Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 4/22-4/28

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View Poll Results: DO YOU TYPICALLY...
Bring your own lunch to work/school
Buy lunch at the cafeteria or place you work
Go out to a restaurant for lunch (pick up and delivery included)
Eat lunch at home
An equal combination of two or more of the above
I typically don\'t have lunch
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 40. You may not vote on this poll
  • Just wanted to post before I head home. Sounds like the sale was good to most people today. Congrats. To all the non-losers (I'm included), Hang in there, It will move in the right direction. Just more reason to stay OP>

    Toni, WTG on 2#s. I think we always want more that we get, but at least you got 2. Keep up the good work.

    Monet, 9#'s. What did you eat? a horse? I bet I could gain 9 #'s in one day. I'm sure your scale is out of kilter.

    Trish, Congrats to you to. 1 lb. One pound at a time. If will get there. Hang in there.

    Nance, Did you cut off a body part for that 2.5 #'s? WTG girl.

    Fillise, You sound like a good fill-in for your DH. I'm sure he was glad you helped out.

    Tranquil. Congrats on the 2lbs. Glad Dr visist was good, but I alsways herad if you are retaining water, you should drink for water. Anyone else heard that.

    Rosalie, Now that was just a little too much info. LOL. Hope you have a good day.

    Quiv, Congrats on the 1 pound. Keep on exercising. Tell Fran hi!

    Tree, It's good motivation to have a goal. Exercise can be fun (LOL) ok, maybe tolerable. It really is a must, especially for those of us who have a lot to lose. 30 pounds you might get away without it, but think how much better you will look and feel. Get out there girl.

    Heartmom. I lost 8 lbs my 1st week. I know it was water, but 8 lbs is 8 lbs off the scale. Plus it is great motivation. Maybe you aren't eating enough if you are hungry all the time. Posts some menus and get some help with them. Good luck

    Music, WTG on 1 lb loss. Hope you get some good news from the Dr. soon.

    Beth, How horrible about your SD. I must be so hard on your mom and the kids. They haven't even seen their dad in awhile. Glad the church is taking care of them. Just be there for her, that's what she needs. Praying for all of you.

    Have agood night all. See yoy later.

  • Hiedie Ho All!!!

    Although I feel more like "downdehole"!!! Just feel miserable. Did not go to church to do usual choir work, nor did I go to gym. Just went back to bed after trying to move around. Did some wash and that had been it! Am not going to practice tonight.

    Will fix supper, but just warming up leftovers to go with fish, There seem to be small dishes of rice, mashed potatoes and noodles, so they can clean those out. Salad should complete things. Did read the posts off and on throughout the day. Too pooped to reply, altho I do have one question.

    I may be old but I'm not dead!!! A half naked man lolling in bed and Nance is doing the posts?? Have you ever heard of therapy?? In my prime I would never have been on the computer I can assure you!! Unless it ws to have sex, remember in the stone age computers were bigger!!

    Take care all!! Shirley
  • We're having horrible storms in Missouri. We had hail and pouring rain here and about an hour from here a tornado touched down. I had replied to almost all the posts when the power went off and shut my computer down so CRAP it took my word pad with it... So I'll just say congradulations to all the losers!!! And Beth my prayer and thoughts are with your Mother and SD.

  • So far, three family members are sick tonight. I am afraid it might have been something I served at dinner! My one daughter and I are ok... I am trying to figure out what they all ate that we did not. Tho, I feel a bit maybe I will get sick eventually too.

    Too bad, cause the dinner actually was pretty good! I made Chinese.

    My younger daughter remembered she has to take cookies to her chemistry class we are now baking chocolate chip cookies. I hope I can leave them alone!

    Better go and check to make sure she is not burning the kitchen down!

