Back In Kindergarten #52

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  • back again...
    still haven't uploaded my pics to the blog...but will get to it soon, I hope

    Francie- if that were my ring, I'd be hocking it, lol!. It's bad manners to ask for rings back, so at least Matt has that going for him. It's too bad, but they need to start looking for bachelors somewhere else... And, yes, I still watch! Why is that?

    Susan ( and Sue) - thanks for the kind words. I have to take my mom in smaller doses, 'cause this is just how she is. A week is a little too long, I think. We are going back in August, but the kids will be with me and I won't have to make convo by myself. Hey, if you are impressed that I got on a bike, well guess what? Today I got on a skateboard! At a skate park, no less! It was fun and we'll be going back.
  • Hiya girlies...

    KATY...yikes, a skateboard?! You be careful on those things. It's been years since I was on one and don't think I want to try again...too afraid I will fall but kudos to you! You know, when I was riding my bike with my helmet everyone asked me if I felt silly wearing it. Ummm,'s the law here and I've heard too many cases of people falling and hitting their head so...I don't feel silly at all. It's a little different from riding years ago without one for sure. Sorry about your momma. Glad you had a nice time and WTG on the pound!

    SUSAN...too funny, the dream that is. Like Sue I am not a yogurt eater, something about it is icky to me except for the whipped stuff...I can stomach that once in a while. Would be a great thing to eat though, and cheap too! You know, there is a lot of brick in the east/midwest/south...I know growing up in AR we always had the brick house and there's a lot here to.

    FRANCIE...glad to see you guys got the apratment and won't be homeless! Did you guys get the 2 bedroom you wanted?

    ASIA...I thought you went hiking yesterday, lol. My mind is gone, what can I say, lol? Too much going on around here sometimes. Have fun!

    HIYA SUE, SASSY, TAMMY, MINDEE, JULES and everyone else

    Sorry this is kind of short, late getting on the computer...had a busy day and it's not over yet. Took DS for lunch for his BD, did a little bit of shopping, exercise, and cooked the chicken for enchiladas for dinner tonight. Charlotte mentioned she wanted some, hint, hint, lol. So they are coming over for dinner...hoping it's not a late evening because I am pooped! Needless to say, the eating hasn't been the greatest today so...anyway, have to go start a load of clothes and get ready for them.

    Have a great day ladies, what's left of it anyway.
  • Sue - yay on the 3 mile bike ride and 2 mile walk!! I am lousy on my exercising.
    I don't even wanna talk about the donuts! lol
    I haven't always like yogurt either but I buy it in small containers, so it doesn't seem runny and stays firm. I don't like runny things , ick. Also it has almost double the protein, and half the carbs/calories of oatmeal.

    Katy - You're a nut!! Skateboards scare
    Ya, after a year I was ready to accept my mom just the way she was, becasuse I wanted her back in my life and since that time we have gotten closer. We still have our moments but it isn't as bad as it use to be.

    Franice- Shayne is cute. ABC purchases the rings don't they?? Pretty sure they do because they made a big fuss about Firestone buying his own ring...and I think Aaron too.

    Better get. Have to mop my floors and run to the store for lysol first.....
  • Cristina - You snuck in!! I like mixed berry and blueberry, I can eat those...anyway,..time is running out on this library computer. Chat later!
  • I am back, and having my second yogurt for the day. It is also good in calcium.
    Very nice you are having the family over for dinner Cristina! My ex took the girls out for the day to visit his first wife and go to thepark. She just had knee replacement and there is a park called Oxbow that he wanted to take the girls too.....and it freed up my afternoon to do some job stuff. Anyway, so my point is I bought take and bake pizza for them for dinner....that is as far as I am cooking.
    I was craving some carbs so bought a hot loaf of french bread, just the smell made me swoon. It is like a f-ing lover.....*eyes roll*....mmm, can't resist. I won't have pizza though.

