Weekly Chat - Jan 5 to Jan 11th 2:):)9

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  • Good Morning Ladies

    Its like a skating ring out there where we live. The streets & parking lot for our complex is like a sheet of ice. Leo had such a hard time getting the garbage down to the street.

    Watched the B/L last night & I couldn't believe how people and young adults being that huge in weight. Sad that they got that way.

    TRISH-Carbs especially the grainy ones were always my problems.I think the only way to control them is to portion them out at each meal. Sodium is another taking a look at. Can't understand that if lots of people have high blood pressure why don't company's stop using MSG in the products.

    SANDRA-So if you think that 22 pts is not enough for you,wouldn't it be better to have more points to be satisfied than to have less and start mindlessly snacking on anything in sight. That what I don't understand about WW. Portion control is wise but the point range is not enough in my opinion.

    COCO-Thanks for the congrats hope I'm on a roll this year to reach my goal. Your kraut could be sodium,and water will flush it out. But you maintained and that better than a gain.

    PAULA-I not even going to guess what the set points are all about. I will continue with the old core along with using my pts for the foods like I did in the past. "If it works don't fix it" is my motto.

    RHONDA-Glad that you have a gym to go to.Our curves had a fire and never re built,a furniture store is taking its place. I started to use my treadmill in the basement as my gym and than I have the bike in the computer room.Like you I going to continue exercising.Don't worry the class will get smaller,once the Exercising New Years Revolutions people start slaking off, the class will be the same again.

    Have a great morning,will check on you gals later.
  • I'm 308 Maryann. It apparently wasn't hard.
  • Hi Everyone
    The wind is blowing. Guess its blowing in the colder weather. It is trying to snow. We are suppose to get 1to 2 inches of snow by morning. We had alot of rain. And the creeks were coming up. But they are going down now.
    Made some sf ff cooked pudding today. Boy did it taste good for a change. Had been making the sf ff instant. Guess when I go back to the store I will have to get some more of the cook kind.
    I didnt get to watch the Biggest Loser last night. The guys were watching something. And then son was playing his WII. Guess I will have to fix up a TV in another room so I can watch it. I had seen some previews. Thought it looked like it would be good.
    Well I am going to get off here for now.
    Hope everyone had a great day.
    Thinking of each of you.
  • Vickie! I haven't had to contend with the amount of weight that you have had to deal with, but I didn't find it so darn hard to weigh over 200 pounds in my life! I have managed to keep off 10% from my highest weight, but am finding it hard to get to where I ought to be. I hope that I'm on to something though with the one pound a week goal, and I hope you're on to something with the 15 pounds 10 times for yourself.

    Froufy once told me that she had been overweight for practically her entire life, and she believed that there was a difference in the ease of losing between people who experienced that and people who gained weight later. She believed that it was much, much harder to lose if you had been heavy as a child. I haven't read any comparison research...but it's tough no matter what your history or experience.

    I teach a session on motivation in our courses. And research really shows that if you believe that you CAN do something and if you believe that the benefits of changing are worth the costs of changing, you can change. But, a belief in your own ability to change is fundamental. I imagine that most of us struggle with that (over and over).

    I had a really really long day. I also had to trudge across campus twice in blowing snow and sleet. Yeech. It was so nice to get home this afternoon.

    Hope you're all having a good night.


    where's Sammi and Tech?
  • Beautiful post, Rhonda. Thanks. You and Frouf are good women.
  • Good morning. I'm doing SBD and WW Simply Filling. I can't make up my mind which one to do. I like both plans. I did WW for almost a year then hit a plateau. Went back to SBD in Sept and still at a plateau. I rejoined WW this past Monday, mostly for support for my daughter. She gained 18 lbs since we left WW in July. I have maintained.

    I am tracking my foods, but eating Simply Filling foods. I finally have dropped a couple pounds. I'm only 7 lbs away from reaching goal and it's been a long struggle. I only get 19 pts each day and they sure add up fast. I know I don't have to count points if I eat Simply Filling foods, but I wanted to track, to see if I'm overeating, since I've been stuck at this weight since July.

    I wanted to share that I made the Mexican Meatloaf, from the new Book 1. It was very good. The only thing that wasn't Simply Filling was the stuffing (1 cup), but I counted the points for it. A serving is only 3 pts.

    Just wanted to introduce myself and maybe join in the daily chat.
  • Good Morning Ladies

    The winds are the problem to on the Cape. I think ther howling aver 50MPH.We have to go out to the bank & got to buy some tin foil pans for our stove.

    VICKIE-I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you or anyone.I just mentioned what I saw on the B/L show. Hope you forgive me for speaking out of turn.

    COCO-I have some FF/SF cooking pudding in my cupboard ,hadn't attempt to make them yet.Is there a big difference in the taste??????I remember that day when I had to share the TV with DD & DS,but It easy for me to watch tv and we only have two people in the house and Leo watches his programs in the bedroom and I watch my shows in the living room.

    PAM-Welcome to the thread.I was on the south beach,but when going into Phase 2 and introducing carbs the weight stopped and sometime a gain. With WW I finding that there to many carbs for me,so I trying to watch them by eating a few each day. You mentioned that your only 7 lbs to your goal the closer you get the harder it sis to lose. Both food lists are healthy it just a matter what foods you like best.

