Looking for some weight loss buddies=)

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  • I'm in too. HVEECK congratulations on the weight loss - you have done great! I will get my ticker on tomorrow when I weigh in. I lost my weight so far by counting calories.......calories in / calories out. I have slacked on the workouts, because I was getting depressed due to my flabbiness. I really need to get into strength training. Anyone else have this problem?
  • Well, I was hoping to be able to put a 2 lb weight loss on my ticker this morning but I am only gonna be able to put one lb right now. But hey, 1 lb is 1 more lb gone, right. I am getting a little discouraged. I think I am gonna have to change some things. I have been at this since 12/29/08 and I have only lost 5 lbs, I see some of you on here and ya'll have lost almost 20 or more. What can I do, ladies?

    Hope everyone else has a loss today, good luck.
  • 1 lb. is great! Your going in the right direction!

    Do I have to wait to get a ticker? I see they have stipulations on having a signature for a certain amount of days, and I am assuming the ticker is part of that, correct? Please let me know. Thanks and good luck everyone on your weigh-in!

  • In order to get a ticker, you have to be on the forum for a minimum of 20 days and have a certain number of posts (not sure how many...I think 20 or 25). It automatically will show up in your "User CP" as soon as you are eligible. I just got mine yesterday.
  • Burgundy - dont let just 1 pd. discourage you, 1 pd. is 1 pd.; at least you didnt gain! Thats an accomplishment right there. Try to google food, metabolism. There are certain foods that can help speed up your metabolism, you may want to substitute those for something else you are currently consuming. I am SUPER proud of you for taking off a pound. 1+1= 2, 2+1=3. 3+1=4 - do you get where Im going with this? If you do 1 pd. a week (which is where you are right now), you will be 20 pds. skinnier by summer and that is awesome!

    Welcome mygrits! Your ticker wont show up until you have posted 20 posts and it has been 20 days since the day you joined 3fc. Its great once you get one, I know I was SO excited when the ticker feature was available to me (it doesnt take much to amuse me-lol). Anyway - there are several of us in here from Florida, so the advantage for us is that we have great weather to go out and do an activity. Also, several of us have a Wii Fit (which is highly recommended if you have the money), its fun and helps you with your weight loss journey.

    Ok, so I wish I could do my "drum roll" for weight loss today, but sadly I maintained, but hey - at least I didnt gain. I know I had a horrible day yesterday and I feel bloated, so it does not surprise me. I think I am going to try and weigh myself on Wednesday's too. Nothing more than that. If I weigh too much (and see a gain) I get bummed and depressed, but I realized I cannot rely on just one day to weigh myself, especially if I am retaining water or have an "off" day like yesterday (and boy did I have an off day). Anyway, I look forward to checking in later and seeing if anyone else weighed in and how they did. My goal is to lose 10 pounds a month. I'm at 8 for this month and hopefully by Wednesday I will be at my goal 10. Then if it continues - by June (my first vacation), I will be at 170 (which is GREAT) and by my cruise in October, I will be at my goal. Woo-hoo. Lets see how it goes.
  • Ok, thanks Vicki. I thought that might be the case, since I couldn't find the link anywhere. Well, I will just write my loss on here till then, atleast that way I am being accountable. Thanks. Here we go:

    Starting weight 270
    Current weight 222
    Goal weight 150

    72 to go! Ugh...
  • I'm down 2 pounds from last week, at 260, but am disappointed because I was 259 on Friday, before I had the salty fries. I'll take the 2 pound loss, don't get me wrong, but I was just hoping that I could flush the salt out of my system yesterday to have the 259 on my ticker. Oh well. A loss is a loss, and once I'm not bloated anymore, I'll just have a bigger loss for next week.

    Congrats to all of you who lost and maintained. I'll take a 1 pound loss or maintain over a gain any day. We are all doing so well. I'm proud of all of us!

    At least I didn't have the unnecessary 350 calories that would have accompanied the frappucino.
  • Hi ladies. I'm am so happy to see that no one has gained so far. I will be the one to break that streak. From my last post, you see that I had a bad 4 days. The result (here's you drumroll lindy) - i'm back up the 5 lbs. and where I started 2 weeks ago. poop! I'm not too horribly upset though, at least not about my weight. I'm looking at it as a lesson and here is what I learned...