    Night all! Sweet dreams!
  • Hi everyone. I am going to try something different. I am writing this in Word and then I am going to cut and paste. Hope it works. It has been so busy at work that by the time I get home I don't want to do anything. My DH is still on travel so I don't have to do anything when I get home. We had rain today.Yahoo!!!Yes we were all jumping up and down. There were some folks that went outside and just stood in it. You must understand, that it hasn't rained here for at least 6 months. It was great. It didn't last long but that is ok. I was down 2 lbs this week. Finally under 160. I hope it continues to go down.
    I don't know where to start on the posts so here goes….
    Monet - I hope everyone in the fam feels better soon. I had samanilla poison once. Not a fun thing.

    Toni48 - I'll take my little rain over the storms you are having. Great on your loss this week.

    Sef - Hope you feel better soon. I've been meaning to tell you that I am coming to visit friends in St Amand, it is between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, in September. We are going alligator hunting and some other sight seeing. Perhaps we can get together for lunch in New Orleans?? I'll keep you posted.

    Lizery - Sounds like you had a great time on the field trip.

    Frog - That is great two pounds. I wish I could be so diligent in exercising. I had visitors yesterday and probably walked 5 miles touring them around work. So by the time I got home my poor feet were soar.

    Gracious - You should be celebrating. 1 carb though. That is the hardest for me to cut down on carbs. 2 is a strech. Way to go. Keep it up.

    Fruitloupe - Way to go girl. You keep it up and in no time you'll be under that 200 mark. Yahoo for you!!!!

    Meliris - Hang in there.

    SHMILY777 - Good for you!!!

    Trishaloo - Way to go!!

    Nance - Way to go girl!! 2.5 lbs. I know what you mean about the exercise. If I walked everyday I would probably see the scale go down faster. What do I mean faster, go down period. This is the first loss I have had in several weeks.

    Jack-k - Wouldn't be nice if the weight disappeared that fast. A few walks around the block and POOF the pounds fell off. To good to be true. I'd be out there walking for sure.

    Fillise - Hang in there. Next it will be you doing the celebration dance.
    Tranquil - 13 lbs total way to go.!!!!

    Rosalie - Sounds like you didn't have to bad of a start this morning.Coffee, breakfast and just relaxing.

    Beth2374 - God knows best. He'll give you mom the strength she needs, you too. My prayers are with you and your family.

    It worked.

    Have a great Thursday.
  • Thursday Morning Post
    Gettin' in the coffee before Double Step class.

    Will be going to the beach this weekend and will probably not post after this morning, but I will check the boards when I get home on Sun.

    Thanks to all for the kind comments regarding fat loss/muscle gain. You guys are the best!

    Some of you asked how I'm getting my BF% checked... Two ways. 1) I have a Taylor brand scale at home, but I found that it reads 4% off (higher) that actual percentage. Gym mgr said the scales and other bioelectrical impedance tests are very reliant on your level of hydration and other factors and aren't too factual. To further prove his point they received a hand held version of the scale and he checks me on that every time he does the skinfold tests and it had me at 30%!!! 2) The most reliable source that I can afford is the skinfold test that gym guy does for me. He always checks me the same time of day, before a work out and pinches in 3 places (back of the arm, top of the quadripcep, and waist blubber). He caluclates the bf% using those three pinches combined. He pinches me so hard on my quad that I have a little bruise there, but I know he is getting an accurate measurement.


    Congrats to all you losers and maintainers, and especially to those who are fighting with the metal monster and still hanging in there.

    I am always sorry to read when we have friends here who are sick or have family members who're ailing. My heart goes out to you all! I'm thinking of you and sending good thoughts. {{{HUGS}}}

    CANES WIN! CANES WIN! So happy that my Carolina Hurricanes are up 3-2 over the NJ Devils. Watched another OT game last night, it was on tv. Won tickets to go but it's an hour to the arena and we figured they were probably nose-bleed seats. All that combined with Mr. Frog and I both going out of town this weekend we said, "No thanky!" Would've been a great game to go to though!