    I noticed the 100lb groups poll on how often they weigh in and 70 some % say daily and that is true w/ me too. It just is a habit now......wake up, use the loo , strip and weigh and shower, it is clock work now. The only sad thing is Gaby likes to weigh herself too......which makes me sad. I just tell her "oh wow're right on target, perfect. And that makes her happy.

    anyway, yogurt better get the pizza cooked.
  • Well I may have spoke too soon about the new supervisor. The reason I say this is because I have a meeting with him in the am, about a work issue, or so he "says" but I see absolutely no evidence of it. It was supposed to be this morning (Tuesday Morning) but I went home sick. So I called him this morning and tried to discuss it, but he just said, "we'll discuss it tomorrow morning" Its not something huge, so I do not understand why we have to meet about it. Also its something I've done for 2 1/2 yrs (since I've been here) and there were absolutely no complaints about it before and there are others who are worse than me! And I do not think I have a problem.

    So I guess its my "non-trusting" nature but I have a feeling it is NOT about what he says its about. If not fired, I am not sure. Maybe I won't be canned (fired) but if not, then I just think its about something else...........Oh well. If I am, I am.......

    Guess I'll find out in the AM. Meanwhile I have 11.5 hrs left of pure **** thinking about it.

  • Sending good vibes your way Sassy. It probably is what he says. Don't worry all night.

    Just a quick trip in here to change my tickers. Rode 3 miles again tonight. YaY!
  • popping in to see how every one is doing while I upload more pics to my myspace page.....

    Sassy~ I am sending you some good vibes. I hope things go well with the meeting.
  • Hey all..sorry that I've been MIA. I've just been busy with this whole moving stuff. The apartment that we have is the one bedroom. Theres a 3 or 4 month waiting list for the 2 & 3 bedroom. But if we had a baby, then they'd move us asap. So ya, lol. We're screwed for awhile, lol. We're probably gonna have to get a storage unit out there to put most of our stuff in, lol.

    We already scheduled the movers to come and pack up our stuff around Aug 18th..then we'll be leaving here on Aug. 21st. Right now, we're just cleaning everything. Or trying to clean, lol. We're being hella lazy about it since we hate cleaning with a passion, lol.

    I do have some fun news!! On friday night, I'm going to the release party for the book I've been waiting forever for, lol. I cannot wait!! I'm so excited. I have my shirt and all my other stuff ready, lol. I'm such a total nerd, but I dont care. The book will be released at midnight!! Woohoo!!! Oh..and on sunday, we're going to the Renaissance Fair!!! I'm so excited for that too!! I haven't been to one since I was 16!! Oh and today..we went to Walmart, and I bought 2 pairs of Jelly shoes for $2!! LoL!! Totally retro, but they're cute and one pair has glitter in it, lol.

    Anyhoo..thats my life for right now. OH..I dyed my hair a amberish color. It looks really pretty. I'm thinking of maybe getting some highlights now. Like a dark brown. That would be kinda cool.
  • Good Morning

    Doing tons of laundry, spending Gabsters college fund in the process....washing a king size comforter ((3.50)), 2 ((1.75 ea.))other loads.

    made 150 on the scale this morning!! Yee Haw.....I haven't been that weight in 3 years. Now I get to go change my ticker!! So, excited. I know. I need to get out more.

    back in a bit for indy's!! Hope you all are having a good day.
  • my ladies are having all the fun!

    I have a quiet house with three sleeping kids! that is the highlight of my far! (I haven't gotten the mail it just might get a little better)

    Francie~ That is great to hear about the movers! they are coming over to pack you up the day after my birthday.

    SuzieQ~ That is great about getting to 150! you are doing a great job at your weight loss!
  • Francie - * are having too much fun!!
    Great about the movers and all, I bet that will be a big help. My sister has to be out on the 5th and has known a year she was moving but I don't think 1 box has been packed. So, guess what I am doing the next few days?? lol

    Mindee- Thanks! I sooo want to see 149 on the scale, I just want to get this over with actually. lol

    Sue - on the bike riding!

