Weekend Chatter - Sept. 27 & 28

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  • Hi everyone! Had a busy week but I am still plugging along on Phase 2. I am down a total of 13.4 lbs. I really believe that I can make it to goal this time. The other day I put on a pair of pants that I just bought and they were way too big. Off to do some reading!
  • Good Sunday Morning!
    Dark and wet here this morning. Disney got me up at 5:30 to go out and was quite disgusted by the weather. She's back zzzzing now. For the first time, she spent the night on my bed instead of in the back room where she and Hersh used to sleep.

    Church this morning is a parish service with the Bishop AND the Primate coming. It isn't until 10:30 and is followed by a lunch which I'll skip. I really don't want to face macaroni salad, scalloped potatoes and ham! I'll probably check in on Harry and break the news to him about Hershey.

    This afternoon will be another ME time; maybe a nap and some sewing.

    What's up chez-toi this Sunday morning?
  • Morning Ruth and everyone else.

    hannah is sleeping with girl child but my body wanted me up... so at 6:30 here i am with coffee just finishing...

    oy this is the time of day i've got the energy to clean but with the family sleeping I don't dare.
  • Good Morning Ruth and Nessa...

    Woke up with no hearing in left ear and the nose is runny, sore throat, headache.... wanted to lie there, but no sense in that so I got up to start the coffee going. I don't think I'll go to church this morning and pass on whatever it is I'm fighting.

    Kitty is a pain in the rear! Yesterday found a hole in the wall behind washer and got outside under the house, I had to go get her. I boarded up the hole, and within mins of having her in the house I hear "MEOW"... she'd gotten back there again and realized it was different, and all I seen was her head sticking out as she climbed back up! Silly kitty.

    Jade is oh so JEALOUS of kitty, kitty was in office with me and Jade came in crying at me as if to say "I'm here, why you petting her?"... KIDS!
  • oy that kitty is a handful Lori!
  • AWE but oh so worth it!

    woke up with a bad rash on my ankle as well, can't figure out for the life of me what it is! Hoping its from wearing my new ankle weights with no socks or pants there yesterday.
  • It's a dark and gloomy looking morning here, making it hard for me to get out of bed. I could hear Jake hacking away downstairs, though, so I finally got up. Seems he caught my cold, poor guy.

    We had lots of fun playing with the grandkids last night. Little Tyler is just about to start walking, and it was fun watching him trying to take a few steps. He's such a sweetheart! Amber and I made cinnamon rolls, and she was really proud of her accomplishment! I only ate 1/2 of one, and made sure all the leftovers went home with them!

    Today I must get over to visit Mom & Dad. I've been staying away while I was suffering from my bad cold, but they're anxious to hear all about my trip last week and see the pictures. I hope to get my mums planted if it ever stops raining, and there's the ever present laundry to do, too.
  • Quote: AWE but oh so worth it!

    woke up with a bad rash on my ankle as well, can't figure out for the life of me what it is! Hoping its from wearing my new ankle weights with no socks or pants there yesterday.


    we have a flea infestation right now...

    Morning Cottage....
  • A dark and damp morning here too. I'm so glad there's coffee.

    Ruth - Enjoy your "me" time!

    Nessa - My daughter always got the urge to clean at 2 in the morning when she was a crazy teen. She would just get this rush of energy before falling asleep. Nothing like a vacuum cleaner running in the middle of the night.
    Any new puppy leads?

    Lori- Gotta watch that kitty I'm sure that working out with those weights without socks under could cause the rash. Is it itchy or just rashy?

    Cottage - Enjoy your day

    Today is make-up day - now I've got a 2 day To Do list and only one day to do it all! Ah well, had fun yesterday so no complaints from me. It looks like it will not be all rain all day here so I can get up to the orchard again. I'm going for heirloom apples this time. It's fun experimenting with different dried apples. After yesterday's TJ trip I also need to organize that freezer. Chest freezers really can be a challenge!

