Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 4/15-4/21

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View Poll Results: At this time, how CONFIDENT are you that you will reach your goal weight while on SB?
Extremely confident
Very confident
Somewhat confident
A bit confident
Not so confident
Not confident
I have already reached my goal while on SB!
Other/No Opinion
Voters: 43. You may not vote on this poll
  • Happy Saturday
    Jred – I hope you feel better soon!

    CountryMom – I am sorry to hear your news….

    Fillise – I am sorry to hear your news too…..

    Pooch – How cool!!! I love horseback riding!!!!!

    Monet – Have fun with those invitations

    Kimmy – Hope the weather stays nice today for you after having that nasty storm. I am terrified of hail – so much damage it can do!!!

    Toni – Your home sounds so peaceful and wonderful!!!

    Well I am just rising and have a lot of house chores to complete before I make it out in the world. I am going to go to the nursery and find a new hanging flower basket for in front of my bay window – I already have one of bougainvillea and matching petunias…they are beautiful and a rich fuschia color. I want to also find a large planter to go on the ground. I think some fresh air will do me some good now that I am finally feeling better.

    Have a good Saturday all!!! Sabrina
  • HiedieHo All!!!!

    I know it's not Friday, but we have so many southern gals here (I'm now one by adoption) that I thought we could all relate to this. Just substitute your own small town name. The north has one thing in common. In my part of PA the first day of hunting season was a school holiday as well as Doe day two weeks later!

    You might be from South Carolina if...

    1. Your idea of a traffic jam is 10 cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway near Mullins.
    2. You know where Mullins is.
    3. "Vacation" means going to the family reunion.
    4. You've seen all the big bands 10 years after they were popular.
    5. You measure distance in minutes.
    6. You know several people who have hit a deer.
    7. Your school classes were canceled because of cold.
    8. Your school classes were canceled because of heat.
    9. You've ever had to switch from heat to A/C in the same day.
    10. Stores don't have shopping carts, they have buggies.
    11. You see a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it no matter what time of the year.
    12. You use "fix" as a verb. Example: I am fixing to fix dinner.
    13. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, or animal (including pesky insects).
    14. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked (and your car as well).
    15. You carry jumper cables in your car .... for your own car.
    16. You know what "cow tipping" and "snipe hunting" are.
    17. You own only 4 spices: salt, pepper, ketchup, and Tabasco.
    18. You think everyone from a bigger city has an accent.
    19. The local papers cover national and international news on one page but require 6 pages for sports.
    20. You think the first day of deer season is a national holiday.
    21. You find 90 degrees F "a little warm".
    22. You know all 4 seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer, and Christmas.
    23. There is a Dairy Queen in every town with a population of 1,000 or more.
    24. Going to Wal-Mart is a favorite pastime known as "goin wal-martin" or off to "Wally World".
    25. You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good chili weather.
    26. A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola or's a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor.
    27. You recognize that cheese grits and catfish nuggets is a meal that must have been bestowed upon the people by the Lord Himself.
    28. You can be satisfied with a meal consisting only of a hunk of bread with flavored flour and water (a delicacy known as "biscuits 'n gravy").
    29. You understand these jokes and forward them to your friends from SouthCarolina and to a few "fer-ners" who love you anyway.

  • Good Saturday Morning!

    How is everyone today? I'm doing good I guess! Hubby is at work so I've got the day to myself! I think I'm gonna clean house while he isn't in the way! I HATE to clean house. If I could have someone come to my house to do the floors every other week I would be in heaven! But - I'm a teacher and can't afford the luxuries of life!!

    I went out and splurged a little last night! Sorry to say it - but it was fun! We went to our daqueri shop hang out. I had 4 beers and a medium daq. DON'T worry I'm not gonna go back to my evil ways! We had not been there in over a month! When we walked in everyone was like - WHERE HAVE Y'ALL BEEN! They missed us! And - to add to it all I got a few compliments because I had lost 25 pounds since some of them had last seen me! After we left there we picked up Popeye's but my chicken was too spicy for some reason so I ate a little bit of it and I ate my onion rings. SO, I was up a pound this morning but I've been running to the bathroom every 10 minutes so I have a feeling that pound won't stay around long!

    I'm getting really excited about the cockatoo! I just can't wait. I got confirmation from Amazon yesterday letting me know that the books I ordered on cockatoos have been shipped! I can't wait to read them! I'll keep y'all posted!

