Spring Season-Long (three months til bathing suits!) Challenge

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  • Great job, SusanB!
  • sjdphc - Yes, it's Old Navy. I love their clothes. Haha. I like plain and simple! I didn't think a jean skirt would look good, but I think I was wrong.

    Spooky - Thanks Spooky! I'd be there by now, but I fell off the wagon. But today's a new day. I'll be there soon and so will you!

    Today I ate about 1,800 calories. I'll just have to be a bit more careful this week to avg 1,600. I noticed my weight stalls if I eat too little. It's funny actually. I'll be heading to the gym around 10:30 for a good workout.
  • Morning!
  • wow what a busy week i had. well i am down 1 pound from last week. that is getting may off on the right foot. my exercising over the weekend was really good. friday night DH and i went for a walk after dinner (30min), saturday we went for another walk (1 hour) then yesterday we helped with our local MS walk. (set up and take down of the rest stops around the route.) that was about an hour to 1 1/2 hour. now to keep that going today. i am hoping to get out and rake the rest of my yard later today. and then do my normal exercising.
  • I'm at 203.3lbs right now. I can't seen to get away from the 200s. So close. I'm trying not to focus on scale victories right now. Just small improvements I need to make right now.
  • Wormwood -- don't sweat the scale. As long as you keep doing the right things the number will go down. I'm trying to weigh myself just once a week now. I get scale obsessed. Seriously. Weigh myself 4-5 times a day. It's redonk.

    I started body for life today. My food has been OP and I did a killer weights workout this morning. Off to start dinner -- whole wheat pasta with turkey meatballs YUM.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Spooky - I use to be the same way. But I learned how my body fluctuates so it would never bother me.

    I need you ladies to kick my butt. I have been doing so bad these last two weeks. Why can't I get outta this funk?
  • Morning!

    I'm really enjoying my elliptical but need to get a handle on the extras I'm eating.
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Ive been MIA....Sorry

    BUT, im down 1.5 this week!

    Hope youre all doing good!
  • Morning, everyone!

    Wormwood -- I wish I had a magic pill for you. Sometimes 'faking it' helps me. Just keep on. Exercise even though you don't feel like it. Eat OP even though you don't feel like it. Maybe it would help if we had a challenge or something you could participate in? Like we could tag each other to go do 15 min of exercise and report back/tag someone else? Sometimes crap like that helps me.

    Aimee -- W00t! Great job!

    Susan -- Good morning! I freakin' hate the elliptical.

    AFM -- I'm doing well. Did my HIIT this am and am feeling yesterday's workout. Focusing on eating well, drinking water, and planning tomorrow's food/workout.
  • goood morning giirrrllssss! I am doing pretty well. Glad to hear everyone ele is too. Susan soemtimes I let my snacking get away from me. But since you have noticed you can fix it before it gets to far. Mrs Augie and Wormwood - Congratulations on being down that is awesome! I found I was down a little bit too. Not my official WI day but a good sign. Spooky you are really doing awesome. Keep up the good work. I am going to the gym today. Only running a few mile however because I have a tattoo appt today!!!!
  • Cakebatter (which is my favorite flavor of ice cream from Cold Stone and definitely not BFL friendly, just sayin') -- Oooooh a tattoo appt! For what? Where? I think if I ever reach onederland I'm definitely going to treat myself to new ink!
  • Cakebatter - I went to get a new tattoo for myself and they directed me to an artist that lives in New Jersey. I don't have a car since I live in the city so I was bummed. The other shops around here are nothing but old men that came here and basically started tattooing. They're usually pompous men, so I didn't want to have to deal with them. Oh well. I should wait anyways! But what are you getting?!

    Spooky - That's a good idea. I got a tattoo when I lost 25lbs. I should wait until I reach my beginning of summer goal of 185 to get that tattoo. Maybe that'll put my butt into gear!
  • No tatoos for me ... shiver ...

    Good morning! I did nothing helpful yesterday. It was definitely a lesson in preparedness. I worked OT and by the time I got home, the choices were not good. I immediately put on pj's and sank into a book.
    I know from experience that hopping on the elliptical for 10 minutes would have made a world of difference but I didn't do it.
    And guess what ... this morning I feel like a wrung out rag. And I still don't have any smart foods in the house.

    Did I ever tell you that on the first weight loss board I found, my screen name was otta-no-better?
  • well the weekend has started out prettty good for me. last night was pizza night and this morning was homemade waffles. with peanutbutter and syrup on. anyway i am thinking about exercising pretty soon i really know that i need to do that on the weekends and am really making a point to do that. hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.