Couch to 5K (C25K) Starters & Restarters.

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  • Jamie, it's a "sprint" (=mini) triathlon locally here in Carmel, IN. It's a 400 meter swim, 10 mile bike ride, and 5k run. I heard that Indy actually has some other sprint triathlons so I might sign up for more than one next summer. The one I'm doing is specifically designed for beginners, so the swim is in a pool, there are no time limits, etc. They even have separate prizes for first-timers! If you want the info about it PM me and I'll send you a link.

    Robsia - I know what you mean about things hurting when you don't use them! My knees hurt more after sitting at my desk all day than they do after working out. :P
  • Well I finally got it done... after 4 days off..(read lazy).. W6D1!!! It is true I feel worse when I don't exercise. I posted a gain this week but I am not going to let it bum me out - well atleast not too much.

    Jessica and Jamie - way to go guys! Keep up the good work. It seems that most of us have had little "miss step" lately. Maybe it was the time change

    Well I got to go vote.
  • I don't know what my slip up has been this last week but I sure need to stay out of that FUNK. I'm back up to 161.something today. AND I did the first day of the 30 day shred last night! GEEZ!!! Tomorrow is week 7 day 1. Crazy. Never thought I would make it this far.

    Paperclippy, that is awsome! I wish our area had something like that!
  • Jamie, I don't know where in Wisconsin you live, but you can go to to see a list of all the 2009 triathlons in your state! It looks like there are some sprint distances.
  • Hey Thanks....I'm looking at this now. There is one RIGHT BY WHERE I LIVE! I think I'm going to do it! Next June!
  • Yay! You should come join us on the triathlon chat thread!
  • I Started this today ... i wonder if i can run more than 3 days a week?
  • Welcome Jah Jah! I DO NOT suggest doing this more then 3 times per week. This is why...

    The thought process is to get you up to that 5K. If you do it more then 3 times per week, you might get sick of it, or if you aren't used to jogging/running you might hurt yourself. Plus, if you are "looking forward" to getting to do that run, that's even better!

    I've tried "being a runner" SOOOO many times in the past. I was in the Army for crying out the Air Guard, and still could not become a runner. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IT'S WORKED FOR ME! I've always tried too hard to fast and then would get discouraged when I couldn't run like everyone else.

    I ran 25 mins without stopping yesterday. That is CRAZY for me! Even during basic training, I was always in the worst running group and fell out most of the time during runs.

    So yeah... kind of went off on a tangent there.. sorry. But I really do believe that this C25K works if you follow it and don't overdo it. I just started the 30DS along with it to do on my off days so I don't feel like a slacker. I totally suggest keeping up with your 30 DS on the off days or picking another aerobic activity. Just my thoughts... on becomming a C25K runner!
  • Ditto on not doing it more than 3x a week - don't even do 2 days back to back, at least not at first. I tried that and damaged my heel - had to have several weeks off while it healed and here I am back at the start again!

    When you get fit and are USED to running, then you can up it.

    But you can do other exercise on the in between days, like cycling.

    Jamie Jo - WELL DONE on running the 25 minutes non-stop. Is that the first time you did that?
  • It's the first time in a VERY long time. I couldn't really tell you if I've done it before. I'm sure I did in basic training but we never knew the time and I always fell out and ended up getting in trouble for walking...
  • W6D2 - done. Today I am going to do a few miles on my stationary bike. I was going to shred this am but I was having technical difficulties. (on demand wasn't working and I couldn't work the dvd playerconfused:

    My weight is stuck at 133-134 - I keep losing and finding the same pound or two. I am going to keep trudging ahead.
  • Uh oh, this thread is slowing down! Are you all still running?

    I'm on my second week of week 6, so w6d2#2 for me today. In some ways I'm glad that after today's run I don't have any more intervals, but on the other hand I feel like doing intervals has helped me run a lot faster. I think once I can actually run the full 5k I will start c25k over again, but with two different speeds of running instead of walking and running.
  • I have totally fallen off the wagon. Haven't even logged into 3FC since last Thursday! BUT, I did week 7 day 2 yesterday with ease. When I did intervals, I was able to run faster, but yesterday I kicked up the machine to 7MPH for the last two mins. I'm just going to keep it up and increasing my speed little by little!
  • Well, I did W2D1 (again) on Monday but when I got to the end of the first run I felt something pop inside my calf and it hurt too much to carry on - I had to get mum to come and pick me up!

    It is a LOT better now - I can't feel it at all, but I'm still taking a full week off to give it chance to recover fully. But I'm not starting Week 1 again - I'll just do Week 2 again next week.

    Shame - it's a beautiful day for a run.
  • Paperclippy - I've thought of doing that too. But although I finished the C25K (using time instead of distance), I'm still working up to the full 5K distance.l When I feel pretty solid in that, I may try the interval thing again, with slow and fast running. Heaven knows my pace could use some improvemet

    JamieJo, glad you're back on! 7MPH is only in my dreams!

    Robsia - take care! Maybe walking will do while you recover?