    Time to slip on the gym togs and boogie on outta here!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • Thursday Morning Coffee Too
    I love having my morning coffee and sitting here reading the posts too! I kept my 164 this morning so I was happy to see that it wasn't a one day trick played by that evil demon scale of mine. I did end up having 2 starchy carbs yesterday so I was scared it might show up today. I am going to make sure I only have one today though and it was for breakfast...had Kashi with some brown SugarTwin. I have never used that SugarTwin before but bought it when I saw a recipe somewhere. It was tasty, made the Kashi taste like SugarCrisp!

    Red1 - Cutting down to 1 starchy carb a day is a drag, I must confess. Afterall, the carbs were one of the bonuses that SB had over Atkins for me when I made the switch. I am going to try hard the rest of the week to keep it at the 1 and it will be interesting to see what happens.

    Monet- Hope the family gets better soon and it isn't food poisoning. That can be really hard to get through. My hubby had it once and it wasn't pretty. With all the work you have on the go with your decorating and the wedding that is the last thing you need! Sending up some prayers for you.

    Toni- I have never been in weather like that (tornado) but I am hoping it stays away from you, Toni.

    sef- Hope you are feeling better, I know how wretched everything seems to be when you are sick.

    Jack-K- Don't get discouraged because you didn't lose this time around, you are doing great and remember it is better to maintain than gain!

    Beth- Sorry to hear that your step father is getting worse, this must be so very hard on your mom. It is nice you can do something for her because you are right, the roles are reversed sometimes when we get older.

    musicteach-How did the cardiogram go this morning? Were they able to tell you anything or do you have to wait for the results of that too?

    Fillise- Yes, we are both into learning, hubby and I. I think it is a very good thing. He is working on his 3rd degree and I am working on my 2nd. I have a BSc in Biology from University of Toronto and am presently 1/3 of the way through my Masters degree. I had to put it on hold between babies and now that we have moved from Ontario my choices of schools is very limited here in New Brunswick. I am working on a Master of Theological Studies and have enjoyed what I have taken so far. What did you teach in college?

    The baby is crying so I gotta boot it. Have a great day and I know I'll check in on my next *coffee break*
  • Survivor Night
    Good Morning: I have been so busy with work and home, I have not had time to myself! I did my shopping - and I found some great capri cotton pants with a flower print to go with some linen camp shirts I have.... will be a nice outfit for when I go away next
    weekend. I walked the mall (Back and Forth) last night, and then I went home and grabbed my Gram and my Dog and we went for a mile and ½ walk along the St. Johns River - it was beautiful.....the weather is absolutely gorgeous lately now that it is out of the 90s and back down to 80s. I have eaten nothing but legal foods, no carbs.... Survivor night - tonight I am just making Bubba Burgers - no buns, with a salad on the side... I have pickles and cheese to make the faux burgers!

    Frog - My team is the NJ Devils

    Red1 - Congrats on your weight and rain

    Gracious - Your breakfast sounds good.

    Toni - Hope the storms have cleared up!!!

    Jack-K - Yes, normal people when swelling drink lots of water to flush....”Abby”normal, myself , drinks all that water and stores it in that hollow leg of mine which swells so big it looks like the elephant leg - then my face starts itching because all the tissues in my body absorb the water and my skin starts stretching and my kidneys don’t process it....they are idiot kidneys = as I have “Idiopathic Edema” So I have to limit the intake
    because my out take is so little! I am like a camel.....I would be great to have around in the desert!

    I have to get back to work - ughhhh.....

  • Thursday
    good morning, it's raining here too. Of course, since we were supposed to have the driveway sealed today. I'm leaving early tomorow am for Columbus, so am trying to figure out food that wil keep in a cooler for 2 days. I've a feeling I'm going to be eating a lot of hard-boiled egg whites and apples. Yuck! I just don't want to give in to turnpike food. Still can't shake those 3 pounds above goal. VERY FRUSTRATING having gotten below goal, and now can't get back. So whovever was looking at me as a role model for maintaining- Forget it!