    For those of you that watch TRADING SPACES, tonight is the 1st celebrity episode with Natalie from the Dixie Chicks - can't wait to see how Hildi screws up her moms house! HAHA!

    COUNTRY: I've started typing my post in word so that I can flip back and forth while I read - that way I've eliminated the notepad altogether! It's very easy! Then when you are done - copy and paste! You need to get out there and see if you have a baby goose - how cute is that?!?

    GRACIOUS: I think that bringing the Captain Underpants thing to the shower is a great idea!! How did it go over? I'm sure everyone loved it! As for the bird, it should be born in mid May. Actually - she hasn't even been able to check to see if the egg was fertile..I'm just assuming that it is! HAHA! It should be! This is the situation. Her daughter was in my class at the beginning of the year and then they moved so she had to go to a different school. Well, the short time she was with me I got to be good friends with her mom so we kept in touch. I knew that she raised birds and I told her I was interested in one - at the time a Blue Front Amazon. Well, the bird kept laying eggs, some were fertile - some not. Then she would abandon that ones that were and they would die. Well, one day we were talking about the fact that her daughter needed to be tutored and I told her that I would come 2 times a week. Then in the conversation I had a bright idea - I would tutor - she didn't have to pay me - but she could give me a bird when the cockatoo had one - they cost like $1000 if you buy them at the store. So, that's the deal - she is gonna care for the bird until I feel comfortable but I'm gonna go over daily to feed and handle it so that it gets used to me and then I'll take it home - I don't want to take it too soon and then kill it!! HAHA! That would be horrible! So, I've tutored $200 worth so far and I'm gonna tutor for free until I get to the price of the bird! So, I'll be working with her over the summer too. What's really good about the situation is that whenever I go on vacation, she will watch the bird for me - it works out really good!

    FROG: Don't worry about not posting to everyone! That takes over an hour to do and we all know that everyone has a LIFE! I really don't think anyone gets offended if you don't post to each one of them every day! We definitely want you to pop in - that's the most important part!

    POOCH: How awesome to have such brain kids! That's wonderful. I think it was nice of your son's teacher to call you and let you know his score! Congrats on raising such wonderful children!

    KIMMY: People like you make me sick!! HAHA!! You can have babies at the drop of a hat!! You were on the pill when you got pregnant for your last one?!?! WOW! Will you carry one for me? I can get pregnant but can't carry! I've had 5 miscarriages- you've had 5 babies - we are a good team! So, what do ya say? When would you like to be inseminated?? LOL! I think it is wonderful that you have been blessed - just send that blessing to me - OK?!? OP means - on plan!

    FILLISE: Way to go on the loss!! I'm so proud of you!!! Don't you just love how they couldn't see you until Thursday! Don't they understand that it could be something serious!!!! Good for you for going right over there!!! Don't feel bad for beating Miss State - I'm for LSU remember?!?! HAHA!

    VES: I'm gonna check out your stuff after I finish my post! I'll let ya know what I think!

    MUSIC: Our test lasts 5 days! It's over now - thank GAWD!!!

    NANCE: Love the new name!! My friend just signed up to do those scrapbooking parties. So, I'm gonna have one for her and invite a few friends over to get her "business" started!! Should be fun - I've never tried it!

    QUIV: I always new you were the diaper sniffing type! We need to watch out for you!

    GATOR: You've never used ROTEL before?!? I use it in almost everything I cook!! LOL! Guess it's cause I'm a CAJUN!

    BOB: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! Have a good one! That mama bird will probably try to peck my eyes out if I go around!!! I'll let Wendy deal with that mama! I'm staying out of it!

    JRED: Welcome to my life of hoarseness!! I'm like that every day! That's why I'm having the surgery in June - to remove the Polyp and Nodule! Those darn things have made me miserable! So much for staying away from WRs huh? Blew that last night - oh well!!!

    THUNDER: Glad to hear you are doing ok. I'm glad that your hubby is excited about the girl now. Tell hubby to be grateful that y'all are able to have children no matter what it turns out to be! I know all guys want that boy but you could be like me and have nothing but heartache and medical bills from 5 miscarriages. We'll send out the tow truck in a few months!!! Let us know when you need it!!! Take care!

    DEB: Where are you?!?

    Well, I'm off to clean house! Fun fun! NOT! See y'all later this afternoon!

