We Are Family - Blue Team Chat #3

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  • I don't know how I missed those pictures, but you look TERRIFIC Tammy!
  • Quote: .....Oh, I've never been to one and they sound like fun! What kinda of trouble do you get up to at it?
    No trouble I promise . It is fun Jo definitely. For me I just love seeing people dressed up in different costumes and the shows. Yes most of the shows I've seen it over the years but for me it's the whole ambience. Of course lot of food porn going on so not as much fun in that way. Couple years ago I got a face tatoo done it was those sparkley ones. Maybe I'll get one this year too . Maybe some day I'll get over the renn fest thing but for now we keep going back to it every year. Maybe some day you'll come to MD around this year and I can take you there

    Quote: ...Well, as I promised a couple of people around here, I ran this morning. Yes, it did in fact require thinking of the massive amounts of disapproval I would receive upon coming in here saying I hadn't run this morning to get me out of bed. Seriously...

    ...You see how many times I could have turned around and stayed home? But I didn't. I ran.
    Jaime's gotta run, Her whole world will be fun

  • Can you tell what this is?
  • That has got to be the cutest most original can display I've ever seen in my life.
  • What is it?
  • Its a cornucopia.

    hope that's spelled right??
  • It's a cornucopia. Very nice, Dee!
  • Tammy! Lookin good, woman! I love looking at progress pics!

    I'm heading to get my gym membership today-i'm excited! And I also see a trainer in my future around next pay day I think once a monthish will be ood just to keep me on track and whatnot.

    Nik left this morning-but i'm doing my best. I don't think it will hit me till i'm in my new apartment without him. I'm seeking refuge in my friends' spare bedroom at the moment.. thank god for friends!!!

    i doubt there will be a loss this week.. but hopefully not a (big) gain either.. I have been eating alright.. just not getting much exercise. Hopefully, this weekend will help take care of that!
  • Hey Fauxtini, we are opposites....I'm a gym rat, but my eating has been less than stellar. it sucks, cause I know I'm not getting the double whammy weight loss happening.

    Okay, I'm off to preschool, then to the gym.

  • I must have lost my mind today. I have not been to sleep since yesterday and I decided to go to Curves for my 30 min and then go for my first water aerobics class at the Y right after that, which was 60 mins. That's more exercise in a day than I have been managing to get in a week. I have a feeling this is gonna hurt for awhile, but I will be better for it. Let's just hope I can walk after I get some sleep.

    I had a proud moment yesterday. For whatever crazy reason, my Mom decided it would be ok to bring home Frostys from Wendy's. I was very angry at her for doing that, to say the least. I asked her what size she got figuring it would be a small. No, she got a large for both of us. I really couldn't believe she did that. She is literally killing herself with all the diabetes and heart disease problems and she "thought it would be ok"? Well it was too late to do anything about her cause she had already eaten it, but I really let her have it and read to hers the calories and sugar content in what she just put in her body. I thought I might eat a little of mine for dessert but I took one bite and poured the rest of it down the sink. It wasn't even that good to be, it was kind of gross being so sweet. Now if I could just get my mother to realize how serious this is and stop making bad choices.

    Well I am feeling the lack of sleep now, so I'm gonna eat a little something and crash. I hope everyone has a great weekend and makes good choices for themselves.
  • ginger:We are pretty much at the same place in our weightloss.. now.. if only we could combine ourselves and get the eating and workig out going doubletime! hehe

    I love exercising.. just in the process of moving right now and stuff.. Im excited to get back on track. it makes me feel sooo muchbetter!!

    Christina: I used to live for wendys.. an dit's so funny how things just arn't that good afterall when you look at it with a different mind set! good for you for staying away! Screw you, frostys!! hehehe
  • Hello friends,

    I had a good week so far . Got all my exercising in and stayed on plan!!!Yeh!Yeh!
    I must be very careful this week my exercise buddy(my daughter) will be going on vacation and in the past I really slacked up on my exercising when she leaves. I tend to want to take a vacation from exercising when she is not with me. This is her 3rd. vacation this year! What will I do?

    Tyler, congrats on reaching your goal!!! You must feel wonderful!!!

    Tammy,Those pictures were really nice. I saw alot of difference!!!
  • Abby - Hang in there! We need a special countdown to homecoming challenge thread. I was just looking at you wedding pictures on facebook. I love your blue dress.

    Yes, it's a cornucopia. Basically the local chapter of American Institute of Architecture does sculptures out of cans and then donates the cans to the local food bank. It's a design competition. There are about 9 teams in our area, I can't wait to see what everyone else has built. This is our first year competing, I'm already excited for next year. And my glutes hurt from the zillion squats. Forget fancy gyms, just buy a case of canned foods.
  • Dixied, The can cornucopia is great! And so clever! How do you come up wih the ideas for these. Is it based on the colr/number of cans that you have available, or do you buy the cans to fit what you want to make?

    I'm having a rough time with my water intake this week. So far I have done it...but it is getting more difficult by the day. My office is little cooler since Fall started..but still comfortable. Until...I start drinking my water. As soon as I start sipping my water I start getting Soooo Cooold! I guess I could try some hot tea...but I know I won't drink enough of it...Tea is ok...but not my fav. Getting all my water in is going to be a chhallenge this winter! Does this happen to any one else?
  • Speaking of water... I have the opposite problem as you Djay.. i have been drinking TOO MUCH water.. i never clinked in that too much IS BAD till recently.

    I have been having dizzy spells and passed out this summer for the first time in my life.. I got all disoriented and didn't know where I was. It happened once more.. where I caught myself.. didn't pas sot.. but got dizzy and didn't know where I was for a couple seconds... ( scariest moments of my life) In the end.. it was related to drinking WAY to much water.. I was flushing mybody out of sodium and all that stuff it needs... My urine was always CLEAR and i thought that was a good thing. I just had never realized before what water can do to you.. if you drink to much..

    Ive recently cut my water down from over 4 litres.. to 2-2.5 a day.. depending on my food intake and exercise. and i havn't been dizzy since!