    1. I must keep track of what I eat each day. I was doing this on my blog and was losing. I stopped and now I'm gaining it back.
    2. I can occasionally (not 4 days in a row) slip, but I have to make up for it by exercising, which I started. I walked/ran on my treadmill then did toning bands for 30 min yesterday and today.
    3. I can't drink beer if I want to lose weight (at least, not the kind I like). If I drink, it will be a long beach or shots of tequila (yuck) per Jillian Michaels..haha.

    So I am having family issues again, but I will get into it later today. I don't want to get to chatty about it and I will if I continue right now. This is what has me so upset at the moment. But I hope to hear from more of you today and that everyone is fortunate enough to maintain or lose!
  • 20lbs down. Finally!

    So.. I'm inching closer to my end of January goal. I just wish I would get there already. I'm so anxious!

    I went to Carrabas yesterday. It's an italian restaurant. I don't know if you guys have one by you... but it was DELICIOUS! I got a ceasar salad, chicken marsala with garlic mashed potatoes, a lot of bread with olive oil, and two "shot glass desserts" But I weighed myself tonight and still had a loss. So, thats good. I know I have eating problems though. If I eat a big meal, I won't eat anything else for at least 24hrs, so that it evens out. I know I shouldn't be like that. But, it's easy for me to do. I don't get hungry at all. It's weird. Hopefully once I get down to my goal weight.. I will start a lifestyle that I can keep up. Just had to vent. Thanks for listening=)
  • mmmm...carraba's is my absolutely favorite restaraunt. Their fettucini alfedo is soooo good. And the bread & olive oil!!!!! OMG.
  • Hey Tiff. Never had the alfredo. I'll have to try it. What am I saying?! Ah.. This dieting crap is so hard.
  • LOL...Neesy. Almost made you slip! But I do have a good tip if you do try it! Last time I went there, I got a "small" side of Fettucini Alfredo with mushrooms (their mushrooms are amazing on anything). It was only four dollars and I split it in half and took it home. So I really don't think it was that bad, and I still got to eat my absolute favorite meal. And the mushrooms count as a serving of veggies, right?

    I looove my new Wii Fit!!! I got it Friday night and by alst night, I had already accumulated 2 and a half hours on it! Some of thos exercises really work you hard. My absolute favorite is the aerobic boxing! It's so fun and you have to like stay on beat (hard!). Does anyone know how long it takes to unlock everything?
  • Hi ladies!!
    Just checking in, looks like all of you are doing awesome! that's great. I hope you are feeling proud
    I did not weigh in as my monthly friend is still here and I have that bloating feeling and would rather not see the numbers the scale is offering right now!! LOL

    I will weigh in the middle of the week.

    I have not been working on Fridays, and have weekends off. I feel like I miss out so much over the weekends with you all. I wish I had more time to check in on the weekends. I will have to try harder.

    Nessy- If you don't mind me asking, what diet plan are you trying right now. I noticed that it really did not take you long at all to loose 20 pounds! Less than 2 months. That's super!!! Please share your secret.
    I am going to start working out on my elliptical. I was waiting until I got the eating somewhat under control and then I wanted to add exercising in at least 3 times per week. I feel like it's time to get the exercising in. I am ready to see some results towards my goal.

    I'll check in later.
  • Hey Neesy! Congrats on your 20 lbs. you are so close to your goal, whos a roxkstar?! <eeesys a rockstar! lol. Im proud of you.

    Tiff - I absolutely LOVE my Wii Fit. The only problem is my daughter loves it just as much, we fight for time on it. I told her we need to buy another remote so we can race under the running section of the Wii Fit. I havent tried the boxing, I am going to soon. I have had my Wii Fit for about 2 weeks and have unlocked like 5 things already, Im not sure of the exact amount of time it will take you though.

    I hope everyones having a good day.
  • Hi! I am brand new and just starting today. IS this a good place to be for weight loss buddies? I need all the help I can get!