    Missy aka Snotty Bubblebiscuit
  • HiedieHo All!!!!

    Had a nice time at the BBQ last nite. Everyone who tried the cake said it was really good. Some wouldn't try it just because it was SF and you know how somwe people are.

    I was very good. Had a burger with OP fixings, a piece of chicken, a WW roll (the hostess was so pleased to tell me she had bought "diet rolls") which were not SF but I didn't want to discourage her as she was trying to be thoughtful. And a piece of cake. I used the old ruse that I was very careful during the day and had not eaten normal size breakfast and lunch. That kind of daily reasoning could get one in trouble!!

    Today I am very achy so will be a day of rest, I find I have to pace myself.

    NANCE: Sorry about that. I used the 100% Fruit by Smuckers, which is very good. I agree their SF or low sugar is the pits. I had tried some and tossed it!

    THUNDER: Hope you feel better. My GD has allergies and it is no fun! Like the name Ashley as that's my GD's name.

    FILLISE: Good for you for going to Dr office when they wouldn't give you an appointment. Isn't it terrible, nowadays you need an appointment to be sick!! I like the fact that life is a continuing story, comforting isn't it?

    TONI: I like your suggestion for TV.

    TV: Glad you are holding your emotions in with your Mother. I think Toni had a good idea for you.

    FRUIT: I, too, use a lot of Rotel even though I'm not Cajun! Never heard of it til I moved here. I moved to the right part of the country as I like hot and spicy foods.

    I forget who posted the shingles story about vitamin C. I have a friend in church choir who has been laid up for quite a while with shingles. He has been to pain clinic, dermatologist, eye doctor, as it started on his face and affected his eye. Next week he is going to accupucturist. Getting desperate. I will tell them about vitamin C report. At this point it couldn't hurt to try it.

    Well, have been sitting here quite a while reading and posting, time for a change. Like someone said. We don't expect an answer to every post. We all know that is quite a task as we are all such prolific writers!! Just know I think of you all as my friends.

    Take care Shirley
  • Saturday
    Eating finally seems to be back on track, made it from Wednesday to today so far. Each day is a victory. Still haven't weighed since over a week ago, still don't want to! We had thunderstorms blow into SE Pa yesterday and they just seems to be lurking. I was playing tennis (indoors) yesterday evening when the first hit and knocked out the lights on the courts. Shoot- I was winning, too. Made it thru ds's soccer game this morning before it started to rain, then stopped, but it doesn't look good for his campout tonite. Man, I don't know how you ladies with kids closely spaced do it- I pretty much have 2 only children with 8 years between them, and the race between activities has ME crazy.

    Pooch- congrats on your kids' achievements. Thats really great. I hope you can sit down after your horseback riding. THe last time I rode was a full day trail ride in Colorado a few years ago. Beautiful scenery, lovely day, I was CRIPPLED! I swear my bones were bruised for weeks and there was a lot more padding there then than now!

    Jred- I'm about 1 1/4 hours from Harrisburg- that sounds fun, but I promised dd I would go out to Ohio State to watch her lacrosse game againsT Penn State. Big rivalry, and hard to watch because a lot of the kids I coached in summer leagues play for both teams. And a really long drive, 7 1/2 hours if I'm really pushing it. She doesn't get out of school til June 5- most of the big 10 schools are on quarters and start mid-September and go til June. The kids hate it, because all of their friends are home at least a month earlier, then leave in August.

    Fruit- Are cockatoos the big white birds that yell at you all the time? I can't keep them straight with cockatiels. I know there's a difference, just not what it is.

    Fillise- Hope the rash is nothing serious. You've had your fill this month too. I was on steriods for a while due to extremely bad asthma induced by a down comforter I turned out to be allergic to. I CONSTANTLY craved food- even hallucinated pepperoni pizzas haning in front of me. Good luck handling it- keep lots of vegies cut up near you.

    Vesna- your pots are beautiful! Spend the money on pottery supplies. Like kids, two dogs are a lot more than 1 plus 1! (from someone who once had 2 dogs and 3 cats and 2 kids in the house).

    Gotta go, hi to everyone else.

  • MEL: Yes - cockatoos are the big white birds that make lots of noise! Baretta had one - remember that? I'm sure my husband will want to kill it - he is not fond of any animal - at all! He isn't real happy about the bird but so what! HAHA! Just as long as he isn't mean to it - that will totally piss me off!

