horseback ride... It will make you very sore in unfortunate places. Take it from one who knows.

  • It DID make me sore in unusual places....but it was totally worth it! I LOVED every minute, even as I was thinking....ugh...that's going to leave a mark...