    Sassy - Stressed just reading your post, waiting is a killer. Hope all goes well and he just wants to chat about things.

    Hi to everyone else!!

    Laundry is almost done. Stayed up til 3am and read a James Patterson book (Honeymoon) it was ok,readable and kept me interested. Now I think I will go pick up another one.

    Going to steam some carrots today, sounded good to me. I also need to get started on the water, yesterday I did good....was in the bathroom every 15 minutes,....haha.

    k- adios - bbl.
  • Hello everyone!

    SASSY...sending good vibes that all goes well. :

    MINDEE...I will have to go check out your pics, headed to myspace after here. Bet you were enjoying your quiet time.

    FRANCIE...woohoo on the jelly shoes! I bought Cambrie a pair for $1 at the dollar store a couple of weeks ago...I loved them when DD wore them, too cute! That sucks that you guys didn't get one of the bigger apts but you won't be homeless so that is good! Have fun at the book thingy.

    SUSAN...they have a place here where you call and order a pizza, or you can go in and order and then you take it home and bake it. Saves money for sure and I have yet to try it. to 150!! I tried the weighing in everyday and it bugs me, it flucuates too much for me and drives me mad I was tempted to get on the scales this morning and decided not to...I will be patient and wait and then scream! I forgot to say can park your trailer in my yard, lol. Not sure the neighbors would like it, or the HOA but you can.

    KATY...forgot to say thank you for the kind words about my pictures. Did you get yours up? I will check and see in a few minutes. bet the fam is glad you are back.

    SUE...geez, woman...another 3 mile bike ride! You are tiring me out thinking about it. You are doing great with it! I want to ride mine but with all the exercise I do I don't know if I have any energy left over for a bike ride. But I definitely need to fit it in sometime.

    HIYA JULES...hoping you are having a good week and all is well with the fam.


    Well, I managed to get my walk in for the day. Was wondering because I woke at 5:30 and it was raining so I went back to bed. But got up at 6 and thought I would brave had stopped thank goodness. Had my fill of rain last night although, it was kind of fun and I can't remember the last time I went walking in the rain. Charlotte wanted to go look at the houses they are building sort of behind us. And it decided to start raining before we left but it wasn't bad so off we went. By the time we made it to the last one we were wet and she had her phone so I told her to call V to come get us, lol.

    Anyway, had a couple of errands to run and then I came back to mow. The front was still wet but it mowed okay. Now the back will have to dry out because it gets a lot worse. I don't do both the same day anymore anyway so...that;s about all I have...nothing really going on.

    Have a good day ladies!
  • HIYA SUZYQ...I love James Patterson but Honeymoon wasn't a favorite. If you want a good one...not his usually murder/fbi stuff...Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas and Sams Letters to Jennifer are really good! I'm addicted to the Alex Cross series...just didn't realize when I was reading them they were a series, lol. But you don't have to read them all or in order, probably helps. Anyway...steamed carrots sound good right now, just about anything sounds good to me right now...thinking I need a snack.

    Hope you are having a good day!
  • Hi Cristina
    I must say you have a very colorful, pretty post
    I looked for those 2 Patterson books that you mentioned ((the diary & letter ones))but the library didn't have them in , so I picked up A long came a spider, see if that is any good tonight.
    Funny about you and Char calling V to come get you in the rain. lol I weigh every day but it doesn't really bother me much if it goes up....probably because I am use to that now. lol I just don't want to be surprised and when I was gaining I never weighed. blah blah
    Thanks for the offer of the trailer!! Now I just need to get one - haha. Do you have Papa Murphy's out east?? That is where I bought the pizza's last night.

    I had carrots (steamed) and 2 tenderloins w/ low fat cottage cheese for lunch, think I will have a salad for dinner , w/ tuna on it. Drinking tons of water and what a pain.

    anyway , going to relax and enjoy my evening. Hope you all are doing well