    Ok - I'll check back in later!

  • Skimmer Girl
    Just been skimming. as promised.

    Sounds like many of us are busy this week.

    Went to the hockey game last night. Hurricanes are in the Stanley Cup play offs. They beat the Devils in OT last night 2-1. A real nail-biting thirller!!! Hockey is a great time. If you've never had a chance to take in a game, you gotta go!

    Working on that blasted wallpaper this afternoon. Getting readu to ascend the ladder. Will continue to keep you updated on the progress!

    For those of you considering the NC beach trip on October, 10-13... It is in Atlantic Beach, NC. There will be information coming up in about 2 weeks, including pics of the house and beach, etc. This may assist you in determining your interest. If you decide to attend, you will be asked to pay a small, non-refundable deposit for your room. This is the only way we can begin to make plans and not have me and a few others in attendance *eat* the whole cost of this weekend. The rate for the house is quite low and the more who attend the cheaper it will be! It promises to be a fun-filled weekend of food (SB legal I'm sure), fun, and fellowship. At last count the only people who've said for sure they WERE indeed coming... me, Deb, Bob, the massage therapist and my friend who is getting the house (who also happens to be an active SB'er, just not on the board).


    Gotta go get on the ladder!

  • FROG: Definately count me out for NC. I had to check the LSU schedule and that is the LSU/FLORIDA game in Florida. That happens to be the away game that we are making this year! So, I'm gonna be at THE SWAMP cheering on the TIGERS in Gator's territory!!!

  • Saturday Afternoon
    You ladies have been busy posting since Friday afternoon! I love reading all the chatty posts and getting up to date. It is Saturday afternoon and this is the first chance I have gotten to sit down at the computer. Been out all morning shopping with the family, doing errands, hitting garage sales and visiting the SPCA. There was a beautiful female white cat there that would be a perfect match for our black and white male….but hubby was not keen on it. Even DD couldn’t persuade him and she has him wrapped around her finger. I know that if I really really wanted the cat he would let us but let’s face it…we have a dog, a cat, 2 budgies, 20 chickens, 2 pet ducks and one baby lamb…it is not like we don’t have enough animals already!

    We are having company this evening and I am going to make some guacamole for the first time. I have a few different things to dip in it, both legal and illegal, since no one else SB’s who is coming. I am looking forward to trying it. I also found some Sweet Potato Chips in the SuperStore today and I opened them to see what they were like. I loved them! Hubby thought they were disgusting. They are expensive though, costing $4.39 a bag. I will have to eat them sparingly. They only have sweet potatoes, cooked in canola oil and some citric acid in them. That is all legal so I was thrilled to have a new snack.

    The Baby Shower went very well. She got all sorts of lovely and practical things and was very appreciative. The food supplied by all the women was wonderful with a good variety. The cake I ordered was huge and decorated perfectly. The ladies loved all our games and even the Captain Underpants. I had them all figure out their names upon arrival then write it on a label and wear it on their lapels all evening. They all got a good laugh from it and no one was offended…that I know of! Only one lady didn’t participate, but she was the eldest there and well into her 80’s so I can see why she would not have been amused…but she didn’t say anything negative about it either.

    CHRISTIANS- I just wanted to say what a wonderful encouragement it is for me to see so many believers on this board. I love reading your posts and references to the Lord, to worship music, to salvation, baptism..all these things that bring joy to the hearts of the children of God.

    I can’t respond to everyone specifically because there are too many and I have to get this zoo cleaned up before the company arrives. Have a great Saturday!
  • J RED......
    Oh yes! Please send me photos! When we went to Child of the Promise, I did not know we could bring cameras.....I was so sad when I saw everyone with one...So please do!
    Here is my e-mail...

    [email protected]

    You are so lucky to have talented kids that use their talents to bring glory to God! I love to sing....but I am no good at it! I would make a great (not sure of the spelling) Milli Vanilli...LOL!

    that is a great name. I take it ypu already have a daughter, or more than one?? I have 4 boys and one girl. No matter what, each child is a gift.
    As for your weight, you sound like yo are doing great!
  • Hi All,

    The days are just beautiful here in NC. I am about to go out to see about planting some spinach seeds in my garden…what fun.

    Nance: I was so glad to see your posts. You have such a wonderful wit and way of writing that I just love.

