"Party Like Its 2009" Red Team Chat

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  • Hello there all you ladies in red!

    How are you all doing?

    Kelleigh and Bette K – thanks for the support about the rude comment from the store assistant. Was upsetting at the time but cannot let it affect me so need to forget about it. She’s not important to my life and neither is her opinion of me!

    Cakses – Ah, you’re a Scot really! I live about 15 miles outside Glasgow in Lanarkshire. My best friend lives in Paisley where your mum is from so I know that area well! Small world really… Glad you like my part of the world although I am sure life is more exciting where you are!

    Tmil206 – glad to meet a fellow HR chick! Definitely never a dull moment – keeps us on our toes! What type of industry do you work in?

    AshMomma – well done on the fabulous loss from 28th December! Way to go, girl! Keep at it!

    Vahla – you still doing the Ministry of Sound Pump it Up DVD? Love it!

    CruiseCat – I haven’t taken any photos so far but it sounds motivational and the slide show would be really cool! Will start doing that – thanks for the idea!

    RangerChic – keep your head up and focus on what’s going right for you just now i.e your weight loss. Things have a strange way of working out alright so I am sure a job is just round the corner for you.

    QOTD - current favourite is salmon pasta parcels with lots of veg! Yum!

    So far so good this week, ladies - lots of exercise under my belt I am pleased to say. It's been a stressful week at work (well, what's new?) but I have focussed on healthy eating to help me keep myself from drowning in a sea of anxiety! Lots of major changes going on in my office - guess you get comfortable with what's familiar. A colleague is also ruffling a few feathers but although her behaviour seems inappropriate, she gets support from our boss. It's all making me feel a bit uncertain and frustrated at the moment and in need of a hug. :-)

    Treated myself tonight to a back, neck and shoulder massage. It was absolutely fabulous and just what I have been needing to help de-stress. And just thinking about it, 70 pounds ago I would NEVER have stripped off in front of a stranger and let them give me a massage. I would have been far too self-conscious. I guess the fact I now do without giving it much thought shows a big improvement in my body confidence. May it continue.

    My weigh in is Monday - what days do the rest of you do the deed?
  • TSap
    I can tell you, from personal experience, you are going to have a great time on the red team. I have found so much encouragement from the people here. Good luck and please let us know how things are going.

    My favorite food is chicken in the oven. I would die without my oven lol. I love to work out to " New attitude ". That song really is me since I got off the meads and the docs said I could TRY to lose weight lol. We don't TRY we DO.

    Getting back to 3 chicks is the best thing I ever did. Even when medical things were holding me back just staying here and chatting kept me on track. When I stopped coming here, little by little, I fell back to the old ways a bit. This site, the wonderful people here, really does help me. I am sure they all will help you too.

    I wanna
    I found a nice tank top and a pair of bicycle pants really are the thing for pools with lots of chlorine.

    I found the same thing with a scale in the house. I tossed it in the trash and now go to the docs once every two weeks to do a weigh in. The scale just became an obsession.

    I get the biggest percentage of my fats from breakfast. I love LC meals for lunch or quick, I don't feel like cooking days". Sounds like you have a nice mixture of foods going for you.

    Weighing yourself each day can be dangerous for the self esteem. I can weigh one morning and be one weight and weigh the next day and be up 3 pounds. Now I know there is no way I can gain 3 pounds in one day lol. Stay away from that scale but once a week lol. The scale is an ego killer

    That is terrific. You keep going. No time at all there isn't going to be anything left of you

    I think you are totally right. The scale is a great way to see where we have been and where we are going BUT it is not the most accurate way to tell how we are doing. How we feel, how our clothes fit, how we feel different are much more important ways to find progress.

    I can be up as much as 8 pounds the couple of days before and the first couple of days of my dot. STAY OFF the scale during that time lol no reason to put into our brains what isn't real weight gain.

    My favorite " good for me meal " is... wild salmon 4 oz, French cut green beans 1 cup, mashed potatoes 4 oz and 1/2 cup cottage cheese.