    Toni- are you there? Heard there were huge tornados and flooding in your part of the country. Everything OK?

    Frog- I (actually, the trainer at the gym) get a 10% (!!!!) difference in body fat readings between and 3 site skinfold pinch and a 7 site pinch. Like the 3 site much better, but I know it's wrong. The mirror tells me the 7 point is much more accurate, depressing at that is. I think it really depends on where your fat is tho. I hae a permanent bruise on my quad, too. Have fun at the beach.

    Monet- hope everyone is feeling better and you escaped the ickies. Gosh- Deb's the one who says she can kill people with her cooking, turns out its you

    Beth- Hugs to you and your family.

    Sef- Hope your day is brighter.

    Hello to everyone! Time to go.

  • Hello, Just finished a breakfast of turkey bacon and eggs now having some decaf coffee. I'm trying to limit my coffee to regular 2 cups and so I can get my acid reflux under control... It got down to thirty something here last night. Brrrr. So we went to bed with the air on and I jumped up and put the heater on this morning.... Gosh I love spring.

    Gracious-What is Kashi and how does it taste? I'm having my 2/3 carbs a day because I've got so far to go thought I needed to have them now and cut them when I get closer to my goal... Rock that BABY!!!!

    Frog-Oh lucky you! The beach I haven't been in years. I was born and raised out in Calif. and grew up going to the beach. I'd love to stand and let the waves tickle my toes.... It sounds confusing to get your BF checked. Boy could they pinch and inch on me...... Have a great day working out!!

    Red1-I write mine in word and then paste it. It works so good. You're doing just great on your weight, congradulations on the 2 lb. loss.

    Monet- Hope your family is fine. And chocolate chip cookies sound good!!

    Well I guess thats all for now.... Slyvia Browne is going to be on Montel this morning so I'll go get my stuff done so I can watch her.... Have a great day.....

  • Good Morning Everyone!!!!

    Well I survived celebrating my daughters B-day yesterday...BBQ some meat on the grill, and broke out my trusty vegetable steamer that Deb brought out for me and had some brocolli and zucchini. I PASSED on the baked potato, I PASSED on the cake, I PASSED on the ice cream, and later that night went ot go get a cup of my SF jello....only to find it hadn't had enough time to set....
    AND the kids ate ALL the cool-whip. Went to bed with my ice water, and read all of the good recipes submitted from the 1st quarter recipe board!!! Yummy, can't wait to try them out!

    Debs-Thanks for helping me find the recipes....I can tell there are some keepers! Where are you this morning????

    Tranquil-I want you to know girlfriend that I rummaged through not one, not two, but three trash cans at work trying to find that darn quiche recipe and had NO LUCK!!!! Humph! By the way saw your beautiful smile on the photo board, thanks for scanning a picture! Your name fits your face! You "look" tranquil!
    Congrats on going down 2 lbs! AWESOME!!!!

    MusicTeach-Hope all your studies go well at the cardiologist office. What symptoms are you suffering from ask Nurse Nancy???

    HeartMom-Sometimes when you aren't loosing pounds, you are actually loosing inches. It always helps me not to get bumbed out when I bust out the measuring tape and can see results, if the metal monster doesn't produce results!

    Beth-Has your Dr. every sent you to see a Urologist or have an IVP study done??? If you are having UTI's that frequently you should do both! Prayers are being said and coming out your way to the family during these trying times. Hang in there

    Jack-K....I've just been sticking to being OP 100% with NO SLIP UP's...that's why it's coming off. Plus when you are as big as I am, I think it comes off quicker....when people get closer to goal, the weight loss process slows down a little bit, but when you can actually shop in the regular size clothes dept. instead of the LARGE MARGE sizesWHO CARES!!!!

