Commitment to Christmas .... Continues

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  • my pants were a little roomier today...
  • Hello, everyone. Having a good evening?

    Dixiemae, did you read about how they evacuated Wrigley Field for the tornado sirens? Bet that was something to write home about.

    KateB, seems we are in the same boat. Maybe we can get out together.

    Earth, you are amazing.

    I did good keeping OP today, so we'll see how it shakes out next time I weigh in. Think I will go back to Fridays since I won't be gone a lot now that school is back in.

    See you all tomorrow. Kathy
  • Hey chicks, sounds like we are all having our ups and downs!

    Kate, love the re-commitment idea, I'm in, I've been stuck right around 150 for far too long, lose a few then gain a few, yesterday was lose again so let's get that momentum moving in the right direction!!

    Dixie, what beautiful names for your grandbabies! They even sound gorgeous!
    BTW, I just got the JCP fall & winter catalog, some lovely little black dresses in there!

    Earthshaker, you are kicking butt!

    Eny, way to go!

    Dcapult, hooray for better fitting clothes! I love that, soon you can shop in your closet again, that is always a reminder for me of how far I've come, love to pull something from the back of the closet and find out it fits again!!

    Tapping Peony, I still love that name. I just ordered a new Peony for my garden too. I've been stuck too but we are all staying focused and moving toward our healthy, sexy new selves for Christmas.

    Halfbaked, I want the eat at KFC and lose 2 pounds plan. Seriously though, maybe your body needed to be shocked, either way, good for you!!
  • MotherMavis, you are the best cheerleader! Have a good day!

  • Hi all,

    I survived my annual review with my supervisor. I think the only thing that got me through it was the fact that I've attempted to post out, and no one knows about it.

    So I smiled and nodded while she told me how great I was right before she read my co-worker's comments. I was kind of bummed, but I realize what a joke this process is. I work graves on weekends, and I work with a total of five people. I know for a fact that some of the people who were solicited for "peer feedback" aren't, in fact, my peers, and they don't even work with me for over an hour a day on the two whole days I work at the hospital.

    I can't wait to get out of this vicious gossip-fest. I love my xray techs, but I can't stand the office people. Luckily I don't see them very often.

    One of the comments that got to me was that I look "disheveled." This was, of course, right next to a comment from someone else that said I always looked professional. (A category to be judged on.) I know this is untrue because I always have my hair tied up and my makeup on, but I wonder if it's because of my scrubs now.

    I'm in between scrub sizes now. The ones I have were too tight to begin with (but I couldn't find any bigger, although I don't think I tried too hard). Now they're way too loose, but I'm not quite in my next size down, I'm about 2 weeks away from their being a good (not tight) fit. The pants I have now are way too big (yay!), but I wonder if this is what they're talking about.

    Not that it matters. Someone (and I know who it is, I think) has never liked me and made up all sorts of crap. Oddly enough, I got the same pay raise (a whopping 3%) as I did last year when I had an excellent review, so it really doesn't matter, period).

    Sorry to vent, just a little bent but so glad that I may be getting out of here. It was a job while I was in school, and now that I'm out of school, it's definitely time to move on.

    But, now, it's Tuesday, and time to get moving for breakfast and gym time.
  • Halfbakedtulip: Hang in there. Self-sabotaging is one of my best skills, I think Good luck pushing past it.

    dcapulet: isn't that a great feeling? Congratulations! I love NSVs like that.

    mothermavis: Thanks for the encouragement. I went to the gym and only managed 2 miles yesterday after the review, and I didn't feel so kick butt then.

    dixiemae: Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. Divorce is so tough and healing is so necessary. Good job staying on plan, and be sure to take care of yourself. (Although staying on plan IS taking care of yourself, isn't it?)

    Y'all have a great day!
  • Tapping Peony and MotherMavis there is plenty of room in the REcommit boat...come join me and help me row to the finish line!!

    Earthshaker sounds like you handled the review well. I have worked in "gossip fests" myself and know who miserable it can be.