    I feel for you. I have applied for everything around here including dog scooper cleaner lol. If I hear one more time, " You are over qualified because you have a degree and experience in management. You are going to leave if you find something better." I am going to scream. I have been looking for 3 years. I have been told I am either over qualified, under qualified or come back when you update your degree. WELL THANKS, if I could afford to update my degree I wouldn't settle for less than 10 dollars an hour would I lol. I was told once if I would go and update my degree they would give me the privilege of working 40 hours a week, 1 hour from my home all for the whopping salary of 8 dollars an hour lol.

    Baby steps is what got me to where I was . It wasn't work, it wasn't hard. It was steady. Now is just getting my self kicked in the butt and back on track lol.
  • Hello Red Team!

    My you guys are chatty! I've been trying to go through the pages and catch up and learn a bit more about my teammates, but every time I try going to a new page I get a "server to busy" message.

    I'll try again tomorrow! Keep strong Red Team
  • Hi Red Team!! Just a quick fly by. Sounds like everyone is having a great day. I have had a good day eating wise. I have in only 16oz of water. No exercise yet. I can fix the exercise, get errrr done. But I can not get in all my water, sigh. Tomorrow is another day. Catch ya all later. Pat
  • Hello again. Thanks for the encouragement.

    I have been trying to find ways to add extra activity to my days so I decided to try DDR2 for Wii since a lot of people here seem to like it. (I have Wii Fit but I don't really like it...too much time wasted between activities) I came home last night and hooked up DDR2 and gave it a try...OMG!!! It is fun, but I suck!! So far I have been scored all E's with one D! Is this normal or am I just too darn old for this?!? Maybe I should have bought the Personal Fitness Trainer for Wii. Please tell me it gets better with practice. Well at least I was laughing and sweating...that's the goal right?!

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • Thanks for the support everyone, this has just been the week where I'm most depressed I think. I need to keep my motivation up, and you all are a big help. Thanks.

    And.... I wore my red t-shirt today to the gym! GO RED!!!
  • Hey, my second time here today and there is a ton going on.

    First of all: My favorite good meal -Shrimp and this veggie with cheese mix, plus cottage cheese. I love cottage cheese. I just found a recipe for white chili and I am going to try it this weekend.

    I am one of those scale obssessive people. It is just a habit I can't break. I am paranoid that if I don't check in everyday, something terrible will happen. With that being said, I have learned to go with the flow and the ups and downs. Friday is my "official" weigh-in day, and the only one I take too seriously. That reminds me, tomorrow is Friday.
  • Geesh...you gals are difficult to keep up with! I love it! Red team rocks!!!

    It's getting late so another fly by for me. I just can't find enough time in the day to keep up with everything. A great and busy day here. work then gym they grocery shopping. I left DH on his own with the kids tonight so I could get things done.

    I don't know if I have a favorite good for me food. It changes all the time. My fav lunch is one I have made at work. I get broccoli and water chesnuts (and any other veggies that catch my eye) from the salad bar then the guy at the grill adds grilled chicken, onions and a touch of teriyaki sauce and does a quick stirfry for me.

    My fav snack is a cold, crisp apple with RF Jif P'nut butter.

    Have a great night!
  • TSAP - the best part is when you get to another level and realize how far you can go. Stick with it. What's the fun in everything being easy?

    dixie - you are right. tomorrow IS another day. You are doing great.

    Vitality - umm so jealous. Periodically at my gym they give free massages as a promo thing. And every time I secretly hope that the woman asks me if I want a free massage. I was going to go today, but 1. i felt gross after my workout and 2. the chair was occupied. Darn.

    Today was a good day. With the QOTD I decided to make my tacos. Sooo good. Still have a little more water to go for the day. Its making me antsy to weigh in now and see my progress.
  • Hi Red Team,

    This is my first chance to pop in this week so I thought I better introduce myself. My name is Angie, I'm 34 and a mom of one very busy 16 mo. old. I am really excited about this challenge. Good Luck everybody.
  • Hi Teamies! Today was good for me with eating and exercise.