    Sef-I'm getting grief from everybody for not jumping off line and jumping in bed with Dan the Man.....I am VERY motivated about my SB right now, and sometimes priorities...well....what can I say

    BOB-Girl, you are cracking me up!!!! E.mail and post both hilarious! I pulled up the 1st quarter recipe board and want to kiss your feet! Looks like you spent several hours on 2/3/02 posting your heart out on recipe and each and everyone looks DELICIOUS!!!!! Can't wait to try them out, and Dan the Man is quit impressed as well I might mention

    Red1-I know EXACTLY what you mean about the rain, and we got some too! Too bad I couldn't get OUT OF WORK to actually enjoy it while it was happening! Congratulations on being down 2! Are you drinking your water?????? Where's your hubby at right now?
    Is he in the service?

    OKAY.....Nancemeister is no doubt going to be LATE to work. I wish you could see my hair right now after going to bed with it wet last night, and can appreciate that I have to do in less than ten minutes to look presentable. Watch out on the roads for a Mazda doing 70mph with a lady applying mascara!

    Zippy Bubblebutt
  • Happy Thursday SB's!!

    Been reading al lthe posts since last nite and watned to get these on before I lose them. I finally posted the recipes for the Strawberry Jell-O salad and Oven-Fried Chicken. We had some bad storms last nite here to, but only tornado watches. I'll be glad when this type of weather is over.

    Sef, Hope you are feeling better today. Think it is just a 24 hr. bug?

    Toni, Are you still with us?? Heard they had tornadoes in Mo last nite.

    Monet, Did you resist the cookies? I know you did.Hope everyone is feeling better today.

    Red1, Congrats on the 1 lb. No rain for 6 months, WOW. We have it every other day here. I'll send you some.

    Frog, Have fun at the beach. I'm jealous.

    Gracious, I have never tried the sugar twin (bought some though), but heard somewhere tht it was nasty tasting. Glad to hear you liked it. I will have to try it. I didn't like the Kashi cereal though.

    Tranquil, Thanks for the explanation on the water. I hope they can give you something to help. Seems like you are gearing up for your trip. Sounds wonderful.

    Mel, you got to goal once, you can do it again. Only 3 pounds, It will come off soon. Hang in there.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Not in such a great mood. My job is driving me nuts!! I'm trying to find something else but it's slim pickins in New York right now. I'm trying to relax and just enjoy my paycheck, but my boss aggravates me to no end!

    Going to the gym for lunch and after work today. I'm powering up because I need to lose at least 5 more pounds before 5/18. Wish me luck!
  • I got this in an email and thought it was fitting. Will post more later, sick kiddo today.

    >A great life lesson...
    >One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well.
    >The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to
    >figure out what to do.
    >Finally he decided the animal was old and the well needed to
    >be covered up anyway. It just wasn't worth it to retrieve the
    >He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.
    >They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.
    >At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.
    >Then, to everyone's amazement, he quieted down.
    >A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well
    >and was astonished at what he saw.
    >With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing
    >something amazing.
    >He would shake it off and take a step up. As the farmer's
    >neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal,
    >he would shake it off and take a step up.
    >Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up
    >over the edge of the well and trotted off!
    >Now, the Moral of the Story:
    >Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to
    >getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up.
    >Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the
    >deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up!
    >Shake it off and take a step up!
    >Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
    >1. Free your heart from hatred.
    >2. Free your mind from worries.
    >3. Live simply.
    >4. Give more.
    >5. Expect less.
    >P.S.: The donkey later came back and kicked the **** out of the
    >owner that tried burying him.
    >Moral: When you try to cover your ***, it always comes back to
    >get you.
  • Loved the life lesson!! I exercised today!!!! YAY! Did the whole workout too. I wanted to do the Richard Simmons ( whatever happened to him anyway?) too but baby girl wanted a "piggy ride" LOL. I feel great and I am going to start my day earlier so as I can work out by myself Liz