    Have a good day everyone

    * added - I have lost and regained the same two lbs for two months now. It's driving me nuts! Down a whole lb from yesterday but I was up .5 from the day before. I may toss the scale into the rive!
  • All's quiet right now. Last night we babysat our precious grandson while our daughter & son-in-law attended his 10 yr reunion. Everyone is still sleeping but I am sure I will hear Aidan moving around soon. He feel asleep pretty early last night. I think we are going out for breakfast/brunch later this morning. . .yum!

    I am starting my 4th week of SBD and loving the results. Hoping to make a steady decline in weight loss between now and the end of the year. DH and I have a long weekend trip to FL planned in November and hoping my bathing suit is much looser by then. My biggest problem some days is making sure I am getting enough to eat. I need to keep better track of the amounts of protein and beans I am consuming each day.

    Off to read the newspapers.

    Happy Sunday morning!
  • It's gloomy and rainy here as well, but can we complain? we've had several days of niceness... even if it had rained all summer, who are we to complain against God?

    Nessa, not sure, but I WILL be stripping bed today and washing everything and spraying bed down good with bleach/water! Might even get my steam cleaner out on it! That AND the couch!

    Cyndi, I feel your pain! But at least your body lost the weight! Mine seems to want to hoard it! .

    Hi June, nice to meet you!
  • Good Morning all!

    Had a scare with Nellie, my greyhound mix, last night. She was running in the yard, I turned around to come inside, and I heard her scream. I turned around and saw her not moving a muscle and holding her back right leg almost up to her body. So I carried her in the house (I know I'm getting stronger now!!!) and put her in my bedroom and looked at her leg...didn't find any swelling or anything out of place or any specific spot of pain for her. Checked the paw, nothing. She even let me passively range it. But still she wouldn't even dare relax it one inch. The leg was just sort of hanging there. So I called the ER vet and they said just to watch it and if she wasn't any better this morning to bring her in. So while she laid on the bed shivering and panting in pain, she finally fell asleep with me sitting watching her!! I guess I fell asleep about an hour ago and woke up to hear her eating....which means she got down out of the bed and walked to her food bowl. Then I let her out and she's at least putting some weight on the leg and is no longer shivering and shaking and looking at me like she's in pain. So I guess she just twisted something and needs to rest it!! Oh, I also had a bag of frozen peas on her while she was sleeping...lol....and trust me, I have pictures!! lol

    Other than that it's a nice morning. About to leave to get my grocery shopping over before the crowds get going. Also going check out the new Penny's that Cat was talking about yesterday!!

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • oh so scary when our puppies are hurting... I know. I'm glad she is feeling better... give her a baby aspirin... NOT tylenol or the other stuff...

    when i asked how much to give bagel they laughed... ADULT DOSE... ha.
  • awe, Mandy! I do hope she just twisted it and nothing more! Make sure to check for snake bites and what not! My cat came home and was favoring a front paw for a day, then I noticed it swelling up badly. I didn't have proof of rabies and my vet was closed, so in essence she was quaranteened after they drained the liquid. Not sure if it was snake, another animal or what.
  • Good morning everyone,

    Sounds like everyone is having a nice weekend.

    phxsunflower- Congratulations on your one year anniversary you are doing so great, almost 100 lbs gone. I know you feel great.

    Nessa I am jealous that you have a trader joes so close- I have one about 5 miles from work but it is opposite direction from going home so I do not go as often as I would like.

    Mandy- I hope your puppy is doing better today. My friends doggie was bit by a snake and it swelled so I would watch for that but hopefully that wasn't it.

    Yesterday- went grocery shopping in the morning spent way too much but atleast pantry and fridge are fully stocked again. In the afternoon DF and her DS came over and me and the 2 DD went leaf collecting again, had a fun afternooon and then we went to dinner together. DH and DS went to a college to check it out and go to football game there- I decided to let DS take a friend and make it a guys day.

    Today on the agenda is going to church and then for DD1 we have to find shoes to go with her Homecoming dress- the ones in her closet I thought would go no longer fit her feet have grown so we will be checking out shoes and I have to still do chores around the house I haven't gotten to. Nessa I want to vacuum right now but everyone is sleeping so I will refrain.

    Have a great day everyone.