    I played a new Wii game tonight called Outdoor Challenge. It was a fun way to burn a few extra calories. I played for about 20 min. in exercise mode. A lot of the games have you running and jumping. It uses a mat like DDR. You get to jump over hurdles, rolling logs, and jump ropes and there is a game like whack-a-mole where you jump on the correct arrow to hit the mole. I'll have to try some of the other games this weekend.

    Hope everyone has a great night and a fabulous day tomorrow.
  • Vitality, Right now I work in warehousing and my last position was for a nonprofit. What industry do you work in?

    QOTD: Dont laugh but I really do love salads, the ones with lots of vegies, some low fat cheese, Chicken, ect. Probably one of my favorites.

    Well today was another day on plan and I got another quick workout in. I am so looking forward to Friday! Anyone else? For the first time in months we got a babysitter we are going to with another couple for drinks to celebrate a friends birthday. I'm really looking forward to it.
  • Hello fellow Red Teamers!

    A good day today. I got home after a 12 hour night duty, having decided I was going to do my usual 5.5k. I got dressed and headed out the door.

    And I did it! 5.5km. It took me longer than usual (1 hour, not 50 min) and I walked a lot more than I normally do.

    But...I came home after 12 hours on my feet, feeling like crap because I'd been up all night, and wanting nothing more than a quick shower and to collapse into bed, and I EXERCISED! Do you think there's something wrong with me? Or am I just getting more motivated and committed!
  • RangerChic, sorry you are having hard times with the job market. My friend is struggling too, she just took a job as a bill collector and she has a Master's degree. I'm pretty wary about moving back to the US myself.

    DDR - Yeah it gets better! Granted, I had more of a knack for it than my friends but I have improved a lot. I can get As on most songs on the 2nd level but still suck at the 3rd level... a couple Ds, maybe one C and the rest Es. BUT when I got it, I could only really do the 1st level and couldn't get better than an E on the 3rd level at all.

    Sometimes I do the 4th level on workout mode, even though I get E's. You can burn 30+ calories per 1.5 minute song. I just move as best I can, as fast as I can. Yeah I look stupid and definitely don't succeed but I burn the calories and get my heartrate up.
  • Morning everyone! Here's to another OP day!

    I'm working from home today so didn't have to get up quite so early this morning. I really needed the sleep so I am feeling good. Almost the weekend -having lunch with a friend tomorrow. I am going to check out the menu in advance on the web, pick out some healthy options and stick to them, otherwise DANGER, DANGER! I'm going to Body Attack tonight - cannot wait to jump about like a mad woman, LOL!

    Shannon – I love the red top in your photo! Flying the team colours!

    Mtiger – Good luck with the weigh in – sure the results will be just grand! I am also obsessed with the scales – need to stop it as it’s not very healthy for me.

    BarbPa – you are doing fab with your exercise – well done!

    I think we are all showing a real commitment to this and to each other and that’s fabulous!!! Think what we can achieve collectively by the end of the challenge……..!

    Starmac – please work up the courage to ask for a free massage (you are lucky that opportunity is there – I need to pay for mine but it’s worth every penny!) I have one a month and just totally bliss out and drift away …aaaah! You will feel so much better for it and your body will thank you!

    Alwe – welcome, welcome! Good to have you on board and best of luck to you too with the challenge. Keep dropping by to let us know how you are getting on.

    Jen – I did boxing on the Wii over the Christmas holidays. It didn’t feel like much effort at the time but I ached all over the next day! The Outdoor Challenge sounds great fun (and hard work!)

    Tmil – I currently work for the government. Have been in this job for just over a year, prior to that I worked in the education sector for 7 years and before that I worked for a big football club. I’m looking forward to Friday too – it’s been such a stressful week at work – I welcome the chance of some me-time!

    Primm – well done on the 5.5k and the extra exercise. Exercise can definitely be addictive. My instructor spoke to me about that before and said I have not to overdo it and to listen to my body and rest when it needs it. But I would say if your body feels capable of it, go for it!

    Joyra – what is DDR?! Is it an exercise DVD?

    Have a brilliant day ladies - look forward to hearing from you all soon!