    I stayed on plan yesterday and today is looking good so far. Now I need to get back to my exercise program. I had slacked off on drinking water too, but have recommited to that too. When I got up for the third time to pee last night I wasn't so thrilled though.

    Dcapult isn't it fun to get back into old favorites??!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • earth- props to you for being able to blow off something like that. it's hard sometimes, especially during a review process. gossip can be a killer; it's good to be able to rise above it.

    poeny and mavis - woo hoo! back in the boat on the way to commitment land. you can wear my pirate hat.

    kate - i laughed about the pee. that's me all the time.

    i was going to go to the gym while i was out this morning, but i was so hungry that i couldn't think. so instead of eating out, i came home and ate a good breakfast. so i'll be going out to the gym and food shopping soon.

    have a day of smooth sailing and calm seas, ladies. (now i have the beach on my mind.)
  • Kate:

    I saw your "recommitment" comment and I couldn't find it again or get a grasp on it this morning in my early morning rant fog.

    I heard from a motivational speaker that true love is unconditional commitment to a flawed person. I've loved that definition, and his whole speech on the topic of relationships. He said that the commitment of true love requires falling in love over and over again. It's a process, not a one-time decision.

    People don't fall out of love, he argues. They simply stop falling in love.

    I'm not sure I'm 100% on the same page as he is, but it really, really stood out for me.

    The whole point of this, I guess, is that commitment, in my mind, isn't a one-time decision. It's something we have to do over and over again. Because we're flawed people who do break promises to ourselves, we need to forgive, let go, and recommit.

    I'll be happy to recommit with you Every time I post in this thread, I think I'm recommitting.

    And it feels really, really good.
  • Kate and dcapulet:

    It's funny. I'm considered snobby and standoffish because I actually leave the room when they're gossiping. I can't stand it.

    I did make a comment about the gossip mongering, though. Not exactly "rose above" it.

    But I was very, very pleased considering how angry I was before going in.
  • Hi everyone!

    I just found this thread and would love to join in! You all sound really motivated and encouraging!

    I've got a short-term goal (lose 5 pounds in August, stay on plan at least 24 out of 28 days-since starting that goal yesterday, and walk 30 min every day).

    Now I need a long-term goal and the Christmas challenge sounds good to me!

    I think I'll shoot for 25 pounds (from my start weight of 193) by Christmas. I'm at 192 today, so that would put me at 168!

    WOO HOO! I'm 1 pound down! (hee hee hee) (Sorry, just being silly!)

    Here we go ...
  • Earth-
    I LOVE the commitment definition!! Very thought provoking on many levels.

    Many times I have compared my food issues with that of an alcoholic or an addict. On both sides of my family addictions run rampant. the ones who have been successful with thier recovery all say they NEED to attend meetings regularly or they are not healthy. I think this is their way of recommitting. I find that when I slack off on food journaling or don't stay active on this sight I tend to slack off on dieting. I realize I NEED to Recommit everyday to stay on this journey. I know there will be times when I stumble, even fall, but that doesn't mean I have to stay down. I have to remember to pick myself up and get back on the path and keep going. You're post was a good reminder of that. THANKS!!
  • I am trying to play catch-up - SO....

    MM and Kate - I hear you about recommitting! I need to do that myself, very often!

    Eny - WTG on the #10 and your goal bench mark!!!

    Earth - Good luck on the job hunt. It sounds like about anything would be better. Also, I agree with you about Mondays! I like routine!

    Pat - Congrats on your WI!!!

    Halfbaked - #2 is awesome!

    Dcapult - That is great about the baggy clothes!!!

    Everyone else I hope things are going well!

    I did my WI today and am down another .5 pound. I can't seem to get the scale to move any faster! But I guess that is better than nothing!

  • Hey all

    I am inspired, yet another cool name - Welcome!!

    Today has been a pretty good day, trying to stick with it!
  • Hi mothermavis, nice to meet you!

    Stayed on plan today and got a 30 min walk in on the treadmill.