Team Phoenix Chat Thread

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  • courtney - That sounds like an excellent idea. I bet it will make time go by so much faster watching your fave shows. I used to hate reality tv but my hubby sucked me in. Now AI is a regular lol.

    curvy - hatha is the really slow type... drives me nutus. Vinyasa is basically power yoga which gives you cardio at the same time as strength and balance. Im so jealous there isn't a good yoga studio in the town I just moved to. Spinning is awesome talk about getting your butt kicked

    As for me - Yesterday was crazy. I went to bed exhausted! But it was such a great day. I got two wedding inquiries. One for my top package the other for the middle package. I got feedback from the hospital I was working with and I think it is pretty much a done deal for me to be their official photographer. I got the go ahead for buying my new condo, and set up a great meeting with a very influential bridal shop in the area.

    I went to ballet which was tough, but wonderful. After that I had another meeting, errands, emails, American Idol then finally bed!

    Whew.... Today should be slower. Tonight I am planning on hitting up the rec for a good run. I'm going to cheat and weigh at lunch to judge my mid week progress. This weekend I have a couple meetings and a christmas party (yeah I know its January lol) so I need to BE GOOD.
  • Morning ladies...

    Gee it sure is quiet around here. SO I finally got clarification on just what the **** we are supposed to be doing for this challenge. I suppose we are supposed to use the charts at the beginning of the weigh in thread but I think I am just going to type mine out.

    Here are the activities for this week (late I know...)

    1) Jump rope
    2) Walk outside for 15 mins then walk back
    3) Treadmill walking
    4) Treadmill jogging
    5) Clean house (I hear it burns a lot of calories to clean house... haha)

    So in order to gain points we are supposed to do at least 3 different activities and say how long we did them in 30 minute increments. This info (what you did, how long etc..) is supposed to be posted by Monday.

    That being said I wish this was just a time or weight challenge...

    As for me:

    Last night I killed it. I ate really well, and made it to the rec. I ran the longest I ever have and finally broke a 12 minute mile. It felt amazing let me tell you. Maybe I can do this running thing after all lol. After ballet on Weds and running hard last night aspirin is my best friend... Tonight I am going to do some strength training. Mostly arms and abs so I can complete the total body soreness I seem **** bent on achieving lol.

    Lets have a great weekend ladies. I know we arent counting it for the contest but lets see some low numbers on those scales!
  • Hey team!!!

    Stephanie You have been doing a great job, keep up the good work! Also, thanks for the challenge information.

    I dont think I will be much help since i have not worked out since Monday, but I promise I am getting back on the band-wagon TODAY. That will at least give me monday,friday, saturday and sunday. The good thing is that i am still watching what I eat, so I am still losing. I must admit that it has been a challenge staying away from sugar, but its paying off and i am proud of my progress.

    Good luck to everyone this weekend!!!!!
  • Checking in on you guys... everyone know what's going on? I see that the activities has been posted... Good, good.
  • Okay, I am a bit confused. The activities posted are for the *past* week? Cause I didn't get in 3 of those activites. 2 I normally do, so I can count those that I did last week. I guess I could jump rope for 30 mins. tonight, but that's a heck of a lot of jumping rope!

    Ooooo, could I count my yoga classes? I think I'll do that...

    And do activities done tomorrow [Monday(s)] count?

    Good luck on weigh-in day everyone!!

    ~ Dara ~
  • Okay. Let me be honest. I have been really, really bad this week. Other than getting in some exercise, I've been totally off track. I really don't want to disappoint anyone on weigh-in day (including myself!) but I have a feeling I haven't lost an ounce!

    I promise to be better--I'm in the midst of making a schedule which includes exercise times & group fitness classes at my gym. Sorry guys...

    ~ Dara ~
  • don't worry about your weight, hun... and you can count your FREE as your 3rd thing... Oh, and I figured people would do the jumprope thing, like, 15 minutes at a time or something. lol
  • Thanks Arthwen!
  • motiv8me - Hope you are back on track lady! Staying away from sugar? I don't know if I could do that lol.

    curvy - Sometimes life gets in the way ya know. As long as you are coming up with a plan sounds like you will be back on track. I haven't worked out nearly as much as I should have and although my eating was good it wasn't great lol. Lets vow to be better this week shall we?

    As for me...

    I had SUCH a wonderful weekend. I had a couple of business meetings that went absolutely wonderful. I also spent time with family, snuggled with my husband lots and even got a run in. I happened to glance at the calender though and whew I am running out of time. I am planning on having boudoir pics taken for my husbands valentines day gift on Feb 8th... I want to be as hot as I can possibly be be by then. Happy Monday Ladies...
  • Stephanie: Sounds like your business is doing so well! And I think your boudoir pics are a great idea--I think he'll love them whether you lose another few pounds or not!

    Thanks for the motivation; I hope I can stick to my plan. Taking it one day at a time.

    BTW, where do we post our charts? I have a modified one ready.

    ~ Dara ~
  • Okay, my spin class was cancelled due to the holiday and I didn't know. BUT, I came home and did 30 minutes on my Wii. Yay!! Normally I would've just went and got a fast-food lunch and came home and sat on my behind. Good way to begin the week.
  • Has everyone who still wants to participate posted on the role call thread?

    ~ Dara ~
  • Everyone has until Thursday, January 22nd to post in this post, if you are still wanting to continue this challenge!

    I will be re-doing the teams (Combining the teams, since we've lost so many people) & re-vamping the way we're doing the challenge (slightly).

    Thank you!!
  • curvy - Business is going well which is wonderful. Its nice to pour your heart into something and have it be rewarded. How is your plan coming?

    Its so quiet in here...

    So yesterday I booked the wedding that I had a meeting for this past Sunday. I am on cloud nine. I went to the rec last night and killed it on the treadmill. I am popping aspirin as we speak! I still cannot believe I am a runner, boggles my mind. Makes me feel strong and proud!

    Its not all good news though... Food and I have been having a major battle. The other night I had a salad for dinner, then cereal, the scambled eggs toast and turkey sausage wtf right? The candy dishes at work are getting to much attention as well. This sucks as I had my eating totally under control... I will get there again though AND SOON!
  • Stephanie: I totally understand about the dinner that goes on and on and on. Sometimes at night I just can't fill up! The plan is going well, except that I'm sick and lying in the bed for the day until my 6:30 class--no exercise today. I'm not even sure if I'll make it to class.

    It is very quiet in here; where has everyone gone?