    Fillise: Welcome back, also. You are just great!

    I am missing, Catlover and Quilter and many more.

    Solshine: Please post some of your favorite recipes for salmon. I love it, but I never seem to get around to fixing it at home. Maybe I just need a good recipe. You were asking about the hair issue. I have very straight and fine hair and I find that it is important to get a really good cut. My hairdresser seems to hit it about once in every three to four times. I can really tell the difference when it is right.

    Debbie: What store did you find the turkettes? Was it the COOP? Thanks for leaving some agave for me. Ha! You have mentioned buying carbolite ice cream. I have seen kits for making carbolite cheesecake and other things…is it any good? I see that it is rather expensive.

    Vesnoid: Hello to you…glad you are back. OOH, your pottery is beautiful.

    TV: Glad to see you are doing so well.

    Gracious: Getting behind on the posts causes real problems. I understand about the blur factor.

    Fruit: I, too, thank you for reposting the “name” list.

    Toni: I will post the Cornish Game Hen in Sherry Sauce in the next day or two.

    Frog: I finally got down to your message and after being so far behind and not being able to catch up, I understand your concerns. I also need to regroup and see how I can make eveything work in my life.

    Bye for now,
  • Fruit--Coming to God's country in Oct. Hmmm. Maybe we can get together after the tiger roast! Seriously, if the weather is nice or not a night game, we have a nice tailgate party at all the home games. Let's keep in touch. Do you know where you are staying in Gainesville? Almost good to make reservations now, if you can get them. Let me know.

    You asked about Quilter.

    She says she is very busy right now. She and plan are working on a wedding and graduation videos for their nieces. Also she is trying to work out plans to move her parents nearby.

    She asks to be remembered to all. She is not deserting us!!

  • GATOR: Yes - we are planning on coming to the game - I was gonna ask you for a recommendation on a place to stay. I like to stay some place nice that is close to the stadium - any suggestions? I was actually gonna start looking for flights and places to stay today. SO, lemme know! How long of a drive is that from New Orleans? We may just drive. We'd love to hang with y'all for the tailgating! That would be fun!


    TV: Welcome back! So glad your surgery went well.

    Thunder: Congratulations! I think that Ashley Nicole is a beautiful name.

    CountryMom: Sorry to hear about your great Aunt. Thank you so much for sharing your weight loss secrets.

    Fillise: Glad you were able to see the Dr. about your rash. Hope you get some relief soon and hope you don't see any sprouting hair Also, you are so right about the circle of life. It is very sad when a loved one leaves us but I think it is a lovely thought that she was able to spend the day with her great-grandson before he was born.

    Pooch: Sounds like you had a very busy day planned. Hope you had fun and can walk tomorrow

    Monet: Here's hoping that you get through the rest of the invitations without too much stress.

    YellowRose: I know what you mean about keeping up with all the posts. I have been lurking here the last few days, but have not had the time to post. Miss one day of reading and it seems to take two to catch up.

    Kimmy: Sounds like you had a really good storm. We had some lightening and thunder but were lucky enough to miss the worse part.

    Jred: Sorry to hear about your loss of voice. I had laryngitis a couple of months ago. I hated every minute of it. Took almost a week for it to go away. I think everyone here kind of enjoyed the silence though

    TV: I know that the situation with your Mom must be difficult. I hope that everything turns out great for both of you.

    Sef: Thanks for the chuckle. But I have a confession to make, I understand some of those remarks and I'm not from South Carolina but from SOUTHEAST Missouri

    Frog: I hope that everything is going well for you. We are all here if and when you need us.

    Fruit: I think that you will like scrapbooking. It does take some time, but is very rewarding when you are finished.

    Gracious: Glad the baby shower went well. I also love the Sweet Potato chips. They are expensive here too.

    UPDATE on my son Jason: His appointment at the Neurologist in Kalamazoo is Tuesday Morning. I pray that they find the cause of his problems and are able to fix it. He had a terrible seizure here on Thursday. It lasted 5 minutes and he took only three breaths during that time. His face was so red it was almost purple. Afterwards he was not very responsive for almost 10 minutes. He could hear me and grunt but not talk. Thank you all again for the kind thoughts and prayers.

    I got on the scale this morning. It was not good. I have gained 4.5 pounds. I know that some is water retention because my ankles and hands are swollen, but still...