    Have a morning
  • Hi everyone. Well, we had 23 join WW at work yesterday! Its great to have such a big group. The best part is we have the 17 week program. I'm really determined to get back to goal this time (I know, I know, I've said this so many times, but at least I keep trying!). The last official wi I had was on 12/10. My goal for this week is to be below that weight. That will be a big deal for me -- getting past the holidays and the holiday eating and being down. Yesterday was just registration, the first wi and week #1 is next week.

    Maryann, I like the sf/ff cooked pudding better than instant. I recently found it -- I think its creamier and it doesn't separate in the fridge.

    Pam, WELCOME to the board. I'll have to check out that recipe. I love meatloaf and mexican spices. YUM.

    Rhonda, congrats on the working out! It does make a difference.

    Well, got to get to a meeting. I may be working from home tomorrow, dd came home from school sick. DH picked her up at 11, she has a low grade fever. DH said she seems to be ok now. I'm wondering if maybe her teeth are causing problems -- she lost one bottom tooth, a second is loose and her 6 year old molars are starting to cut. I hope that's all it is rather than a flu or virus.

  • Hi there, Chickies. We have gone to the club 3 days this week so far. Today Curtis went for a massage because of neck pains. I'm staying home training for archery and catching up around the place. All week I've been picking up the granddaughters after school since their sitter has the flu in her house. I've been op now 7 days in a row. I'm taking this one day at a time.

    This Saturday we're competing in a tournament between here and Houston. After competing we'll drive on to Houston and spend a couple of days or so with family and friends. We will be eating out the entire time. I'm going to do the best I can but am sure I'll use my WPA's. But that's what they're for, isn't it?

    I am one of those who's always struggled with weight issues. My nickname before they brought me home from the hospital was "Butterball." I remember a WW leader years and years (20 or more) telling me something about being overweight in infancy causes our cells to retain fat more easily thus requiring those of us who were overweight at young ages to have to work extra hard to lose. She didn't say losing was impossible but said it would require more work. I think she's right.

    I also think I'm right (and I'm probably not the first or even 1000th to think so) that we develop comfort zones. Right now I'm battling a comfort zone that's in the 190's. When I gain to 200 or more, I am out of my comfort zone and I have an easier time sticking to program---till I get back into the 190's.

    This pattern has repeated over the past 30 years. Before that my comfort level was in the 170's. I don't know why it changed to the 190's but it did.

    A few years ago I lost down to around 160. Then I slowly crept back to the 190's. Yes, I would get upset with myself every time I crossed to an upper decade, but I wasn't upset enough to do anything about it. It took me about 3 years to gain back to the 190's and I've been there now for over a year. I need to work on the mental part to lower my comfort level.

    I think the people who lose to goal are those who have decided that goal is their comfort zone. I've never made that decision and would like to know how to get some help on how to do so.

    Any Thoughts on this?

    Pam. I applaud you for being so close to goal.

    Maryann, now that I'm exercising more, I think my daily points should be raised. After I wi in the morning, I'm going to adjust my profile to see if more will be added. If not, I'll start using my activity points if I get hungry. Today is my last day of the week and I still have 22 WPA's left and 7 activity points earned. If I get hungry tonight I'll use some. Thank you for the thoughts on adding more points.

    Rhonda, thank you for your post. I'd love any tips you have for motivation.

    Vickie, I miss Frouf. Have you heard from her lately? I hope she's all right.
  • Paula, I'm glad you have enough for the class to make. I hear you on the not giving up. You'll get to goal.
  • Nope, I haven't heard from her Sandra. I hope she's well.
  • Sandra, I completly agree on the comfort zones. But it is possible to change those. Mine used to be 195, but not over 200. I've now settled close to 185. My goal however is 174. So now I need to get back to goal, stay there for a while and have that be my new comfort zone. I do believe and am living that you can re-program your comfort zone.
  • Vickie, I hope she's all right, too.

    Paula, did you do some mental exercises to reprogram your comfort zone?
  • Hi:

    I'll send more information on motivation over the weekend. But, basically, if you want to change the following are the most important:

    1)you have to believe that you can (self-efficacy),
    2)that the costs are worth paying (costs-benefits ratio)

    I'm guessing that many of us could do some work on believing in our own abilities, and that we could strengthen our belief that the costs---for example, the time it takes to exercise and to prepare good food--are worth the benefits, such as better health, improved self-esteem, looking better, etc.

    Also, if YOU do not really believe that something is a problem, it is not. It won't matter if your doctor tells you its a problem, or your family does, YOU have to believe it.

    I know these sound like "truisms" but they are true and well supported in health research.

    So, you can definitely change your mind and your behavior..we know this, we do it all the time! But, you can help yourself with positive self talk, with really understanding and believing that extra weight is a problem, and with realizing that the benefits are worth the costs.

    I know all of this and still let my weight go up to 220 about six years ago, then lost 10 pounds and went to WW...got down to 170 within about six months, then went back up to the 190's and remain stuck. There was a time when I was miserable at 150, so what happened to that!? And even that is 25 pounds more than I weighed in my early 30's.

    Anyway, I have now clearly defined myself as someone who can lose at least one pound a week, and I'm going to do it. If those other people can, I can.

    Pam..hope you like it here and good luck with your goals.

  • Thank you, Rhonda. I appreciate everything you shared and am looking forward to more. Curtis and I work on positive self-talk for our archery. I need to do the same for weightloss.

    Tomorrow is wi. I'm excited and am looking forward to it. I'm also excited about competing Saturday and visiting folks the rest of the weekend. I'm going to pack clothes that will help me feel good about myself. That should help with the eating. Isn't it a shame that after over 60 years I still worry about what I'm eating? But I guess we all are, aren't we?